Parsing XML from NSString to get values - iphone

This question is for manipulating NSString in xcode.
I have a XML text string that I get from the web that looks like this
<current temperature="73" day="Mon" humidity="59" windspeed="10"></current>
How can I get individual values from this string and put them in my NSString variables?
NSString *tempStr = ??
NSString *dayStr = ??
NSString *windspeedStr = ??

First, download and include RaptureXML within your project as described on the RaptureXML project site.
For parsing the single given line, use the following snippet - your input is passed as inXmlString;
//transform string into an XML DOM
RXMLElement *rootNode = [RXMLElement elementFromXMLString:inXmlString
if (rootNode == nil || ![rootNode isValid])
//do something, we failed!
NSString *temperature = [rootNode attribute:#"temperature"];
NSString *day = [rootNode attribute:#"day"];
NSString *windspeed = [rootNode attribute:#"windspeed"];

The basic idea is to use the NSString method componentsSeparatedByString: to parse out the data you want. You'll probably need to do a bit more work to get it exactly right for your scenario.
NSArray* paArray1= [pstrXMLString componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
temlStr= [[[paArray1 objectAtIndex:1] componentsSeparatedByString:#"="] objectAtIndex:1];
dayStr= [[[paArray1 objectAtIndex:2] componentsSeparatedByString:#"="] objectAtIndex:1];
windspeedStr= [[[paArray1 objectAtIndex:3] componentsSeparatedByString:#"="] objectAtIndex:1];


How can I get an integer value from NSString in an iPhone application?

NSString * str=[zoneDict objectForKey:#"name"];
NSLog(#"==========string zone::==========%#",str);
// str="(GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersbur";
How can I get the 3:00 value from the above string?
NSString *str = #"(GMT -3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersbur";
NSRange endRange = [str rangeOfString:#")"];
NSString *timeString = [str substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(5, endRange.location-5)];
NSRange separatorRange = [timeString rangeOfString:#":"];
NSInteger hourInt = [[timeString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, separatorRange.location)] intValue];
Rather than trying to extract the time offset from the string, is there any way you could store actual time zone data in your zoneDict? For example you could store NSTimeZone instances instead.
If all you have is the string, you could use an NSRegularExpression object and extract the relevant information using a regular expression instead.
If you could explain further what you're trying to do then there may be an alternative way to achieve what you want.
I like to use -[NSString componentsSeparatedByString]:
NSString *str = #"(GMT -3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersbur";
NSArray *myWords = [myString componentsSeparatedByString:#")"];
NSString *temp1 = [myWords objectAtIndex:0];
if ([temp1 rangeOfString:#"-"].location == NSNotFound) {
NSArray *temp2 = [temp1 componentsSeparatedByString:#"+"];
NSString *temp3 = [temp2 objectAtIndex:1];
NSLog(#"Your String - %#", temp3);
else {
NSArray *temp2 = [temp1 componentsSeparatedByString:#"-"];
NSString *temp3 = [temp2 objectAtIndex:1];
NSLog(#"Your String - %#", temp3);
Your String - 3:00
Using regular expressions is the better option in my view (if you are forced to extract the '3' only). The regular expression string would contain something like "\d?" but don't quote me on that, you'll have to look up the exact string. Perhaps someone on here could provide the exact string.

NSRegularExpression to extract text

I have a dictionary with two keys and values. I need to extract bits and pieces from them and place them into seperate strings.
IP = "";
desc = "VUWI-VUWI-ABC_Dry_Cleaning-R12-01";
That is what the dictionary looks like when I call description.
I want the new output to be like this:
NSString *IP = #"";
NSString *desc = #"ABC Dry Cleaning"; //note: I need to get rid of the underscores
NSString *type = #"R";
NSString *num = #"12";
NSString *ident = #"01";
How would I achieve this?
I've read through the Apple developer docs on NSRegularExpression but I find it hard to understand. I'm sure once I get some help once here I can figure it out in the future, I just need to get started.
Thanks in advance.
Okay, so first, you have to get the object associated with each key:
NSString *ip = [dic objectForKey:#"IP"]; //Btw, you shouldn't start a variable's name with a capital letter.
NSString *tempDesc = [dic objectForKey:#"desc"];
Then, what I would do is split the string in tempDesc, based on the character -.
NSArray *tmpArray = [tempDesc componentsSeparatedByString:#"-"];
Then you just have to get the strings or substrings you're interested in, and reformat them as needed:
NSString *desc = [[tmpArray objectAtIndex:2] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"_" withString:#" "];
NSString *type = [[tmpArray objectAtIndex:3] substringToIndex:1];
NSString *num = [[tmpArray objectAtIndex:3] substringFromIndex:1];
NSString *ident = [tmpArray objectAtIndex:4];
As you can see, this works perfectly without using NSRegularExpression.

How to parse an asset URL in Objective-c?

