I am evaluating business rules engines. I played a little bit with Drools, but it seems, I am rather looking for a query driven, backward chaining system.
So to be more specific, let's see a simple business rule like this:
(amount > 1000 AND amount < 2000 AND currency == USD)
(amount > 750 AND amount < 1500 AND currency == EUR)
approve loan
Is it possible to use only this rule and "ask" Drools to answer these questions:
What are the required conditions to get a loan approved, if the currency is USD?
I would expected a result something like this: (amount > 1000) AND (amount < 2000)
Is it possible to get a 2000 EUR loan? (expected answer: false)
If not possible, then what were the key reasons of rejection? (expected answer: amount >= 1500 )
Is Drools capable of answering such kind of questions using only one rule?
In theory, those information are all stored in the rule, but I don't know how to "extract" from it.
If Drools is not the best rules engine for this scenario, then are there any engines that provides this kind of functionality?
Drools, like many other rule engines, uses RETE algorithm to decide which consequences to run, all of the when part of your rule must match to the then part to run.
For your questions 1 and 2:
If you want multiple "answers" you can either use multiple rules, or use accumulate function.
For 3:
You cannot know why a rule did not invoked, you need to express the rejection case as a separate rule that fires when the specific condition for the rejection case met.
In a RETE engine a production contains multiple conditions so basically we can define your rule as:
P1= C1 ^ C2 ^ C3 where C1=amount > 1000; C2=amount < 2000;C3=currency == USD
I also recommend you to split your OR condition to two different productions.
P2=C4 ^ C5 ^ C6
where C4=amount > 750; C5=amount < 1500; C6=currency == EUR;
(Note that in production systems you don't really have OR and some of them do not even let you write OR conditions because of tracability requirements)
And to answer your questions:
You simply can query all the productions that sharing C3 as part of your conditions.
Execute your rule with your input and you get the result
Query against your beta memories that do not have a token and the have the discrimination condition for C5 passed in the corresponding alpha memory of network.
Not all the rules engine would let you query against beta memory and tokens. Check if Drools allow you to retrieve alpha, beta memories and stored tokens. Basically you need to traverse the internal RETE graph.
I am trying to design an application that allows users to create subscriptions based on different configurations - expressing their interest to receive alerts when those conditions are met.
While evaluating the options for achieving the same, I was thinking about utilizing a generic rule engine such as Drools to achieve the same. Which seemed to be a natural fit to this problem looking at an high-level. But digging deeper and giving it a bit more thought, I am doubting if Business Rule Engine is the right thing to use.
I see Rule engine as something that can select a Rule based on predefined condition and apply the Rule to that data to produce an outcome. Whereas, my requirement is to start with a data (the event that is generated) and identify based on Rules (subscriptions) configured by users to identify all the Rules (subscription) that would satisfy the event being handled. So that Alerts can be generated to all those Subscribers.
To give an example, an hypothetical subscription from an user could be, to be alerted when a product in Amazon drops below $10 in the next 7 days. Another user would have created a subscription to be notified when a product in Amazon drops below $15 within the next 30 days and also offers free one-day shipping for Prime members.
After a bit of thought, I have settled down to storing the Rules/Subscriptions in a relational DB and identifying which Subscriptions are to fire an Alert for an Event by querying against the DB.
My main reason for choosing this approach is because of the volume, as the number of Rules/Subscriptions I being with will be about 1000 complex rules, and will grow exponentially as more users are added to the system. With the query approach I can trigger a single query that can validate all Rules in one go, vs. the Rule engine approach which would require me to do multiple validations based on the number of Rules configured.
While, I know my DB approach would work (may not be efficient), I just wanted to understand if Rule Engine can be used for such purposes and be able to scale well as the number of rules increases. (Performance is of at most importance as the number of Events that are to be processed per minute will be about 1000+)
If rule engine is not the right way to approach it, what other options are there for me to explore rather than writing my own implementation.
You are getting it wrong. A standard rule engine selects rules to execute based on the data. The rules constraints are evaluated with the data you insert into the rule engine. If all constraints in a rule match the data, the rule is executed. I would suggest you to try Drools.
