Xcode cannot run using the selected device (Weird error) - iphone

I'm trying to debug an application on my iphone. I was able to do it before I updated Facebook client library yesterday. After updating, something weird happened and now I got the "Xcode cannot run using the selected device" error.
Error can be seen from the screenshot. Note that in the upper middle it says "Finished running FacebookSDK on baysungur's iPhone", which is weird because my app's name is different.
I tried some things like adding architectures to build settings, decreasing minimum deployment target, etc. They did not work.
Anyone has any idea?
I'm using Mountain Lion and Xcode 4.4.1. I'm trying to connect to a iphone 4.
Note: I was able to connect to device before updating that facebook client.
edit: Well, a similar thing also happens for simulator. Now I basically can not debug my app in any way.

Facebook library had a file named Info.plist, which caused xcode's head to be confused.
Weird thing is that I was seeing correct settings in project's settings. I mean everything seemed correct in that UI but appearantly xcode was using wrong Info.plist in action.
Deleting that second Info.plist solved the issue.

Is device is connected in organizer? If yes then quit your xcode and also restart your device and choose valid provisioning profile and try again.


Unable to run app in Simulator : An error was encountered while running (Domain = LaunchServicesError, Code = 0)

I am unable to run my app in simulator after having trouble with the provisioning profile. I'm doing swift coding in Xcode 6 - beta 4. This was fine before the trouble in the certificate's profile.
I have tried cleaning the build.
Checked the command line to xCode6-beta4 for running.
Checked the build deployment, set to 7.0 so swift won't complain for compatibility
Fixed the error in provisioning.
I fixed it by resetting the simulator:
iOS Simulator > Reset Contents and Settings...
This happens if your extension's bundle ID isn't prefixed with your app's bundle ID. For example if you app is com.mycompany.appname, your extension should be something like com.mycompany.appname.today.
Something else to note, if you're using Swift and are setting a principal class with NSExtensionPrincipalClass, you'll want to make sure your extension target sets "Defines Module" to "Yes" and make the value of NSExtensionPrincipalClass equal to "YourModuleName.YourClassName".
It seems that there are multiple reasons for "domain = LaunchServicesError code = 0" error. I also encountered it, while I try to reinstall app on iOS8 simulator. I cannot reinstall but have to delete the old app first.
The problem was solved by:
In Xcode, fill empty Version or Build field with appropriate value in your Target->General->Identity
In Simulator, reset Content and settings...
After that, everything works fine.
This also happens when you remove the default StoryBoard from template created project of a Today widget. To fix this, I added the NSExtensionPrincipalClass under NSExtension and pointed it to the class containing the Today Widget View Controller, which is by template default TodayViewController.
This looks like this in the Info.plist of the extension:
NSExtensionPointIdentifier String com.apple.widget-extension
NSExtensionPrincipalClass String TodayViewController
Product -> Clean
iOS Simulator > Reset Contents and Settings
Restart XCode
None of the above worked for me, however deleting the Derived Data fixed the issue.
To delete the Derived Data, go to Window > Projects, select the current project, and press the appropriate delete button.
"Reset Content and Settings" from iOS Simutalor menu options and launching simulator after Quitting solved my issue.
The solution for me was not to embed a framework that hadn't been built as an embeddable framework.
Found the cause of the problem for me.
I am using ShareKit via pods. This issue is related to the GooglePlus SDK which ShareKit uses and this has to be updated due to a policy change by Apple.
So i replaced my pod "ShareKit" with:
pod "ShareKit/Twitter"
pod "ShareKit/Facebook"
pod "ShareKit/Pocket"
pod "ShareKit/Evernote"
Leaving out the GooglePlus sub project and the application has deployed and runs fine under 8.0 simulators now.
Hope this helps somebody else.
I have resolve this issue. thanks for the advices. :)
This issue always happens when you build your keyboard extension app with same identifier as your main bundle. like this.
