Losing access token - facebook
Sometimes my Facebook object goes from something like this:
[fb] => Facebook Object
[appId:protected] => 350348105029704
[appSecret:protected] => 9e84****************************
[user:protected] =>
[signedRequest:protected] =>
[state:protected] =>
[accessToken:protected] => AAACQm6g*****************
[fileUploadSupport:protected] =>
into something like this:
[fb] => Facebook Object
[appId:protected] => 350348105029704
[appSecret:protected] => 9e84****************************
[user:protected] =>
[signedRequest:protected] =>
[state:protected] =>
[accessToken:protected] => 350348105029704|9e84****************************
[fileUploadSupport:protected] =>
appSecret is masked of course and so is the access token. But as you can see, in the second object it's not a valid access token, but one that is made out of the appId|appSecret.
It happens randomly and I can't seem to catch it while it happens, what can be the cause of that?
ejabberd and JWT
I've been pounding at this for over a month following these: https://www.process-one.net/blog/ejabberd-19-08/ https://docs.ejabberd.im/admin/configuration/authentication/#jwt-authentication I've also been looking at posts like this one: JWT secret to use with ejabberd? I've tried decoding the "k" value in the generated jwk to sign the Token. Nothing is currently working. I'm not exactly sure what the log is telling me, for all I know its missing the module responsible for JWT authentication. my distribution is Garuda:Arch ejabberd: 21.07-1 I get a crashlog: 2021-10-28 08:45:10.146309-05:00 [error] <0.674.0> ** Generic server <0.674.0> terminating ** Last message in was {'$gen_event', {xmlstreamelement, {xmlel,<<"auth">>, [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">>}, {<<"mechanism">>,<<"PLAIN">>}], [{xmlcdata, <<"AGVyaWMAZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpJVXpJMU5pSXNJblI1Y0NJNklrcFhWQ0o5LmV5SnFhV1FpT2lKbGNtbGpRR3h2ZDJWa2IzZHVMblJySWl3aVpYaHdJam94TmpNMU5ETXdPVEF4ZlEuSUY0LTI4ME9hU1h5Tjl6Yl9jZkZiQk9jWjNEZTMzOV9Xa2JPUkRlbm0tQQ==">>}]}}} ** When Server state == #{mgmt_queue_type => ram,stream_header_sent => true, mgmt_state => inactive,tls_verify => false, stream_compressed => false, stream_timeout => {30000,-576458460293}, mgmt_stanzas_req => 0, codec_options => [ignore_els], socket_monitor => #Ref<0.687724880.2890924033.7168>, user => <<>>, pres_a => {0,nil}, tls_options => [compression_none], stream_state => wait_for_sasl_request, xmlns => <<"jabber:client">>,shaper => c2s_shaper, tls_required => false,stream_direction => in, mgmt_max_queue => 5000,csi_state => active, socket => {socket_state,ejabberd_http_ws, {http_ws,<0.673.0>, {{0,0,0,0,0,65535,32512,1},52662}}, 262144,undefined,none,none}, server => <<"**SECURED.COM**">>, csi_queue => {0,#{}}, lang => <<"en">>,access => c2s,mod => ejabberd_c2s, tls_enabled => false,lserver => <<"**SECURED.COM**">>, owner => <0.674.0>,mgmt_stanzas_in => 0, stream_authenticated => false, mgmt_max_timeout => 10800000, stream_restarted => false,mgmt_ack_timeout => 60000, zlib => false,resource => <<>>, mgmt_resend => if_offline, ip => {{0,0,0,0,0,65535,32512,1},52662}, stream_id => <<"9071053646738984762">>, mgmt_timeout => 10800000,stream_encrypted => false, stream_version => {1,0}, mgmt_stanzas_out => 0} ** Reason for termination == ** {'function not exported', [{crypto,hmac, [sha256, <<229,202,17,249,237,157,59,64,236,115,50,234,213,255,52,31,109, 41,169,46,98,176,188,245,108,155,161,54,88,230,126,175,76,111, 17,186,156,41,53,27,223,122,164,116,89,189,150,4,207,251,152,85, 18,80,49,19,137,243,49,205,5,134,110,182>>, <<"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqaWQiOiJlcmljQGxvd2Vkb3duLnRrIiwiZXhwIjoxNjM1NDMwOTAxfQ">>], []}, {jose_jwk_kty_oct,verify,4, [{file,"src/jose_jwk_kty_oct.erl"},{line,159}]}, {jose_jws,verify,2,[{file,"src/jose_jws.erl"},{line,379}]}, {jose_jwt,verify,2,[{file,"src/jose_jwt.erl"},{line,189}]}, {ejabberd_auth_jwt,check_jwt_token,3, [{file,"src/ejabberd_auth_jwt.erl"},{line,117}]}, {ejabberd_auth_jwt,check_password,4, [{file,"src/ejabberd_auth_jwt.erl"},{line,76}]}, {ejabberd_auth,db_check_password,7, [{file,"src/ejabberd_auth.erl"},{line,691}]}, {ejabberd_auth,'-check_password_with_authmodule/6-fun-0-',8, [{file,"src/ejabberd_auth.erl"},{line,248}]}]} My tokens are manually generated on jwt.io and key file is generated using mkjwk.org. I'm fully aware that I am probably missing something stupid, but like I previously stated, I've been pounding at this for quite some time, its time to ask for help.