I am trying to figure out efficient algorithm for processing Documents in distributed (FaaS to be more precise) environment.
Bruteforce approach would be O(D * F * R) where:
D is amount of Documents to process
F is amount of filters
R is highest amount of Rules in single Filter
I can assume, that:
single Filter has no more than 10 Rules
some Filters may share Rules (so it's N-to-N relation)
Rules are boolean functions (predicates) so I can try to take advantage of early cutting, meaning that if I have f() && g() && h() with f() evaluating to false then I do not have to process g() and h() at all and can return false immediately.
in single Document amount of Fields is always same (and about 5-10)
Filters, Rules and Documents are already in database
every Filter has at least one Rule
Using sharing (second assumption) I had an idea to first process Document against every Rule and then (after finishing) for every Filter using already computed Rules compute result. This way if Rule is shared then I am computing it only once. However, it doesn't take advantage of early cutting (third assumption).
Second idea is to use early cutting as slightly optimized bruteforce, but it won't use Rules sharing then.
Rules sharing looks like subproblem sharing, so probably memoization and dynamic programming will be helpful.
I have noticed, that Filter-Rule relation is bipartite graph. Not quite sure if it can help me though. I also have noticed, that I could use reverse sets and in every Rule store corresponding Set. This would however create circular dependency and may cause desynchronization problems in database.
Default idea is that Documents are streamed, and every single of them is event that will create FaaS instance to process it. However, this would probably force every FaaS instance to query for all Filters, which leaves me at O(F * D) queries because of Shared-Nothing architecture.
Sample Filter:
'normalForm': 'CONJUNCTIVE',
'isNegated': true,
'field': 'X',
'relation': 'STARTS_WITH',
'value': 'G',
'isNegated': false,
'field': 'Y',
'relation': 'CONTAINS',
'value': 'KEY',
or in more condense form:
document -> !document.x.startsWith("G") && document.y.contains("KEY")
for Document:
'x': 'CAR',
'y': 'KEYBOARD',
'z': 'PAPER',
evaluates to true.
I can slightly change data model, stream something else instead of Document (ex. Filters) and use any nosql database and tools to help it. Apache Flink (event processing) and MongoDB (single query to retrieve Filter with it's Rules) or maybe Neo4j (as model looks like bipartite graph) looks like could help me, but not sure about it.
Can it be processed efficiently (with regard to - probably - database queries)? What tools would be appropriate?
I have been also wondering, if maybe I am trying to solve special case of some more general (math) problem that may have useful theorems and algorithms.
EDIT: My newest idea: Gather all Documents in cache like Redis. Then single event starts up and publishes N functions (as in Function as a Service), and every function selects F/N (amount of Filters divided by number of instances - so just evenly distributing Filters across instances) this way every Filter is fetched from database only once.
Now, every instance streams all Documents from cache (one document should be less than 1MB and at the same time I should have 1-10k of them so should fit in cache). This way every Document is selected from database only once (to cache).
I have reduced database read operations (still some Rules are selected multiple times), but still I am not taking advantage of Rule sharing across Filters. I could intentionally ignore it by using document database. This way by selecting Filter I will also get it's Rules. Still - I have to recalculate it's value.
I guess that's what I get for using Shared Nothing scalable architecture?
I realized that although my graph is indeed (in theory) bipartite but (in practice) it's going to be set of disjoint bipartite graphs (as not all Rules are going to be shared). This means, that I can process those disjoint parts independently on different FaaS instances without recalculating same Rules.
This reduces my problem to processing single bipartite connected graph. Now, I can use benefits of dynamic programming and share result of Rule computation only if memory i shared, so I cannot divide (and distribute) this problem further without sacrificing this benefit. So I thought this way: if I have already decided, that I will have to recompute some Rules, then let it be low compared to disjoint parts that I will get.
This is actually minimum cut problem, that has (fortunately) polynomial complexity known algorithm.
However, this may be not ideal in my case, because I don't want to cut any part of graph - I would like to cut graph ideally in half (divide and conquer strategy, that could be reapplied recursively till graph would be so small that could be processed in seconds in FaaS instance, that has time bound).
