IOS Facebook sdk login Dialog shows up twice (2 login dialogs) - iphone

my question is very similar to this:
Facebook SDK Login dialog appears twice
" login dialog appears twice. How can I solve this problem?"
Except, I am using this singleton for communicating with the Facebook sdk: (thats the code I'm using)!coding/2011/07/simplifying-facebook-ios-sdk/ (old version including explanations)
The only difference between my code and the original singleton one is that I have a method:
-(void) postToWallWithDialog:(int)count2 {
NSMutableDictionary* params = [self buildPostParams:count2];
[self dialog:#"feed" andParams:params andDelegate:self]; //post
} //buildPostParams just makes a dictionary, nothing else.
I do not want to call my method from within fbDidLogin, because it needs to be called from the view controller.
how do i eliminate the second login dialog?

I ended up using FBNotifications to check if user in fact flogged in and whether or not there was a valid session. Knowing that, I posted to the wall and it eliminated the second dialog.


Posting to Facebook Wall - iPhone application

I am trying to create a class that will handle contain all Facebook methods, and to call methods from other classes when required;
And this is how i am calling these methods (from a another viewController)
I have added a button and on its click event i add the following code;
FBClass *fb= [[FBClass alloc] init];
[fb fbLogin];
[fb accesstokenDetails];
This program works perfectly, i asks the user for the credentials and then ask the user to type something to share, and it also post to the FB wall. But the program crashes with the sharing screen;
What should i do to prevent this ?

facebook-ios-sdk logout question

I have seen a lot of questions here regarding the Facebook Graph API but I still haven't find a solution for simple 'login'/'logout' operations using it. Looks like the Single Sign-On style is causing more confusion than benefits.
I'd like to know if it is possible have the following situation:
Enter in the app (no accessToken/expirationDate created).
Perform a login using SSO by calling authorize:delegate: method (application goes background and the login is made in the 'global' scope (Facebook App/Mobile Safari), asking for the user credentials.
Enter back in the app (now logged in, both accessToken and expirationDate are saved to NSUserDefaults).
Perform a logout by calling the logout: method (now logged out, both accessToken and expirationDate are removed from NSUserDefaults)
Attempt to perform a login again, with exactly the same steps done in 2.
I realize that when I call logout:, I do really log out from Facebook (accessToken is invalidated) from my App scope, not from the global scope (Facebook App/Mobile Safari). In 5.) when I try to log in again, the application goes to background and the login attempt is made again in Facebook App/Mobile Safari as usual, however I'm getting a screen saying that I'm already logged in:
You have already authorized .... Press "Okay" to continue.
Logged in as ... (Not You?).
It's a strange behavior for the user that has just logged out in my App.
My question is:
"Can I really log out from facebook (I mean 'global' scope) from inside my App? This would affect other apps using the facebook credentials too. However, if I can't to do this, how can I avoid the 'strange behavior' describe above?
I feel your pain! I spent the better part of a day working on this issue. I have discovered that when you use SSO and the call:
Called from your code:
[facebook logout:self];
Facebook API method:
- (void)logout:(id<FBSessionDelegate>)delegate {
self.sessionDelegate = delegate;
[_accessToken release];
_accessToken = nil;
[_expirationDate release];
_expirationDate = nil;
NSHTTPCookieStorage* cookies = [NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage];
NSArray* facebookCookies = [cookies cookiesForURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
for (NSHTTPCookie* cookie in facebookCookies) {
[cookies deleteCookie:cookie];
if ([self.sessionDelegate respondsToSelector:#selector(fbDidLogout)]) {
[_sessionDelegate fbDidLogout];
The facebook API does invalidate the access token and expirationdate variables and attempts to delete the mobile Safari cookies, but for some reason, probably Apple's fault the cookies are not really deleted. So when you attempt to login in the next time your mobile Safari will see the cookie and it says:
"You have already authorized .... Press "Okay" to continue. Logged in as ... (Not You?)."
Until either Facebook finds a fix or Apple fixes their broken API we must bypass SSO through Safari. Below are the changes I made to Facebook.m in order to force the old login dialog. If you used these changes they may not work forever but it is my guess that they will work for a very long time. Also to be sure this worked with the most recent facebook API I updated to the latest as of this post (Nov 2011 build).
Called from your code:
[facebook authorize:permissions];
Facebook API method:
- (void)authorize:(NSArray *)permissions {
self.permissions = permissions;
// [self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:YES safariAuth:YES];
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:NO safariAuth:NO];
If this helps you please up rate this thread and my post to help others find it.
I'm afraid the answer is no, you can't do this.
Your application is in a sandbox, and can't write outside, where global cookies are (for mobile safari) and Facebook app settings (in Facebook app preferences/cookies I think)
You can only warn your user to logout outside of your app...
...Or you can just not use facebook api SSO, but in app login webform, like I do for other reasons.
If you choose that option this pull request might save you some time ;)
Hii ,
its not possible , the reason is for Single Sign On (SSO) is not to make user login everytime, he logouts , instead if the user logs in anyone of FB enabled apps - it will use that to login again - This is because the device is mostly used by single person in this case only one user can login in Facebook.
you can't control any app outside of your app - for Example - if u login with Gmail & when you open you can see your username there is currently logged In which has SSO,
In new SDK of Facebook, you can set login button loginBehaviour property
Below code in swift ...
let fbButton = FBSDKLoginButton()
fbButton.loginBehavior = .Web
Answer already done, but I just want to clarify it. May be it saved somebody's time.
Go to Facebook.m and change line
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:YES safariAuth:YES];
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:YES safariAuth:NO];
It will cause login window appear inside the app. Logout will work perfect. In other words, it will work as it used to in older versions of OS.
in addition to kishnan94 answer. the objective c version is ;
if you want a modal to open up and ask for facebook credentials seperately from Safari or Facebook app, just use the latest facebook sdk and set the login behaviour
FBSDKLoginManager *login = [[FBSDKLoginManager alloc] init];
[login setLoginBehavior:FBSDKLoginBehaviorWeb];
this will make the logout process more convenient and less confusing for users without using safari or facebook app accounts.
It seems that this is a bug of Facebook SDK. In a case of the Facebook app is installed on device, access_token is renewed. In other hand, access_token and expirationDate could not be changed. :((

