How to Display Custom View Modaly - iphone

I've written a small multiplayer game for the iphone. Once one of the players win, I want to display him 'You Win' image and a button so that he can play again.
How can this be done? One option is to use a segue to a new view-controller, but I think this should be shown with the game in the background. What would you suggest, as I'm pretty sure this is a common scenario for an iphone game/app.
EDIT: I ended up using both Phillip Mills's answer and Selkie's answer. Here is on How to Use UIView transitionWithView?

You can create the custom view and keep it as a separate property within your main game view controller. When someone wins, add it as a subview to the view property of the controller. It can be full screen size with transparency so that it's effectively modal, yet shows the game as background.

You can make it as a view, then show it using UIView animateWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration animations:(void (^)(void))animations
The animation block could be sliding up, fading or whatever you want.
The other way is to add it at the beginning, but set its hidden property as YES. Change it to NO when it's needed.


Forcing a UIImageView to Remain in Front of an Active Animation

Language: Swift, IDE: Xcode for iOS development, Single View Application > View Controller...
I have 2 UIImage Views with identical images that I'm scroll-animating from left to right across the view in order to create a 'slowly-moving background' of sorts. I'd like to place other UI elements (Labels, other images, etc.) in the foreground of this repeating background animation, but find when I run the simulator the foreground image isn't seen...
Question: Is it possible to force other UI elements to stay in front of a repeating animation programmatically?
I'm not at my Mac so I can't share my code at the moment, but if you know a straight answer to the question and/or which method could best achieve this, I'm all ears!!
Thanks in advance! :)
This depends on the z-ordering of the views. Assuming you are adding all of your views then starting the animation call bringSubViewToFront on the view you are animating right before you start animating it. If you are laying things out in interface builder the Z order is based on top = farthest and bottom = closest. If you are adding view programmatically the newest view is always added in front. You can change this with insertSubview:at: and the related methods. Take a look at the documentation for UIView.
If you want z-index use:
YourImageViewName.layer.zPosition = 1
Also you could play with bringToFront method on the parent view:
Hope this fix your problem.

How to change UIActionSheet view?

As I observed that UIActionSheet is always appearing from down side in iPhone,
but in some app, as I saw in AlarmClock, then two button became visible, one from upside and second from downside of iPhone,
What is that exactly, I can't understand, as far as I feel, it looks UIActionSheet,
I want such appearance for one of my app....
Yes just like Ole said, you can't customize UIActionSheet . But since it is just a simple subview you can create your personal "action sheet" by subviewing and animating. So if you want a button to appear on the top and one on the button, then create two UIViews resize them to the right size for your button, add your action sheet style background or any other background, add your button, connect your IBActions to the buttons and your IBOutlets to the views. Then when you want the buttons to appear animate them onto the screen (using sone CGRect, animation time and finally [UIView commitAnimations])
Probably just one or two custom views with a custom animation. UIActionSheet is not customizable so if you want something else than the default behavior you have to write it yourself. It's not that difficult.

Customized Camera Toolbar on iPhone

I've created a camera application for iPhone and now I sit and polish the last of it. My application is a collage application where the user can take multiple pictures in a row.
As it is today I have a customized camera view that contains one UIButton for taking the pictures and one UIButton for getting back to the main view.
The problem is that my application is design for landscape mode and the camera control can only show in portrait mode. This makes the design of the GUI a little bit tricky and I now want to move away from having the buttons in the view to having the placed in a toolbar. When you initialize the camera you can set a bunch of different parameters and one of them is UIImagePickerController.toolbarHidden. If I set the value to NO it will show an empty toolbar and my question here is, how do I add items to this toolbar?
I've tried different solutions without any luck.
Does the standard UIViewController method -setToolBarItems:animated: method not work?

UIButton Game character selection to UIImageView animation

I am almost at the end of coding my kids educational application, woohoo!.
But... Im stuck on something.
When app loads i have my main view. It has 4 buttons for flipviews(each with ten views of content) and 4 buttons for character selection(an image that will follow you through every screen of content).
Problem is im unsure on how to link UIButton selection to UIImage display in multiple views. I want the user to choose a character button and then continue to the flipviews and in the views the image displayed should be the one that they have selected on the main view. So everytime they return to the main view they can change the character that will follow them around the app.
Any thoughts, help or code would be much appreciated!
Thank You
Make a new object, a subclass of UIImageView, which has a -setImage method. Once you set the image, then where ever you embed that object, it will display the same image. You could even have that subclass view have a score displayed next to it, or a name or other stats, so as you go from one screen to another, you have all that info follow you around with the image. No need to create labels in all the screens for global info like that.
In summary:
make a new subclass of UIView or UIImageView in Xcode using the New File... menu. You would do new UIView if you will have other items than just an image.
add methods that allow you to set the image, update text stats etc.
BONUS: you can make the class handle taps, so if a user taps the image, you could do something like provide help or run a cute little animation
embed that object in any screens you wish. Keep in mind that you can have that view be sized differently in each screen using transforms. Cool, no?
that's pretty much it!
Good luck!

How to implement view sliding in and out in iPhone?

I would like to implement the effect of a view sliding in, much like the animation of a view being brought in by presentModalViewController, but the view only slides in to cover half the screen.
I approached it this way:
1) Right before thew view should appear and slide in, addSubview the child view. Position it in such a way it's out of view in the beginning.
2) Call a method on the view controller of the subview to perform the Core Animation code to bring it in.
Doing the above didn't seem to work (nothing happens - the view just appears at its starting location). Adding the view ahead of time in viewDidLoad won't work either. Ideally, I would like the code to have the same requirement as presentModalViewController - which requires you to instantiate the view controller at the point you need to bring the view in and animate it.
Would appreciate if you can provide pointer or code on animating the view in/out as well.
I would check out the sample project ViewTransitions on the Apple dev site. It is a great resource for understanding the simple things you need to do when setting up transitions. If you wanted to only slide in half-way you could try setting the frame of the "sliding view" to only half the screen... just check out the code and give it a try.
I usually animate modal screen in the parent viewController instead of modal viewController itself.
Maybe you should post the code you use in step number 2.
I did something similar on one of my apps, where the user slides a view from one edge of the screen to the other as if placeing a cover over the screen.
If what you are trying to do is an automatic animation (without user interaction) I believe that you need to: set to the sliding view a frame representing the final position. Do this within an animation block. Play with the duration, animation curve, etc parameters.