localization problem in iPhone App with XCode - iphone

i need to localize an existing iphone app. I've added strings files for German and English, which work well.
I've also opened the Info-Pane of the XIB Files, klicked "add Localization", chose the languages (German and Englisch). In the View of all Ressources in XCode is see under the XIB Files now "German" and "Englisch".
I can translate all design elements in Interface Builder for German and Englisch. If i start the App on the Device or in Simulator there is always the german language displayed, also if i change the device language to "English". I also cleared all targets and deleted the app on the device and the simulator before testing.
What am i doing wrong ??
Any help is much apprechiated !

ok ... looks like XCode has still a bug. The localization should not be named "German" and "Englisch". You need to name it "de" and "en". After clearning all targets and running in Simulator the right language xib is displayed.


How to set default language to Arabic instead of english ios swift?

I have developed the app having 2 language(English & Arabic). I have given screen when you can switch the language when you switch language you will need to restart the app and work proper.
But the problem is no i wants to display default language as arabic. I have set "Localization native development region (CFBundleDevelopmentRegion)" as "ar" its not works properly display weired somehow.
I event try to set AppleLanguages in NSUSerDefault but its not display my storyboard as arabic.
Thanks in Advance!

Change language from my application in iphone

How i can change my language within my app ŲŒknowing that my application include xib and also NSlocalizedstring inside my nib.
For localization on iPhone, you must add specific .strings files to your project for each language you want to support.
Here is a great article about localization for iPhone.

Displaying XIB on UIView!How can i set it?

How can i display a XIB interface on an UIView!Please be simple!
a UIView interface built in a XIB can be displayed by linking that XIB with a UIViewController.
Check out the Apple documentation About Windows and Views.
And you can see how a XIB is set up just by creating a new project in XCode and choosing "Single View Application" as a template. If you're using XCode 4.2, the "MainStoryboard.storyboard" file appears to be the new name for a XIB file.
Which reminds me I should go check out the WWDC session online that talks about this -- and you should too. If you're a registered developer, it's free to check out! My educated guess is that the "Designing User Interfaces for iOS and Mac OS X Apps" session (at https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2011/?id=110) is the one you want to see.

NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib ind bundle

I am developing an application for the iPad. The application has following details:
Base SDK: 4.2
Deployment Target: 3.2
The application is a game application and it has got 10 rounds.
In each round I am loading 6 controllers and after the completion of each round again the same cycle starts.
The application works fine till 4 rounds but at the end of 4th round it crashes given following error:
"NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib ind bundle:"
I have checked for everything solution like checking the nib file name, checking the nib file path. Nib file name and nib file path both are correct and targets are also correct but still it crashes.
Any help for this will be appreciated.
Right click your nib file in xcode and make sure its type is 'file.xib'.
I had this problem too, in my case the cause was that my project had no localization to italian but the app was running under "it" settings.
The simulator has English as regional setting by default, everything was ok on it while the actual device had italian settings, so the app crashes immediately when attempting to load the RootViewController, because it was looking for an italian version of it.
In XCode I added an italian localized version to the RootViewController (now I see two entries under it, one for english created by default and italian). Note that you don't need to do the real translations in the view, it's enough that you create it and leave as default. Xcode copies all labels and text from the original view, you just leave as is for the moment.
You'll have to do this for each view controller in your project. Refer to Apple docs, for explanations on internationalization and localization here.
As a workaround, some people might prefer to change the device regional settings to English while performing tests...

Displaying a localised version of iPhone Contact Picker (ABPeoplePickerNavigationController)

In my app I use the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to present an address book to the user so they can select a contact from their contacts.
I want my app to support multiple localizations (English, French) and I was expecting the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to display the correct localised strings when I changed the phone's locale. However, this does not happen - no matter what language I change the iPhone to, the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController always displays English strings. This is strange as the Contacts application on the iPhone does change its text depending on the locale.
Does anyone know how to instruct the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to display the correct text for the current locale?
Is your app already localized or are you just planning to add localization later? AFAIK, the built-in controls only display localized texts in those languages that your app supports.
fileName : InfoPlist.strings
view -> Utilities -> show file inspector
-> Localization "+" button click >> add language