EKEventEditViewController localization - iphone

How to change the default language in EKEventEditViewController, it is always English, even if I set AppleLanguages object manually

I solved this problem by adding a Localizations item to my app plist. For example, if you want your app to show the form in Spanish, add a Localizations key in your plist and inside it create the Spanish item.

1) In info.plist set "Localization native development region" to your languages e.g. en,de,fr and so on.
2) Add new file -> iOS resource - > Strings File and name it Localizable.
Select this file in your bundle and add on the "Utility View" your localizations.
Then your EventController should be in the correct language.


iPhone muliti laanguage support application

I wanna create my iPhone app in three languages. English & Punjabi & Gujarai.
"Gujarati" & "Punjabi" is not available in locale list of languages. so i can't able to create values folder like values-fr(french) and value-rs(russia).. like dat.. How can i develop this app with "Punjabi" & "Gujarati"?
IOS 4.3 onwards these fonts are supported : http://iosfonts.com/
If don't find the fonts then you can use custom fonts. Steps listed below
Just follow these steps:
1.Add your custom font files into your project using XCode as a resource
2.Add a key to your info.plist file called UIAppFonts.
3.Make this key an array
4.For each font you have, enter the full name of your font file (including the extension) as items to the UIAppFonts array
5.Save info.plist
6.Now in your application you can simply call [UIFont fontWithName:#"CustomFontName" size:12] to get the custom font to use with your UILabels and UITextViews, etc…

Change language from my application in iphone

How i can change my language within my app ،knowing that my application include xib and also NSlocalizedstring inside my nib.
For localization on iPhone, you must add specific .strings files to your project for each language you want to support.
Here is a great article about localization for iPhone.

localization problem in iPhone App with XCode

i need to localize an existing iphone app. I've added strings files for German and English, which work well.
I've also opened the Info-Pane of the XIB Files, klicked "add Localization", chose the languages (German and Englisch). In the View of all Ressources in XCode is see under the XIB Files now "German" and "Englisch".
I can translate all design elements in Interface Builder for German and Englisch. If i start the App on the Device or in Simulator there is always the german language displayed, also if i change the device language to "English". I also cleared all targets and deleted the app on the device and the simulator before testing.
What am i doing wrong ??
Any help is much apprechiated !
ok ... looks like XCode has still a bug. The localization should not be named "German" and "Englisch". You need to name it "de" and "en". After clearning all targets and running in Simulator the right language xib is displayed.

Displaying a localised version of iPhone Contact Picker (ABPeoplePickerNavigationController)

In my app I use the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to present an address book to the user so they can select a contact from their contacts.
I want my app to support multiple localizations (English, French) and I was expecting the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to display the correct localised strings when I changed the phone's locale. However, this does not happen - no matter what language I change the iPhone to, the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController always displays English strings. This is strange as the Contacts application on the iPhone does change its text depending on the locale.
Does anyone know how to instruct the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to display the correct text for the current locale?
Is your app already localized or are you just planning to add localization later? AFAIK, the built-in controls only display localized texts in those languages that your app supports.
fileName : InfoPlist.strings
view -> Utilities -> show file inspector
-> Localization "+" button click >> add language

Can I change the icon title on the iPhone home screen without changing the application name?

The name of an app we are developing is longer than can fit under the icon on the home screen, but it looks fine everywhere else it appears in the UI (like when a popup appears asking you if you want to delete it, in the settings app, etc.).
Is there any way to specify a different string for these different places?
You can specify two different bundle names in your Info.plist:
CFBundleDisplayName (String) specifies
the display name of the bundle. If you
support localized names for your
bundle, include this key in both your
information property list file and in
the InfoPlist.strings files of your
language subdirectories. If you
localize this key, you should also
include a localized version of the
CFBundleName key.
CFBundleName (String) identifies the
short name of the bundle. This name
should be less than 16 characters long
and be suitable for displaying in the
menu bar and the application’s Info
window. You can include this key in
the InfoPlist.strings file of an
appropriate .lproj subdirectory to
provide localized values for it. If
you localize this key, you should also
include the key “CFBundleDisplayName.”
In Xcode these show up as "Bundle display name" and "Bundle name" respectively.
So just change the value of Bundle name to a shortened form and see if the dashboard uses that instead of the longer Bundle display name
Except for localized application names, I'm not aware of any option to specify different application names for different contexts.