How to add a file (text or image) to iphone app through itunes? - iphone

Is there any way to add a file (image or text) to already install app in the iphone through itunes (or any other way)?
I'm working on an app, in which I want to add a feature for adding external file (like text or image file).
Please help me, how can I achieve this?
Or it is not possible in current SDK?
Note : I don't want to do this through downloading from internet.

Maybe I am misunderstanding but if the app is already on the App Store you could just rebuild it with the file and update the binary.
Otherwise it is possible to register a custom URL scheme and pass data through a URL (encode in base 64 for more bang for your buck). There is a game called Moonlight Mahjong that does this to download new mahjong layouts that are then saved onto the device.


is it possible to update an iOS app by XML files?

I am really new in app design, and do not know how can I add content to my app after is it out. In my app I have music and video pages. I was thinking how can I add new music or videos to the app later ?! So it is possible to link the content to an xml file and keep the xml in a host.
Therefor, to update add the app, I edit that xml file and when user loads the app it shows the XML contents? Is it actually how apps works? If this way works, or there are better ways to do it, please let me know.
I couldn't understand your question properly but if you want to update your xml content you can use the Kiss XML Parser.

How to localize App Store meta data for Phonegap app on iPhone

i'm currently wondering how to add more localizations to my PhoneGap App on the App Store. So it is already deployed, and in App Store it shows under Languages, right under the Icon "English, Spanish" but I never changed any configs or so to acheive this. I found in my xCode-project /App_NAME/Resources a en.lproj and es.lproj folder with Localisation.strings.
The standard way I found so far would be to do this.
But for some Reason those folder I create never appear in xCode. What am I doing wrong, and why can't I add more of these ominous XX.lproj-folders?
I'm totally stuck.
I can do javascript localisations for the app itsself but without this app-store languages I can't get my meta-data translated...
Any experience highly appreciated!
the best way is to do it from javascript since you're using PhoneGap.
retrieve the device/userAgent language (or locale, or simply ask the user for a preferred language) and then edit the content accordingly.
If you want to localize app store meta data, your app, or your marketing content there are tools out there now to speed the process such as TraductoPro, which also has built-in human translation ordering services. It even automates or 'macronizes' your code, making the xcode strings localizable. It's a Mac app, simple to use.

Iphone - How to Read book file from device

I imported pdf file to iphone device using iTunes. I verified that the pdf file stored in 'root/user/media/books' path. Can i read this file in my program?
Is there any way to read the file? Please Help me.
Thanks in advance.
The SDK doesn’t provide any access to the books (including PDFs) in the user’s media library. For your app to read a PDF that was added via iTunes, it needs to be added to your app specifically, using the iTunes file sharing malarkey (look up “UIFileSharingEnabled” for more information on that). You can file an enhancement request with Apple to try to get them to add support for accessing the user’s book library, but don’t count on it.
Here is a guide on how to view a pdf on the screen. Here is a previous post about how to parse a pdf using CGPDFScanner. Hope that helps!

How to upload a file to iphone app from a computer?

In some of the apps, I have seen its possible to upload files to the library of a certain application. They ask to type "" and then to upload files to that location which inturn becomes available for download in iphone when we use the same URL.
Do anyone have an idea how to do it OR where to look for to gain info about this?
create a HTTP server app on iPhone, so the upload file also can be implemented in the app

iPhone code browser?

I want to be able to read code on my iPhone in the bus every day. Ideally, I'd like to be able to download a package, extract it to a folder, put it on the iPhone, and be able to just browse through the code (folders & files and all). Don't need to be able to edit, just read.
Is there a good solution for this? If there is not, could it be a good first project to teach myself iPhone development? or would it be too big a chunk for a first bite? (right now I mainly just do python web app development)
Check out the Airsharing app. When you run the app, it creates a server on your network (when sharing is enabled) and provides you an ip address you punch into a browser. You then upload files to the device via an ajax interface. Later on, you just open up the app and click the file you want to read and it displays on the screen. I've fiddled with it and it does preserve code highlighting.
You might also check out the new MobileMe iDisk app that just got released today. It looks like a slick way to share files between the iPhone and a Mac (and the cloud). You need to be a MobileMe subscriber, though.