Can't register/login with new FB account - facebook

In order to test the user registration in CocoaLibSpotify, I created a new Facebook account.
After creating the account (and validating the email address), I tried to log in to my app (using CocoaLibSpotify) but got the following error: "General Permanent Error" (error code 10 from CLS).
What could be wrong?
I've triple-checked the login credentials and have logged in to the account on Facebook.
Trying to log in to another account with invalid credentials gives me another error.
Also, logging in to an account with valid credentials works just fine.
I haven't logged in to the account using any other Spotify client (desktop, regular Spotify client etc)
In order to move forward, I logged in to the account on desktop and accepted the Facebook stuff and played a track. After that, I tried logging in through CLS again but got the error: "Needs a premium account". Aren't users supposed to get a 48-hour free trial upon first mobile login?

Aren't users supposed to get a 48-hour free trial upon first mobile login?
From Spotify's own client, yes. libSpotify applications aren't eligible to create new users and trials at the moment.


Unable to access Facebook developer account

A while ago I worked on social login integrations for my employer. To complete that task I created a Facebook developer account. Today I'm unable to access that developer account without uploading documents to prove I'm me. This occurs even though I have correct credentials and 2FA with my email.
How can I regain access to the Facebook developer account to continue maintaining our integrations? I don't have any Facebook accounts other than this one and I created the account without using real identifiers as I would like to protect my privacy. Is it no longer possible to have a developer account without verifying your identity?
There is an appeal form for your case on Facebook website, you can try it with your real account to regain the access. The link is on the bottom of this page

How to make a Facebook Test Page have an Instagram Business account?

When you're trying to apply for Facebook Permissions for your application, you may encounter some permissions that requires App Review. In my case, I need to use the Facebook Login for Business Accounts, so I need to apply for Facebook's App Review.
In order to make an App Review for Facebook, you will need to provide step-by-steps videos and guides for Facebook testers to test for themselves. However, it does requires a Test User to do this.
A Test User can have a Test Page linked to it, and a Test Page is capable to link an Instagram Account created using this Test User. However, for some reason, I'm not able to convert this created Instagram Account as a Business Instagram Account using the Test User. I tried to link it using my application flow, but the "Convert to Business Profile" button does nothing, and if I try to do this in the Facebook Test Page account, the form that ask for Contact Information always throws a message "An Error Ocurred".
So, I'm unable to create an Instagram Business for testing and also not allowed to provide a real account because they don't allow this, as they explicitly says (Which I can agree with):
Note: Do not provide your personal Facebook account credentials.
As I'm unable to find a way around this, and I can't see to find any answer on the internet... I wonder if somebody could help with this one.
So, it seems it's just a Facebook bug (Just as one I was experiencing before this one, where after updating a Test Account permissions, the permissions were still not working properly) where the Test Account seems to be kind of locked in a state were you can basically do nothing more with it than what you have already done... So I end up creating a new Test Account and doing the same process, but this time it worked.
I had the same problem, and to fix it, I had to follow these steps :
Create a Facebook test user for your app.
Once the user has been created, click the three dots at the right, then edit its password, choose something that you will remember.
login as this test user.
Edit the user parameters and set its email address as main/default contact address (you need to type in the password of the user). It seems, by default, test user do not have default contact and this is required to login with instagram.
Now go to, and create a new account using "login with facebook"
Fill in the name, password (you need to remember it), and userid.
Send the form, and you will get some error telling you to retry later. Ignore it, your account should actually be created.
Now switch to the instagram mobile app (web interface might not work, I was stuck in a redirect loop) so you can login to instagram using the email address of the facebook test user account (the one you used in point 4) and the IG password (you typed in point 6).
Hope it helps anyone stuck in this hell like I was for 2 days.

Using Facebook and Google Authentication

In my Angular2 app I am using Google, Facebook, Twitter and Github authentication. Twitter works fine. The problem is with Facebook and Google.
When I enter my username and password for Facebook login, it says App Not Set Up: This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions. whereas while using twitter, the page which should show up on logging in appears.
When I am not logged in to any of the mail ids the Google authentication works fine. But if I am already logged in to any of my mail ids, then the authentication system takes that mail id itself and logs in to the app. Is there any way to make it such that the system asks which mail id I want to use, even when I am logged in through one id?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You can force prompt with Google by setting custom parameters. This will give the user the option to switch accounts:
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
provider.setCustomParameters({prompt: 'select_account'});

How can we authenticate page-backed instagram ad accounts

We are having issues enabling our customers to authenticate their page-backed instagram ad account credentials in order to manage ads in our app. We are stumped trying to figure out what's going wrong, as the authentication works for some customers but not for others.
In the error we receive from Facebook, it says that they don't have the right CREATE_ADS permissions. But in the cases where it's not working, we have verified that the user attempting to authenticate is a Facebook page admin (for the page backing the instagram account) and is an ad account admin.
Is there another type of permission the user needs to have? And/or anything else we need to be validating for a user here?
This is not clearly specified by Facebook. I would suggest you to use:
/instagram_accounts and if this doesn't return any result then you should fall back to
Also, note that /instagram_accounts works on ad accounts also.

Facebook API only working when I'm logged in with developer account

I need to use the Facebook JS API to post to the users feed. A working example of what I wish to achieve is here:,css,output
When I copy the code from the link above and use it on my server with my APP ID it works fine when I'm logged in to facebook with my developer account, but fails when I am not logged in or are logged in with a different account. When it fails I get the message: 'An error occurred. Please try again later.'
In the app settings the Site URL is set to the html page on my server and the domain is set to my domain ending