Protocol on Objective-C iOS - iphone

I have some problem with my app and a protocol. I can't post image (...) but my Storyboard contains two controller. First is Main Menu controller with a UIButton. When the button is pressed by the user, a Table view appear with its controller "Available Server controller".
Well, The Main-Menu controller expose the following protocol:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "Client.h"
#import "MyRstAaAppDelegate.h"
#class MyRstAaClientViewController;
#protocol ClientNetworkDelegate <NSObject>
-(void)serverBecameAvaiable:(NSString *)peerID;
-(void)serverBecameUnavailable:(NSString *)peerID;
-(void)didConnectToServer:(NSString *)peerID;
-(void)didDisconnectFromServer:(NSString *)peerID;
#interface MyRstAaClientViewController : UIViewController <ClientDelegate>
//Delegate property
#property (nonatomic, weak) id<ClientNetworkDelegate> delegate;
And the Available Server Table view controller implements the protocol's methods to reload table data and to do other stuff. This is its code:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "MyRstAaClientViewController.h"
#interface MyRstAaClientServerListTableViewController : UITableViewController <ClientNetworkDelegate>
And the .m
#import "MyRstAaClientServerListTableViewController.h"
#interface MyRstAaClientServerListTableViewController ()
//Client shared istance
#property (nonatomic, strong) Client *client;
#property (nonatomic, strong) MyRstAaClientViewController *mainController;
#implementation MyRstAaClientServerListTableViewController
#synthesize client = _client;
#synthesize mainController = _mainController;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
MyRstAaAppDelegate *appDelegate = (MyRstAaAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
self.client = appDelegate.client;
if(_mainController == nil)
_mainController = [[MyRstAaClientViewController alloc]init];
[self.mainController setDelegate:self];
[self.tableView reloadData];
-(void)serverBecameAvaiable:(NSString *)peerID;
//Reload table data
[self.tableView reloadData];
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog(#"CLIENT-SERVERLIST:: Server become Available");
-(void)serverBecameUnavailable:(NSString *)peerID;
//Reload table data
[self.tableView reloadData];
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog(#"CLIENT-SERVERLIST:: Server become unavaiable");
- (void)didConnectToServer:(NSString *)peerID
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog(#"CLIENT-SERVERLIST:: Server become Available");
- (void)didDisconnectFromServer:(NSString *)peerID
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog(#"CLIENT-SERVERLIST:: did Disconnect From Server");
This is an example of delegate call on the .m file of MainMenu controller of my app
#import "MyRstAaClientViewController.h"
#interface MyRstAaClientViewController ()
#property (nonatomic, strong) Client *client;
#implementation MyRstAaClientViewController
#synthesize client = _client;
#synthesize delegate = _delegate;
-(void)Client:(Client *)client serverBecameUnavailable:(NSString *)peerID
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog(#"CLIENT-HOME:: Server become unavaiable");
//Call delegate methodå
[self.delegate serverBecameUnavailable:peerID];
The problem is that when I run my app on my iPhone, and I go under "Available Server" list view, I can see, for example, on the output the string: CLIENT-HOME:: Server become unavaiable but the corresponding delegate function in the Table view controller is never called. Why??
There's something wrong in use of delegate and protocol pattern?


