installing an application from a command line on a mac - command

installing an application from a command line on a mac
Hope someone can help.
I need to reinstall Final Cup Studio 2 on my mac. Since I've change to the new operating system: Lion, I'm not able to reinstall the application from the installations disks because PowerPC applications are no longer supported with Lion. One suggested solution, seems to work with many people, is to instal the program from the command line with the following argument:
$ sudo installer -package /Volumes/Final\ Cut\ Studio/Installer/FinalCutStudio.mpkg -target /
After what appear to be a "successful installation", the program is no where to be found :(.
Another solution was to add the specific PATH to were the application/s are going to reside:
The problem with this is that I don't know hoy to add the additional information to the command line.
I've created a subfolder named: FINALCUTSTUDIO2 under the Applications Folder and would like to give a command to install the applicationto that particular

Rosetta, the program that lets you run PowerPC binaries on Intel processors, was taken out of OS X starting with Lion. There's no way to make it run on Lion, unfortunately, even if you got it installed somehow.


What is missing from my build environment when trying to compile emacs-25.1?

I'm trying to build emacs-25.1 from source on OSx. Everything goes fine until make install. When Emacs is trying to compile xml.c I get:
xml.c:23:10: fatal error: 'libxml/tree.h' file not found
#include <libxml/tree.h>
What is happening?
I'm not sure what your exact error is. However, there is an easier way to build emacs25 on OSX and macOS. Install homebrew is easy and once you have it, all you need to do is run
brew install emacs --with-cocoa --with-rsvg --with-ns
and then
brew linkapps emacs
and your done. Even if you want to do it by hand, you can get the recipe homebrew users to see how it does the build and install, which might help track down your error.
NOTE Check what the actual args are you can pass to the build environment. the ones I've listed are from memory and there are some others you may want to include.
A colleague was having the same problem and posted in the GNU emacs devel list right here. Daniel Suton provided the answer. Xcode is missing:
xcode-select --install
MacOS provides a libxml implementation (and headers) by default when you install xcode. Note that I had installed xcode already. But I've also upgraded from EL Captain to Sierra so my xcode installation must have been erased in the process.
Anyway, after installing xcode like described above and then after git clean -fxd I was able to rebuild emacs again.

Installing a driver (.inf) file from command line

I am working in Windows 8.1.
I need to install a driver file (.inf file) from command line. Which command do I need to use?
I know I have many other method for installing a .inf file, but I must install this from command line.
Please help me
Thanks in advance...
Granger's comment works in Windows 7 too. According to MS, PnPUtil (PnPUtil.exe) is included in every version of Windows, starting with Windows Vista.
It is useful for device drivers that do not have default install (right-click "Install" does not work for them).
pnputil -i -a <driverinf>
The default way for device drivers is:
pnputil -i -a <driverinf>
Legacy Drivers can´t be installed with pnputil and have to use LaunchINFSectionEx-Call
I tested the following and it works with several drivers from Windows 2000 up to Windows 10, 2012R2, 2016, 2019.
rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx ykmd.inf,Yubico64_Install.NT,,4,N
Pay attention to use the correct section
The correct section of the inf-File must be used, when there is no [DefaultInstall]-Section. This lacks in most answers. Look it up in your drivers inf-File and use the correct section (in my example "Yubico64_Install.NT"). Using the wrong section wont prompt an error. Im my example I use Quiet mode, no UI (4) and Never reboot (N) to install the driver automated via GPO. All options are documented in detail here:
There are many variants ... and many complications with newer versions of Windows.
But for starters, try something like this:
rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx myinf.inf,,c:\temp\,36
Programmatic driver install via .inf causing reboot
Note: beware older links that suggest "setupapi" instead of "advpack". You definitely want advpack.dll.

How to get an ipython graphical console on Windows 7?

Where can I find step-by-step instructions to install the modules required by ipython qtconsole in Windows 7 (64-bit)?
(Sorry for the brevity of this question. It would take literally hours for me to write down all the things I have attempted, and nearly as long for anyone to read it. I'll just note that everything that I have found even remotely related to pyqt4 seems extremely Unix-specific, with at most a cursory nod at what Windows users may try...)
After installing and adding Python paths to your Environment Variables:
Open Windows command line (cmd.exe) and run:
pip install ipython[all]
or as recommended by official site:
pip install qtconsole
After pip finished installing all the packages, you can start the ipython qtconsole by running:
ipython qtconsole
jupyter qtconsole
I would suggest using a full package distribution like EPD (, which should work out of the box.
Otherwise the dependencies are
ZeroMQ, pyzmq, PySide or PyQt, and pygments,
And unfortunately we don't have enough users using windows to improve the install docs.
On Windows, the 32-bit version of EPD is free; it runs fine on Win7-64, though of course with a 32-bit address space. This EPD installer include ipython 0.12.1, which suffices for qtconsole. To update it to ipython 0.13.1 (important for ipython notebook), use the EPD command "enpkg ipython" (details here).
I bought the Conceptive Engineering Python Stack. I give it a 6 out of 10 (for 50 USD). It does ship with many great binaries (QtConsole and friends included) and is geared for rapid Python+QT application development. It also covers some networking/web modules that are nice to have, all with a pretty good Windows installer (32-bit py platform).
I too am on 64bit Windows 7, and thats part of the reason I mark then down a little. A few of the packages are glitchy out of the box (tkinter was broken OUT-OF-BOX! but only on 64bit system). The thing with these guys (from belgium i think), the QT+Python "development suite" is really all they intend to deliver (luckily that includes a quite functional, albeit slightly dated IPython deployment).
The worst part is support (oh sure, they have $300 dollar 1-day class in germany). I don't expect emergency 24hour-phone service for $50, but they don't even ship a decent Readme, negligible website support docs; doesn't even have a package summary list of what they just slapped on your system. Feels like they ship you a big tarball, and if the applications they post on your start-menu don't satisfy your needs, get ready to go digging in your PYTHONPATH. Email support was shotty as well.
Although, I still havn't ditched it, the number of Qt4 related programs are pretty useful and hard to get done with other python deployments.
For what is worth...
I have a similar use case and wrote some helper batch scripts to deploy Miniconda, a stripped down version of the Anaconda Python distribution by
It also installs packages that I need, such as IPython for ipython qtconsole.
You can easily customize these scripts to suit your needs. They're for Windows x86_64 but can be configured for 32bit x86 as well.

