FMOD Stop or Reset a DSP? - iphone

I have a question about stopping DSP's in FMOD. I have a button that I want to stop my DSP from being enabled.
- (IBAction)myButton:(id)sender {
Any ideas? I've looked into the documentation - but it's not working for me. Any help would he highly appreciated!

Ah! I figured it out - it was simple. I think I was over complicating it.
All I needed to do was throw in the simple remove call into the action. :)
result = myEcho->remove();

There's also DSP::setActive or DSP::setBypass


Add an icon to a Perl/GTK application

I've written a little app in perl/Gtk, now I want to add an icon to it. I"ve got a jpg file.
The app is very basic, and of course use a Gtk2::Window object.
I was thought to use Image::Base::Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf but Gtk2::Window->set_default_icon only want a Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf object, and I have not managed to create one (if someone can show me). I'm on a debian with perl-5.14.2.
Thanks guys!
Oh, got it!
use Image::Base::Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf;
my $navIco = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file("./mltwb.png"); `
Just had to read doc. Thanks folks!

How to display a time picker?

I need display a time picker in sencha touch, in a similar way of xtype: 'datepickerfield', any idea how to do it? thanks
Have a look at SenchaTouch-v2-Datetimepicker
It is a bit buggy, but mostly works. A drawback is the license is not set. Guess GPL, but he don't answer on the email about it...
Cheers, Oleg
Sencha Market gives an extension for datetimepicker..Have not tried it but I hope it is useful for you

ViewController switching animation like in the

Is there any open source codes achieve the viewController switching animation as appears in Thanks in advance!
Here are a bunch of different ones for you to check out -
I've used JASidePanel recently and it worked well. Hope that helps.

Using Widgets IN Android

I'm new to Android. I want to take input from user and display on it screen. Is anyone help to me.. And also give me explanation also, that help me to understand.. Please help me..
Thanks In Advance...
Snehal Choudhari..
You should probably start by reading:

iPhone keyboard tweak

I would reduce the time to get special characters when keeping a touch on the keyboard. Anyone has a clue?
(Undocumented) Override -[UIKeyboardImpl touchLongPressTimer] to call
-(void)touchLongPressTimer {
[self touchLongPressTimerWithDelay:0.5f]; // default = 1.8125f
I strongly doubt this is possible using the public API. You'd have a file bug with Apple to ask them to make this possible. It does however seem unlikely, as it would result in differing behavior between apps in a common control.
You could write your own keyboard control for your own app :)