Scala: checking if an object is Numeric - scala

Is it possible for a pattern match to detect if something is a Numeric? I want to do the following:
class DoubleWrapper(value: Double) {
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case o: Numeric => value == o.toDouble
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = value ##
But of course this doesn't really work because Numeric isn't the supertype of things like Int and Double, it's a typeclass. I also can't do something like def equals[N: Numeric](o: N) because o has to be Any to fit the contract for equals.
So how do I do it without listing out every known Numeric class (including, I guess, user-defined classes I may not even know about)?

The original problem is not solvable, and here is my reasoning why:
To find out whether a type is an instance of a typeclass (such as Numeric), we need implicit resolution. Implicit resolution is done at compile time, but we would need it to be done at runtime. That is currently not possible, because as far as I can tell, the Scala compiler does not leave all necessary information in the compiled class file. To see that, one can write a test class with a method that contains a local variable, that has the implicit modifier. The compilation output will not change when the modifier is removed.

Are you using DoubleWrapper to add methods to Double? Then it should be a transparent type, i.e. you shouldn't be keeping instances, but rather define the pimped methods to return Double instead. That way you can keep using == as defined for primitives, which already does what you want (6.0 == 6 yields true).
Ok, so if not, how about
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o == value
If you construct equals methods of other wrappers accordingly, you should end up comparing the primitive values again.
Another question is whether you should have such an equals method for a stateful wrapper. I don't think mutable objects should be equal according to one of the values they hold—you will most likely run into trouble with that.


why use a method with no parameter lists over a val

I came across this function in Scala def nullable: Boolean = true. I understand what does this function do, but I want to know is there specific name for this kind of function, and what's the motivation not using var
Firstly, I would be very precise in scala: use the word Function to only ever mean an instance of FunctionN and use the word Method when talking about a def (which may have zero or more parameter lists). Secondly, this most definitely does have a body (albeit not enclosed in braces). Its body is the expression true (i.e. a boolean literal).
I assume that you really mean to ask: "why use a method with no parameter lists over a val?"
When deciding whether to represent some property of your class, you can choose between a method and a value (advice: avoid using var). Often, if the property involves no side effects, we can use a def with no parameter lists (the scala idiom is that a def with a single, empty parameter list implies side-effects).
Hence we may choose any of the following, all of which are semantically equivalent at the use-site (except for performance characteristics):
case class Foo(s: String) {
//Eager - we calculate and store the value regardless of whether
// it is ever used
val isEmpty = s.isEmpty
case class Foo(s: String) {
//Lazy - we calculate and store the value when it
// it is first used
lazy val isEmpty = s.isEmpty
case class Foo(s: String) {
//Non-strict - we calculate the value each time
// it is used
def isEmpty = s.isEmpty
Hence we might take the following advice
If the value is computationally expensive to calculate and we are sure we will use it multiple times, use val
If the value is computationally expensive and we may use it zero or many times, use lazy val
If the value is space-expensive and we think it will be generally used a most once, use def
However, there is an additional consideration; using a val (or lazy val) is likely to be of benefit to debugging using an IDE which generally can show you in an inspection window the value of any in-scope vals
The primary difference of the use of def or var/val is the when the value will be executed.
the def defines a name for a value, the value on the right will be executed when it is called (called by name), meaning it is lazy
and var defines a name for a value, and it is execute it's evaluated, eagerly upon definition