How to remove old versions of iPhone SDK when installing the new one?

I have downloaded iPhone SDK 4.0.2, I wanted to install it, but it looks that I don't have enough space. This made me think that maybe I could unistall the previous versions of iPhone SDK and install only the newest one.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Should I keep the old versions? Is there any situation they could be useful?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Should you remove old versions? Up to you. You'll certainly have a "clean" installation. Do whatever you think is best for you. (You might want to reboot your system after uninstalling.)
Paul Peelen linked the command line step to do the removal, but I'm going to quote ad verbatim from Apple's "About Xcode.pdf" since the link could disappear:
Uninstalling Xcode Developer Tools
To uninstall Xcode developer tools on the
boot volume along with the
directory, from a Terminal window
$ sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools -mode=all
To remove the underlying developer content on the boot volume,
but leave the directory and
supporting files untouched, from a
Terminal window type:
$ sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=systemsupport
To just remove the UNIX development support on the
boot volume, but leave the
directory and supporting files
untouched, from a Terminal window
$ sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=unixdev
Finally, to just uninstall the directory you
can simply drag it to the trash, or
from a Terminal window type:
$ sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=xcodedir
NOTE: The uninstaller that ships with previous versions of
the Xcode developer tools will not
clean everything off of your system
properly. You should use the one
installed with these Xcode developer
(Those are current at least as of "Xcode 3.2.3 for Mac OS X 10.6 and iPhone OS 4.0")
You can use appzapper, or just remove the stuff in /Developer/Applications (I believe).
Asked my friend google, and this is what it came up with:
The new iOS SDK overwrites most of the old one (unless you change the installation directory), so it doesn't really double the disk space usage.

How do I fix JavaHL (JNI) Not available after I have changed the logon password on my Mac?

I have installed Eclipse 3.5.2 and the plugin Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter and this worked without any problems. However, this morning I was forced to change the password to logon to my Mac and since then I get the message that "Subversion native library not available" when I try to save any changes. Can anyone help? I have tried to add this line (-Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/jni) to the eclipse.ini file but this didn´t seem to make any difference.
Can anyone help?
Install MacPorts or HomeBrew, then run the following command:
For MacPorts, the commands to run are:
sudo port install subversion-javahlbindings +no_bdb +universal
For HomeBrew, the command is:
brew install --universal --java subversion
I was having a similar problem on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I suspect your libraries are there but just need permissions changed, whereas I didn't have the libs at all.
The directory to check is /opt/subversion/lib, see if it has any libsvnjavahl files. In your case they may be there and just need new permissions.
To get the files I followed the the instructions they give for installing JavaHL on OS X, which is to download and install Open CollabNet. (login required, although it's free)
Then you just need to update your environment variable in .profile, something like:
export PATH=.:/opt/subversion/bin:$HOME/bin:$PATH
Then ran:
. .profile
Then I tested with javahltests.jar as mentioned here.
The easiest thing to do is download and install the OSX package that is provided on openCollabNet.
MacPorts also provides an easy Subversion and JavaHL package, however on Snow Leopard ?MacPorts is still compiling these packages as simple 32-bit binaries. If you use the default Snow Leopard JVM which is 64-bit you will get an error...
Failed to load JavaHL Library.
These are the errors that were encountered:
no libsvnjavahl-1 in java.library.path
no svnjavahl-1 in java.library.path
/opt/local/lib/libsvnjavahl- no suitable image found. Did find: /opt/local/lib/libsvnjavahl- mach-o, but wrong architecture
Note the error about wrong architecture. This is because the 64-bit JVM cannot load a 32-bit native library. The ?CollabNet binaries for OSX do not have this problem because they include both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
Here is a blog entry that gives a solution:
I don't know whether this will work in your particular situation, but it's worth a try.
(Edited to fix link that became broken after I posted. The link became broken sometime between May 3 and June 1.)
In case you already have subversion installed I'd recommend performing first a brew uninstall and then the install again. And follow the steps to create the links indicated after the install concludes. This worked for me. Regards
I fixed it installing the SVNKit Client Adapter (not required) package.