Makumba - select first value in a subset - makumba

I'm trying to select the latest activity organised by an LBG for all LBGs.
currently my code looks like this:
<mak:list from="r2.lbgs l" orderBy="" where="l.toDate = nil and l.lbg.status = 2">
<td><mak:value expr="" /></td>
<mak:list from="best.johnny.Activity a" where="a.lbg = l.lbg" orderBy="a.end desc">
<c:if test="${mak:count()==1}">
<mak:value expr="" />
<mak:list from="best.johnny.Activity a" where="a.lbg = l.lbg and a.isLearningEventStamped = 0" orderBy="a.end desc">
<c:if test="${mak:count()==1}">
<mak:value expr="" />
I wanted to ask if makumba is "clever" enough and retrieves only the first entry, or if the whole set get enumerated. First case would be awesome, otherwise is there any more sufficient way of doing this? - I couldn't find anything.

Unfortunately this is, for now, the only way since you have a nested list. As it says in the documentation there is a limit attribute, but it only works for the first list.


How to find text for multiple elements using find_elements

I'm fairly new to using Selenium Remote Driver and Perl. What I'd like to do is to have Selenium find all elements on a page using a partial match of text. Then store the full text of those elements into an array.
I've tried using:
#elements = $driver->find_elements("//tbody/tr[td[2]/div/span[2][contains(text(),'matching text')]]")->get_text;
However, this doesn't seem to work.
I've also tried:
#elements = $driver->find_elements("//tbody/tr[td[2]/div/span[2][contains(text(),'matching text')]]");
This does populate the array with webelements.
my #elements;
my #elementtext;
my $elementtext;
#elements = $driver->find_elements("//tbody/tr[td[2]/div/span[2][contains(text(),'matching text')]]");
foreach my $currentelement (#elements) {
$elementtext = $driver->find_element($currentelement)->get_text();
push #elementtext, $elementtext;
This causes perl to generate an error because webdriver can't find the element. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it? I suspect that the problem is with the contents of the #elements array not actually being xpath elements.
Here is an example of the html:
<div class='cellContent'>Atlanta</div>
<div class='cellContent'>City</div>
<div class='cellContent'>Georgia</div>
<td class='sort_column'>
<div class='cellContent'>USA</div>
<div class='cellContent'>Joe Passenger</div>
<div class='cellContent'> <span>NFL</span>
<span>matching text:</span>
I want to get 'matching text:' stored into the array.
you can directly point to span tag using this xpath.
//tbody/tr/td/div/span[contains(text(),'matching text')]

Powermail: create fields from entries in database

My problem:
i need a matrix of fields in Powermail:
product_1 - price_1 - number_1
product_2 - price_2 - number_2
product_3 - price_3 - number_3
and so on. No problem to create this fields manually, but i need it derived from a database. The numbers of lines depends on the number of entries in the database.
is there a possibility to create fields "on the fly", perhaps by typoscript or a userfunc?
I would create a new field type an call it (e.g.) productsheet. In the manual there is an example how to do it:
Here two example page TSConfig lines for the new field:
# Add new fields
tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.productsheet = Product Fields
tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.productsheet.dataType = 1
Here is an example Productsheet.html partial file for this:
{namespace vh=In2code\Powermail\ViewHelpers}
<h2><vh:string.escapeLabels>{field.title}</vh:string.escapeLabels><f:if condition="{field.mandatory}"><span class="mandatory">*</span></f:if></h2>
<th scope="col">Menge</th>
<th scope="col">Artikel Nr.</th>
<th scope="col">Bezeichnung</th>
<th scope="col">Preis Fr./m</th>
<f:for each="{0:1,1:2,2:3,3:4,4:5,5:6,6:7,7:8,8:9,9:10}" as="key">
<f:form.textfield type="number" class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][amount_{key}]" value="" />
<f:form.textfield class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][article_no_{key}]" value="" />
<f:form.textfield class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][description_{key}]" value="" />
<f:form.textfield class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][price_{key}]" value="" />
Next step would be to insert fields - as you wrote - on the fly. So what about inserting an own viewhelper instead of defining a hardcoded array in the
Now you could prefill the fields with value="" by your own.
Hope that helps
You can use the TypoScript field of powermail to generate code from typoscript.
You can also use your own field type like discribed here with page TSConfig: = New Field
# The label could also be written with LLL: to localize the label
# Example to grab a value from locallang.xml or locallang.xlf = LLL:EXT:ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:label
# Tell powermail that the new fieldtype will transmit anything else then a string (0:string, 1:array, 2:date, 3:file)
# Example for dataType array = 1
# The new field is not just a "show some text" field. It's a field where the user can send values and powermail stores the values?
# You can tell powermail that this new field should be exportable in backend module and via CommandController = 1
newis the field identifier. Powermail search by default for a partial with the identifier name e.g. New.html.
Now you can use a ViewHelper to get the data and create the html for the fields.

