GitHub link from Issue to Wiki - github

I want link wiki-page to issue text.
[]() syntax links into issues pool.
[[text|page]] doesn't work.
How to do it?

You can also use relative paths. Here's an example from one of my projects:
I prefer this approach to full paths, since it's not impossible that you might rename a project or transfer ownership to someone else, and so break any absolute references to parts of the repo.

Use [text](link_to_wiki_page) where link_to_wiki_page is the full URL of the wiki page you want to link to. Just navigate to the page and copy/paste the URL from the URL bar.


jekyll github page multiple post type connection

Recently building my github page with Jekyll.
I wanted to have a few types of post, mainly blog and study note.
I found a way to make the url the way I want them to be, however the connection is way off.
I used 2 methods, first I tried with create subfolder under _post folder
I also tried create _post folder as subfolder:
but no matter how I put them, they only show up in
however their url is correct.
What should I look into to gain better understanding to Jekyll's syntax? Ruby?
Instead of putting your posts in subfolders, use categories. From the jekyll docs:
Instead of placing posts inside of folders, you can specify one or more categories that the post belongs to. When the site is generated the post will act as though it had been set with these categories normally. Categories (plural key) can be specified as a YAML list or a space-separated string.
This way, you can write a post in the _posts folder, set its category to either blog or studynote (or whatever you want it to be) and then that post will show up at
Also make sure that baseurl in your config file isn't set to /blog, because then everything on your site will appear under /blog. Hopefully this helps!

github link to wiki page from README

How do I create a link from a file to a Wiki page in github? Every example seems to show linking from one wiki page to another wiki page, or from one README file to another file in the repository. But none that show linking from one to the other
I just came across this question and saw that this was impossible, but stubbornly kept trying anyway. Good news, because this actually can be done with relative links!
If you look at the documentation for relative links on GitHub, you can see that it supports ./ and ../ operands.
Given that your README is located at:<user-name>/<repo-name>/blob/master/
... and the wiki is located at:<user-name>/<repo-name>/wiki
... that means you can just crawl back from the README to the wiki, like so:
[My Awesome Wiki](../../wiki)
Update: As some people have pointed out in the comments (thanks!), please be aware that these relative links will break on clones and forks, so be sure to weigh that into your decision!
You would have to use an absolute URL as opposed to a relative one.
For example:
[Sites Using React](
I found that I needed to crawl back 3 levels versus 2 levels as descreibed in jmar777's approach.
When I used
The link generated was<username>/blob/wiki
I needed to use:
This generated<username>/wiki
I am using GitLab. My link to my Wiki page looks like this.
Checkout the [Wiki page](/%2E%2E/wikis/Welcome)
I tried the other recommendations that are posted here but it kept changing the URL with re-writes that broke the link.
Just to add on this one, if you want to refer to your repo file from inside wiki use ../../blob/master/. Combined with the answer from jmar777 this allows to completely integrate code and wiki and remove a need for bloated
To make it work locally as well as your file structure would have to be

Google Content Experiments for whole part of the site

I want to run an A/B-test or an experiment for whole part of the site. For example on my /blog/ page, where one variation would have a newsletter form and other variation a free ebook download button.
The problem is that I have to use a full URL path for the experiments, for example /blog/2013/article/1?var=1 and /blog/2013/article/1?var=2 With this method I would need create a new experiment for each blog post. This is impossible.
Any tips on how to approach this?
It's possible, but the documentation is lacking.
When you choose your variation URLs, you need to use relative instead of http://. This let's you use query parameters to define the variations, instead of the full URL. In your example, you would define your original page as:
http: //
and your variation URLs would be ?var=1, var=2, etc. using relative as the option in the dropdown (instead of http:// or https://).
Here's the not-so-clear documentation on using relative URLs for your variations:
One important thing to remember is that if you're doing it this way, you need to include the content experiment code on every "original" page.
There's also another way to have even more control over serving the variation pages and controlling the experiment using the Content Experiments JavScript API. This is a relatively new feature - you can see the developer documentation about this here:
I am not sure this is possible. You might look at a more robust yet simple to use tool like Visual Website Optimizer or Optimizely.

Prestashop - Header links

I have a Prestashop installation and am trying to add pages to it. I want the pages to show up with the HOME and CONTACT links and not in the information block. I take it I need to edit code, but where? Do I hard code the pages? Or can I create the page with the CMS in tools and just add a link in the headerlinks for that page?
AH, I found it. For any who may also be looking for this, you can edit this directly like this:
Find the 'modules/blockpermanantlinks/ directory and edit the blockpermanentlinks-header.tpl file. You will need to set up target pages manually too. I just pointed to information CMS pages I made earlier.
#Stefan, in PS 1.4, you need to let Smarty Force a Compile in order to see changes you make while testing or changing the elements/appearance of a page.
Go to Preferences > Performance, and change to Force Compile: Yes, w/ Cache: No, while you are testing changes. When you are done, change those two settings back to Force Compile: No and Cache: Yes.

TYPO3 does not resolve url correctly

I'm pretty new to TYPO3 and currently stuck with the following issue:
I copied the templates from another webpage that is currently in business.
When I'm on the startpage of my homepage ( and click on one of the links it contains I always get an error 404. The link that is generated looks like this.
So I guess something like RealUrl was in use on the webpage that I copied from? Do I understand this right? I don't see that RealUrl is installed though.
However If i manually change this link to
the site is being created.
How does Typo3 know to generate a page when it receives the first version of these two links?
Does not really look like a standard out-of-the-box REAL URL url. That would rather have been /testpage-404.html . So maybe the problem is somewhere else, could be:
simulate static (check if that extension is running). A common mistake is to run real url an simulate static at the same time. If you do not need speaking urls for the moment, just uninstall simulate static.
make sure you add a domain to your shortcut. Use the the list modul and select the root shortcut. Then click create new record, select domain. and enter your domain there. Flush all the caches and try again.
If you'd post your TS Code (of the root shortcut page) here, I could probably tell what's going wrong.
real url configuration typically use .htaccess files.. maybe that file still contains information from the original destination.
check if the root ts contains some baseUrl statement
Which version of TYPO3 are you using?
HTH, but feel free to post more infos.
If your typoscript template is expecting to find realurl and its not installed as a plugin, that could be the cause. You'll need to either install it, or find the settings in the TS template and remove them.
Try the template object browser to look for it (use the template tool, click to the site root, then use the drop down menu in the r/h pane to choose the Template Obect Browser.)
How does Typo3 know to generate a page when
it receives the first version of these two links?
Any page request that it doesn't understand will give a 404 error.