Develop an iPhone app on Windows 7 [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to develop an iPhone application on the Windows platform. I have Windows 7 installed on my system. Recently I come to know that we can also make iPhone apps on Windows.
A few days later I installed software to make iPhone app on my window machine but somehow I got a virus. Therefore before taking this step again, I want to know that it is possible to make an iPhone application on Windows 7. If yes then which is the best way to do this?

You are probably aiming for something like Xamarin.
Although development for iDevices should be possible on a Windows machine, the best experience will probably always be on a OSX device.
On a Windows machine you will always have to do some extra work to debug, emulate, etc.

Dont forget the Monocross:
Or VS Nomad:


How do you make a socket connection and transfer data between Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to send some data to my computer (i.e. 1). When I press a button on my Windows Phone 8 and recieve data on my phone. How do you make this simple program? I already made a server on the computer and the phone but is this the data that will pass through the WiFi TCP/IP socket? ? Thanks in advance.
Sockets for Windows Phone would be a good start. Since you're on Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8, use the Windows.Networking.Sockets Windows Runtime API.
There are a number of sample apps as well though many are from the Windows Phone 7.5 vintage and use the older System.Net.Sockets.
Take a look though at Tim Laverty's sample from his Build 2012 presentation: Windows Phone 8, Networking: Building Connected Apps. It contains a Socket Listener and Client for Windows Phone, but since its using the WinRT API is should be straightforward to use in Windows 8 as well.

Can you make an iPhone OS 2.x app compatible with iOS 4.x without access to the source code? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have some apps that where created for iPhone OS 2.x, and I really want to make them compatible with iOS 4.x / iOS 5.0.
The only problem is I don't have the source code. Is there a way to bring these apps up to date and make them compatible with modern iOS versions if I don't have the original code for them?
please forget of porting. porting means upgrading your old source code according to new software version and in your case there is no source code.
fresh development is the only solution left for you i'm afraid!

application slow on iphone with phonegap [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
We testing our app on simulater is fast but slow on iphone.
We are initializing canvas for drawing and try to draw multiple line on the canvas is very slow.
The simulator runs using the full power of the machine it is running on, it is not an emulator. That's why you can't trust it all the way through a project - every app must be test run on an actual device.
Although this isn't what you have asked for: Don't use phonegap. Please. It employs web technology to make development easier, but web technology is just not as performant as a native application would be. If you need to do extensive graphics operations, consider developing a native app.
Aside from not actually asking a question, you need to consider that the iphone has a much slower processor than what ever you're running the simulator on.

Xcode console outside Xcode [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
Is it possible to display the Xcode console of an application in real time on an iPhone/iPad without to need the computer?
Download the iPhone Configuration Utility at . It can display the console of any iOS device, as long as it's connected by USB. Runs on both MacOS and Windows.
You don’t need Xcode per se, but you do need to be connected to a Mac with a USB cable. The iPhone Configuration Utility is also able to view console logs of applications.

Possible to develop J2ME applications on IPhone, Android (HTCs..), Samsungs etc? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I know for a fact that most Blackberry Handsets is Java enabled and supports J2ME development but i haven't found any useful information on the same topic regarding IPHone, Androids etc..
any help much appreciated.
iPhone only supports apps written in HTML ('web apps') or Objective-C/C++ ('native apps'). It won't support J2ME applications.
Neither will Android (at least via the marketplace), but because Android apps are written in Java it will be probably be easier for you (if you're coming from a Java background) to get started on that platform.
On Android you can run J2ME applications (not everything will work correctly though). I don't know details of how this is done, but I just downloaded JAR file and it was started fine on my HTC Evo 4G.
Note, however, that J2ME and it's applications were mostly designed for 12-key phone keyboards, and on touch screen they are not too usable.
I've had some success getting Java application running on iOS using XCode and a cross-compiler known as XMLVM... Keep in mind my success was only on an emulator. Not running the app on the actual device. Though, I suppose the difference varies only in some aspects.
P.S. My iPhone was jailbroken at the time and running 5.1.1