If you have this "com.codemagnus.ExAppMain" in your main bundle, your extension should also have this identifier "com.codemagnus.ExAppMain" .. This will result in launch service error if you are going to run in simulator. But you can create a build. However, the issue I have found was annoying. This app can't be install in your device. :/
If you want to run in simulator. You should have this "com.codemagnus.ExAppMain.ExApp" in your extension keyboard where ExApp was you extension name. And your main bundle should be "com.codemagnus.ExAppMain".. This will run perfectly with the simulator. However will result in "Embedded binary's bundle identifier is not prefixed with the parent app's bundle identifier."
Embedded Binary Bundle Identifier: com.codemagnus.ExAppMain.ExApp
Parent App Bundle Identifier: com.codemagnus.ExAppMain
I'm still thinking and looking for a solution to solve this issue for ipa build.
This drove me crazy. I checked everything suggested here, reinstalled Xcode, restarted my computer and nothing worked. After checking some previous commits, I found out the issue.
For context, I am working on a custom keyboard extension in Objective C. Adding a new custom keyboard extension target gives you a KeyboardViewController stub class with the "next keyboard" button. I changed the NSExtensionPrincipalClass value in the Info.plist of the extension to be a class name different from KeyboardViewController and started work on it. Eventually I decided to get rid of the the stub KeyboardViewController since it was dead code.
Deleting the KeyboardViewController files and removing them from Xcode caused this problem to happen. Putting them back made the app work again.
In my case, this has resolved the issue.
Bundle Identifier should not be empty. You can find the field with the below reference:
I got this error because I mistakenly changed the value of NSExtensionPointIdentifier. I thought it was supposed to be an ID for my extension, but it has to be one of these values indicating the kind of extension it is.
I started getting this error when I changed my Deployment Target from 6.0 to 7.0. I found that resetting the simulator did solve the issue, and I needed to do this for ALL the simulators that were relevant to the app. But if I went back to 6.0 and recompiled for any particular simulator, then it worked immediately, but going again to 7.0 broke the simulator and I had to clear the settings again.
Obviously the Deployment Target affects the coding in the simulator, and the coding is downward compatible, but not upward. Plus, the log message isn't extremely helpful, saying the app couldn't be hardlinked to a cache file using a manifest (giving the pathnames to the app, cache, and manifest, of course).
Make sure you check build settings; scroll down to the very bottom and make sure your User-Defined Bundle prefix is correct. Usually com.whatever.
Just setting it at the top doesn't always change this bottom setting. This finally worked for me after resetting simulator, frying the derived folder, etc.
I'm under IOS 9.3, xCode 7.3
Xcode 7.3
This could simply happened because your target name is too long. Try change your target name to something shorter ( remember to change your bundleIdentifier to match ).
If you are using apple watch besides the bundle identifier you also have to make sure that in info.plist the key WKAppBundleIdentifier contains the right watch app bundle identifier.
I was getting the similar error while launching the app, thru xCode, "The parent bundle has the same identifier as sub-bundle..."
I shortened the Bundle Identifier in the "Project -> General" for xCode8. Initially, my bundle id was com.companyname..
The application name was more than 20 characters. Once I shortened it 12 characters, it worked for me.
To understand what is causing this error you need to go look at the simulator log files first. These are typically located in ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator.log or a similar location. So I'd strongly recommend you first look at the log to idenify the root cause and then research that further. (You can take a look at this thread to see where logs are located.)
For example if you get an error such as ErrorDescription=Failed to chmod /Users/username/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/then it's probably easiest to reset your simulator. For errors such as ErrorDescription=WatchKit 2 app's bundle ID com.mydomain.AppName.watchapp is not prefixed by the parent app's bundle then there is probably an error with how you have set up the main bundle ID of your project.

Xcode 4 not launching application?