Override equality for floating point values in Scala

Note: Bear with me, I'm not asking how to override equals or how to create a custom method to compare floating point values.
Scala is very nice in allowing comparison of objects by value, and by providing a series of tools to do so with little code. In particular, case classes, tuples and allowing comparison of entire collections.
I've often call methods that do intensive computations and generate o non-trivial data structure to return and I can then write a unit test that given a certain input will call the method and then compare the results against a hardcoded value. For instance:
def compute() =
// do a lot of computations here to produce the set below...
Set(('a', 1), ('b', 3))
val A = compute()
val equal = A == Set(('a', 1), ('b', 3))
// equal = true
This is a bare-bones example and I'm omitting here any code from specific test libraries, etc.
Given that floating point values are not reliably compared with equals, the following, and rather equivalent example, fails:
def compute() =
// do a lot of computations here to produce the set below...
Set(('a', 1.0/3.0), ('b', 3.1))
val A = compute()
val equal2 = A == Set(('a', 0.33333), ('b', 3.1)) // Use some arbitrary precision here
// equal2 = false
What I would want is to have a way to make all floating-point comparisons in that call to use an arbitrary level of precision. But note that I don't control (or want to alter in any way) either Set or Double.
I tried defining an implicit conversion from double to a new class and then overloading that class to return true. I could then use instances of that class in my hardcoded validations.
implicit class DoubleAprox(d: Double)
override def hashCode = d.hashCode()
override def equals(other : Any) : Boolean = other match {
case that : Double => (d - that).abs < 1e-5
case _ => false
val equals3 = DoubleAprox(1.0/3.0) == 0.33333 // true
val equals4 = 1.33333 == DoubleAprox(1.0/3.0) // false
But as you can see, it breaks symmetry. Given that I'm then comparing more complex data-structures (sets, tuples, case classes), I have no way to define a priori if equals() will be called on the left or the right. Seems like I'm bound to traverse all the structures and then do single floating-point comparisons on the branches... So, the question is: is there any way to do this at all??
As a side note: I gave a good read to an entire chapter on object equality and several blogs, but they only provides solutions for inheritance problems and requires you to basically own all classes involved and change all of them. And all of it seems rather convoluted given what it is trying to solve.
Seems to me that equality is one of those things that is fundamentally broken in Java due to the method having to be added to each class and permanently overridden time and again. What seems more intuitive to me would be to have comparison methods that the compiler can find. Say, you would provide equals(DoubleAprox, Double) and it would be used every time you want to compare 2 objects of those classes.
I think that changing the meaning of equality to mean anything fuzzy is a bad idea. See my comments in Equals for case class with floating point fields for why.
However, it can make sense to do this in a very limited scope, e.g. for testing. I think for numerical problems you should consider using the spire library as a dependency. It contains a large amount of useful things. Among them a type class for equality and mechanisms to derive type class instances for composite types (collections, tuples, etc) based on the type class instances for the individual scalar types.
Since as you observe, equality in the java world is fundamentally broken, they are using other operators (=== for type safe equality).
Here is an example how you would redefine equality for a limited scope to get fuzzy equality for comparing test results:
// import the machinery for operators like === (when an Eq type class instance is in scope)
import spire.syntax.all._
object Test extends App {
// redefine the equality for double, just in this scope, to mean fuzzy equali
implicit object FuzzyDoubleEq extends spire.algebra.Eq[Double] {
def eqv(a:Double, b:Double) = (a-b).abs < 1e-5
// this passes. === looks up the Eq instance for Double in the implicit scope. And
// since we have not imported the default instance but defined our own, this will
// find the Eq instance defined above and use its eqv method
require(0.0 === 0.000001)
// import automatic generation of type class instances for tuples based on type class instances of the scalars
// if there is an Eq available for each scalar type of the tuple, this will also make an Eq instance available for the tuple
import spire.std.tuples._
require((0.0, 0.0) === (0.000001, 0.0)) // works also for tuples containing doubles
// import automatic generation of type class instances for arrays based on type class instances of the scalars
// if there is an Eq instance for the element type of the array, there will also be one for the entire array
import spire.std.array._
require(Array(0.0,1.0) === Array(0.000001, 1.0)) // and for arrays of doubles
import spire.std.seq._
require(Seq(1.0, 0.0) === Seq(1.000000001, 0.0))
Java equals is indeed not as principled as it should be - people who are very bothered about this use something like Scalaz' Equal and ===. But even that assumes a symmetry of the types involved; I think you would have to write a custom typeclass to allow comparing heterogeneous types.
It's quite easy to write a new typeclass and have instances recursively derived for case classes, using Shapeless' automatic type class instance derivation. I'm not sure that extends to a two-parameter typeclass though. You might find it best to create distinct EqualityLHS and EqualityRHS typeclasses, and then your own equality method for comparing A: EqualityLHS and B: EqualityRHS, which could be pimped onto A as an operator if desired. (Of course it should be possible to extend the technique generically to support two-parameter typeclasses in full generality rather than needing such workarounds, and I'm sure shapeless would greatly appreciate such a contribution).
Best of luck - hopefully this gives you enough to find the rest of the answer yourself. What you want to do is by no means trivial, but with the help of modern Scala techniques it should be very much within the realms of possibility.

