Is there a Scala-way to get the length of a number? - scala

I would like to know, if there is a Scala built-in method to get the length of the decimal representation of an integer ?
Example: 45 has length 2; 10321 has length 5.
One could get the length with 10321.toString.length, but this smells a bit because of the overhead when creating a String object. Is there a nicer way or a built-in method ?
With 'nicer' I mean a faster solution
I am only interested in positive integers

This is definitely personal preference, but I think the logarithm method looks nicer without a branch. For positive values only, the abs can be omitted of course.
def digits(x: Int) = {
import math._

toString then get length of int will not work for negative integers. This code will work not only for positive numbers but also negatives.
def digits(n:Int) = if (n==0) 1 else math.log10(math.abs(n)).toInt + 1;

If you want speed then something like the following is pretty good, assuming random distribution:
def lengthBase10(x: Int) =
if (x >= 1000000000) 10
else if (x >= 100000000) 9
else if (x >= 10000000) 8
else if (x >= 1000000) 7
else if (x >= 100000) 6
else if (x >= 10000) 5
else if (x >= 1000) 4
else if (x >= 100) 3
else if (x >= 10) 2
else 1
Calculating logarithms to double precision isn't efficient if all you want is the floor.
The conventional recursive way would be:
def len(x: Int, i: Int = 1): Int =
if (x < 10) i
else len(x / 10, i + 1)
which is faster than taking logs for integers in the range 0 to 10e8.
lengthBase10 above is about 4x faster than everything else though.

Something like this should do the job:
def numericLength(n: Int): Int = BigDecimal(n).precision

Take log to the base 10, take the floor and add 1.

The easiest way is:
def numberLength(i : Int): Int = i.toString.length
You might add a guarding-condition because negative Int will have the length of their abs + 1.

Another possibility can be:
private lazy val lengthList = (1 until 19).map(i => i -> math.pow(10, i).toLong)
def numberSize(x: Long): Int =
if (x >= 0) positiveNumberSize(x)
else positiveNumberSize(-x) + 1
private def positiveNumberSize(x: Long): Int =
.collectFirst {
case (l, p) if x < p => l

Most people gave the most efficient answer of (int) log(number)+1
But I want to get a bit deeper into understanding why this works.
Let N be a 3 digit number. This means N can be any number between 100 and 1000, or :
100 < N < 1000
=> 10^2 < N < 10^3
The Logarithmic function is continuous , therefore :
log(10^2) < log(N) < log(10^3)
=> 2 < log(N) < 3
We can conclude that N's logarithm is a number between 2 and 3 , or in other words , any 3 digit numbers' logarithm is between 2 and 3.
So if we take only the integer part of a numbers logarithm(eg. the integer part of 2.567 is 2) and add 1 we get the digit length of the number.

Here is the solution:
input - output
45 - 2
100 - 3


How to get the nearest number which is divisible by the divisor in scala

How to get the nearest number which is divisible by the divisor in scala.
For example
-if divisor -20 and dividend is 15, the number 15 has to be converted to 20
-if divisor -20 and dividend is 39, the number 39 has to be converted to 40
-if divisor -20 and dividend is 45, the number 45 has to be converted to 60
-if divisor -20 and dividend is 60, the number conversion is not required.
I have tried this. But it is not working for negative numbers.
def makeNum(num:Double,buc:Int){
if (num % buc == 0) println(num) else
println( buc * (num/buc).ceil )
makeNum(39,20) --> 40.0 - working
makeNum(-10,20) --> -0.0 - Not correct
It looks like you don't want the "nearest" number, as stated in the title, but actually the "next" number, as in "away from zero." If that's the case then your original design is pretty close. You just need to account for the sign, as in "direction away from zero."
def makeNum(num :Double, buc :Int) :Double = {
val sign = if (num*buc < 0) -1 else 1
buc*sign * (num/buc*sign).ceil
makeNum(39,20) //res0: Double = 40.0
makeNum(-10,20) //res1: Double = -20.0
makeNum(45, -20) //res2: Double = 60.0
makeNum(-7, -3) //res3: Double = -9.0
You were too close. But, the problem wasn't really the negative numbers, but that it always searched for the next number, but the closets one could be a previous number.
Also, your code didn't follow a common best practice of separation of concerns, your function should just return the number not printing it.
Here is the full code.
def findClosestDivisible(dividend: Int, divisor: Int): Int =
if (dividend % divisor == 0) {
// Return the dividend if it is already divisible.
} else {
// Find the quotient.
val quotient = dividend / divisor
// 1st possible closest number.
val n1 = divisor * quotient
// 2nd possible closest number.
val n2 =
if ((dividend * divisor) > 0)
divisor * (quotient + 1)
divisor * (quotient - 1)
// Return the closest number.
import math.abs
if (abs(dividend - n1) < abs(dividend - n2)) n1
else n2
Note: The code is based on the algorithm on this page, I just limited myself to implement it in Scala.

