Buddy selected signal in Pidgin API - plugins

I'm writing a plugin for Pidgin and I need to catch one special event - I need to react when you click/select a "buddy" in the "buddy list" in Pidgin.
Please, guys do you know if there is such signal (I guess this is where it should be listed, if it would exist - https://developer.pidgin.im/doxygen/2.5.2/html/blist-signals.html)? If not, could you imagine some workaround?
If no other option, I'll try to modify directly Pidgin code, it's hard for me, I'm quite new to C and Pidgin project is not small, but I'm interested enough to it, so why not :)

There isn't a pidgin-level signal for this. To catch this you would need to be writing a GTK+ plugin and you would need to connect to the appropriate signal on the buddy list tree view widget itself.


MVVM Light : How to remove dependency of System.Windows.MessageBoxResult from DialogMessage

I'm working on a MVVM application, using MVVM Light and on the whole I'm finding it very nice to work with. I have a nagging issue however and hope someone can help.
I'm using sending instances of DialogMessage from VM to the View to display dialogs. The result is sent back to my VM via a callback, all good so far.
However the result of the dialog (OK, Yes, No, Cancel etc) is sent back as a member of the enum System.Windows.MessageBoxResult. This seems to go against the View/ViewModel separation to me, MessageBoxResult is clearly a type from the UI and so the VM shouldn't be dependent upon this or anything from the System.Windows namespace.
What I'm looking for is someway of using DialogMessage with an alternative callback eg Action<UserResult>; rather than Action<System.Windows.MessageBoxResult>;, where UserResult is a type defined by me to represent the users choice without dependency on MessageBoxResult.
Is this possible or am I being too strict in me desire to keep UI concepts out of the VM?
In regards to the second part of your question, when I started working with MVVM Light I too felt that receiving a MessageBoxResult back in the VM seems a little to UI-oriented.
On the other hand, if only the name was different - such as UserResult as you suggested - would that be sufficient for you?
If only the nameing of the class is a problem, I think you can let it slip. The result Ok, Yes, No, Cancel do not give an indication of whether a MessageBox was shown with buttons or whether it was some other kind of UI implementation (lets say a form with a combo box).
If it still bothers you, you can always create a wrapper for the DialogMessage which will raise the Dialog, get the MessageBoxResult and return a UserResult which can be an enum with the same values (think of it as a simple converter).
But as I said, I think it might be an overkill...

iPhone Dev - Creating a one time UIAlertView like in Temple Run

You know how Temple Run sometimes has alerts when you open the App that appear even though you don't update the App? I understand how you would implement this if you were to submit an update to your App, but how does Imangi implement new alerts without releasing new versions of the App? (I'm assuming they upload it from some server, but I'm an amateur at all of that stuff so could someone sorta vaguely explain how I might go about doing that? Will I need to learn Internet programming languages :O?)
I agree with Jonathan. I would set a plist with a reference number on your server. and it would look something like this. I'm using concept, not code. It would be as simple as hosting it on your server. Or it could be as complicated as your creating a user interface on your website that allows you to just plug in the information and it would create the plist for you.
int currentnotificationnumber = userprefs preference for item "notification"
get and parse notification.plist from your server
notificationnumber = object at index 0
if notificationnumber > currentnotificationnumber{
display your notification with parsed plist
You could host a plist online, with an array of alerts stored as dictionaries, with attributes like 'title', 'body' etc. The app would then parse this and to create an alert. You could then set up a method which searches for updates to this file every time the app opens and has connectivity.
This is not the only way - there are probably hundreds of other files types/ automated systems to use, however this is a simple way, and roughly how all of them work, and I have implemented something like this in some of my apps. Hope this helps, if you wan't any help coding it, I will be happy to help!

Eclipse builder: How does it work?

Does anyone know any details on the underlying eclipse builder that sends jobs to the compiler and get its report? and how to tap to it? The level of abstraction that the builder extension offers is too high and the information insufficient. So I implemented an IResourceChangeListener and played with the ResourceDelta in order to get the messages from an IMarker. It works perfectly, however I realized the message is just returning a string. So my question is, how do I do in order to get the type/reference of the object where the error is, what type of error, what class it should belongs to and all available info.
Have you looked at the builder documentation?
And there is also This article by John.
I think between those two and looking at the code you will find everything you need to know.

Javamail to receive emails; whats wrong?

I am trying to create a very simple (text based for now) email app for receiving emails. So far i have used this code :
The problem is that i when i run this code i am able to get the new emails, only for once. For example if i have a new message in inbox the first time i will this code it will show it but then it wont. Also it seems that i cant see the body contents of the emails which is strange. I was told that it should be better to use imap protocol but i am not entirely sure how.
Specified example really starts once and scans folder and exits (and see answer on POP that removes mail). From description you need some loop that periodically checks catalog and extracts new mails. Look at some swing examples in your JDK how to write window-based program with event loop. You can start dedicated thread that once per minute checks POP server catalog

Flash Player 9 vs Flash Player 10 with FLEX 3, ?_method=PUT/DELETE not working?

I have a FLEX 3 frontend that worked fine in FlashPlayer 9. But now that I've upgraded to FlashPlayer10, the ?_method=PUT/DELETE hack is not working anymore. All those requests show up as a POST on the backend now. I did some reading and it sounds like I need to use as3httpclientlib AND run a socket policy server to give access to port 80 (or any other port) in order to use as3httpclientlib. So my question is: are you freakin kidding me? How is it that, in earlier versions of Flex/flash player, all I had to do was add a simple string ("_method=") to the url. But now I have to do the hokey pokey AND turn my self around? Really? Please someone tell me that I've got this all wrong, and that _method= is, in fact, still supported. Otherwise, its BYE BYE FLEX/FLASH PLAYER - NEVER AGAIN!
I understand you very much, my friend, just had similar noise with authentication headers in new one Security Policy from Adobe. Anyway, if you'll share your code, maybe I could help you, because your goal is not clearly explained in your post, Buddy. So let me know please, cause java sandbox and silverlight are not the better way in this case. But maybe some javascript stuff could save our time.