Facebook share dialog web doesn't work on iOS in-app browser - facebook

My website has a social dialog web which works on most browsers and even Facebook in-app browser on Android device but not iOS. The header of the social dialog (with Cancel on left and Post on right) is missing when displayed on Facebook in-app browser. The flow of accessing my website as follow:
A shared link (external link pointing to my website) is clicked on Facebook app on iOS device.
My website is displayed on Facebook in-app browser (which I hate it so much but can't help).
Open the following social dialog and the header of the dialog is missing.
Is anyone facing the same problem? Must I create the shared dialog for iOS instead of web to solve this problem but Android has no problem at all.


How to use deep linking with posting photo

I have integrated facebook to my android App, and posting through the App. On below posted photo by my application I see "posted XX minutes ago via APPNAME", clicking 'APPNAME' no reaction. How can I change this link to my google play for example.
So how for example instagram or other apps redirect "via app" to their sites ?
I want my app to be able to make a share on Facebook which will appear as a link via my page. Is it possible?
I used to facebook sdk v2.0 and referenced below site. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/mobile/android/deep_linking/ I've set the below information . Settings -> Basic -> app -> Website with Facebook Login, Mobile Web, Native Android App.
But, page didn't redirect in case of Native Android Facebook app. I can't link To my native App.
You have to create a Facebook app page to get the via app name feature.
You will also have to specify native app link in the facebook app, save a key hash and specify the Launcher activity name in the facebook app to launch the app if it is installed on the android device.
If the app is not installed,clicking on the post will open the play store link.

Facebook app development on mobile devices

I've created a company page on Facebook to which I've added some iframe apps that we've developed. These work great on PC and I can see the tabs to these apps under the cover image. All well and good.
In the development area I've entered a Mobile Site URL under the Mobile Web section, but when I view the Facebook page on a mobile phone, there is no sign of a link (like the tabs on the desktop version). Should there be some kind of link on the mobile version or am I missing something?
To answer my own question.
Seems this is not possible.
Is it possible to show a Facebook app as a Page Tab on mobile devices?

FBWebDilaog shared URL redirecting to app

I am using FBWebDialog (supported in the new facebook 3.2 SDK) to share on facebook in from my ios application. I am setting a youtube link for the link parameter passed in the arguments
for the FBWebDialog. It shares the link but on tapping the link from the facebook account logged in from the facebook app on the iOS device redirects me to the app, if the app is present in the device. If the app is not found on the device it directs me to itunes page of my app. This is an anomalous behavior as the it should redirect me to youtube link. However, if I login to the facebook account on a PC and click the shared link it redirects me to youtube link.
How do I fix this?
Go to your App Dashboard settings: Basic > Native iOS App, then turn the Deep Linking to Disabled.
You want to turn off deep linking back to your app. This will however, turn deep linking off for all links from your app.

How does Facebook handle tablets?

I'm developing a Facebook app that has a responsive layout. Sometimes my app has to generate a link for the user. Whenever possible, the links will send the user to a Page Tab (when the user is on a desktop) and other times it will link directly to the app (when the user is on a mobile phone).
What is the default behavior for Facebook on tablets? Does it show the mobile site or the desktop site?
Should I use the mobile or desktop version of my app on tablets?
Update: In response to BBog's question in the comments:
My app prefers the desktop version because it includes a Like-gate. If the user experience is good for a tablet to view the app in a page tab (which is only available on www.facebook.com ie non-mobile), then that is preferred because the like button will be displayed at the top of the page, above the app's iframe. In contrast, the mobile version of the app requires that the user click a link that takes them to the (mobile) facebook page which they must like to un-gate the app. It adds an extra step for the user and requires that they navigate away from the app for a moment. Users might be discouraged by this extra step and decide not to enter the gate.
For Android tablets - Honestly, it depends on how you want Facebook to handle it. If you look at the android native app linking wiki - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/mobile/android/deep_linking/, Facebook provides you the option to choose the user experience. The facebook native android app itself treats tablets like mobile phones. It would be ideal if your app is compatible with tablets, and then you can enable deep-linking which will let the user view the content inside of your app.
For iOS, it's handled from within the iOS bundle id.
Unable to find a concrete answer, I ended up detected the user's referral on the first page access. Then if www.facebook.com is in the url, I go to desktop. Otherwise I go to mobile..
if ($detect->isTablet()) {
if (!isset($_SESSION["tabletAsMobile"]))
$_SESSION["tabletAsMobile"] = (stripos($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], 'www.facebook.com')===true):'0':'1';
$useMobileLinks = ($detect->isMobile() || ($detect->isTablet() && $_SESSION["tabletAsMobile"]));

facebook authorization dialog style

in Facebook official website, iphone authorization dialog is
while when I work follow its steps(iOS for iPhone/iPad): http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/mobile/
I got the authorization dialog as follows which is the same as Mobile Web.
Who can tell me why?
How can I get authorization dialog as the iphone one in Facebook official website?
On the latest versions of iOS on the device and if Facebook app is installed on the device there will be login dialog. If Facebook app is not installed, then it will open Safari to obtain the access token. This is by design of Facebook iOS SDK. You can patch the SDK if you don't want Safari in in any case.
see authorizeWithFBAppAuth method in Facebook.m
hope this helps