How to modify Mediawiki Login form - forms

I'm trying to add the attribute autocomplete="off" in mediawiki login form. Being completely new, I'm unable to find where the form is being built.
I'm using MediaWiki 1.29.1
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Things I did to find it:
1. Added the following code in LocalSettings.php
$wgHooks['UserLoginForm'][] = 'modifyLoginForm';
function modifyLoginForm( &$template ) {
//Printed template and got the following
UserloginTemplate Object
[data] => Array
[link] =>
[header] =>
[name] => Admin
[password] =>
[retype] =>
[email] =>
[realname] =>
[domain] =>
[reason] =>
[action] => /mediawiki/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&action=submitlogin&type=login&returnto=Main+Page
[message] =>
[messagetype] => error
[createemail] =>
[userealname] => 1
[useemail] => 1
[emailrequired] =>
[emailothers] => 1
[canreset] => 1
[resetlink] => 1
[canremember] => 1
[usereason] =>
[remember] =>
[cansecurelogin] =>
[stickHTTPS] =>
[token] => 18955182baa69e0a66edefghi4e0ef
[loginend] =>
[signupend] =>
[usedomain] =>
Tried to modify includes/templates/Userlogin.php . There is a login form, but it didn't get affected.
Checked LoginSignupSpecialPage.php, but not sure how to add the attribute.


How to get formId of leadgen webhook on facebook?

I have created webhook for tracking of leads on my facebook page.
I need formId of lead but my logs shown as below.
[field] => leadgen
[value] => stdClass Object
[ad_id] => 0
[form_id] => 2.6147643765585E+14
[leadgen_id] => 2.6356365078047E+14
[created_time] => 1491489109
[page_id] => 4.3192338381483E+14
[adgroup_id] => 0
[form_id] is shown like 2.6147643765585E+14 but actual formId is different.I think it is in encoded form right?
How to get formId in decoded form, I mean original formId like
"field" => "leadgen",
"value" => array(
"leadgen_id" => 123123123123,
"page_id" => 123123123,
"form_id" => 12312312312,
"adgroup_id" => 12312312312,
"ad_id" => 12312312312,
"created_time" => 1440120384
Thanks in advance..

(Salesforce REST API) How do I determine which products are associated with opportunities?

I'm using the Salesforce REST API. I need to determine which Products (Product2) are associated with Opportunities (Opportunity). Thus far, I've been unable to make the connection.
In the Salesofrce UI, opportunities can be associated with pricebooks and products. Pricebooks contain products, but it is also possible to associate products with an opportunity directly.
Querying an opportunity via the API yields the following:
[0] => Array
[attributes] => Array
[type] => Opportunity
[url] => /services/data/v33.0/sobjects/Opportunity/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[Id] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[IsDeleted] =>
[AccountId] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[Name] => Some Name
[Description] =>
[StageName] => Closed Won
[Amount] => 650
[Probability] => 100
[CloseDate] => 2012-04-12
[Type] => New Business
[NextStep] => A string
[LeadSource] => something
[IsClosed] => 1
[IsWon] => 1
[ForecastCategory] => Closed
[ForecastCategoryName] => Closed
[CampaignId] =>
[HasOpportunityLineItem] => 1
[Pricebook2Id] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[OwnerId] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[CreatedDate] => 2012-12-30T20:17:35.000+0000
[CreatedById] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[LastModifiedDate] => 2015-05-22T15:20:18.000+0000
[LastModifiedById] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[SystemModstamp] => 2015-05-22T15:20:18.000+0000
[LastActivityDate] =>
[FiscalQuarter] => 1
[FiscalYear] => 2015
[Fiscal] => 2015 1
[LastViewedDate] => 2015-06-03T14:38:03.000+0000
[LastReferencedDate] => 2015-06-03T14:38:03.000+0000
[SyncedQuoteId] =>
[Type_of_Deal__c] => Monthly Contract Count
[Number_of_Contracts__c] => 999
[Fee_Per_Contract__c] => 999
[Installation_Fee__c] =>
[Roof_Top_Fee__c] =>
[LID__LinkedIn_Company_Id__c] =>
[inclusion_type__c] => inclusion type
[Total_Contract_Term__c] => 999
[Monthly_Value_of_Fee_Per_Contract__c] => 999
[Total_Value_of_Fee_Per_Contract__c] => 999
[Total_Value_of_Roof_Top_Fee__c] => 0
[Monthly_Fidels_Revenue__c] => 999
[Total_Value_of_Deal__c] => 999
[Number_of_Roof_Tops__c] =>
[Monthly_Value_of_Roof_Top_Fee__c] => 0
[Installation_Date__c] => 2012-01-01
[Reason_if_Lost__c] =>
[Total_Monthly_Revenue__c] => 999
[Existing_Agency__c] => Service Group
[Number_of_Contracts_in_Last_Batch__c] => 999
[Agent_Name__c] => John Smith
[Total_Value_of_Agency_Revenue__c] => 9999
[Contract_Start_Date__c] => 2012-01-01
[Batch_Received__c] => Yes
[Administrator__c] =>
[Per_Contract__c] => 999
[Integration_type__c] =>
[Last_Batch_ID__c] =>
[Last_Batch_Date__c] =>
From which you can see that no Product2 data is available. There is however, a Pricebook2Id. One might assume that querying that specific pricebook would yield information on which products are associated with it. However, querying a specific pricebook yields the following:
[0] => Array
[attributes] => Array
[type] => Pricebook2
[url] => /services/data/v33.0/sobjects/Pricebook2/xxxxxxxxxxxx
[Id] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[IsDeleted] =>
[Name] => Company Price Book
[CreatedDate] => 2011-11-14T18:36:23.000+0000
[CreatedById] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[LastModifiedDate] => 2011-11-14T18:36:23.000+0000
[LastModifiedById] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[SystemModstamp] => 2011-11-14T18:36:23.000+0000
[LastViewedDate] => 2015-06-04T19:41:20.000+0000
[LastReferencedDate] => 2015-06-04T19:41:20.000+0000
[IsActive] => 1
[Description] =>
[IsStandard] =>
As you can see, no information about products is available from the pricebook. So my question is:
How do I determine which products are associated with opportunities using the Salesforce REST API?
There is an object called 'Opportunity Product'. you need to get that object as well and link the proper opportunity to product.
It's a many to many relation and not one to many so more than one product might be related to each opportunity and vise versa.

