Q:how to use a specific element to locate anothor equative element by protractor? - protractor

im a new bee of protractor .
here is the code:
// fist line
<table class="table">
<tbody class="table-body">
<tr class="table-tree" ng-repeat="items in page">
<td class="checkbox" >
<input type="checkbox">
<td class="node-name">
<span class="node-icon" title="tree">
// second line
<tr class="table-tree" ng-repeat="items in page">
<td class="checkbox" >
<input type="checkbox">
<td class="node-name">
<span class="node-icon" title="flower">
// third line
<tr class="table-tree" ng-repeat="items in page">
<td class="checkbox" >
<input type="checkbox">
<td class="node-name">
<span class="node-icon" title="flower">
Im want to click the sencond checkbox , and the first line is not always present, so i cant use $$('.checkbox').get(1) to get it, so I trying to locate the first checkbox where has [title = "flower"], then I write this:
var a = $$('[title="flower"]').get(0).getWebElement();
var b = a.getDriver().findElement(by.css('.checkbox'));
but when the process finish , the first line checkbox was be click,
whats the wrong? and how can I fix it?

try $$('[title="flower"]').get(0).$('.checkbox').click()

First of all: why do you use .getWebElement() and .getDriver()?
What is you error message?
#Vlad's solution would be ok, but checkbox is not an ancestor of flower.
You need to get tr, check whether it contains title="flower" and if so, click checkbox of tr.
I won't write code for you, but you can check my answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/48020146/6331748 and adjust code for your needs.

Option 1) Use XPath
Option 2) Use element() chain
// find the `SPAN` which title is flowser <br>
element(by.css('span[title="flower"]')) <br>
// find parent of `SPAN` until `TR` <br>
.element(by.xpath('./../..')) <br>
// find the `input` inside the first `TD` of above `TR` <br>


GetVMImageUrl doesn't work when Overriding

I want to override in a ViewModel the way is showed a picture.
According to the DevelopmentView:
Picture for foto2
<div ng-show="ViewModelRoot.VM_Status.vmEditAlumno_foto2_Visible">
<img ng-src="{{StreamingViewModelClient.GetVMImageUrl(ViewModelRoot.Curr_vmEditAlumno(), "foto2")}}" img-responsive class="vmImage" />
<input type="file" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().onFileSelect('vmEditAlumno.foto2', angular.element(this).scope().ViewModelRoot.Curr_vmEditAlumno().VMClassId)" id="vmEditAlumno.foto2" ng-show="ViewModelRoot.VM_Status.vmEditAlumno_foto2_Enabled" />
I set "Content Override" in the column and create a AngularUIOverride tag with value "Foto2Alumno.cshtml".
Not it gets the new file "Foto2Alumno.cshtml", as if I change something in that file it is showed, but the picture from the command GetVMImageUrl
isn't show
What am I missing?
It was a problem with double quotes ("). I changed them to single quote (') and now the image is shown.
GetVMImageUrl(ViewModelRoot.Curr_vmEditAlumno(), "foto2")
GetVMImageUrl(ViewModelRoot.Curr_vmEditAlumno(), 'foto2')

how to access html element which doesn't have a wicket:id

I am new to wicket ,Please someone help me with a thought. I have a logic around a checkbox to display or not to display.
when the logic of not to display a checkbox is on , which is by adding a display:none to the checkbox element dynamcially in code , there is a white space because of td surronding the checkbox.
my html looks like
<span wicket:id="checkgroup">
<tr wicket:id="srow" >
<td><input type="checkbox" wicket:id="scheck"/></td>
<td><img wicket:id="sicon"></img></td>
so in code I have if else logic for adding a display:none to check box element which removes the checkbox from the view which looks like the below
<span wicket:id="checkgroup">
<tr wicket:id="srow" >
<td><input type="checkbox" wicket:id="scheck" style="display:none"/></td>
<td><img wicket:id="sicon"></img></td>
final CheckGroup<Scope> checkGroup = new CheckGroup<>("checkGroup",
new ArrayList<> ());
ListView<Scope> listView = new ListView<Scope>
("srow", sList);
protected void populateItem(final ListItem<S> item)
Check<S> check = new Check<>("scheck", item.getModel(), checkGroup);
check.add(new AttributeModifier("style","display:none"));
so now my checkbox disappears but the surrounding td stays and causing a white space in display.
Any ideas on how to approach this issue.
You can use <wicket:enclosure> to remove html if the referenced child is not present. wicket enclosure.
Your code in populateItem could look like this:
Check<S> check = new Check<>("scheck", item.getModel(), checkGroup);
Your markup would look like this:
<tr wicket:id="srow" >
<td><input type="checkbox" wicket:id="scheck"/></td>
<td><img wicket:id="sicon"></img></td>

LIFTWEB: How to render a simple table clicking a button?

