Redirect from Facebook's iPhone App to Safari - iphone

When clicking external links in Facebook's iPhone App you are staying within the App itself instead of going to Safari. I want people coming to my site to open my site in Safari (or whatever browser) instead. Is there anything I can do about that?
The problem is that my Cookie-based Authentication using ASP.NET is not working, for some reason, within Facebook's browser. This is only a problem when clicking my site link from within Facebook's Native iPhone App, it works fine from Facebooks webb app or opening directly from Safari.


Facebook share dialog web doesn't work on iOS in-app browser

My website has a social dialog web which works on most browsers and even Facebook in-app browser on Android device but not iOS. The header of the social dialog (with Cancel on left and Post on right) is missing when displayed on Facebook in-app browser. The flow of accessing my website as follow:
A shared link (external link pointing to my website) is clicked on Facebook app on iOS device.
My website is displayed on Facebook in-app browser (which I hate it so much but can't help).
Open the following social dialog and the header of the dialog is missing.
Is anyone facing the same problem? Must I create the shared dialog for iOS instead of web to solve this problem but Android has no problem at all.

My web app not showing on facebook native app

My app is showing on facebook desktop,, but not on the native app?
I meant not showing on bookmark or favorite. When I search for it within the native app I can find it.
According to the documentation it should also appear on the native Facebook app bookmark?
Can anyone please advise what did I do wrong? I have set the mobile web setting already.
If your app has a native app, the it will show up in the Facebook app bookmark list. If you app is a desktop or canvas app, it shows up on desktop. If your app is a mobile site, then it shows up on You need to specify the type of app or apps you support/have/exist in the developer dashboard for the app.

Persisting cookie for iPhone UIwebview mobile web app

I'm using MVC4 forms auth. My mobile web app runs in full screen UIwebview on iphone. I have a home screen icon for my mobile web app. The app needs to launch external links. Those launch in Safari, which works fine. However returning to the mobile web app by clicking again on the home screen icon, seems to have logged the user out. Ideally I want the user to remain logged into the web app after viewing the external links in Safari. Maybe the cookie got deleted? Can I persist the cookie?
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, createPersistentCookie: true);
This fixes the log out issue

App request doesn't work in iPhone browser but works in Facebook application

I'm sending an application request from my iPhone application and want the user to be redirected to the App Store page when he accepts the request.
In the application settings I've added the "App on Facebook" item with fake Canvas URLs besides "Native iOS App" in order to see the requests (they don't appear with no Canvas URL). Everything works fine in Facebook application on iPhone/iPad but doesn't work in the Safari browser on the device.
The request doesn't bring the appstore but open the error page:
Sorry, the application you were using is experiencing a problem. Please try again later.
I've seen some other apps which works fine: request being clicked in the browser brings appstore. So guess something is missing in app settings or similar. Any clues?
Have you tried using your app store link as a URL?

Face book latest IOS SDK problems in iPhone?

I am working in face book functionality in my apps. I have integrated the latest Face book-IOS-SDK. When runs the application, the application is started and runs in the safari browser. Now I want to load the application in the user view(FB web view) instead of Safari. How can I achieve this?
Facebook doesn't want you to. Facebook's new SDK wants the user to login into Facebook once, and than that Facebook login be used in every app on the device that uses Facebook. Because of the way the iPhone works, the way they had to do that was through safari so that each app could get that info. You can go back to the original way (which so far I personally prefer), but I'm not entirely sure how.
However, if you use the new way, it will automatically redirect the user back to your app once they finish authenticating it. Also in the Safari page they can give your app permissions, ie. post status updates.