PayPal pre-approval giving error

I have used PayPal api in which first i do preapproval and then make chained payment using that approval key. Everything works fine on my local server. But as on live its giving me below error.
PreapprovalResponse Object
[responseEnvelope] => ResponseEnvelope Object
[timestamp] => 2015-05-01T08:38:40.374-07:00
[ack] => Failure
[correlationId] => 88fffca2a737c
[build] => 15743565
[preapprovalKey] =>
[error] => Array
[0] => ErrorData Object
[errorId] => 580001
[domain] => PLATFORM
[subdomain] => Application
[severity] => Error
[category] => Application
[message] => Invalid request: Data validation warning(line -1, col 0): null
[exceptionId] =>
[parameter] => Array
[0] => ErrorParameter Object
[name] =>
[value] => Data validation warning(line -1, col 0): null
[1] => ErrorParameter Object
[name] =>
[value] => Data validation warning(line -1, col 0): null
My request is
Response is
What's wrong i cannot understand.
On local my ssl version is
OpenSSL/0.9.8y and
on live its NSS/ Basic ECC
$maxpaymentss = floor(2000/68.50);
$data = array(
'ClientDetails' => array(
'applicationId' => 'My_APP',
'returnUrl' => '',
'cancelUrl' => '',
'startingDate' => gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z"),
'endingDate' => gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z"),
'maxAmountPerPayment' => 68.50,
'maxNumberOfPayments' => $maxpaymentss,
'maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments' => 2000.00,
'maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod' => 1,
'currencyCode' => 'USD',
'requestEnvelope' => array(
'errorLanguage' => 'en_US',
'detailLevel' => 'ReturnAll'
these are the required fields for the live mode of PayPal adaptive preapproval.
Remove the "," in the "maxAmountPerPayment" and "maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments" field and try again . It should work fine

Paypal Adaptive payment implementation on live environment

We have implemented Adaptive payment method. This implementation is working fine on sandbox environment. But its showing the following response in Live environment. We are not clear with the response. Can please provide the details about this response.
(["en" class
[send_method] => domestic;icon-uri
[content_ID] => marketing_us/request_money;icon-uri
[amp;from] => PayPal">Sign Up
2" width [label] => xuVFCJezswQQmbe91QM [guid] => ON [script] => 0"/>
[ ($("#mobile_number").val() !] => ''))
[page] => main%3Amktg%3Apersonal%3A%3Ahome%3A%3A%3A
[tmpl] => core2HomeCExp.jsp
[pgst] => Unknown
[lgin] => out
[calc] => f91c2b0c39598
[rsta] => en_US
[md5h] => 7fbf0dfca87f30b51dc1d9cb8dae4318
[shfp] => %7C%7C
[usce] => + [pgtf] => Sparta [s] => ci [aver] => unverified [rstr] => unrestricted [pfid] => f91c2b0c39598
[bzsr] => main [bchn] => mktg [pgsf] => personal [ccpg] => usa [pgld] => Unknown [shir] => main_mktg_personal_" alt [pgrp] => main%3Amktg%3Apersonal%3A%3Ahome )

zend framework action name changes to 'id'

I have a zend framework application with modules 'dashboard' and 'admin' of which 'dashboard' is the default one. When I try to access a different module, I am getting the request object like this
Zend_Controller_Request_Http Object
[_paramSources:protected] => Array
[0] => _GET
[1] => _POST
[_requestUri:protected] => /admin/application/show/
[_baseUrl:protected] =>
[_basePath:protected] =>
[_pathInfo:protected] => /admin/application/show/
[_params:protected] => Array
[module] => admin
[controller] => application
[action] => get
[id] => show
[_rawBody:protected] =>
[_aliases:protected] => Array
[_dispatched:protected] => 1
[_module:protected] => admin
[_moduleKey:protected] => module
[_controller:protected] => application
[_controllerKey:protected] => controller
[_action:protected] => get
[_actionKey:protected] => action
My real action name is 'show' but it changes to 'get' here. Can anybody please help?