Generate <input type="search" /> using Play! framework - scala

I'm using the Play Framework. I want to use the HTML5 input type 'search'. So, I want to output:
<input type="search" />
I've tried:
#inputText(field = myForm("myField"), 'type -> "search")
but it still kept the type="input"

the method inputText represents an HTML input text (see the source code here).
You have to define your own template to define the input of type search. Take a look at the Play documentation.
#helper.input(myForm("myField")) { (id, name, value, args) =>
<input type="search" name="#name" id="#id" #toHtmlArgs(args)>

Most probably your search field will not use many typical things from common form element (like constraints or error messages) so you can just use plain HTML to insert it, and add field's value in the proper attribute (if required at all):
<input type="search" name="myField" value="#myForm("myField").value" />
If it's just a search form (with this only field) you even don't need to wrap it with the Form class
(of course Nico's suggest is advisable in more sophisticated scenarios)

Some helpers you're looking for are avalaible in a play 2 module. The html5 input helpers are not in the core part of the framework because play authors want to keep it light.
Here is the module page on github :


ValidForm Builder file type validation

Does anybody know how to validate the file type input.
I have modified (hard coded) the class.vf_file.php input.
$strOutput .= "<input accept=\".pdf,.doc,.docx\" etc----/>\n";
This helps with Google Chrome, but Safari, Firefox ignore the modifications
Preventing users to submit the form if any other type of file is detected would be the ideal solution.
Thank you
I would recommend using a third party file uploading library like Plupload. We always use ValidForm Builder together with Plupload; works like a charm.
However you can use the meta array to implement custom attributes in the <input> tag without having to hardcode anything:
"Upload Document",
array(), // Validation array
array(), // Error handling array
array( // Meta array
"fielddata-extensions" => "pdf,doc,docx"
By prefixing meta keys with the 'field' prefix, you add that specific meta to the <input> field itself instead of it's wrapping <div class='vf__optional'></div>
The above example will output:
<div class="vf__optional">
<label for="upload-image">Upload Image</label>
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2097152">
<input type="file" value="" name="upload-image[]" id="upload-image" class="vf__file" data-extensions="pdf,doc,docx">
So using a combination of meta and a third party file upload handler, you can actually to pretty cool stuff.
That being said -- I must admit that the file upload field didn't get as much attention as the other field types lately.

Play 2.0 Nested forms: generate <input id="email"> instead of <input id="user_email">

Posted this to Play user group; I account for the sole view, so hoping to get a view, or perhaps even an answer ;-)
Nested forms are great, but there's one glitch that adds boilerplate to either javascript or scala templates.
For example, given:
#inputText(field = _form(""),
'_label-> "Email Address*",
'class-> "required email",
'placeholder-> ""
the generated input field is something like:
<input id="user_email" name="" ...>
Now, when you want to validate the email address client-side you then have to reference DOM id: $('#user_email')
Where $('#email') would be more natural.
I know I can set the id attrib manually in the template but would prefer to, by default, have the nested name (user in this case) stripped out from the id attrib.
Looking in github views helper directory, I am not finding where I can get access to the generated id (i.e. which file I need to overload and how).
Anyone know how to pull this off and/or have a better approach?
Here is where the field's ID is auto-generated:
There's not really any way you can override that behaviour, but you could write your own #inputText helper that strips the "user_" part from the ID when generating the HTML.
Basically copy-paste the default helper and replace
<input type="text" id="#id" ...
with your own code, e.g.
<input type="text" id="#processFieldId(id)" ...
or (untested!):
<input type="text" id="#(id.split('_').last)" ...
Then just import your custom helper in your template, and use it just like you would use #inputText.