This means, that I am looking for cut, that would create two disjoint bipartite graphs, with possibly same amount of vertexes each (or at least similar).
This is sparsest cut problem, that is NP-hard, but has O(sqrt(logN)) approximated algorithm, that also favors less cut edges.
Currently, this does look like solution for my problem, however I would love to hear any suggestions, improvements and other answers.
Maybe it can be done better with other data model or algorithm? Maybe I can reduce it further with some theorem? Maybe I could transform it to other (simpler) problem, or at least that is easier to divide and distribute across nodes?
This idea and analysis strongly suggests using graph database.
We have 1000 rules under a single Rule flow Group
We have severe performance issue while executing (around 10-20 secs)
We thought instead of having under single Rule Flow group,Splitting into multiple Agenda group will improve the performance.
Or creating multiple entry points increase the performance?
Anyone came across this problem?
Any Links /documentation also welcomed.
There was a similar issue several months ago on the Drools user list, and it was resolved successfully by a different approach according to may proposal. It may be applicable here, too.
Let's say there are some risk factors that influence the premium for a car insurance. Attributes are: age, previous incidents, amount of damage in previous incidents, gender, medical classification.
Each of these values influences the premium by a few credits.
You can write tons of rules like
Application( age <= 32 && <=35, previous == 1, damage <= 1000,
gender == 'F', medical == 0.25 )
setPremium( 421 );
The proposed solution was to insert (constant) facts for each such parameter set and have a single rule that determines the matching parameter set and setting the premium from the field in the parameter set.
I have a situation where for each product I have a different rule.
Thus, I will have 1 drl per each product.
Consequently, as far I understand I have a choice:
add all those knowledge packages into a single KnowledgeBase.
and then let Drools match the right rule using the id of the product.
avs : AvailabilityStatus( available == true, quantity <= 50, productId = 7899 )
create a new KnowledgeBase for each product i.e. for 50 products, 50 KnowledgeBases with just one drl loaded for each.
In my web app each request requires a new evaluation of the rules for the product.
I don't know which approach is more efficient.
The KnowledgeBase is a very, very expensive object to instantiate, so I wouldn't create one each time a rule needs to be evaluated.
I think the first approach you mentioned is better (to have all rules into one drl). This also leaves the option open to do rules across products (imagine if you want to add price rules, and you want to model a buy 2, get the 3rd free).
There's a third approach, in which you can still have one drl per product, but you load all of them in the same knowledge base. This is similar to the sigle responsibility principle, but applied to the rules.
If you need to write a rule per your product it is likely that you have multiple rules that have the same kind of LHS with only parameter changes, eg
avs : AvailabilityStatus( available == true, quantity <= 50, productId = 7899 )
then you can consider using a decision table. Drools can generate rules itself. As stated in users guide
I suggest you to create just one knowledge base and store the binary packages in the file system. When you want to add a new rule, you regenerate the binary package. Don't create a drl per rule, that doesn't make any sense.
Today I've been presented with a fun challenge and I want your input on how you would deal with this situation.
So the problem is the following (I've converted it to demo data as the real problem wouldn't make much sense without knowing the company dictionary by heart).
We have a decision table that has a minimum of 16 conditions. Because it is an impossible feat to manage all of them (2^16 possibilities) we've decided to only list the exceptions. Like this:
As an example I've only added 10 conditions but in reality there are (for now) 16. The basic idea is that we have one baseline (the default) which is valid for everyone and all the exceptions to this default.
You have a foreigner who is also a pirate.
If you go through all the exceptions one by one, and condition by condition you remove the exceptions that have at least one condition that fails. In the end you'll end up with the following two exceptions that are valid for our case. The match is on the IsPirate and the IsForeigner condition. But as you can see there are 2 results here, well 3 actually if you count the default.
Our solution
Now what we came up with on how to solve this is that in the GUI where you are adding these exceptions, there should run an algorithm which checks for such cases and force you to define the exception more specifically. This is only still a theory and hasn't been tested out but we think it could work this way.
My Question
I'm looking for alternative solutions that make the rules manageable and prevent the problem I've shown in the example.