Check for acceptance of type, rather than value, with isDefinedAt

I have a case where I want use isDefinedAt to check if a partial function accepts a type, rather than a specific value.
val test: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case y: Int => ???
case ComplexThing(x, y, z) => ???
Here you could do something like test isDefinedAt 1 to check for acceptance of that value, however, what I really want to do is check for acceptance of all Ints (more specifically, in my case the type I want to check is awkward to initialize (it has a lot of dependencies), so I would really like to avoid creating an instance if possible - for the moment I'm just using nulls, which feels ugly). Unfortunately, there is no test.isDefinedAt[Int].
I'm not worried about it only accepting some instances of that type - I would just like to know if it's completely impossible that type is accepted.
There is no way to make PartialFunction do this. In fact, because of type erasure, it can be difficult to operate on types at runtime. If you want to be able to verify types at compile-time you can use typeclasses instead:
class AllowType[-T] {
def allowed = true
object AllowType {
implicit object DontAllowAnyType extends AllowType[Any] {
override def allowed = false
implicit object AllowInt extends AllowType[Int]
implicit object AllowString extends AllowType[String]
def isTypeAllowed[T](implicit at: AllowType[T]) = at.allowed
isTypeAllowed[Int] // true
isTypeAllowed[Double] // false
The answer appears to be that this simply isn't possible - there are other ways to do this (as in wingedsubmariner's answer), but that requires either duplicating the information (which renders it pointless, as the reason for doing this was to avoid that), or changing not to use partial functions (which is dictated by an outside API).
The best solution is just to use nulls to fill the dependencies to create instances to check with. It's ugly, and has it's own issues, but it appears to be the best possible without substantial change.
test.isDefinedAt(ComplexThing(null, null, null))

Scala: compare type of generic class

There have been many questions on that issue, but sadly none seems to solve my problem.
I've written a generic scala class, let's call it
class MyClass[A]() { ... }
As well as the according object:
object MyClass() { ... }
Inside MyClass I want to define a function whichs behaviour depends on the given type A. For instance, let's just assume I want to define a 'smaller' function of type (A, A) => Boolean, that by default returns 'true' no matter what the elements are, but is meant to return the correct results for certain types such as Int, Float etc.
My idea was to define 'smaller' as member of the class in the following way:
class MyClass[A]() {
val someArray = new Array[A](1) // will be referred to later on
var smaller:(A,A) => Boolean = MyClass.getSmallerFunction(this)
...some Stuff...
object MyClass {
def getSmallerFunction[A](m:MyClass[A]):(A,A) => Boolean = {
var func = (a:Boolean, b:Boolean) => true
// This doesn't compile, since the compiler doesn't know what 'A' is
if(A == Int) func = ((a:Int, b:Int) => (a<b)).asInstanceOf[(A,A) => Boolean)]
// This compiles, but always returns true (due to type erasure I guess?)
if(m.isInstanceOf[MyClass[Float]]) func = ((a:Float, b:Float) => (a<b)).asInstanceOf[(A,A) => Boolean)]
// This compiles but always returns true as well due to the newly created array only containing null-elements
if(m.someArray(0).isInstanceOf[Long]) func = ((a:Long, b:Long) => (a<b)).asInstanceOf[(A,A) => Boolean)]
...some more stuff...
The getSmallerFunction method contains a few of the implementations I experimented with, but none of them works.
After a while of researching the topic it at first seemed as if manifests are the way to go, but unfortunately they don't seem to work here due to the fact that object MyClass also contains some constructor calls of the class - which, no matter how I change the code - always results in the compiler getting angry about the lack of information required to use manifests. Maybe there is a manifest-based solution, but I certainly haven't found it yet.
Note: The usage of a 'smaller' function is just an example, there are several functions of this kind I want to implement. I know that for this specific case I could simply allow only those types A that are Comparable, but that's really not what I'm trying to achieve.
Sorry for the wall of text - I hope it's possible to comprehend my problem.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Maybe I should go a bit more into detail: What I was trying to do was the implementation of a library for image programming (mostly for my personal use). 'MyClass' is actually a class 'Pixelmap' that contains an array of "pixels" of type A as well as certain methods for pixel manipulation. Those Pixelmaps can be of any type, although I mostly use Float and Color datatypes, and sometimes Boolean for masks.
One of the datatype dependent functions I need is 'blend' (although 'smaller' is used too), which interpolates between two values of type A and can for instance be used for smooth resizing of such a Pixelmap. By default, this blend function (which is of type (A,A,Float) => A) simply returns the first given value, but for Pixelmaps of type Float, Color etc. a proper interpolation is meant to be defined.
So every Pixelmap-instance should get one pointer to the appropriate 'blend' function right after its creation.
Edit 2:
Seems like I found a suitable way to solve the problem, at least for my specific case. It really is more of a work around though.
I simply added an implicit parameter of type A to MyClass:
class MyClass[A]()(implicit dummy:A) { ... }
When I want to find out whether the type A of an instance m:MyClass is "Float" for instance, I can just use "m.dummy.isInstanceOf[Float]".
To make this actually work I added a bunch of predefined implicit values for all datatypes I needed to the MyClass object:
object MyClass {
implicit val floatDummy:Float = 0.0f
implicit val intDummy:Int = 0
Although this really doesn't feel like a proper solution, it seems to get me around the problem pretty well.
I've omitted a whole bunch of stuff because, if I'm honest, I'm still not entirely sure what you're trying to do. But here is a solution that may help you.
trait MyClass[A] {
def smaller: (A,A) => Boolean
object MyClass {
implicit object intMyClass extends MyClass[Int] {
def smaller = (a:Int, b:Int) => (a < b)
implicit object floatMyClass extends MyClass[Float] {
def smaller = (a:Float, b:Float) => (a < b)
implicit object longMyClass extends MyClass[Long] {
def smaller = (a:Long, b:Long) => (a < b)
def getSmallerFunction[T : MyClass](a: T, b: T) = implicitly[MyClass[T]].smaller(a, b)
The idea is that you define your smaller methods as implicit objects under your MyClass, object, with a getSmallerFunction method. This method is special in the sense that it looks for a type-class instance that satisfies it's type bounds. We can then go:
println(MyClass.getSmallerFunction(1, 2))
And it automagically knows the correct method to use. You could extend this technique to handle your Array example. This is a great tutorial/presentation on what type-classes are.
Edit: I've just realise you are wanting an actual function returned. In my case, like yours the type parameter is lost. But if at the end of the day you just want to be able to selectively call methods depending on their type, the approach I've detailed should help you.

