Phonegap: Save a photo to a specific path - plugins

I'm using cordova framework to develop applications on iOS.
I need to save a photo (just taken) in a specific path, but cordova default sets it to localhost/var/mobile/Applications/.../tmp/cdv_photo_006.jpg while I want to save it in .../www/data/camera/cdv_photo_006.jpg
How can I fix it?

in IOS you have just just access to your app bundle(temp + document folder) at least in non-jailbreak iphone's and ipad's , so what you are doing is impossible.


Uploading files from iOS Files app in another app

I'm looking to add functionality to my app that would allow a user to upload a file within my app from the Files app that was introduced in iOS 11. I would expect that it would work the same way that existing components do now where you can select Upload a Photo or Video on your iOS device and it allows you to select items from within the Photos app. I have been searching and I have not been able to figure out a way to do this. I know Apple's Mail app has this functionality (under "Add Attachment"), but I have not found a way to surface this functionality in my own app.
Since I am using Eureka for my other row inputs, it would be ideal to have this in an Eureka component but right now I am just trying to figure out if it is even possible to select files from the Files app from another app with Apple's existing APIs.
The Framework you are looking for is built in to UIKit in a class called UIDocumentPickerViewController

Creating a new directory in the photo library of iPhone using PhoneGap

I am currently developing an mobile app using the PhoneGap framework. I am just wondering if there is any PhoneGap APIs or plugins that will allow us to create a new directory inside the iPhone's photo library. So every time when a user is using my app to capture a picture, I can have it saved into that directory.
From my little knowledge, currently you cant create a new directory inside the iPhone's photo library using phoneGap
However you can save an image in to iPhone's photo library.
See the below code
save image
function runImageTest(img)
Please see the discussions here

Is it possible for a web based app to retrive images from an iphone?

I'm creating a website which I would like to be supported on the iphone as well. The site allows users to upload images and manipulate them. On a desktop the user will simply click the upload button to select the file from their computer and upload it to the site. But this will fail on an iphone.
Is there any way for a pure web app which is using php/mysql/js and runs inside the browser to get images from a user's camera roll? Does Apple offer any APIs to make this possible?
No, it's not possible currently - but apparently iOS 6 is going to support image and video uploads from MobileSafari.
(Apart from that, you can ask your users if their device is jailbroken and id so, suggest them downloading Safari Upload Enabler from Cydia).

Creating links on a web page that tell a mobile device to play the media such as mp4 rather than download it. (android / iphone)

Is there a way to specifically format a link on my page to tell a mobile device such as an Android phone or an iPhone that when a user clicks a link to a mp4 file (for example) to go ahead and play it (or ask the user if they want to play it) using their phone media player?
I'm working on a web app with mixed results, most of the times the device just goes straight into download mode, and attempts to save the file to the downloads folder, but what I would like is to make it so the device starts automatically playing the file as soon as possible.
My app is basically a file sharing app that creates qr codes and thus allows you to share media to mobile devices... the thing is, when it comes to video files and maybe images, I want the phone to automatically display the media and not just download it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. You can see the app here
You could always use a <video> tag to make your videos play instead of just linking to them.
FYI iOS devices never download anything, unless jailbroken and with Safari Download Manager plugin (or other one like it) installed. So even if you just link, it will always play. And the reason why all videos play at full screen is because the iOS instantiate Quicktime to play it.

How to add a file (text or image) to iphone app through itunes?

Is there any way to add a file (image or text) to already install app in the iphone through itunes (or any other way)?
I'm working on an app, in which I want to add a feature for adding external file (like text or image file).
Please help me, how can I achieve this?
Or it is not possible in current SDK?
Note : I don't want to do this through downloading from internet.
Maybe I am misunderstanding but if the app is already on the App Store you could just rebuild it with the file and update the binary.
Otherwise it is possible to register a custom URL scheme and pass data through a URL (encode in base 64 for more bang for your buck). There is a game called Moonlight Mahjong that does this to download new mahjong layouts that are then saved onto the device.