How to add hosts to AWX? - ansible-awx

I have a VirtualBox Desktop Ubuntu machine with AWX running. I then spun up a separate server Ubuntu machine in VirtualBox. To act as one of my hosts. I took the IP address of the server Ubuntu machine and inputted it as a host in AWX.
After running a playbook I get the error "unreachable."
I did create a credential according to this: And received the same error.
I am looking use AWX to run playbooks on several on-prem Linux boxes/hosts. I am unsure how to configure AWS correctly credentials.


Cannot open minikube dashboard from the VM on my local machine

I have installed minikube on my linux server on my Oracle VM. I have tried opening the dashboard, but I can't open it open on my local machine.
The process I follow:
minikube start
minikube dashboard
Enabling dashboard ...
Verifying dashboard health ...
Launching proxy ...
Verifying proxy health ...
After this, it gives me a url ( )
When I tried opening this mentioned url manually on my local machine (Chrome or Firefox) it doesn't open.
Operating System : Windows
Driver: Docker
If you can curl from the VM, then you need to open the (random?) port-forwarded address on your VM software (or Oracle Cloud?)
In other words, by default, the printed address is local to that Linux machine, not to your Windows host, and minikube doesn't know its running in a VM under Windows.

Exposing ingress to host windows machine when running minikube in vagrant virtualbox (ubuntu VM) with docker driver

I am running a vagrant box using virtual box (running headless ubuntu 18.04) on windows 10 host machine.
Inside the virtual box, I have minikube set up using docker as the vm-driver
minikube start --memory=6144 --cpus=2 --disk-size=40g --vm-driver=docker --bootstrapper kubeadm --kubernetes-version=1.17.4
My application is exposed via an ingress to the ubuntu machine running inside virtual box and I am able to access the application via wget/cURL
On running minikube IP it gave me the IP of the docker container in which minikube runs
Some additional configuration info -
Vagrant file -
I would like to access the application from my windows machine's browser , any idea how to achieve that ? vagrant port forwarding doesn't seem to help.
If you really want to use a setup like this(using vagrant etc.). You can just use --vm-driver=none and let the kubernetes run in your ubuntu box directly, this way you can leverage port-forwarding. You probably also can do it your way but I've never tried so I wouldn't know, but I know that none works. You can follow this guide.
There are different options like running minikube on windows directly. Which is perfectly fine as well.

VSCode devcontainer connect to kubernetes cluster on vm

Ultimate Goal
From a dotnet/core/sdk devcontainer (using VSCode Remote Containers), debug a .NET Core app running in a kubernetes cluster hosted on another vm of my host machine.
Current Setup
Docker Desktop for Windows running via Hyper-V
default DockerNAT network adapter
Ubuntu VM (multipass) running on same Hyper-V host
microk8s cluster running on this ubuntu instance
default "Default Switch" network adapter
When I try to ping the ubuntu vm from a docker container by hostname, the IP is resolved properly but I get the error "Destination Host Unreachable"
When I try to curl the cluster api, I get the error "No route to host"
I put this problem aside for a week, and over that time the host has been rebooted multiple times, but no further modifications were made to the networking, Hyper-V setup, etc.
Starting the Ubuntu VM today, the IP changed from what used to be 172.?.?.? to 192.168.92.x . I do not know what caused this change.
Now, Docker Desktop containers can ping the Ubuntu VM and curl the microk8s /api endpoint. Until such a time that I can reproduce the issue, I will mark this question as "solved" and reopen and try Nick's recommended solution if the issue returns.

no internet on cloned virtual machine (Vmware workstation)

so i setup a centOS vm in VMware workstation, installed qradar..everything ran fine. I call this vm as QR1.
I was able to use qradar console on QR1 from my host machine, the internet works perfectly fine in QR1.
I make a full clone of QR1 called it QR2.
I boot it up and only running QR2 vm (QR1 is closed) but there is no internet on this vm. Even though all the network setting are same as QR1 and QR1 works just fine(i double checked).
QR2 has same adapter, same ip, same gateway and dns as of QR1 but it doesnt work...
previously i was thinking that i cannot have them both running at same time but QR2 just doesnt connect.
I am also not able to ping QR2 from my host and other way around.
What could be causing this ?
According to this vmware link reference, try these steps:
To change the MAC address of the Linux operating system:
Connect to vCenter Server using the vSphere Client Right-click the
virtual machine and click Edit Settings. Click Network adapter and
note the MAC Address.
For example, you see a MAC Address similar to:
1.Power on the Linux virtual machine.
2.Open a console and log in as root.
3.Change directory to etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.
4.Edit ifcfg-eth0 using a plain text editor and update the MAC address to reflect the MAC address in Step 3.

Access guest from virsh

I am running Centos 7 x86-64. I installed a guest (again Centos 7) through kickstart as an exercise. I prepared my kickstart file, I validated it and I launched with virt-install.
If something went wrong with the network configuration (During install I got no problem, I created a local repo on Host FTP server as source for the install) how can I connect to the machine?
Only SSH or virsh foresee some other connection method?
How can I find my machine running network configuration from outside?
I am running a barebone Centos7 installation so only command line, no graphical interface at all.
You can ssh to your physical host from another one having graphical interface with X forwarding enabled (ssh -X machinename), and look at the the VM with virt-manager
You will need X running on the machine you're connecting from. For Mac OS it's XQuartz