Objective-c multiple delegates in the same view - ECSlidingViewController

I started testing ECSlidingViewController and after I tried to access FirstTopViewController I have a big trouble - because in FirstToViewController I already have ZBarReaderDelegate implemented and all examples of delegate are not triggering any method from my delegate.
Basically I have this stuff:
#import ...MyStuff...
#import "UnderRightViewController.h"
#interface FirstTopViewController : UIViewController <RightViewDelegate, ZBarReaderDelegate>
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextView *labelTotal;
#import "FirstTopViewController.h"
#implementation FirstTopViewController
- (void)setTotalViewController:(UnderRightViewController*)controller didTotalChange:(NSString*)total
//labelTotal.text = total;
NSLog(#"I'm here!!! and received %#", total);
From other side I have
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ECSlidingViewController.h"
#class UnderRightViewController;
#protocol RightViewDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)setTotalViewController:(UnderRightViewController*)controller didTotalChange:(NSString*)total;
#interface UnderRightViewController : UITableViewController
#property (nonatomic, weak) id <RightViewDelegate> delegate;
#import "UnderRightViewController.h"
#interface UnderRightViewController ()
#implementation UnderRightViewController
#synthesize delegate;
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[delegate setTotalViewController:self didTotalChange:#"foo"];
I'm trying this entire day solve this puzzle but I never get setTotalViewController fired.
Thanks in advance.
Friend you did a small mistake, when you navigate from FirstTopViewController to UnderRightViewController at that time you need to do this in FirstTopViewController.m:-
UnderRightViewController *obj = [[UnderRightViewController
alloc] initWithNibName:#"UnderRightViewController" bundle:nil];
obj.delegate = self; // u forget to assign protocol handler
[self.navigationController pushViewController:obj animated:YES];
[obj release];
You don't have any code that is setting the delegate for the UnderRightViewController. I don't know what object owns both of these controllers, but before either UnderRightViewController and FirstTopViewController are displayed it should run code something like this:
FirstTopViewController *ftvc = //... where ever you get a reference to this from
UnderRightViewController *urvc = ...;
urvc.delegate = ftvc;
In your above code you are using custom delegates and also you have used it for sending message to onecontroller class to another controller class. So below is the same sample code of custom delegates, it is working fine in similar way you have to implement and also the problem in your code is you are not setting the delegate, so please follow below how to set the same and call the method. here i have used your same method only return type i have defined as NSString in-spite of void for explaining purpose, but you can use void according to your requirement hope it will be helpful to you:-
First Controller Class AWindowController.h
#interface AWindowController : NSWindowController<sampleDelegate>
NSString *textA;
#property(readwrite,retain)NSString *textA;
#import "AWindowController.h"
#import "BWindowController.h"
#interface AWindowController ()
#implementation AWindowController
#synthesize textA;
- (id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow *)window
self = [super initWithWindow:window];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
return self;
- (NSString *)setTotalViewController:(BWindowController*)controller didTotalChange:(NSString*)total
return #"recieved";
- (void)windowDidLoad
[super windowDidLoad];
// Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.
return #"AWindowController";
[self setTextA:#"Awindow Button Pressed"];
BWindowController *b=[[BWindowController alloc]init];
[b showWindow:self];
Second Controller Class BWindowController.h
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "sampleDelegate.h"
#class BWindowController;
#protocol sampleDelegate <NSObject>
//-(NSString *)getDataValue;
- (NSString *)setTotalViewController:(BWindowController*)controller didTotalChange:(NSString*)total;
#interface BWindowController : NSWindowController<sampleDelegate>
NSString *bTextValue;
#property(readwrite,retain)NSString *bTextValue;
#import "BWindowController.h"
#interface BWindowController ()
#implementation BWindowController
#synthesize bTextValue,delegate;
- (id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow *)window
self = [super initWithWindow:window];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
return self;
- (NSString *)setTotalViewController:(BWindowController*)controller didTotalChange:(NSString*)total;
return nil;
- (void)windowDidLoad
NSString *str= [[self delegate]setTotalViewController:self didTotalChange:#"recieved"];
[super windowDidLoad];
// Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.
return #"BWindowController";
Attached screen shot in Output:-
Below is window is the AwindowController.h class
Below in the same above window pressing the button and when Awindow button pressed data will send
and notification will be recieved in Bwindow using above define custom delegates as attached in the screen shot.

How to call a method from a UIViewController thats already on the UINavigationController stack

