How to get an ipython graphical console on Windows 7? - ipython

Where can I find step-by-step instructions to install the modules required by ipython qtconsole in Windows 7 (64-bit)?
(Sorry for the brevity of this question. It would take literally hours for me to write down all the things I have attempted, and nearly as long for anyone to read it. I'll just note that everything that I have found even remotely related to pyqt4 seems extremely Unix-specific, with at most a cursory nod at what Windows users may try...)

After installing and adding Python paths to your Environment Variables:
Open Windows command line (cmd.exe) and run:
pip install ipython[all]
or as recommended by official site:
pip install qtconsole
After pip finished installing all the packages, you can start the ipython qtconsole by running:
ipython qtconsole
jupyter qtconsole

I would suggest using a full package distribution like EPD (, which should work out of the box.
Otherwise the dependencies are
ZeroMQ, pyzmq, PySide or PyQt, and pygments,
And unfortunately we don't have enough users using windows to improve the install docs.

On Windows, the 32-bit version of EPD is free; it runs fine on Win7-64, though of course with a 32-bit address space. This EPD installer include ipython 0.12.1, which suffices for qtconsole. To update it to ipython 0.13.1 (important for ipython notebook), use the EPD command "enpkg ipython" (details here).

I bought the Conceptive Engineering Python Stack. I give it a 6 out of 10 (for 50 USD). It does ship with many great binaries (QtConsole and friends included) and is geared for rapid Python+QT application development. It also covers some networking/web modules that are nice to have, all with a pretty good Windows installer (32-bit py platform).
I too am on 64bit Windows 7, and thats part of the reason I mark then down a little. A few of the packages are glitchy out of the box (tkinter was broken OUT-OF-BOX! but only on 64bit system). The thing with these guys (from belgium i think), the QT+Python "development suite" is really all they intend to deliver (luckily that includes a quite functional, albeit slightly dated IPython deployment).
The worst part is support (oh sure, they have $300 dollar 1-day class in germany). I don't expect emergency 24hour-phone service for $50, but they don't even ship a decent Readme, negligible website support docs; doesn't even have a package summary list of what they just slapped on your system. Feels like they ship you a big tarball, and if the applications they post on your start-menu don't satisfy your needs, get ready to go digging in your PYTHONPATH. Email support was shotty as well.
Although, I still havn't ditched it, the number of Qt4 related programs are pretty useful and hard to get done with other python deployments.
For what is worth...

I have a similar use case and wrote some helper batch scripts to deploy Miniconda, a stripped down version of the Anaconda Python distribution by
It also installs packages that I need, such as IPython for ipython qtconsole.
You can easily customize these scripts to suit your needs. They're for Windows x86_64 but can be configured for 32bit x86 as well.


WinPython Spyder can't see spyder-kernels in virtual environment

I have installed WinPython and want to use Spyder. I use pip and virtual environments. I have followed the instructions here modular approach. Everything works just dandy until the very last instruction "Start a new IPython console (in Spyder). All packages installed in your venv environment should be available there.".
It get error Your Python environment or installation doesn't have the spyder‑kernels module or the right version of it installed (>= 1.9.0 and < 1.10.0). Without this module is not possible for Spyder to create a console for you.
But I installed spyder-kernals in my venv, I can literally see them there, I set the path the the python installed in the venv, everything should work, but it doesn't!
Any thoughts?
I asked CAM Gerlach as suggested, and he spotted my error very quickly. The instructions at modular approach are correct except they say pip install spyder-kernels==0.* which I took literally. In fact as per the error message you need to use later versions, so I used pip install spyder-kernels==1.10 and it fixed it.
You may have to ask to "C.A.M. Gerlach" if he has an update on the procedure: Spyder has evolved a bit with Spyder-4.

Packages missing from new install of Canopy Express

I just installed Canopy Express 1.4.1 (32-bit) for Windows. Among the packages that are supposed to be there (see ) are pandas and statsmodels. But after installing, neither is listed in Package Manager, either as being installed or available.
The lack of pandas is not a problem, as pip easily installs it. (Enthought notes that packages installed that way will not be listed in Package Manager, but are fully available in the Canopy User Environment. Indeed, it imports.
statsmodels is not so easy. pip only gets source, and there is no Windows installer provided by the statsmodels folks. There is a nightly Windows binary, but not (if I'm reading correctly) for the stable build. The suggested solution by statsmodels is to compile it, using MinGW, which I do not currently have installed.
With enough trouble, I imagine I could compile and install, but is there a way to save all that trouble and get the packages within Canopy, as Enthought says it should be?
Seems like your Package Manager is misbehaving or you are looking in the wrong place (look in Free Packages not Community Packages).
Pandas is indeed in the Express installer, so always installed. At Canopy's python prompt, type:
import pandas
Though sounds like you've already overwritten it with pip, not really a problem but not the cleanest path (mixing 2 different installation methods for the same package).
Statsmodels is listed in package manager (Free package). It is available to free users but is not yet in the Express installer.
If you still don't see these in the pkg mgr, please quit Canopy, ensure that all Canopy processes have terminated (easiest way... log out of Windows, then back in), and restart Canopy.