Dynamically-Sized List of Fields in Yesod

In HTML, multiple fields can be specified with a non-unique name like so:
<input type="checkbox" name="breakfast" value="eggs">
<input type="checkbox" name="breakfast" value="bacon">
so that, when submitted, query parameters get passed like (if both boxes are ticked) breakfast=eggs&breakfast=bacon. The CGI specification states that this should be interpreted as an array or list of values, and this technique is also useful for dynamically-sized lists of inputs:
<input type="text" name="url">
<input type="button" value="Moreā€¦"
onclick="var s = document.createElement('input');
return false;">
However, I can see no way to get list-valued inputs from a form in Yesod. Is there any way to do such a thing?
Most of the prebuilt fields work on inputs with a single input (with a notable exception for multiSelectField). To achieve what you're looking for, you probably want to create a custom Field. Notice that the fieldParse function takes a list of Text values, specifically to allow your use case.
The chapter on forms includes a section on custom fields.

How to dynamically populate a choices widget in symfony?

Suppose there is an image_url column in database.
I want the user to choose from several recommended images,which is something like this:
<input type="radio" value="" name="image_url" />
<img src="" />
<input type="radio" value="" name="image_url" />
<img src="" />
Where the image urls are generated on the fly.
How to do this in a symfony flavor by sfForm?
I tried this:
$form->widgetSchema['key'] = new sfWidgetFormSelect(...)
But get a fatal error:
Cannot access protected property
But what's the exact way to do this?
Well, standart approach is to write a widget.
In your concrete case it seems you actually want to perform a choice, right? So you have to implement another sfWidgetFormChoice renderer. To do that, inherit sfWidgetFormSelectRadio (let's call them sfWidgetFormSelectRadioImage) to learn them to render labels as <img> tags. Then ask sfWidgetFormChoice explicitly to render itself with sfWidgetFormSelectRadioImage class, and that should be all.
In your form configuration insert the following:
$this->widgetSchema['choices'] = new sfWidgetFormChoice (array('choices' => $custom_values_array));

jQuery ajaxSubmit(): ho to send the form referencing on the fields id, instead of the fields name?

im pretty new to jQuery, and i dont know how to do that, and if it can be done without editing manually the plugin.
Assume to have a simply form like that:
<form action="page.php" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="Your name" id="contact-name" value="" />
Email: <input type="text" name="Your email" id="contact-email" value="" />
When you submit it, both in 'standard' way or with ajaxSubmit(), the values of the request take the label of the field name, so in the page.php i'll have:
$_POST['Your name'];
$_POST['Your email'];
Instead i'll like to label the submitted values with the id of the field:
Is there a way to do that with jquery and the ajaxsubmit() plugin?
And, maybe, there is a way to do it even with the normal usage of a form?
p.s: yes, i know, i could set the name and id attributes of the field both as 'contact-name', but how does two attributes that contain the same value be usefull?
According to the HTML spec, the browser should submit the name attribute, which does not need to be unique across elements.
Some server-side languages, such as Rails and PHP, take multiple elements with certain identical names and serialize them into data structures. For instance:
<input type="text" name="address[]" />
<input type="text" name="address[]" />
If the user types in 1 Infinite Loop in the first box and Suite 45 in the second box, PHP and Rails will show ["1 Infinite Loop", "Suite 45"] as the contents of the address parameter.
This is all related to the name attribute. On the other hand, the id attribute is designed to uniquely represent an element on the page. It can be referenced using CSS using #myId and in raw JavaScript using document.getElementById. Because it is unique, looking it up in JavaScript is very fast. In practice, you would use jQuery or another library, which would hide these details from you.
It is reasonably common for people to use the same attribute value for id and name, but the only one you need to care about for form submission is name. The jQuery Form Plugin emulates browser behavior extremely closely, so the same would apply to ajaxSubmit.
It's the way forms work in HTML.
Besides, Id's won't work for checkboxes and radio buttons, because you'll probably have several controls with the same name (but a different value), while an HTML element's id attribute has to be unique in your document.
If you really wanted, you could create a preprocessor javascript function that sets every form element's name to the id value, but that wouldn't be very smart IMHO.
var name = $("#contact-name").val();
var email = $("#contact-email").val();
$.post("page.php", { contact-name: name, contact-email: email } );
This will let you post the form with custom attributes.