I have a UIViewController on a UINavigationStack and from this UIView I load another view not onto the stack but as a subview. This view that I load is just a preferences view for the app that I overlay onto what ever is showing.
myViewController <- on the stack button touch loads as a subview to myViewController
+ prefrencesViewController
My question is, is there a way to call a method thats in myViewController from prefrencesViewController? I am trying to use delegates and protocols but its not working, so I am hoping there is either an easy way to do this I don't know about yet or maybe I could get some help with my delegate/protocol...
This is what my code looks like for delegate and protocol set up
#protocol GetPrefrencesViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
//delegates and protocols
#property (nonatomic, weak) id <GetPrefrencesViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
//delegates and protocols
#synthesize delegate;
//.. inside button action
[[self delegate] reloadViewFromSavedPrefrences];
#import "prefrencesViewController.h"
#interface myViewController : UIViewController <UITabBarDelegate, GetGUIEncodedData, GetPrefrencesViewControllerDelegate> {
// prefrencesViewController set up
prefrencesViewController *pvc;
#property (strong, nonatomic) prefrencesViewController *pvc;
#synthesize pvc;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[pvc setDelegate:self];
//Delegate and prefrences.. Saved pressed reload the view here.
-(void)reloadViewFromSavedPrefrences {
any help would be greatly appreciated
I'm not sure that you are following the steps that I will present below but if you don't here is the example.
//import stuff
#protocol PresentedViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
-(void)methodThatSouldBeImplementedByOtherController; //you can add params
#interface PresentedViewController : UIViewController {
//instance variables
#property (nonatomic, assign(week for ARK)) id<PresentedViewControllerDelegate>delegate
//public methods here
#implementation PresentedViewController
#synthesize delegate;
//method implementation here
-(IBAction)buttonThatWillCallTheDelegate:(id)sender {
if([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(methodThatSouldBeImplementedByOtherController)]) {
[self.delegate methodThatSouldBeImplementedByOtherController];
#interface ControllerThatWillPresent : UIViewController <PresentedViewControllerDelegate> {
//instance variables
//some methods maybe
#implementation ControllerThatWillPresen
-(void)methodThatWillShowTheVC {
PresentedViewController *vc = [PresentedViewController alloc] init]; //initWithNibname...
vc.delegate = self;
//presentVc, pushVc, addChild ...
-(void)methodThatSouldBeImplementedByOtherController {
//do stuff in delegate method

EXD_BAD_ACCESS passing data back to delegate

I'm a relatively new iPhone developer and am making great progress building my 2nd iPhone app. In the app I'm building now I'm doing some code separation with some protocols and delegates so that I car re-use some of my code in a variety of places throughout my code.
Here's what I want to happen:
CITRootViewController creates an instance of a CITReportCreator class, passing itself as a property so that the reportCreator can open additional view controllers and such.
CITReportCreator class is declared as implementing the CITImageCaptureDelegate protocol, which is declared in the CITImageCaptureViewController file.
CITImageCaptureViewController defines the delegate protocol and has a method that passes back data and references to the child view controller so that CITReportCreator can interact with it's data, close the related XIB, etc.
I believe I'm getting the delegate and protocol established correctly, and verified that my 'delegate' object still contains data when it is called, but I'm getting a EXC_BAD_ACCESS method when my view controller tries to pass data back to the delegate in this line of code:
[self.delegate childViewControllerDidFinish:self];
Here's a good portion of the rest of my code. I had this working by using CITRootViewController as my delegate instead of the CITReportCreator class, but now that I'm separating the code, something has broke.
CITReootViewController.m (the view controller that calls the Report Creator)
//create a nrew report
-(IBAction)createReport:(id)sender {
CITReportCreator *report = [CITReportCreator alloc];
[report createNewReport:self];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "CITImageCaptureViewController.h"
#interface CITReportCreator : NSObject <CITImageCaptureDelegate>
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *imageList;
#property (nonatomic) NSInteger imageIndex;
-(int) createNewReport:(UIViewController *)parent ;
//Delegate Methods
-(void) childViewControllerDidFinish:(UIViewController*)viewController;
And CITReportCreator.m
#import "CITReportCreator.h"
#implementation CITReportCreator
UIViewController *parentController;
#synthesize imageList;
#synthesize imageIndex;
-(int) createNewReport:(UIViewController *)parent
//store a reference to the parent view controller
parentController = parent;
// init code....
//head to the first image capture view
[self startImageCapture];
return 0;
//pull the image name from the array of images
NSString *imageName = [imageList objectAtIndex:imageIndex];
//prep the image capture controller
CITImageCaptureViewController *capture = [[CITImageCaptureViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CITImageCaptureViewController" bundle:nil];
//Assign the capture controller's delegate
capture.imageName = imageName;
capture.delegate = self;
//Display the capture controller
[parentController presentModalViewController:capture animated:YES];
return 0;
//a break point set here never gets hit.
-(void) childViewControllerDidFinish:(UIViewController*)viewController;
[viewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
And finally, the CITImageCaptureViewControllers
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#protocol CITImageCaptureDelegate <NSObject>
-(void) childViewControllerDidFinish:(UIViewController*)viewController;
#interface CITImageCaptureViewController : UIViewController
id<CITImageCaptureDelegate> delegate;
#property (nonatomic,assign) id<CITImageCaptureDelegate> delegate;
#property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *imageName;
//continue button pressed method
And the .m file
#import "CITImageCaptureViewController.h"
#interface CITImageCaptureViewController ()
#implementation CITImageCaptureViewController
#synthesize navItem;
#synthesize imageName;
#synthesize delegate = _delegate; //i think this may be part of the problem
//cutting out initWithNibName, viewDidLoad, etc...
- (IBAction)continueButtonPressed:(id)sender
[self.delegate childViewControllerDidFinish:self];
I find nothing with delegates and protocols all that simple, but I'm guessing I'm missing a small change somewhere. Can you help me head in the right direction?

