iPhone - Carousel - iphone

I use open source, iCarousel in my application to bring the carousel control. The carousel type which I use is iCarouselTypeRotary and the images are arranged linearly in this type. But, I need the images to bring like the carousel in the attached images. What should I do to make my carousel little tilted to the top view as the style in the below images? Kindly help. Thanks in advance.

You can implement 3D tilt manually:
In iCarousel.m: 574
return CATransform3DTranslate(transform, radius * sin(angle), 0.0f, radius * cos(angle) - radius);
change to:
float tilt = MAX_TILT_VALUE * cos(angle); // greater angle means greater vertical offset
return CATransform3DTranslate(transform, radius * sin(angle), tilt, radius * cos(angle) - radius);
To make the code clear and reusable, implement tilt offset as option (similar to iCarouselOptionArc).
PS: If you want perspective scaling, you will need to add scale transform that depends on cos(angle) similarly to tilt.

Check by using the style:iCarouselTypeWheel use the horizontal wheel set the radius of the wheel as you want. I have done this in vertical wheel type. But i think it should the appearance as above using horizontal wheel type.


How to write dynamically to whole stencil buffer in Unity

What do I want to achieve ?
I'd like to achieve an effect in Unity3D, where I superpose a few cameras on top of each other. Each cameras would draw to a specific area of the screen. If possible, I'd like these areas to change dynamically.
I am using unity (latest version), and URP.
How technically I see it :
For implementation and performances reasons, it seems writing to the stencil buffer is the way to go. That way, I can only render what part of the screen I want for each camera. It is also quite easy once the stencil is made, cause the ForwardRendering settings in Unity offer such capabilities out of the box.
What I can't figure out :
The problem is, I don't know to efficiently write to the whole stencil buffer (each frame). The best way would be to use a compute shader (or maybe a simple script), that directly write the values after some calculations. Is there a way for that ? If yes, How ?
Another alternative may be to use a transparent quad in front of one of each camera, and to write to the stencil buffers like that. But 1) It seems there exist a SV_StencilRef keyword in the fragment buffer, but not supported by Unity yet ? 2) I will still lose performance nevertheless.
Thanks for any help / ideas about how to tackle this problem.
Edit (Clarification) : I'd like to be able to render free shapes, and not only rects, which prevent the use of the standard ViewportRect.
After some search, I found the Voronoi split screen to be quite similar (with a technical view) to what I'd like to achieve (See here)
If I understand correctly, you only need to play with the different camera Viewport Rect (https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Camera-rect.html) to determine what camera should render what part of the screen.
Response to comment: no, it's not stretched. Here is an example with four cameras:
Create a scene with four cameras, add this script to it and add the cameras to the array on the script. I added the _movingObject just to see something moving, but it's not necessary.
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraHandler : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private Transform _movingObject;
[SerializeField] private float _posMod = 10.0f;
[SerializeField] private float _cameraPosMod = 0.1f;
[SerializeField] private Camera[] _cameras;
private void Update()
float t = Time.time;
float x = Mathf.Sin(t);
float y = Mathf.Cos(t);
if (_movingObject) _movingObject.position = new(x * _posMod, 1.0f, y * _posMod);
Vector2 center = new(0.5f + x * _cameraPosMod, 0.5f + y * _cameraPosMod);
// bottom left camera
_cameras[0].rect = new(0.0f, 0.0f, center.x, center.y);
// bottom right camera
_cameras[1].rect = new(center.x, 0.0f, 1.0f - center.x, center.y);
// upper left camera
_cameras[2].rect = new(0.0f, center.y, center.x, 1.0f - center.y);
// upper right camera
_cameras[3].rect = new(center.x, center.y, 1.0f - center.x, 1.0f - center.y);
Not exactly an answer to your question about stencil buffer but I had a (hopefully) similar use case recently.
The main issue: In the URP Camera stack
If your camera is set to Base it will overdraw the entire screen
you can not adjust the Viewport on any Overlay camera
You can actually try to set the viewport via code -> result your camera renders only the correct part of the scene ... but it gets stretched to the entire screen ^^
What I did in the end was
Leave all content and cameras at the origin position
Apply according masks to filter the content per camera
Make your camera Overlay (as usual)
go through a custom Camera.projectionMatrix
m_Camera.projectionMatrix = Matrix4x4.Translate(projectionOffset) * Matrix4x4.Perspective(m_Camera.fieldOfView, m_Camera.aspect, m_Camera.nearClipPlane, m_Camera.farClipPlane);
where the projectionOffset is an offset in viewport space (normalized 0 - 1) from the bottom left corner.
For example in my case I wanted a minimap at 400, 400 pixels from the top-right corner so I did
var topRightOffsetPixels = new Vector2(400, 400);
var topRightOffsetViewport = Vector2.one - new Vector2(topRightOffsetPixels.x * 2 / Screen.width, topRightOffsetPixels.y * 2 / Screen.height);
m_Camera.projectionMatrix = Matrix4x4.Translate(topRightOffsetViewport) * Matrix4x4.Perspective(m_Camera.fieldOfView, m_Camera.aspect, m_Camera.nearClipPlane, m_Camera.farClipPlane);
See also Matrix4x4.Perspective