How can I define a custom equality operation that will be used by immutable Set comparison methods

I have an immutable Set of a class, Set[MyClass], and I want to use the Set methods intersect and diff, but I want them to test for equality using my custom equals method, rather than default object equality test
I have tried overriding the == operator, but it isn't being used.
Thanks in advance.
The intersect method is a concrete value member of GenSetLike
def intersect(that: GenSet[A]): Repr = this filter that
so the intersection is done using the filter method.
Yet another Edit:
filter is defined in TraversableLike
def filter(p: A => Boolean): Repr = {
val b = newBuilder
for (x <- this)
if (p(x)) b += x
What's unclear to me is what it uses when invoked without a predicate, p. That's not an implicit parameter.
equals and hashCode are provided automatically in case class only if you do not define them.
case class MyClass(val name: String) {
override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
case that: MyClass =>
case _ => false
override def hashCode = name.toUpperCase.hashCode
Set(MyClass("xx"), MyClass("XY"), MyClass("xX"))
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Set[MyClass] = Set(MyClass(xx), MyClass(XY))
If what you want is reference equality, still write equals and hashCode, to prevent automatic generation, and call the version from AnyRef
override def equals(o: Any) = super.equals(o)
override def hashCode = super.hashCode
With that:
Set(MyClass("x"), MyClass("x"))
res2: scala.collection.immutable.Set[MyClass] = Set(MyClass(x), MyClass(x))
You cannot override the ==(o: Any) from AnyRef, which is sealed and always calls equals. If you tried defining a new (overloaded) ==(m: MyClass), it is not the one that Set calls, so it is useless here and quite dangerous in general.
As for the call to filter, the reason it works is that Set[A] is a Function[A, Boolean]. And yes, equals is used, you will see that function implementation (apply) is a synonymous for contains, and most implementations of Set use == in contains (SortedSet uses the Ordering instead). And == calls equals.
Note: the implementation of my first equals is quick and dirty and probably bad if MyClass is to be subclassed . If so, you should at the very least check type equality (this.getClass == that.getClass) or better define a canEqual method (you may read this blog by Daniel Sobral)
You'll need to override .hashCode as well. This is almost always the case when you override .equals, as .hashCode is often used as a cheaper pre-check for .equals; any two objects which are equal must have identical hash codes. I'm guessing you're using objects whose default hashCode does not respect this property with respect to your custom equality, and the Set implementation is making assumptions based on the hash codes (and so never even calling your equality operation).
See the Scala docs for Any.equals and Any.hashCode:
This answer shows a custom mutable Set with user-defined Equality. It could be made immutable by replacing the internal store with a Vector and returning a modified copy of itself upon each operation
"It is not possible to override == directly, as it is defined as a final method in class Any. That is, Scala treats == as if were defined as follows in class Any:
final def == (that: Any): Boolean =
if (null eq this) {null eq that} else {this equals that}
" from Programming In Scala, Second Edition