Today, after installing Xcode 4 with the 4.3 SDK, I attempted to launch my application. However, the application will build and the iOS Simulator will pop up, but I get a message in the window in Xcode that says "Attaching to YourApp" which stays there indefinitely. How can this problem be fixed?
I had the same problem, that is, when I launched my application in the simulator, Xcode was hung waiting for the simulator to start. The simulator showed a black screen - nothing at all.
Note this is a project that ran fine on Xcode 3 and is the exact set of files used to build the application that is currently for sale at the App Store.
Okay, so here's the underlying problem, and my solution:
My application name was "ultimateTimer.app", as seen in Xcode under the Products folder. However, this was NOT the name in the project file.
Here's how to found out:
Click on your project in Xcode (it's usually at the top, e.g. mine is called ultimateTimer.xcodeproj). Under "Build Settings" tab, look for the "Packaging" area and specifically for the "Product Name" variable. Under Product Name, I had three entries:
Under Debug, it had the value "TalkUltimateTimer" which was an old name of mine. When I changed this to "ultimateTimer" to match the "ultimateTimer.app" as above, I found the Xcode attached to the simulator correctly.
This happened for me for iPhone applications. I opened the simulator myself and switched the device to iPhone Retina Display and from then on it worked. I tried switching back, but it didn't work again, so I have had to keep it on the Retina Display simulator, and if I need to test non-Retina Display I'll use the iPad simulator.
I skimmed the post and these seem to be the two solutions thus far:
I think I figured out the problem:
I went to 'Edit Schemes', and for some reason, the scheme I was using was pointing at BumpDev.app as the executable instead of bumpdev.app. Changing this made things work. Perhaps there is an issue when converting from xc3 proj files?
Anyways, the app now boots in the simulator. Yay!
And the other solution in that post is:
Did your project by any chance have a folder reference with images in it?
For me the problem only happens when I have a folder reference in the project. When I remove the folder reference and instead add the folder as a group, clean the project, and hit launch things work fine. In the "Copy to Bundle" phase each image is then listed individually, whereas when I had a folder reference, the whole folder was listed.
This took me a really long time to figure out. It was quite frustrating, but I'm glad I have a workaround until the bug is fixed.
I had the same problem after swapping the mouse for a new one. restarting my iMac resolved the issue.
I just upgraded to Xcode 4.3.2 and had the same issue with new projects. After poking around and comparing projects, I found out that new projects were set to the LLDB dbugger and the projects that worked were using GDB.
After changing the debugger for the new project to GDB, it worked. I am yet to research what the differences are, but at least I can now run my new projects.
Ensure you are starting a proper scheme.
I. e. when using CocoaPods, running Pods scheme would not start emulator.
It's a known issue. Have a look at this thread in the official forum.
Hey, update Xcode to 4.0.2. Problem solved :)
I had the same problem, I tried every solution here, but no works. Finally, after I rebooted my computer, the problem was gone.
Restarting the simulator worked for me

XCode 4 says, "Argument Invalid" on attempt to run project

I had a project initially created in XCode 3 and used it successfully in XCode 4 Developer Preview version.
After upgrading to XCode 4 release, any time I try to run the project on the device, I get a "Argument Invalid" dialog. Except it doesn't tell me what argument.
How does one figure out what is wrong and why I can't run the app on my device any more?
Base SDK is set to 4.3
Deployment target set to: iOS 4.2
Ok, I have just managed to sort this out as I was having the same issue. This may not help you, but for me it was because I had a symlink inside a folder included in the project. I've removed this, and now it all works fine. Interestingly it works fine on the simulator in this case.
I've filed a bug with Apple on the issue (#9168893).
Just clean your producto
Menu>Product>Clean (Shift+Cmd+K)
I got the following message argument is invalid in response to some kind of USB weirdness. Sometimes it goes away if I unplug and replug the device, but what turns out to fix it more reliably is to start up iTunes. Usually, when I do this, the problematic device doesn't appear in the DEVICES list at first, but does after a few seconds, and once it does, the device and Xcode get along fine.

No provisioned iPhone connected....!

