chrome cache removal for single files - google-chrome-devtools

recently I had to remove my entire cache to be able to view a webpage I was working on. This is fine I guess but it could be improved by removing specific pages from the cache.
the chrome.browsingData.remove, seemingly has no option for indicating individual pages for removal. I was wondering if this could be done externally, but I am not familiar with the chromium code. I was also wondering if there are any planned changes to the chrome.browsingData.remove implementation.
Many thanks

To remove a single file cache enter its URL into browser and do hard refresh.

If you are working on a webpage and wish to avoid caching (btw, it's recommended! :) You can do it today in Chrome DevTools.
Go to Settings (the icon in the bottom-right corner) and click on it.
Then, you will have an option 'disable cache' - mark it and you done.
Just don't forget to return this state when you done working as chrome will be faster with its caching schema.

Edit 10/Feb/2022: Access the remote dev tools documentation for a whole suit of tools available to override cached files while developing:
If you are attempting to clear HTTP cached data, which was the original question in the post, then the network log is where it is possible. the guide for that is here:
First find the file then release its cacged content by right clicking:

To remove all files (not single files) while in Chrome DevTools you should click on the Dev Tools settings then choose
"Disable cache (while DevTools is open)". This was the first option on the page - it is now (as of Chrome 103 in 2022) under network in Preferences.
Note that these settings are not the main Chrome settings, but are specific to Dev Tools.
You can reach DevTools by pressing F12 while on a web page you want to debug or by pressing Ctrl-Shift-I.
Edited 28 July 2022

If you're building the page dynamically, then during development, you can put a random string at the end of the URL used to load the script.
<script src="path/to/script.js?_=<%=Math.random()%>"></script>
This will cause a cache miss for that file but will use the cache for everything else (subject to cache-control headers and so on). Just remember to remove the parameter before pushing to prod!

UPDATE : 2019, April 20
Lately, I'm working with Chrome browser's inbuilt feature - Overrides. With this feature, we can write code for HTML, CSS, JS, etc directly in the console and see it on the web-page.
Here's a tutorial that might be helpful
Previous Answer :
I'm working with Google Chrome extension Resource Override.
After installing this extension, I'm overriding the resource which I want from the server instead of cache:
STEP #2 : Override the resource which you want fresh from the server:
⭐Important Note - Access the plugin from the developer-console instead of the browser
⭐⭐ I started with this approach but have moved to approach suggested by Lukas Greblikas in the answer above.
Good Luck...


Firefox developer tools truncates long network response, Chrome does not show

I used (winter 2018) to be able to capture a JSON response using either
Chrome or Firefox developer tools. Now for the long ones I need (>> 1 MB) Chrome doesn't work, and Firefox truncates at 1 megabyte. This was using the developer tools. Short ones work on Firefox.
There was a recent response on "firebug" saying it was fixed in Firefox, but no.
This was a response from of a big JSON file used to construct a tree. The web page works ... but it takes a long time to download the data file (11 megabytes!) Is this a bug or "feature" in the developer tools.
Firefox dev tools network inspector still truncates responses to 1MB by default.
You can change or disable the limit by navigating to about:config and changing devtools.netmonitor.responseBodyLimit. To disable the limit, set it to 0.
See #Joni's answer for more info about it.
Original Answer
This bug already reported on and fixed in Firefox 61.
So update your browser to v61 (if you didn't already) and feel free to report the issue on bugzilla if it's still exists.

blank.html is downloaded multiple times

GWT is used and the application is deployed on WebLogic using HTTPS.
The performance is poor and with F12 Developer Tools, we could see that blank.html is downloaded multiple times. This is clearly related to GWT but we have not been able to figure out why.
The following is from javascript:
defineSeed(2613, 2614, makeCastMap([Q$BaseModelData, Q$ModelData, Q$Theme, Q$Serializable]), Slate_0);
var SLATE;
function $clinit_GXT(){
$clinit_GXT = nullMethod;
IMAGES = new XImages_generatedBundle_0;
MESSAGES = new XMessages__0;
SSL_SECURE_URL = getModuleBaseURL() + 'blank.html';
This is from
* URL to a blank file used by GXT when in secure mode for iframe src to
* prevent the IE insecure content. Default value is 'blank.html'.
public static String SSL_SECURE_URL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "blank.html";
Does anyone know under what circumstances blank.html is called?
This is from
This is actually from
This is used in a few cases when creating an <iframe> element, so that IE won't give errors if your site is hosted from SSL. I can actually only find one case (as of GXT 3.1.1) which uses this, in Only IE pages loaded from https urls will make use of this.
The Layer class uses this as a "shim", a way to prop up some DOM elements above overs, and work around some browser bugs (typically plugin or iframe related). Menus and popup dialogs use this to ensure that they don't appear "underneath" content that they should be "above".
This file is very small - just enough HTML to convince IE than the iframe has correctly loaded, and no more. It never changes, and should load nearly instantly.
As far as performance goes, this should only happen when a Menu or Window/Dialog/Tooltip is shown - these shouldn't be happening on app startup usually, at least not more than a window or two. Additionally, the browser should recognize that it is loading the same element and cache it correctly, and not load it multiple times (though it might be listed several times as hitting the cache). If the server has instructed the browser to never cache the file, that is something you should look at changing.
In short, this is very unlikely to be the cause of any performance issues, at least in GXT itself. If somehow you have the shim enabled on every single widget in your project, this should not be required. If the file is loading slowly, something may be very wrong with your server configuration.
For reference, here is the entire file:

Dynamically loaded javascript doesn't show in sources panel?

For example, I have an ajax request and it returns <script src='buggy.js'></script>.
Problem is, it doesn't show up in sources or resources panel. That means I can't do all the cool stuffs like adding breakpoint and inspecting the elements as they run.
I could only see the source of the js file under the Network panel.
Is there anyway to make chrome add them to the sources panel?
Or how do you guys go about debugging dynamically added scripts?
Using Canary.
I was having the same problem, and I found a workaround that is better than the deliberate exception. It does still require changing the code as opposed to just setting a breakpoint inside the chrome dev tools.
I tried using the "//# sourceURL=dynamicScript.js" that was suggested as a workaround by the OP, but it still wasn't showing up for me unless it already existed in my tabs from a previous time when it produced an exception.
Coding a "debugger;" line forced it to break at that location. Then once it was in my tabs in the Sources panel, I could set breakpoints like normal and remove the "debugger;" line.
Please refer to
(Original link is broken-- archived link below) ("Breakpoints in Dynamic JavaScript").

Does selenium support IE with google frame add on installed on it?

Selenium is able to load Chrome Frame pages. The problem is that once you load the page in IE with Chrome Frame plugin, the tag appears as empty. Selenium tries to identify elements using the DOM structure, but the way IE and Chrome Frame plugin works, rendering
and DOM tree are taken over by the Chromium code and IE gets an empty DOM.
So i guess, selenium doesn't support IE with google frame add-on installed on it?
Has anyone worked around this problem?
This question has been asked and answered on the Selenium user's mailing list. The IE driver doesn't work with the Google Chrome Frame add-on, and there are no plans to implement support for it to work with the Chrome Frame add-on. Either you want to test the operation of your website under Chrome (in which case you should use the ChromeDriver), or you want to test it under IE (in which case you should use the IE driver). If you can point to a specific case where using the website with the Chrome Frame add-on behaves differently than the way it behaves with the Chrome standalone browser, you might be able to make a case to revisit the issue. Furthermore, remember that Selenium is an Open Source project, and you are welcome to make changes and submit patches to the code at any time.
Watir WebDriver has the same issue.
Selenium core, the part that loads in the target browser and executes tests does work and can be run independently. So, if you have a Selenium test suite in HTML form, it can be run in GCF using the following steps:
Configure a web server to opt all URLs into chrome frame using HTTP header as described here:
Host your test suite under '/tests' folder on this web server. Lets say the suite is my_test_suite.html.
Host the selenium core folder as the '/core' on the server
Now restart the server.
Run the suite with this URL: http:///core/TestRunner.html?test=tests/my_test_suite.html&auto=true

GWT Frame not working in Mozilla Firefox or in Google chrome, but working fine in IE

I am trying to download a file from server. The normal GWT RPC call doesnot allow me to do that, and hence I wrote a servlet to do that job for me. From the client side, I am creating a Frame object, and I set the servlet URL in it, and add that frame Object in my root panel.
When I execute this in IE, a window pops up asking for Save/Open file.
But when I execute the same in a Firefox or a Google Chrome browser, nothing is happing.
I am not getting any request on my servlet/server side.
Here is a slice of the code :-
String servletUrl = "http://localhost:13080/Browser/ui/dataExportServlet?level=ZERO";
Frame frame = new Frame(servletUrl);
So, can someone please help me out.
This might be related to same origin policy.
Are both servlet and webapp running on port 13080?
If they differ, SOP might fail this.
If I understand correctly, IE has a more relaxed policy so it might work there but not in chrome.
See and Can I disable SOP (Same Origin Policy) on any browser for development?
In Chrome, you can use the Developer Tools (CTRL + SHIFT + I) to check if the IFrame is being added to the HTML, and if the frame's source is being set properly. You should also be able to see what content has been loaded into the iframe.
Alternately, set a breakpoint in your servlet to see if the iframe is being hit at all from Chrome.
I got the solution for this issue.
I removed the frames and added the following code :-, "CSVDownload", "");
Now, this opens a new browser window, and then I get the pop-up to open/save the server side file in all 3 web-browsers. (IE, Mozilla FireFox, Chrome).
Thanks a lot!!!