Scalacheck number generator between 0 <= x < 2^64

I'm trying to right a good number generator that covers uint64_t in C. Here is what I have so far.
def uInt64s : Gen[BigInt] = Gen.choose(0,64).map(pow2(_) - 1)
It is a good start, but it only generates numbers 2^n - 1. Is there a more effective way to generate random BigInts while preserving the number range 0 <= n < 2^64?
Okay, maybe I am missing something here, but isn't it as simple as this?
def uInt64s : Gen[BigInt] = Gen.chooseNum(Long.MinValue,Long.MaxValue)
.map(x => BigInt(x) + BigInt(2).pow(63))
Longs already have the correct number of bits - just adding 2^63 so Long.MinValue becomes 0 and Long.MaxValue becomes 2^64 - 1. And doing the addition with BigInts of course.
I was curious about the distribution of generated values. Apparently the distribution of chooseNum is not uniform, since it prefers special values, but the edge cases for Longs are probably also interesting for UInt64s:
/** Generates numbers within the given inclusive range, with
* extra weight on zero, +/- unity, both extremities, and any special
* numbers provided. The special numbers must lie within the given range,
* otherwise they won't be included. */
def chooseNum[T](minT: T, maxT: T, specials: T*)(
With ScalaCheck...
Generating a number from 0..Long.MaxValue is easy.
Generating an unsigned long from 0..Long.MaxValue..2^64-1 is not so easy.
❌ Gen.chooseNum(BigInt(0),BigInt(2).pow(64)-1) Does not work: At this time there is not an implicit defined for BigInt.
❌ Arbitrary.arbBigInt.arbitrary Does not work: It's type BigInt but still limited to the range of signed Long.
✔ Generate a Long as BigInt and shift left arbitrarily to make an UINT64 Works: Taking Rickard Nilsson's, ScalaCheck code as a guide this passed the test.
This is what I came up with:
// Generate a long and map to type BigInt
def genBigInt : Gen[BigInt] = Gen.chooseNum(0,Long.MaxValue) map (x => BigInt(x))
// Take genBigInt and shift-left a chooseNum(0,64) of positions
def genUInt64 : Gen[BigInt] = for { bi <- genBigInt; n <- Gen.chooseNum(0,64); x = (bi << n) if x >= 0 && x < BigInt(2).pow(64) } yield x
// Use the generator, genUInt64()
As noted, Scalacheck number generator between 0 <= x < 2^64, the distribution of the BigInts generated is not even. The preferred generator is #stholzm solution:
def genUInt64b : Gen[BigInt] =
Gen.chooseNum(Long.MinValue,Long.MaxValue) map (x =>
BigInt(x) + BigInt(2).pow(63))
it is simpler, the numbers fed to ScalaCheck will be more evenly distributed, it is faster, and it passes the tests.
A simpler and more efficient alternative to stholmz's answer is as follows:
val myGen = {
val offset = -BigInt(Long.MinValue)
Arbitrary.arbitrary[Long].map { BigInt(_) + offset }
Generate an arbitrary Long;
Convert it to a BigInt;
Add the appropriate offset, i.e. -BigInt(Long.MinValue)).
Tests in the REPL:
scala> myGen.sample
res0: Option[scala.math.BigInt] = Some(9223372036854775807)
scala> myGen.sample
res1: Option[scala.math.BigInt] = Some(12628207908230674671)
scala> myGen.sample
res2: Option[scala.math.BigInt] = Some(845964316914833060)
scala> myGen.sample
res3: Option[scala.math.BigInt] = Some(15120039215775627454)
scala> myGen.sample
res4: Option[scala.math.BigInt] = Some(0)
scala> myGen.sample
res5: Option[scala.math.BigInt] = Some(13652951502631572419)
Here is what I have so far, I'm not entirely happy with it
* Chooses a BigInt in the ranges of 0 <= bigInt < 2^^64
* #return
def bigInts : Gen[BigInt] = for {
bigInt <- Arbitrary.arbBigInt.arbitrary
exponent <- Gen.choose(1,2)
} yield bigInt.pow(exponent)
def positiveBigInts : Gen[BigInt] = bigInts.filter(_ >= 0)
def bigIntsUInt64Range : Gen[BigInt] = positiveBigInts.filter(_ < (BigInt(1) << 64))
* Generates a number in the range 0 <= x < 2^^64
* then wraps it in a UInt64
* #return
def uInt64s : Gen[UInt64] = for {
bigInt <- bigIntsUInt64Range
} yield UInt64(bigInt)
Since it appears that Arbitrary.argBigInt.arbitrary is only ranges -2^63 <= x <= 2^63 I take the x^2 some of the time to get a number larger than 2^63
Free free to comment if you see a place improvements can be made or a bug fixed