FaceBook iOS - check if my facebook app is allready authorized

My question is how to check if my FaceBook app is already authorized for posts by the user, can't find any info on that.
I'm using:
Facebook* facebook = [[Facebook alloc] initWithAppId:#"1234567"];
[facebook authorize:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"read_stream", #"offline_access",nil] delegate:self];
A dialog pops up asking me to authorize the app, when done i'm all fine, can do a:
[facebook dialog:#"feed" andDelegate:self];
to post notes on that app.
But, if the user blocks or removes the app i want to do the authorize again before showing the dialog for posting, can't find a way of getting that kind of info before calling authorize.
Any help is appreciated.
I had to deal with this issue too.
When calling the dialog method, you send a delegate that should conform to FBDialogDelegate, which has a method that is called when the dialog fails to load due an error. But in the case the app has been unauthorized, the dialog shows a login screen to the user, but after setting the user and password, a second form appears, letting the user know that an error has occurred. The delegate is also called, but the error received just states that he method has failed with no exact reason why, or even an error number. This method should be called with the correct error, before anything, so the application could act accordingly.
So I found a work around, maybe this is not the best way, but it certainly works. Any call that you do to the Facebook graph api via a request, will fail if the app has been unauthorized by the user. So what I did was to check that before calling the feed dialog method.
Add the following line where you need to test if the app is still authorized:
if ([facebook isSessionValid])
//isSessionValid only checks if the access token is set, and the expiration date is still valid. Lets make a call and see if we really are authorized to post to this user from this app.
[facebook requestWithGraphPath:#"me" andDelegate:self];
//authorize Facebook connect
This will just call the method that returns the basic information from the user. If everything is fine, the following method will be called from the delegate:
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result
//Everything is ok. You can call the dialog method. It should work.
If the app has been unauthorized by the user, the following method from the delegate will be called:
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didFailWithError:(NSError *)error;
NSString *type = [[[error userInfo] objectForKey:#"error"] objectForKey:#"type"];
if (type)
if ([type isEqualToString:#"OAuthException"]) //aha!
//user has unauthorized the app, lets logout from Facebook connect. Also clear the access and expiration date tokens
[facebook logout:self];
//Call the authorize method again. Or let the user know they need to authorize the app again.
So, as I said before, not the best way, but gets the job done. Hopefully, Facebook will add a method to check for this specific scenario, or add a new method to the delegate that deals with the unauthorized app issue.
I'm not sure how exactly to do it with Facebook's SDK, but you can use FQL to query the permissions. The query URL would look something like,+read_stream,+offline_access+FROM+permissions+WHERE+uid=me()&access_token=...
It looks like requestWithMethodName:andParams:andHttpMethod:andDelegate: passing fql.query as the method is the way to go, as long as you can arrange for isSessionValid to be true (or somehow supply access_token in the params yourself).

