I can't view the last message when the message's contents fill the screen, can someone help me out? - lwuit

I am doing an IM application with the lwuit api, In my message form I have an issue, I can't view the last message when the message's contents fill the screen, I have to scroll manually and it is embarrassing.
I have tried everything by my side but still I didn't get the solution.
I hope someone will help me out

I have tried to do the same thing as you long time ago but the scrolling of my app became crazy. In this video you can find a similar app and in the description you can find the links to the code. Take a look on them, please.
Good luck!


My Scene turns blank and gray when I turn on Post Porcessing from the dropdown

My Post processing worked when i started my project but now that i am several months into it, my scene view turns blank and gray when i check the post processing from the dropdown. I am using Unity 2019.4 Any ideas? My first posting was deleted because of clarity without notifying me, so I have been stuck on project for days waiting for an answer that was never going to come. I don't know how much more I can say. I you don't understand my post then don't just delete it, let me know what you don't understand.
It looks like i may have fixed it. I got an error message saying that it couldn't add another camera, so i looked at the FPS. I didn't see anything wrong so I just removed it and reinstalled the FPS controller. That seems to have fixed it. Thanks for the responses.

Button outline disappears randomly on Xcode

Really really simply question.
In my own computer when I create a button with Xcode, I can see the blue outline.
But, in my office's computer I do the same thing I can't see the blue outline (and can't figure out how much bigger the button is).
What is happening?
I've recorded a video and uploaded to YouTube in order to be more clear — https://youtu.be/Bl_aOXxtIeA
PS: I've been trying to solve this thing on last 3 days, and no luck, even contacting a friend which is an iOS developer.
Folks, I just found the solution (trying by myself). Thanks for the replies too.

In-app tutorial

Im looking at adding a tutorial kind of thing to my app. Basically I want to be able to give a quick message across of what the parts in the app do. I want the users to see it once and not again. I have searched relentlessly for this but I always found app building tutorials.
A lot of games have what I want but I cannot for the life of me find how to do it or, what it is called to find a tutorial. Could someone please help me out.
Thanks in advance,
You'll need to build it yourself.
What I usually do is, on top of the view i want to explain, add a semi transparent view with some arrows pointing at stuff and a small text/button explaining it. All of that has to be modal and you can save in the NSUserDefaults if the user has already seen it/skipped it/launched the app for the first time. You'd have a method that builds all those views and you simply call it in viewDidLoad (by checking against a simple boolean value store in those previously mentioned NSUserDefaults, for example)

Displaying large PDF document iPhone

After many hours of googling I thought I would see if anyone knew the answer.
I have a large PDF file (30mb) which I was using the UIWebView to display but it is painfully slow when trying to scroll through pages and when you rotate the iPhone/iPad it doesn't draw properly on the screen till you have scrolled through a few pages.
So I have been looking into using the CGPDFDocumentRef to display the PDF. Before I go any further is there an easier way to do this, or any examples/open source solutions to do this before I spend a long time trying to replicate the UIWebView or something similar to display a large PDF.
I assume someone else has had this problem?
Many thanks for any help
I've been building one of these for a while now. I'll tell you, both approaches have difficulties. The CGPDFDocumentRef path is the one that I've taken, and it's worked out pretty well.
A good place to start is here, with Apple's example, ZoomingPDFViewer. You'll get a good idea of how that CGPDF* stuff works. If you're looking to put something together in a hurry, you might want to start with this guy's example. In fact, the author's website has a huge list of resources to use when you run into problems.

How Do I Create A Page Scroller Like In Apple's iBooks?

You guys get what I mean. I have no idea how to do this. There are no tutorials anywhere and so far I've spent about 4 hours on this to no avail. Can anyone point me to anything useful or give me a quick run down on how I would achieve this? Cheers.
In short: create a UIView or UIControl subclass. Draw thumbnail images of the pages. Respond to touch events and send selection changes to a delegate that can then update the real page. Something like that :-)