Camera Bounds in perspective mode in Unity 3D

How Can I find extreme left, right, top, bottom points of perspective camera in Unity 3D. I am trying to do zooming and panning. I need those points to check if I am going out of my Bound. Is there any other way to find?
This unity manual entry directly answers your question:
So to summarize:
To calculate the height of the view frustum at a given distance we can calculate it like so:
var frustumHeight = 2.0f * distance * Mathf.Tan(camera.fieldOfView * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
If we already know the frustumHeight we can calculate the corresponding distance to the camera:
var distance = frustumHeight * 0.5f / Mathf.Tan(camera.fieldOfView * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
Once we have the frustumHeight at a given distance we can calculate its width by using the cameras aspect:
var frustumWidth = frustumHeight * camera.aspect;
This can also be reversed like so:
var frustumHeight = frustumWidth / camera.aspect;
Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint will assist you.
For instance, to find bottom-left point of the screen projected onto the world, use this:
camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, distance_from_camera));

Rotate Rectangle Around Its Upper Left Corner

Simply trying to rotate a rectangle around it's origin, or its upper left corner like so:
Am using the following:
panGestureRecognizer.view.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(panGestureRecognizer.view.transform, (M_PI * angle) / 180);
But the rectangle is sort of rotating in a big loop. Is there some sort of translation I need to do to get this to work?
You just need to set the anchor point: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/graphicsimaging/reference/CALayer_class/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/occ/instp/CALayer/anchorPoint
panGestureRecognizer.view.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0);
Further Reading: For more advanced stuff you could try some of the tips detailed here for matrix transformations: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8536553/563381

How do I use the gravity vector to correctly transform scene for augmented reality?