iPhone Facebook image upload not working, tried everything

I'm losing my mind over trying to get Facebook SDK for iPhone to upload UIImage.
Here's what I'm doing:
1) Creating facebook property:
facebook = [[Facebook alloc] initWithAppId:#"111111111"];
2) Calling authorize:
[facebook authorize:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"publish_stream", nil] delegate:self];
3) Setting params:
NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:image, #"picture", nil];
4) Calling post:
[facebook requestWithMethodName:#"photos.upload" andParams:params andHttpMethod:#"POST" andDelegate:self];
When loging in I get the authorize dialog. When trying to upload I receive error 101, Invalid API Key. I've copied the key from FB, I've included it as shown above and I've also included it in .plist (fbAPI_KEY). What the hell am I still missing here? When asked to authorize it did show the name of the app just fine so the key must be correct. I can also post feeds and they appear on users wall, but images just won't upload.
That's a bit weird, I've got the exact same four lines of code which work fine for me. (Although, your app id is a bit shorter than it should be, mine is roughly twice that size).
One thing you may be forgetting about: when are you using each line? You should wait till each of the previous tasks is completed by using the facebook delegates, eg:
- (void)fbDidLogin; //part of the <FBSessionDelegate> protocol
Use these methods to control when the next part of the uploading process should occur, and check for errors along the way. You may be trying to send the photo before the login process has actually finished - use the delegate methods to prevent this.
I think you have to use graph API for uploading images
Check Out:
Ref URL:
Hope this helps....

Facebook Connect on iPhone question

When you use facebook connect on the iPhone do you have to use the supplied login button and login screen built into the framework? The reason I ask is because I'm also using twitter and I would like to have the same user experience when they log in to user as they have when they log in to facebook. So I can either replicate the login screen facebook connect uses for twitter or just not use the facebook connect login screen all together.
Login button: no. Login screen: yes. I added FB Connect integration to my FriendFeed app for iPhone, Stir, and skipped the login button. Instead, a user can choose a "Share on Facebook" button on a UIActionSheet and the app either displays a login screen or automatically posts a link depending on whether the user is authenticated.
Here's a code snippet for you. If the session is successfully resumed, then a method on your FBSession object's delegate will be called.
if (![fbSession resume]) {
FBLoginDialog* dialog = [[[FBLoginDialog alloc] initWithSession:fbSession] autorelease];
[dialog show];
- (void)session:(FBSession*)session didLogin:(FBUID)uid {
NSLog(#"Hooray, I'm logged in to Facebook!");
Apologies for being a little vague in my example above. To be honest, I find FBConnect to be a bit of a mystery and tried my best to implement it and get away from it as quickly as possible in my app. Let me know if you need more information and I'll put together a more-concrete answer.
Per the request below:
You can get an FBSession object with FBSession's +sessionForApplication:secret:delegate class method. You call -resume on the session object. If it returns YES, it'll immediately call your delegate's -session:didLogin: method, which is where you should put your FB-dependent actions. If it does not successfully -resume, then you need to create an FBLoginDialog, as seen in the code snippet above. Make sense? Let me know if you need more info