Complexity estimation for simple recursive algorithm

I wrote a code on Scala. And now I want to estimate time and memory complexity.
Problem statement
Given a positive integer n, find the least number of perfect square numbers (for example, 1, 4, 9, 16, ...) which sum to n.
For example, given n = 12, return 3 because 12 = 4 + 4 + 4; given n = 13, return 2 because 13 = 4 + 9.
My code
def numSquares(n: Int): Int = {
import java.lang.Math._
def traverse(n: Int, ns: Int): Int = {
val max = ((num: Int) => {
val sq = sqrt(num)
// a perfect square!
if (sq == floor(sq))
sq.toInt * sq.toInt
if (n == max)
ns + 1
traverse(n - max, ns + 1)
traverse(n, 0)
I use here a recursion solution. So IMHO time complexity is O(n), because I need to traverse over the sequence of numbers using recursion. Am I right? Have I missed anything?

Express X as the sum of the the Nth power of unique natural numbers

I have recently been playing around on HackerRank in my down time, and am having some trouble solving this problem: efficiently.
Problem statement: Given two integers X and N, find the number of ways to express X as a sum of powers of N of unique natural numbers.
Example: X = 10, N = 2
There is only one way get 10 using powers of 2 below 10, and that is 1^2 + 3^2
My Approach
I know that there probably exists a nice, elegant recurrence for this problem; but unfortunately I couldn't find one, so I started thinking about other approaches. What I decided on what that I would gather a range of numbers from [1,Z] where Z is the largest number less than X when raised to the power of N. So for the example above, I only consider [1,2,3] because 4^2 > 10 and therefore can't be a part of (positive) numbers that sum to 10. After gathering this range of numbers I raised them all to the power N then found the permutations of all subsets of this list. So for [1,2,3] I found [[1],[4],[9],[1,4],[1,9],[4,9],[1,4,9]], not a trivial series of operations for large initial ranges of numbers (my solution timed out on the final two hackerrank tests). The final step was to count the sublists that summed to X.
object Solution {
def numberOfWays(X : Int, N : Int) : Int = {
def candidates(num : Int) : List[List[Int]] = {
if( Math.pow(num, N).toInt > X )
List.range(1, num).map(
l => Math.pow(l, N).toInt
candidates(1).count(l => l.sum == X)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Has anyone encountered this problem before? If so, are there more elegant solutions?
After you build your list of squares you are left with what I would consider a kind of Partition Problem called the Subset Sum Problem. This is an old NP-Complete problem. So the answer to your first question is "Yes", and the answer to the second is given in the links.
This can be thought of as a dynamic programming problem. I still reason about Dynamic Programming problems imperatively, because that was how I was taught, but this can probably be made functional.
A. Make an array A of length X with type parameter Integer.
B. Iterate over i from 1 to Nth root of X. For all i, set A[i^N - 1] = 1.
C. Iterate over j from 0 until X. In an inner loop, iterate over k from 0 to (X + 1) / 2.
A[j] += A[k] * A[x - k]
D. A[X - 1]
This can be made slightly more efficient by keeping track of which indices are non-trivial, but not that much more efficient.
def numberOfWays(X: Int, N: Int): Int = {
def powerSumHelper(sum: Int, maximum: Int): Int = sum match {
case x if x < 1 => 0
case _ => {
val limit = scala.math.min(maximum, scala.math.floor(scala.math.pow(sum, 1.0 / N)).toInt)
(limit to 1 by -1).map(x => {
val y = scala.math.pow(x, N).toInt
if (y == sum) 1 else powerSumHelper(sum - y, x - 1)
powerSumHelper(X, Integer.MAX_VALUE)