I'm trying figure out how to get an OpenGL specified object to be displayed correctly according to the device orientation (ie. according to the gravity vector from the accelerometer, and heading from compass).
The GLGravity sample project has an example which is almost like this (despite ignoring heading), but it has some glitches. For example, the teapot jumps 180deg as the device viewing angle crosses the horizon, and it also rotates spuriously if you tilt the device from portrait into landscape. This is fine for the context of this app, as it just shows off an object and it doesn't matter that it does these things. But it means that the code just doesn't work when you attempt to emulate real life viewing of an OpenGL object according to the device's orientation. What happens is that it almost works, but the heading rotation you apply from the compass gets "corrupted" by the spurious additional rotations seen in the GLGravity example project.
Can anyone provide sample code that shows how to adjust correctly for the device orientation (ie. gravity vector), or to fix the GLGravity example so that it doesn't include spurious heading changes?
//Clear matrix to be used to rotate from the current referential to one based on the gravity vector
bzero(matrix, sizeof(matrix));
matrix[3][3] = 1.0;
//Setup first matrix column as gravity vector
matrix[0][0] = accel[0] / length;
matrix[0][1] = accel[1] / length;
matrix[0][2] = accel[2] / length;
//Setup second matrix column as an arbitrary vector in the plane perpendicular to the gravity vector {Gx, Gy, Gz} defined by by the equation "Gx * x + Gy * y + Gz * z = 0" in which we arbitrarily set x=0 and y=1
matrix[1][0] = 0.0;
matrix[1][1] = 1.0;
matrix[1][2] = -accel[1] / accel[2];
length = sqrtf(matrix[1][0] * matrix[1][0] + matrix[1][1] * matrix[1][1] + matrix[1][2] * matrix[1][2]);
matrix[1][0] /= length;
matrix[1][1] /= length;
matrix[1][2] /= length;
//Setup third matrix column as the cross product of the first two
matrix[2][0] = matrix[0][1] * matrix[1][2] - matrix[0][2] * matrix[1][1];
matrix[2][1] = matrix[1][0] * matrix[0][2] - matrix[1][2] * matrix[0][0];
matrix[2][2] = matrix[0][0] * matrix[1][1] - matrix[0][1] * matrix[1][0];
//Finally load matrix
Here's a clarification showing how to get the elevation and tilt that are needed for gluLookAt solution as shown in my last answer:
// elevation comes from z component (0 = facing horizon)
elevationRadians = asin(gravityVector.z / Vector3DMagnitude(gravityVector));
// tilt is how far screen is from vertical, looking along z axis
tiltRadians = atan2(-gravityVector.y, -gravityVector.x) - M_PI_2;
Following up on Chris's suggestion: I'm not sure if I've got this all correct due to differing conventions of row/column order and heading cw or ccw. However the following code is what I came up with:
Vector3D forward = Vector3DMake(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
// Multiply it by current rotation matrix to get teapot direction
Vector3D direction;
direction.x = matrix[0][0] * forward.x + matrix[1][0] * forward.y + matrix[2][0] * forward.z;
direction.y = matrix[0][1] * forward.x + matrix[1][1] * forward.y + matrix[2][1] * forward.z;
direction.z = matrix[0][2] * forward.x + matrix[1][2] * forward.y + matrix[2][2] * forward.z;
heading = atan2(direction.z, direction.x) * 180 / M_PI;
// Use this heading to adjust the teapot direction back to keep it fixed
// Rotate about vertical axis (Y), as it is a heading adjustment
glRotatef(heading, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
When I run this code, the teapot behaviour has apparently "improved" eg. heading no longer flips 180deg when device screen (in portrait view) is pitched forward/back through upright. However, it still makes major jumps in heading when device (in landscape view) is pitched forward/back. So something's not right. It suggests that the above calculation of the actual heading is incorrect...
I finally found a solution that works. :-)
I dropped the rotation matrix approach, and instead adopted gluLookAt. To make this work you need to know the device "elevation" (viewing angle relative to horizon ie. 0 on horizon, +90 overhead), and the camera's "tilt" (how far the device is from vertical its x/y plane ie. 0 when vertical/portrait, +/-90 when horizontal/landscape), both of which are obtained from the device gravity vector components.
Vector3D eye, scene, up;
CGFloat distanceFromScene = 0.8;
// Adjust eye position for elevation (y/z)
eye.x = 0;
eye.y = distanceFromScene * -sin(elevationRadians); // eye position goes down as elevation angle goes up
eye.z = distanceFromScene * cos(elevationRadians); // z position is maximum when elevation is zero
// Lookat point is origin
scene = Vector3DMake(0, 0, 0); // Scene is at origin
// Camera tilt - involves x/y plane only - arbitrary vector length
up.x = sin(tiltRadians);
up.y = cos(tiltRadians);
up.z = 0;
Then you just apply the gluLookAt transformation, and also rotate the scene according to the device heading.
// Adjust view for device orientation
gluLookAt(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z, scene.x, scene.y, scene.z, up.x, up.y, up.z);
// Apply device heading to scene
glRotatef(currentHeadingDegrees, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
Try rotating the object depending upon iphone acceleration values.
float angle = -atan2(accelX, accelY);
glTranslatef(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, 0);
glRotatef(angle, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(-centerPoint.x, -centerPoint.y, 0);
Where centerPoint is the middle point the object.
oo, nice.
GLGravity seems to get everything right except for the yaw. Here's what I would try. Do everything GLGravity does, and then this:
Project a vector in the direction you want the teapot to face, using the compass or whatever you so choose. Then multiply a "forward" vector by the teapot's current rotation matrix, which will give you the direction the teapot is facing. Flatten the two vectors to the horizontal plane and take the angle between them.
This angle is your corrective yaw. Then just glRotatef by it.
Whether or not the 3GS's compass is reliable and robust enough for this to work is another thing. Normal compasses don't work when the north vector is perpendicular to their face. But I just tried the Maps app on my workmate's 3GS and it seems to cope, so maybe they have got a mechanical solution in there. Knowing what the device is actually doing will help interpret the results it gives.
Make sure to test your app at the north and south poles once you're done. :-)
Getting a much more stable gravity-based reference, can now be done using CMMotionManager.
When starting motion updates with startDeviceMotionUpdates(), you can specify a reference frame.
This fuses the accelerometer, gyroscope and optionally (depending on chose reference frame) magnetometer data. Accelerometer data is pretty noisy and bouncy (any sideways motion of the device temporarily tilts the gravity vector by any device acceleration) and alone doesn't make a good reference.
I've been low-pass filtering the accelerometer data, which helps a bit but makes the system slow.

