Setting up MongoDB on Azure - mongodb

I'm new to Windows Azure. I'm trying to install a fresh MongoDB on Azure VM (virtual machine). I can log in to the machine. I read this article that describes how to set it up, but I'm confused about the command
.\deploy-mongo.ps1 <node-count> <dns-prefix> <image-name> <password> <location> <pub-settings-file-path> [replica-set-name]
I'm trying to install single MongoDB on azure in a Azure Windows VM that has 20GB harddisk drive.
What is ns-prefix, image-name? Can you give me an example of what that is?
My VM DNS is Is it the VM DNS or what?
The is that also VM image-name like examplevm1_2012_22.vhd?

To do what you want you would use
.\deploy-mongo.ps1 1 example23231 MyMongoImage MyPassword "West US" PathToPubSettings file
The above command will create a single Azure VM instance which is at with RDP enabled. It will also download and install MongoDB as a windows service.
If you have an image with name MyMongoImage which is WinRM enabled it will be used. Else an image with that name is created in your default storage account for subsequent uses.
The default image is the standard Windows 2k8R2 image which is 30GB. Note the mongodb datapath is set to the OS drive by default


How to add hosts to AWX?

I have a VirtualBox Desktop Ubuntu machine with AWX running. I then spun up a separate server Ubuntu machine in VirtualBox. To act as one of my hosts. I took the IP address of the server Ubuntu machine and inputted it as a host in AWX.
After running a playbook I get the error "unreachable."
I did create a credential according to this: And received the same error.
I am looking use AWX to run playbooks on several on-prem Linux boxes/hosts. I am unsure how to configure AWS correctly credentials.

How to view live file system of Multipass VM using LXD driver externally?

I am using Canonical's Multipass on a Raspberry Pi with LXD driver to start virtual machines (VMs). Given my configuration, I need to view real-time changes/updates happening in the virtual machine on the host, i.e. externally from the virtual machine. The current way I can do this is by unmounting and mounting the VM image file (.img file) from time to time which is not ideal.
Is there a way of doing a real-time follow-up on the changes with the .img file?
After reaching out to the LXD project team (thanks Thomas Parrott
) the best way is not to mount the .img file but to use lxc. Given how Multipass is installed using the LXD driver we can access the VM with lxc exec <instance> --project multipass -- <cmd> <args>.

MongoDB (ServerService) not installing on windows10

I am trying to install mongodb on my windows10 computer, but keep getting error that I don't have the privileges, even though I am the admin user.
I tried running the msi installer getting the error. So I tried the commands shown in the docs using the terminal running as admin, but getting the same error as seen below.
I am trying to install it on my D:/ Drive. But I also tried installing it in the default C:/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/4.4/ but it didn't work as well.
cmd: msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4.3-signed.msi INSTALLLOCATION="D:\Program_Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\" ADDLOCAL="ServerService,Client,Router,MiscellaneousTools" SHOULD_INSTALL_COMPASS="0"
The log on as a service user right allows accounts to start or run services on a Windows machine. By default, and due to security reasons, services can only be configured to run under the Local System, Local Service or Network Service accounts which have a built-in right to log on as a service. Any other user account that requires to run a service must be assigned this right.
Run gpedit.msc.
Navigate to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies >User Rights Assignment.
In the details pane, double-click Log on as a service.
Click Add User or Group and add the account to the list of accounts that have the Log on as a service right. Once you have selected the user, click OK.
Click OK and close the policy editor.
References :
No matter what I tried, I just couldn't get the Server Service to install on my system through the msi, using either the gui or command line.
So finally I installed it without checking the "Install MongoD as a Service" option.
It successfully installed the mongodb including the mongod.exe in the bin (finally).
Then ->
Set the environment variables PATH to my bin folder
Create the /data/db and /log/mongo.log in the directory you want
Type the command mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath <your_dir_path>\data\db --logpath <your_dir_path>\log\mongo.log --install
Type the command net start MongoDB
And you will have the mongodb service running as I did.

Access MONGODB database in windos server from docker executing in WSL2

I'm trying to implement a small API in docker and i need that API writes to a database which is hosted on the same server but running on windows server 2006
I can't change the OS in the server because that server also works as a gateway for Powerbi
Should i mount the volume to (I'm guessing C:/mongodb/data) or should i make the insert by the localhost
These are my limitations :
host: running windows server 2006 (cant change this)
app: a container running in windows subsystem for linux (it has to run on linux because i need async functions and i only have knoweldge in python|nodejs) but it has to persist the data in the mongo database running on host
mongo database : it has to be running in windows server because a Power Bi Gateway is running comsuming data
keeping with diagrams maybe this will help to explain this in a better way
As far as I understand your system is as in the picture. You want to write data to MongoDB. There should be a network bridge to connect between the host and the Linux environment. You can access MongoDB via bridge IP. If you want to run another MongoDB and mount disk where is in the host. It is not reliable because the data may conflict.

ssh not working for Amazon EC2 server

I have setup and launched an instance of Amazon EC2 server with Ubuntu in it. Now I have integrated cygwin with command prompt also so all linux commands are working in command prompt.
I tried to access the server using ssh -i munish.pem ubuntu# (munish.pem contains my secret key).
After running this command I get an error: 'ssh' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I searched net and could find solution for github not for Amazon EC2 service...
You can use putty software in window for connecting to the AWS EC2 instance.
Follow the below steps:
Hope it helps..
You can open PowerShell and check ssh command is available or not.
If not, you can install OpenSSH in Windows 10. See following guide on how to install it.