I would like to display an HTML table clicking on a button.
This is what I've tried so far:
My SCALA code:
object Snippet {
def render = {
def showTable() = {
val table = <table border="1">
<caption>My Table</caption>
"#getTable" #> SHtml.button("Get Table", () => null, "onclick" -> "$('#msg_div').html('<span>Getting table...</span>')") &
"name=proc" #> SHtml.hidden(showTable)
And my HTML:
<div class="lift:Snippet.render">
<input type="hidden" name="proc"/>
<button id="getTable" value="Get Table" class="btn btn-inverse">Get Table</button>
<div id="msg_div"></div>
<div id="table_div"></div>
Nothing is displayed clicking the button.. Do you see what is the problem?
Or someone could tell me another way to do that?
I am not sure what you are looking to accomplish with the hidden input. Why not just do something like:
"#getTable" #> SHtml.ajaxButton("Get Table", showTable)
If you are looking to display a waiting indicator, Lift has a mechanism for setting the ajax loading animation. In Boot.scala:
//Show the spinny image when an Ajax call starts
LiftRules.ajaxStart =
Full(() => LiftRules.jsArtifacts.show("ajax-loader").cmd)
// Make the spinny image go away when it ends
LiftRules.ajaxEnd =
Full(() => LiftRules.jsArtifacts.hide("ajax-loader").cmd)
You can use any JsCmd instead to call your own function. I'd probably opt for that.
Totally agree with jcern. A slightly different way could also be:
"#getTable [onclick]" #> SHtml.ajaxInvoke(showTable)
(this way you won't override the original button name)
Also note that you don't even need to use the <form> tag -- you can delete it.

Watir webdriver - How to click on dynamically generated last <td> in table?

In my application,I've to select the last td (which is an img) in table.Can anyone help me with this ?
<a onclick="return confirm('Delete creative?')" href="delete.page?cid=47">
<a href="edit.page?id=47"><a href="?duplicateId=47">
<img title="Duplicate" src="/tracker/images/skin2/bolean.png">
Implemenetd as below :
#browser.img(:src => "/tracker/images/skin2/bolean.png").click
#browser.img(:src => "/tracker/images/skin2/bolean.png").last.click
which is clicking on the first image.
When you do:
#browser.img(:src => "/tracker/images/skin2/bolean.png")
This returns the first matching element.
If you want to get all of the matching elements, you need to pluralize the method:
#browser.imgs(:src => "/tracker/images/skin2/bolean.png")
You will then get a collection of all images that have the specified src. You can then get the last one and click it similar to how Ċ½eljko did it for tds.
#browser.imgs(:src => "/tracker/images/skin2/bolean.png").last.click
Try this:

jQuery Selecting multiple, different-type, elements in td

Given this table structure:
<table id="tblBranchDetails">
<td width="120px">Branch:</td>
<td id="branchName" class="branchData">
<label id="lblBranchName"></label>
<input type="text" id="txtBranchName" class="hideOnLoad editBranchInfo" />
<td>Address Line 1:</td>
<td id="branchAddress1" class="branchData">
<label id="lblAddress1"></label>
<input type="text" id="txtAddress1" class="hideOnLoad editBranchInfo" />
I'm trying to select the label and input in each td so I can clear the label's text and hide the input.
This gives me the text in the label (verified in the console):
$('table#tblBranchDetails tr td:nth-child(2):eq(0)').text();
So I know I can clear the label's text with ".text('')"
Having figured that out, I thought this would give me the value of the input:
$('table#tblBranchDetails tr td:nth-child(2):eq(1)').val()
But it gives me the value of the label in the next td. So obviously I'm using the :nth-child() and :eq() functions wrong.
What's the correct way to do what I'm trying to do?
I was nuking this.
Here's the solution:
$('#btnShowBranchEditBoxes').click(function() {
$('#tblBranchDetails tr').find('label').fadeOut(200);
$('#tblBranchDetails tr').find('.editBranchInfo').delay(200).fadeIn(200);
// Replace the buttons
$('table#tblBranchDetails input#btnShowBranchEditBoxes').fadeOut(200);
$('table#tblBranchDetails input.btnEditBranch').delay(200).fadeIn(200);