Car turning circle and moving the sprite

I would like to use Cocos2d on the iPhone to draw a 2D car and make it steer from left to right in a natural way.
Here is what I tried:
Calculate the angle of the wheels and just move it to the destination point where the wheels point to. But this creates a very unnatural feel. The car drifts half the time
After that I started some research on how to get a turning circle from a car, which meant that I needed a couple of constants like wheelbase and the width of the car.
After a lot of research, I created the following code:
float steerAngle = 30; // in degrees
float speed = 20;
float carWidth = 1.8f; // as in 1.8 meters
float wheelBase = 3.5f; // as in 3.5 meters
float x = (wheelBase / abs(tan(steerAngle)) + carWidth/ 2);
float wheelBaseHalf = wheelBase / 2;
float r = (float) sqrt(x * x + wheelBaseHalf * wheelBaseHalf);
float theta = speed * 1 / r;
if (steerAngle < 0.0f)
theta = theta * -1;
drawCircle(CGPointMake(carPosition.x - r, carPosition.y),
The first couple of lines are my constants. carPosition is of the type CGPoint. After that I try to draw a circle which shows the turning circle of my car, but the circle it draws is far too small. I can just make my constants bigger, to make the circle bigger, but then I would still need to know how to move my sprite on this circle.
I tried following a .NET tutorial I found on the subject, but I can't really completely convert it because it uses Matrixes, which aren't supported by Cocoa.
Can someone give me a couple of pointers on how to start this? I have been looking for example code, but I can't find any.
EDIT After the comments given below
I corrected my constants, my wheelBase is now 50 (the sprite is 50px high), my carWidth is 30 (the sprite is 30px in width).
But now I have the problem, that when my car does it's first 'tick', the rotation is correct (and also the placement), but after that the calculations seem wrong.
The middle of the turning circle is moved instead of kept at it's original position. What I need (I think) is that at each angle of the car I need to recalculate the original centre of the turning circle. I would think this is easy, because I have the radius and the turning angle, but I can't seem to figure out how to keep the car moving in a nice circle.
Any more pointers?
You have the right idea. The constants are the problem in this case. You need to specify wheelBase and carWidth in units that match your view size. For example, if the image of your car on the screen has a wheel base of 30 pixels, you would use 30 for the WheelBase variable.
This explains why your on-screen circles are too small. Cocoa is trying to draw circles for a tiny little car which is only 1.8 pixels wide!
Now, for the matter of moving your car along the circle:
The theta variable you calculate in the code above is a rotational speed, which is what you would use to move the car around the center point of that circle:
Let's assume that your speed variable is in pixels per second, to make the calculations easier. With that assumption in place, you would simply execute the following code once every second:
// calculate the new position of the car
newCarPosition.x = (carPosition.x - r) + r*cos(theta);
newCarPosition.y = carPosition.y + r*sin(theta);
// rotate the car appropriately (pseudo-code)
[car rotateByAngle:theta];
Note: I'm not sure what the correct method is to rotate your car's image, so I just used rotateByAngle: to get the point across. I hope it helps!
update (after comments):
I hadn't thought about the center of the turning circle moving with the car. The original code doesn't take into account the angle that the car is already rotated to. I would change it as follows:
if (steerAngle < 0.0f)
theta = theta * -1;
// calculate the center of the turning circle,
// taking int account the rotation of the car
circleCenter.x = carPosition.x - r*cos(carAngle);
circleCenter.y = carPosition.y + r*sin(carAngle);
// draw the turning circle
drawCircle(circleCenter, r, CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(180), 50, NO);
// calculate the new position of the car
newCarPosition.x = circleCenter.x + r*cos(theta);
newCarPosition.y = circleCenter.y + r*sin(theta);
// rotate the car appropriately (pseudo-code)
[car rotateByAngle:theta];
carAngle = carAngle + theta;
This should keep the center of the turning circle at the appropriate point, even if the car has been rotated.