Custom delegate not working

I have started working more with delegate as suggested in another question I made. Now, I have made a UIViewController called ProfileViewController in which I would like to load the News Feed from Facebook. I also have subclass of NSObject called FBFeed. This subclass loads the Facebook News Feed and should pass it back to the view controller. All my requests to Facebook are sent through a singleton named FBRequestWrapper which (in this case) should pass the result to FBFeed.
I call getFBRequestWithGraphPath:andDelegate: in FBRequestWrapper which will call a method in the Facebook iOS SDK which takes a delegate as a parameter. If I put in self (which will be the FBRequestWrapper) it works just fine. If I put in _delegate (which is an instance of FBFeed) the application crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
I have a theory why it might crash. I have read that
#property (nonatomic, retain) id <FBFeedDelegate> delegate;
should be
#property (nonatomic, assign) id <FBFeedDelegate> delegate;
But when doing so I get the following error:
Existing ivar 'delegate' for unsafe_unretained property 'delegate'
must be __unsafe_unretained
Also, I don't know if that enough to make the application crash.
Here is my code.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "FeedTableView.h"
#import "FBFeed.h"
#interface ProfileViewController : UIViewController <FBFeedDelegate>
FeedTableView *tableView;
- (void)loadFeed;
#implementation ProfileViewController
- (void)loadFeed
FBFeed *feed = [[FBFeed alloc] init];
[feed loadNewsFeedWithDelegate:self];
#pragma mark -
#pragma FBFeedDelegate
- (void)finishedLoadingFeed:(FBFeed *)_feed
NSLog(#"ProfileViewController: FBFeed Finished.");
- (void)failedToLoadFeed:(FBFeed *)_feed
NSLog(#"ProfileViewController: FBFeed Failed.");
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Load feed
[self loadFeed];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "FBRequestWrapper.h"
#protocol FBFeedDelegate;
#interface FBFeed : NSObject <FBRequestDelegate>
id <FBFeedDelegate> delegate;
#property (nonatomic, retain) id <FBFeedDelegate> delegate;
- (void)loadNewsFeedWithDelegate:(id)_delegate;
#protocol FBFeedDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)finishedLoadingFeed:(FBFeed *)_feed;
- (void)failedToLoadFeed:(FBFeed *)_feed;
#import "FBFeed.h"
#implementation FBFeed
#synthesize delegate;
- (void)loadNewsFeedWithDelegate:(id)_delegate
self.delegate = _delegate;
[[FBRequestWrapper defaultManager] getFBRequestWithGraphPath:#"me" andDelegate:self];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark FBRequest Delegate
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result
NSLog(#"FBFeed: FBRequest Did Load.");
NSLog(#"%#", result);
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(#"FBFeed: FBRequest Failed.");
NSLog(#"%#", error);
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "FBConnect.h"
#interface FBRequestWrapper : NSObject <FBRequestDelegate, FBSessionDelegate>
Facebook *facebook;
BOOL isLoggedIn;
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isLoggedIn;
+ (id)defaultManager;
- (void)setIsLoggedIn:(BOOL)_loggedIn;
- (void)FBSessionBegin:(id<FBSessionDelegate>)_delegate;
- (void)FBLogout;
- (void)getFBRequestWithGraphPath:(NSString *)_path andDelegate:(id)_delegate;
- (void)getFBRequestWithMethodName:(NSString *)_methodName andParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)_params andDelegate:(id)_delegate;
#import "FBRequestWrapper.h"
static FBRequestWrapper *defaultWrapper = nil;
#implementation FBRequestWrapper
#synthesize isLoggedIn;
+ (id)defaultManager
defaultWrapper = [[FBRequestWrapper alloc] init];
return defaultWrapper;
- (void)getFBRequestWithGraphPath:(NSString *)_path andDelegate:(id)_delegate
if (_path != nil)
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:YES];
if (_delegate == nil)
_delegate = self;
[facebook requestWithGraphPath:_path andDelegate:_delegate];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark FBRequestDelegate
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:NO];
NSLog(#"%#", result);
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:NO];
NSLog(#"FBRequest Failed: %#", error);
I guess you are using ARC and the new iOS5 SDK which is still under NDA. Instead of using retain, use the Keyword 'strong'. Using strong will have the same behaviour intended as using retain. Set up your property like this:
#property (nonatomic, strong) id <FBFeedDelegate> delegate;
I think there are two ways for you:
Don't use ARC and leave your code as it was
If you want to use ARC, be aware that delegates normally shouldn't be retained. But when using ARC, an ivar declaration like this:
id <FBFeedDelegate> delegate
defaults to
id <FBFeedDelegate> __strong delegate
So when you declare a property like this:
#property (readwrite, unsafe_unretained) id <FBFeedDelegate> delegate
The ivar should look like this:
id <FBFeedDelegate> __unsafe_unretained delegate
I had the same problem but then I was able to make it work correctly under iOS 5.1 on XCode 4.3.2
Use this code in your .h file
#protocol AnimationManagerCountdownTimerDelegate <NSObject>
#interface AnimationManager : NSObject{
#property (nonatomic, strong) id <AnimationManagerCountdownTimerDelegate> countdownTimerDelegate;
Then in the .m file you simply synthesize:
#synthesize countdownTimerDelegate;