easy_install, pip, py3, and official IPython documentation

Today I noticed this fairly old (and highly voted) question and it made me wonder, if pip is generally preferred over easy_install in the Python community, why is the official documentation instructing newcomers like me to use easy_install as shown here?
Perhaps there is an implicit assumption that readers are using Python 2? Although the highly voted question and several answers all seem to indicate that pip is widely preferred over easy_install for both py2 and py3, so that seems like it's not the answer...
The command:
easy_install ipython[zmq,qtconsole,notebook,test]
will install IPython and some dependencies, including pyzmq, which has compiled parts.
easy_install handles binary packages, so it can install precompiled versions of things like pyzmq. pip, by contrast, only works with source packages. So for a package with compiled parts, it downloads the source code and tries to compile it. There are two problems with that:
The user needs to have a C compiler installed, plus whatever development headers the code being compiled relies on. The user often doesn't.
It's slow, especially for larger packages.
So the scientific Python world, which uses a lot of compiled packages, doesn't use pip as much as web developers. Actually, we don't much like easy_install either - we have a variety of more powerful installation methods.

What's the bare minimum Cygwin install to have DDD running properly on XP?

I’m using the gcc in MinGW that comes with Strawberry Perl, on Windows XP. I’d like to have ddd (the Data Display Debugger) as well but apparently on Windows the simplest way to get ddd is by running Cygwin. So what's the bare minimum of Cygwin I can install to get ddd up and running? I'd prefer if I could run ddd natively on Win32 but that doesn't seem to be an option.
As far as I can tell so far, only the following (with Cygwin DLL release version 1.5.25-15), and allowing setup to install any other packages to meet dependencies.
Base: base-files, grep
Develop: ddd, gdb
Math: gnuplot
Example to get grep working: Just drop the following files from a cygwin bin directory into an appropriate directory...
The Cygwin setup.exe installer resolves dependencies for you. Just run the installer, find and enable ddd, and click Next. It might install some packages you doun't strictly need, but figuring out which ones you can safely omit is probably a waste of time.
Disclaimer: I haven't tried this; I just install eveything.
If you're going for minimalism, you might want a smaller X server than cygwin-x11 (though it's what I use, and I'm quite fond of it). Starwin X-Win32 is actively maintained (though it costs $$ beyond the trial period), and avoids the overhead of installing Cygwin proper; there are other, zero-cost minimal X servers for win32 available, but I don't have linkage immediately available.
As the documentation at indicates, the xorg-x11-base package is the bare minimum needed.

How can I package my Perl script to run on a machine without Perl?

People also often ask "How can I compile Perl?" while what they really want is to create an executable that can run on machines even if they don't have Perl installed.
There are several solutions, I know of:
perl2exe of IndigoStar
It is commercial. I never tried. Its web site says it can cross compile Win32, Linux, and Solaris.
Perl Dev Kit from ActiveState.
It is commercial. I used it several years ago on Windows and it worked well for my needs. According to its web site it works on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX.
PAR or rather PAR::Packer that is free and open source. Based on the test reports it works on the Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, NetBSD and Solaris but theoretically it should work on other UNIX systems as well.
Recently I have started to use PAR for packaging on Linux and will use it on Windows as well.
Other recommended solutions?
In addition to the three tools listed in the question, there's another one called Cava Packager written by Mark Dootson, who has also contributed to PAR in the past. It only runs under Windows, has a nice Wx GUI and works differently from the typical three contenders in that it assembles all Perl dependencies in a source / lib directory instead of creating a single archive containing everything. There's a free version, but it's not Open Source. I haven't used this except for testing.
As for PAR, it's really a toolkit. It comes with a packaging tool which does the dependency scanning and assembly of stand-alone executables, but it can also be used to generate and use so-called .par files, in analogy to Java's JARs. It also comes with client and server for automatically loading missing packages over the network, etc. The slides of my PAR talk at YAPC::EU 2008 go into more details on this.
There's also an active mailing list: par at perl dot org.
It is some time since this question was first asked, but Cava Packager can currently produce executable packages for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is no longer Windows only.
Note: As indicated by my name, I am affiliated with Cava Packager.
I'm a Perl newbie and I just downloaded Cava Packager and that's the only one I found working. I've tried ActiveState 5.10.1005 and Strawberry Perl with PAR-Packager on Windows XP.
pp just hangs in mid-stream and no executables created.
Cava provides the only solution to creating exe on Windows so far. Thks.
You could use the perlcc tool that's shipped with most distributions of Perl. I've also found both perl2exe and Active State's Perl Dev kit useful for shipping Perl applications.