Suggest a cleaner functional way

Here is some imperative code:
var sum = 0
val spacing = 6
var x = spacing
for(i <- 1 to 10) {
sum += x * x
x += spacing
Here are two of my attempts to "functionalize" the above code:
// Attempt 1
(1 to 10).foldLeft((0, 6)) {
case((sum, x), _) => (sum + x * x, x + spacing)
// Attempt 2
Stream.iterate ((0, 6)) { case (sum, x) => (sum + x * x, x + spacing) }.take(11).last
I think there might be a cleaner and better functional way to do this. What would be that?
PS: Please note that the above is just an example code intended to illustrate the problem; it is not from the real application code.
Replacing 10 by N, you have spacing * spacing * N * (N + 1) * (2 * N + 1) / 6
This is by noting that you're summing (spacing * i)^2 for the range 1..N. This sum factorizes as spacing^2 * (1^2 + 2^2 + ... + N^2), and the latter sum is well-known to be N * (N + 1) * (2 * N + 1) / 6 (see Square Pyramidal Number)
I actually like idea of lazy sequences in this case. You can split your algorithm in 2 logical steps.
At first you want to work on all natural numbers (ok.. not all, but up to max int), so you define them like this:
val naturals = 0 to Int.MaxValue
Then you need to define knowledge about how numbers, that you want to sum, can be calculated:
val myDoubles = (naturals by 6 tail).view map (x => x * x)
And putting this all together:
val naturals = 0 to Int.MaxValue
val myDoubles = (naturals by 6 tail).view map (x => x * x)
val mySum = myDoubles take 10 sum
I think it's the way mathematician will approach this problem. And because all collections are lazily evaluated - you will not get out of memory.
If you want to develop idea of mathematical notation further, you can actually define this implicit conversion:
implicit def math[T, R](f: T => R) = new {
def ∀(range: Traversable[T]) = range.view map f
and then define myDoubles like this:
val myDoubles = ((x: Int) => x * x) ∀ (naturals by 6 tail)
My personal favourite would have to be:
val x = (6 to 60 by 6) map {x => x*x} sum
Or given spacing as an input variable:
val x = (spacing to 10*spacing by spacing) map {x => x*x} sum
val x = (1 to 10) map (spacing*) map {x => x*x} sum
There are two different directions to go. If you want to express yourself, assuming that you can't use the built-in range function (because you actually want something more complicated):
Iterator.iterate(spacing)(x => x+spacing).take(10).map(x => x*x).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
This is a very general pattern: specify what you start with and how to get the next given the previous; then take the number of items you need; then transform them somehow; then combine them into a single answer. There are shortcuts for almost all of these in simple cases (e.g. the last fold is sum) but this is a way to do it generally.
But I also wonder--what is wrong with the mutable imperative approach for maximal speed? It's really quite clear, and Scala lets you mix the two styles on purpose:
var x = spacing
val last = spacing*10
val sum = 0
while (x <= last) {
sum += x*x
x += spacing
(Note that the for is slower than while since the Scala compiler transforms for loops to a construct of maximum generality, not maximum speed.)
Here's a straightforward translation of the loop you wrote to a tail-recursive function, in an SML-like syntax.
val spacing = 6
fun loop (sum: int, x: int, i: int): int =
if i > 0 then loop (sum+x*x, x+spacing, i-1)
else sum
val sum = loop (0, spacing, 10)
Is this what you were looking for? (What do you mean by a "cleaner" and "better" way?)
What about this?
def toSquare(i: Int) = i * i
val spacing = 6
val spaceMultiples = (1 to 10) map (spacing *)
val squares = spaceMultiples map toSquare
You have to split your code in small parts. This can improve readability a lot.
Here is a one-liner:
(0 to 10).reduceLeft((u,v)=>u + spacing*spacing*v*v)
Note that you need to start with 0 in order to get the correct result (else the first value 6 would be added only, but not squared).
Another option is to generate the squares first:
(1 to 2*10 by 2).scanLeft(0)(_+_).sum*spacing*spacing