Implementing delegate methods for modal view controller data transfer

I have a simple project to present a modal view controller and transfer back a string based on which button in the modal VC that gets pressed. I based it all on watching the Stanford class on iTunes U. It looks like I have everything correct, but I get a couple of compiler warnings.
First I get one called passing argument 1 of 'setDelegate:' from incompatible pointer type in TransferViewController.m
Second I get four warnings called Invalid receiver type 'id <MyModalViewControllerDelegate>*' but these aren't displayed in the build results area, rather next to the offending lines in MyModalViewController.m, both lines in each of the button actions.
Here's the code...
// TransferViewController.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "MyModalViewController.h";
#interface TransferViewController : UIViewController <MyModalViewControllerDelegate> {
UILabel *label;
UIButton *button;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel *label;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UIButton *button;
- (IBAction)updateText;
// TransferViewController.m
#import "TransferViewController.h"
#implementation TransferViewController
#synthesize label;
#synthesize button;
- (IBAction)updateText {
MyModalViewController *myModalViewController = [[MyModalViewController alloc] init];
myModalViewController.delegate = self; // I get the warning here.
[self presentModalViewController:myModalViewController animated:YES];
[myModalViewController release];
- (void)myModalViewController:(MyModalViewController *)controller didFinishSelecting:(NSString *)selectedDog {
label.text = selectedDog;
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
// MyModalViewController.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#protocol MyModalViewControllerDelegate;
#interface MyModalViewController : UIViewController {
UIButton *abby;
UIButton *zion;
id <MyModalViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
#property (assign) id <MyModalViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
- (IBAction)selectedAbby;
- (IBAction)selectedZion;
#protocol MyModalViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)myModalViewController:(MyModalViewController *)controller didFinishSelecting:(NSString *)selectedDog;
// MyModalViewController.m
#import "MyModalViewController.h"
#implementation MyModalViewController
#synthesize delegate;
- (IBAction)selectedAbby {
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector (myModalViewController:didFinishSelecting:)]) {
[self.delegate myModalViewController:self didFinishSelecting:#"Abby"];
- (IBAction)selectedZion {
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector (myModalViewController:didFinishSelecting:)]) {
[self.delegate myModalViewController:self didFinishSelecting:#"Zion"];
Get rid of those *s after id <something> and before delegate.
So make this
id <MyModalViewControllerDelegate> *delegate;
id <MyModalViewControllerDelegate> delegate;