The iPhone UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL returns an URL as:
What's the best (preferably simple) way to retrive 1000000001 and PNG as NSStrings from the above URL example?
Well, you can easily turn it into an NSURL by using +[NSURL URLWithString:]. From there you could grab the -query string and parse it out, something like this:
NSString *query = ...;
NSArray *queryPairs = [query componentsSeparatedByString:#"&"];
NSMutableDictionary *pairs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (NSString *queryPair in queryPairs) {
NSArray *bits = [queryPair componentsSeparatedByString:#"="];
if ([bits count] != 2) { continue; }
NSString *key = [[bits objectAtIndex:0] stringByRemovingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *value = [[bits objectAtIndex:1] stringByRemovingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[pairs setObject:value forKey:key];
NSLog(#"%#", pairs);
Warning, typed in a browser, so some of my spellings may be wrong.
For IOS >= 4.0 you can use native regular expressions with NSRegularExpression class. Examples you can find here

Split one string into different strings

i have the text in a string as shown below
011597464952,01521545545,454545474,454545444|Hello this is were the message is.
Basically i would like each of the numbers in different strings to the message eg
NSString *Number1 = 011597464952
NSString *Number2 = 01521545545
NSString *Message = Hello this is were the message is.
i would like to have that split out from one string that contains it all
I would use -[NSString componentsSeparatedByString]:
NSString *str = #"011597464952,01521545545,454545474,454545444|Hello this is were the message is.";
NSArray *firstSplit = [str componentsSeparatedByString:#"|"];
NSAssert(firstSplit.count == 2, #"Oops! Parsed string had more than one |, no message or no numbers.");
NSString *msg = [firstSplit lastObject];
NSArray *numbers = [[firstSplit objectAtIndex:0] componentsSepratedByString:#","];
// print out the numbers (as strings)
for(NSString *currentNumberString in numbers) {
NSLog(#"Number: %#", currentNumberString);
Look at NSString componentsSeparatedByString or one of the similar APIs.
If this is a known fixed set of results, you can then take the resulting array and use it something like:
NSString *number1 = [array objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *number2 = [array objectAtIndex:1];
If it is variable, look at the NSArray APIs and the objectEnumerator option.
NSMutableArray *strings = [[#"011597464952,01521545545,454545474,454545444|Hello this is were the message is." componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#",|"]] mutableCopy];
NString *message = [[strings lastObject] copy];
[strings removeLastObject];
// strings now contains just the number strings
// do what you need to do strings and message
[strings release];
[message release];
does objective-c have strtok()?
The strtok function splits a string into substrings based on a set of delimiters.
Each subsequent call gives the next substring.
substr = strtok(original, ",|");
while (substr!=NULL)
substr=strtok(NULL, ",|")
Here's a handy function I use:
///Return an ARRAY containing the exploded chunk of strings
///#author: khayrattee
+(NSArray*)explodeString:(NSString*)stringToBeExploded WithDelimiter:(NSString*)delimiter
return [stringToBeExploded componentsSeparatedByString: delimiter];

iPhone parsing url for GET params

I have an string which is got from parsing an xml site.
I want to have an NSString function that will be able to parse the value of c.
Is there a default function or do i have to write it manually.
You could use Regular expression via RegExKit Lite:
Or you could separate the string into components (which is less nice):
NSString *url=#"";
NSArray *comp1 = [url componentsSeparatedByString:#"?"];
NSString *query = [comp1 lastObject];
NSArray *queryElements = [query componentsSeparatedByString:#"&"];
for (NSString *element in queryElements) {
NSArray *keyVal = [element componentsSeparatedByString:#"="];
if (keyVal.count > 0) {
NSString *variableKey = [keyVal objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *value = (keyVal.count == 2) ? [keyVal lastObject] : nil;
I made a class that does this parsing for you using an NSScanner, as an answer to the same question a few days ago. You might find it useful.
You can easily use it like:
URLParser *parser = [[[URLParser alloc] initWithURLString:#""] autorelease];
NSString *c = [parser valueForVariable:#"c"]; //c=500
Try the following:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
NSMutableString *parameterString = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:#"{%#;}",[url parameterString]];
[parameterString replaceOccurrencesOfString:#"&" withString:#";"];
// Convert string into Dictionary
NSPropertyListFormat format;
NSString *error;
NSDictionary *paramDict = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:[parameterString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] mutabilityOption: NSPropertyListImmutable format:&format errorDescription:&error];
// Now take the parameter you want
NSString *value = [paramDict valueForKey:#"c"];
Here is the native iOS approach using NSURLComponents and NSURLQueryItem classes:
NSString *theURLString = #"";
NSArray<NSURLQueryItem *> *theQueryItemsArray = [NSURLComponents componentsWithString:theURLString].queryItems;
for (NSURLQueryItem *theQueryItem in theQueryItemsArray)
NSLog(#"%# %#",, theQueryItem.value);