AFNetworking placeholderImage animating?(animating while downloading) - iphone

There are apps which show animating images(opposed to a static image) while downloading an image asynchronously.
Pinterest is one for example.
I wonder if this is possible with AFNetworking? or are there other libraries to do this?

Since AFNetworking is only a library for easily allow developer te grab data from the web I don't tink it will do any animation.
You could use AFNetworking to get the image from the web and write your own animation code that gets displayed when the image is downloaded. The eastiest way is to use UIView animations.


ios load images from web server and show on UITableViewCell

For the iPhone 5.0 (ARC) I am getting lot of image(image url's) and text data from server in a json form. My requirement is to load the first five images from the server and when the user scrolls down the next five images load and so on. I need to show it in a UITableViewCell. By doing this I can reduce the network calls and make the application faster on the device.
Currently, I am using a background thread to load images, but they continuously load in the background. I don't want to do it like this.
I strongly encourage you to use the AFNetworking framework (that is really great and complete for all network-related tasks).
It comes with a category on UIImageView that allows you to set the UIImageView's image directly from an NSURL, managing everything for you in the background, like downloading the image or fetching it from its cache, cancelling the request if you change the URL later to avoid useless requests, etc.
Then in your tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: you can simply write this kind of code:
[cell.imageView setImageWithURL:yourURL];
And you're done. It will work even when the recycling mechanism of the UITableView is in action when you scroll, which would be quite a pain to manage using other methods.
Take a look at SDWebImage. It's a really neat library to download images asynchronously and also caches them.

How to download and load downloads image in Custom UITableViewCell?

I get the text form the sever like this:
I want to split the string to ["test_abc", "", "test_aaa", "", "test_ccc"] and then display them in a UITableViewCell,before the images will be downloaded, I used a LoadingIndicator as placeholder, when the images will be downloaded, display the images and modify the height of the cell to display the whole images.
Can someone help me do this?
Try looking into Three20
An open source library written by the guy who wrote the official "Facebook" app for iOS. Moreover, the code of the facebook app is based on that library.
You may use SDWebImage, and you don't have to worry about cache, etc..
Web Image
This library provides a category for UIImageVIew with support for remote images coming from the web.
It provides:
An UIImageView category adding web image and cache management to the Cocoa Touch framework
An asynchronous image downloader
An asynchronous memory + disk image caching with automatic cache expiration handling
A guarantee that the same URL won't be downloaded several times
A guarantee that bogus URLs won't be retried again and again

asynchronous image loader in UITableView

Does anyone know any good library/tutorial that can do asynchronous image loading for a cell in UITableView? I am looking for a method that doesn't involve too much code changing in my current code and easy to integrate to a regular synchronous UITableView.
Try looking into Three20
An open source library written by the guy who wrote the official "Facebook" app for iOS.
Moreover, the code of the facebook app is based on that library.
If you rather do it by yourself, read MHLazyTableImages, it comes with a github project. It's an adaptation of Apple's LazyTableImages. Or you can use HJCache.
Fully-Loaded is another one which is pretty simple. It's more a generic image view loaded which you can use in custom table view cells.
I quite like SDWebImage, which is an asynchronous image downloader with cache support with an UIImageView category.

How to swap the images in UIImageView programmatically

Hi i am beginner in iphone programming i am doing a photo gallery app. In which i need to apply swapping of array of images on UIImageView along with zooming action.
can any one help me to do this by providing any sample codes or links..
download try this code, i'm using it and it's well done:
there's also the more complete Three20 Photo (search in or in for old question), it has more kind of objects... but is also more complicated to be used...

How do you implement swipe-able image stacks like the Photo app using the iPhone SDK?

I would like to take a stack of images (or potentially an array of URLs to download images) and display them in full screen, one at a time, using user swipes to smoothly animate the next image in the stack, using the iPhone SDK. Apple's seems to do this. Additionally, if the image has not been retrieved yet, I'd like to display the progress indicator.
Can you point me to example code and explain how this technique would be implemented?
You need to use UIScrollview's page control mechanism. Apple has plenty of sample code, including one called, strangely enough, Page Control:
If you want any behavior beyond that, you'll have to roll it yourself.