How to modify Mediawiki Login form
I'm trying to add the attribute autocomplete="off" in mediawiki login form. Being completely new, I'm unable to find where the form is being built. I'm using MediaWiki 1.29.1 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Things I did to find it: 1. Added the following code in LocalSettings.php $wgHooks['UserLoginForm'][] = 'modifyLoginForm'; function modifyLoginForm( &$template ) { //Printed template and got the following /* UserloginTemplate Object ( [data] => Array ( [link] => [header] => [name] => Admin [password] => [retype] => [email] => [realname] => [domain] => [reason] => [action] => /mediawiki/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&action=submitlogin&type=login&returnto=Main+Page [message] => [messagetype] => error [createemail] => [userealname] => 1 [useemail] => 1 [emailrequired] => [emailothers] => 1 [canreset] => 1 [resetlink] => 1 [canremember] => 1 [usereason] => [remember] => [cansecurelogin] => [stickHTTPS] => [token] => 18955182baa69e0a66edefghi4e0ef [loginend] => [signupend] => [usedomain] => ) */ } Tried to modify includes/templates/Userlogin.php . There is a login form, but it didn't get affected. Checked LoginSignupSpecialPage.php, but not sure how to add the attribute.
How to get formId of leadgen webhook on facebook?
I have created webhook for tracking of leads on my facebook page. I need formId of lead but my logs shown as below. [field] => leadgen [value] => stdClass Object ( [ad_id] => 0 [form_id] => 2.6147643765585E+14 [leadgen_id] => 2.6356365078047E+14 [created_time] => 1491489109 [page_id] => 4.3192338381483E+14 [adgroup_id] => 0 ) [form_id] is shown like 2.6147643765585E+14 but actual formId is different.I think it is in encoded form right? How to get formId in decoded form, I mean original formId like "field" => "leadgen", "value" => array( "leadgen_id" => 123123123123, "page_id" => 123123123, "form_id" => 12312312312, "adgroup_id" => 12312312312, "ad_id" => 12312312312, "created_time" => 1440120384 ) Thanks in advance..
What is the right way to insert a line of code into a moodle module?
I have a the need to add a single line of code to locallib.php in the \mod\lti directory . ('custom_user' => $USER->username,) $requestparams = array( 'resource_link_id' => $instance->id, 'resource_link_title' => $instance->name, 'resource_link_description' => $instance->intro, 'user_id' => $USER->id, 'roles' => $role, 'context_id' => $course->id, 'context_label' => $course->shortname, 'context_title' => $course->fullname, 'launch_presentation_locale' => current_language() ); $requestparams = array( 'resource_link_id' => $instance->id, 'resource_link_title' => $instance->name, 'resource_link_description' => $instance->intro, 'user_id' => $USER->id, 'custom_user' => $USER->username, 'roles' => $role, 'context_id' => $course->id, 'context_label' => $course->shortname, 'context_title' => $course->fullname, 'launch_presentation_locale' => current_language() ); Is there a right way to do this? Looking at plugins, it seems that they are for adding whole new functions, not just patching individual existing code.
Just having a look at the module - haven't come across it before. There are custom parameters but they look like literal values. I would say its okay to put that code in. Although I would probably add // CUSTOM before and after the mod.
zend framework action name changes to 'id'
I have a zend framework application with modules 'dashboard' and 'admin' of which 'dashboard' is the default one. When I try to access a different module, I am getting the request object like this Zend_Controller_Request_Http Object ( [_paramSources:protected] => Array ( [0] => _GET [1] => _POST ) [_requestUri:protected] => /admin/application/show/ [_baseUrl:protected] => http://local.dashmonitor.us.com [_basePath:protected] => [_pathInfo:protected] => /admin/application/show/ [_params:protected] => Array ( [module] => admin [controller] => application [action] => get [id] => show ) [_rawBody:protected] => [_aliases:protected] => Array ( ) [_dispatched:protected] => 1 [_module:protected] => admin [_moduleKey:protected] => module [_controller:protected] => application [_controllerKey:protected] => controller [_action:protected] => get [_actionKey:protected] => action ) My real action name is 'show' but it changes to 'get' here. Can anybody please help?