GetVMImageUrl doesn't work when Overriding

I want to override in a ViewModel the way is showed a picture.
According to the DevelopmentView:
Picture for foto2
<div ng-show="ViewModelRoot.VM_Status.vmEditAlumno_foto2_Visible">
<img ng-src="{{StreamingViewModelClient.GetVMImageUrl(ViewModelRoot.Curr_vmEditAlumno(), "foto2")}}" img-responsive class="vmImage" />
<input type="file" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().onFileSelect('vmEditAlumno.foto2', angular.element(this).scope().ViewModelRoot.Curr_vmEditAlumno().VMClassId)" id="vmEditAlumno.foto2" ng-show="ViewModelRoot.VM_Status.vmEditAlumno_foto2_Enabled" />
I set "Content Override" in the column and create a AngularUIOverride tag with value "Foto2Alumno.cshtml".
Not it gets the new file "Foto2Alumno.cshtml", as if I change something in that file it is showed, but the picture from the command GetVMImageUrl
isn't show
What am I missing?
It was a problem with double quotes ("). I changed them to single quote (') and now the image is shown.
GetVMImageUrl(ViewModelRoot.Curr_vmEditAlumno(), "foto2")
GetVMImageUrl(ViewModelRoot.Curr_vmEditAlumno(), 'foto2')

Q:how to use a specific element to locate anothor equative element by protractor?

im a new bee of protractor .
here is the code:
// fist line
<table class="table">
<tbody class="table-body">
<tr class="table-tree" ng-repeat="items in page">
<td class="checkbox" >
<input type="checkbox">
<td class="node-name">
<span class="node-icon" title="tree">
// second line
<tr class="table-tree" ng-repeat="items in page">
<td class="checkbox" >
<input type="checkbox">
<td class="node-name">
<span class="node-icon" title="flower">
// third line
<tr class="table-tree" ng-repeat="items in page">
<td class="checkbox" >
<input type="checkbox">
<td class="node-name">
<span class="node-icon" title="flower">
Im want to click the sencond checkbox , and the first line is not always present, so i cant use $$('.checkbox').get(1) to get it, so I trying to locate the first checkbox where has [title = "flower"], then I write this:
var a = $$('[title="flower"]').get(0).getWebElement();
var b = a.getDriver().findElement(by.css('.checkbox'));;
but when the process finish , the first line checkbox was be click,
whats the wrong? and how can I fix it?
try $$('[title="flower"]').get(0).$('.checkbox').click()
First of all: why do you use .getWebElement() and .getDriver()?
What is you error message?
#Vlad's solution would be ok, but checkbox is not an ancestor of flower.
You need to get tr, check whether it contains title="flower" and if so, click checkbox of tr.
I won't write code for you, but you can check my answer: and adjust code for your needs.
Option 1) Use XPath
Option 2) Use element() chain
// find the `SPAN` which title is flowser <br>
element(by.css('span[title="flower"]')) <br>
// find parent of `SPAN` until `TR` <br>
.element(by.xpath('./../..')) <br>
// find the `input` inside the first `TD` of above `TR` <br>

jQuery Selecting multiple, different-type, elements in td

Given this table structure:
<table id="tblBranchDetails">
<td width="120px">Branch:</td>
<td id="branchName" class="branchData">
<label id="lblBranchName"></label>
<input type="text" id="txtBranchName" class="hideOnLoad editBranchInfo" />
<td>Address Line 1:</td>
<td id="branchAddress1" class="branchData">
<label id="lblAddress1"></label>
<input type="text" id="txtAddress1" class="hideOnLoad editBranchInfo" />
I'm trying to select the label and input in each td so I can clear the label's text and hide the input.
This gives me the text in the label (verified in the console):
$('table#tblBranchDetails tr td:nth-child(2):eq(0)').text();
So I know I can clear the label's text with ".text('')"
Having figured that out, I thought this would give me the value of the input:
$('table#tblBranchDetails tr td:nth-child(2):eq(1)').val()
But it gives me the value of the label in the next td. So obviously I'm using the :nth-child() and :eq() functions wrong.
What's the correct way to do what I'm trying to do?
I was nuking this.
Here's the solution:
$('#btnShowBranchEditBoxes').click(function() {
$('#tblBranchDetails tr').find('label').fadeOut(200);
$('#tblBranchDetails tr').find('.editBranchInfo').delay(200).fadeIn(200);
// Replace the buttons
$('table#tblBranchDetails input#btnShowBranchEditBoxes').fadeOut(200);
$('table#tblBranchDetails input.btnEditBranch').delay(200).fadeIn(200);