Facebook.Authorize - facebook

I'm attempting Facebook Single Sign On with Trigger.IO and when testing with the IOS simulator the following happens:
Facebook Dialogue Opens
User Logs In
User Authorizes App
User clicks Okay to return to the native app.
At step 4 the following Safari notification is displayed and the app is never reloaded:
"Cannot Open Page"
"Safari Cannot Open the Page because the address is invalid"
As far as I can tell my APP ID is correct as the process would never make it to step 4 otherwise. My Facebook app is set up with the following details:
Native iOS App
SSO enabled.
No idea what I'm missing here but any help would be greatly appreciated! I've found answers to similar issues with native apps where the Facebook APP ID should be prepended with "fb", in the plist. But nothing related to trigger.IO

This was a regression in v1.4.10 that we fixed in v1.4.11 - if you've got:
"platform_version": "v1.4",
In your application configuration, you'll pick up the fix automatically.


"App not setup: This app is still in development mode" Ionic 4 Facebook login

I Created my Ionic 4 app with facebook login
everything is fine expect when I make login with facebook
I got thes message "App not setuo: This app is still in development mode"
and my app is already in live mode
I don't know if this is a facebook bug or something wrong with my app?
If app is live mode, check if the app id in packages.json is the same as that in the facebook console.
If so, then check it in both files: platforms\android\android.json and platforms\android\app\src\main\res\values\facebookconnect.xml. If you have changed it before, sometimes it dont get changed in these files.
I solved it by removing the platform and added it again

Facebook Login: App not setup: this app is still in development mode

When I try to use Facebook login during development I have this message appear in the web browser.
First, I got added to the Facebook app. This could solve the problem but I was still seeing this message. What I came to find was that I had previously signed into a different Facebook on the simulator I was testing on. After going to Safari and logging into the account associated with the Facebook app everything worked as planned.

iOS 6 the facebook server could not fulfill this access request invalid application

In some iPhone 5 devices we have an error when trying to call Facebook login:
The error is:
"the facebook server could not fulfill this access request invalid application id"
I many times checked that application id is specified correctly.
Strange, that on other devices same app is working correctly.
Please, could you help, what the reason of that?
All developers of a particular app, should be known to Facebook. While the application is in Sandbox mode (i.e. developer only access), all every user who want to use the Facebook platform, for testing/developing the application, will have to be added as a developer (as shown below) -
Just goto, and add the user, in the list of developers/admins.
More than likely the app is "sandboxed", so only developers have access. If this is the case you'll have to use a developer account on the iPhone.
Go to iOS settings > Facebook
Log out with your "personal" account
Log in with the developer account (to be safe us the dev account that you created the app with)
This worked for me.
I faced this problem. For me the issue was that I hadn't added the iOS platform for the app. Go to the Facebook developer page, then select your app. In the left nav bar go to settings. Then add platform. Ensure that your bundle identifier is correct. Then it should work.
If you have been testing with a sandbox facebook app and then receive this error when switching to the production app make sure you have published the app in the status & review tab.

First time authorization fails with FBConnect via mobile app

After downloading my app from app store (or via OTA) and trying to share via FBConnect SDK, the mobile app is launched but returns almost immediately to the app with error -999, without asking user for authorizations.
After that, clicking on FB share button reopens the mobile app and all goes well, authorizations are asked, my app is called back and display the FB dialog.
That issue only happens once : if I uninstall/reinstall the app and remove the FBapp authorizations from my FB account, all goes well.
I already specified the BundleID/iTunes App ID in the "Native iOS App" menu, and use the last FacebookConnect SDK.
Anyone experienced the same issue ?

iphone application id for facebook connect

In the advanced section of my facebook app that I use for posting feeds to a user's profile from an iphone app, theres a section to enter the "iPhone Application ID". And it says - "If you have an iPhone app using Connect, fill this in with your Apple-provided application ID."
I entered my app id. But when I post anything via the iphone fb connect, I don't see any sort of link to my app.
Am I missing something ?
Facebook developers connection gives an explanation. Basically when an app is placed on the app store, there is a unique number assigned to the app by Apple to identify it. This number is the ID they are requesting.
Got the same issue, just to check that you are using the correct ID, if I this is the link from iTunes:
then the bit that you use for the iPhone Application ID field in Facebook is:
Is that what you did? Did you solve this? I only did this a few hours ago so am hoping it is just the time it takes to replicate the changes on Facebook. Would be very interested to know how you got on and if your issue is solved.