Your problem seem to be resolution of conflicting rules. When multiple rules match your input, (your foreigner and pirate) and they end up recommending different things (your cangetjob and cangetevicted), you need a strategy for resolution of this conflict.
What you mentioned is one way of resolution -- which is to remove the conflict in the first place. However, this may not always be possible, and not always desirable because when a user adds a new rule that conflicts with a set of old rules (which he/she did not write), the user may not know how to revise it to remove the conflict.
Another possible resolution method is prioritization. Mark a priority on each rule (based on things like the user's own authority etc.), sort the matching rules according to priority, and apply in ascending sequence of priority. This usually works and is much simpler to manage (e.g. everybody knows that the top boss's rules are final!)
Prioritization may also be used to mark a certain rule as "global override". In your example, you may want to make "IsPirate" as an override rule -- which means that it overrides settings for normal people. In other words, once you're a pirate, you're treated differently. This make it very easy to design a system in which you have a bunch of normal business rules governing 90% of the cases, then a set of "exceptions" that are treated differently, automatically overriding certain things. In this case, you should also consider making "?" available in the output columns as well.
One other possible resolution method is to include attributes in each of your conditions. For example, certain conditions must have no "zeros" in order to pass (? doesn't matter). Some conditions must have at least one "one" in order to pass. In other words, mark each condition as either "AND", "OR", or "XOR". Some popular file-system security uses this model. For example, CanGetJob may be AND (you want to be stringent on rights-to-work). CanBeEvicted may be OR -- you may want to evict even a foreigner if he is also a pirate.
An enhancement on the AND/OR method is to provide a threshold that the total result must exceed before passing that condition. For example, putting CanGetJob at a threshold of 2 then it must get at least two 1's in order to return 1. This is sometimes useful on conditions that are not clearly black-and-white.
You can mix resolution methods: e.g. first prioritize, then use AND/OR to resolve rules with similar priorities.
The possibilities are limitless and really depends on what your actual needs are.
To me this problem reminds business rules engine where there is no known algorithm to define outputs from inputs (e.g. using boolean logic) but the user (typically some sort of administrator) has to define all or some the logic itself.
This might sound a bit of an overkill but OTOH this provides virtually limit-less extension capabilities: you don't have to code any new business logic, just define a new rule set.
As I understand your problem, you are looking for a nice way to visualise the editing for these rules. But this all depends on your programming language and the tool you select for this. Java, for example, has JBoss Drools. Quoting their page:
Drools Guvnor provides a (logically
centralized) repository to store you
business knowledge, and a web-based
environment that allows business users
to view and (within certain
constraints) possibly update the
business logic directly.
You could possibly use this generic tool or write your own.
Everything depends on what your actual rules will look like. Rules like 'IF has an even number of these properties THEN' would be painful to represent in this format, whereas rules like 'IF pirate and not geek THEN' are easy.
You can 'avoid the ambiguity' by stating that you'll always be taking the first actual match, in other words your rules have a priority. You'd then want to flag rules which have no effect because they are 'shadowed' by rules higher up. They're not hard to find, so it's something your program should do.
Your interface could also indicate groups of rules where rules within the group can be in any order without changing the outcomes. This will add clarity to what the rules are really saying.
If some of your outputs are relatively independent of the others, you will also get a more compact and much clearer table by allowing question marks in the output. In that design the scan for first matching rule is done once for each output. Consider for example if 'HasChildren' is the only factor relevant to 'Can Be Evicted'. With question marks in the outputs (= no effect) you could be halving the number of exception rules.
My background for this is circuit logic design, not business logic. What you're designing is similar to, but not the same as, a PLA. As long as your actual rules are close to sum of products then it can work well. If your rules aren't, for example the 'even number of these properties' rule, then the grid like presentation will break down in a combinatorial explosion of cases. Your best hope if your rules are arbitrary is to get a clearer more compact presentation with either equations or with diagrams like a circuit diagram. To be avoided, if you can.
If you are looking for a Decision Engine with a GUI, than you can try this one: http://gandalf.nebo15.com/
We just released it, it's open source and production ready.
You probably need some kind of inference engine. Think about doing it in prolog.