Hii all,
I tried to test my application on the simulator and it fails. Just the day before it was working fine. i checked in the organizer window.. all the provision certificates are installed, but still the color is Orange,. its not working. and when i try to debug the application it shows "No provisioned iPhone connected" error.
I got the same problem before, at that time i changed the name of the folder which specify the iphone version, but unfortunately i don't remember now where that folder is. Can anyone help me please.. or is there any alternative.
There are (at least) two possibilities here. As Alex says, if you are trying to run on the Simulator then you need to switch your active SDK to one of the Simulator options. The screen shot is of a rather old version of the SDK but the principle is the same.
If, on the other hand, you are trying to run on a phone that has worked before you usually just need to reboot your handset. Sometimes the process that the debugger connects to gets in a state and doesn't respond. Restarting usually works.
You can the No provisioned device connected error only when you try to test on the device. Did you check the active configuration of your project? In order to run the Simulator you should have the corresponding build configuration selected. See the screenshot: alt text http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/7594/xcodeconfig.png
So you are seeing orange color status of the iphone in organizer? If it is the problem simply switch off your device and switch-on again. Try reconnecting the device. This solves my same problem most of the time.
Hope this helps.

Error Installing iPhone App on Device

I set up all my certificates and keys today and am trying to run my project on my iPhone.
I'm encountering this strange error:
Your mobile device has encountered an unexpected error (0xE800003A) during the install phase: Verifying application
Poking around the Apple Developer forums, I've attempted to set new certificates and provisioning profiles as well as editing Info.plist, but no matter what I do I can't seem to run the app on my device.
The only think I can currently think of is that my project name in Xcode differs slightly from my development provisioning profile (it uses a question mark), but I've named it according to Apple's conventions: com.mycompany.myapp, so I'm unsure if that's the problem.
Any ideas?
Edit: I've hard restarted the phone, rebooted Xcode, cleaed my targets, set up a new wildcard App ID and respective provisioning profile and still nothing. Any other ideas?
It turned out that I had 2 certs in keychain that were simultaneously overwriting each other! I hope this helps people in the future.
You should create a wildcard app ID; com.mycompany.*. That may help.
I've encountered this on many occasions. What i do is clean all targets, shut down xcode, and hard reboot my phone.
This is a different error than the more common problem of getting the cert wrong...
Restore the phone (using the XCode Organizer to reload the latest OS), to be safe do not restore from backup when you sync with iTunes the first time (it'll still keep your number when you sync even if you don't use the backup). I've had to do this a very few times, the last one was when it was in the middle of deployment when I unhooked the phone from the cable (had to answer a call).
Try the reboot (of the phone) first, hooking it up with XCode off. But if that does not solve things, restore is the way.
The console tab in the XCode Organizer sometimes gives helpful hints as to what happens during the install phase. In one case my problem was my app already existing on the phone. I deleted my app and the install succeeded.
Regardless, it looks like a lot of error messages are bundled into this one cryptic message and to really diagnose what is going on, I found the Console tab very useful...
One other thing to try is reinstalling the iPhone SDK. I ran into an error like this when I first got my developer key and this was the only way around.
Just want to say to everyone, when you go to edit Targets-> be sure to set "configuration" in the top left corner to "All Configurations" or the correct config you are building for (Debug or Release). You might think you have things set correctly but it will be for the wrong configuration.
I've seen that error on a correctly provisioned device that has had success installing apps from XCode before, and I've had luck restarting the device and trying again. Maybe that will help.
Try running in Release mode instead of Debug. I have a working project with this problem. No idea what the issue was, but running it in Release mode works, but Debug mode produces the error code.
I have a support ticket open with Apple dev support for the same problem, and (FWIW) I'll post their recommendations if and when they can get my toolchain working.
Try this: (source: http://ephemera.lifewithalacrity.com/iphone_development/)
Even though this is supposedly only for Distribution builds, it helped me to be able to install my Debug version on my iPhone again, after it mysteriously broke yesterday.
"just triple check that all the code signing in your project properties are clear or default"
Note, this is the PROJECT properties as opposed to the TARGET properties. I set my Code Signing Provisioning Profile back to the default and removed the Code Signing Identity string.