Is there any shortcut for maximizing the tab you are working on in Eclipse? Assume I am working on part of a code and I want to maximize the tab not using the double click on it with the mouse, does anyone know a way?
CtrlM will maximize/restore the editor area.
If you can't remember all shortcuts, then just learn CtrlShiftL. That will show a list of available shortcuts.
Some more shortcuts can be found on external sites.
Is there any keyboard shortcut key for navigating to the next error (red markers created in error stripe) in Netbeans editor?
As of NetBeans 8 there doesn't appear to be a way to navigate through errors exclusively in the editor. If you look at tools->options->keymap an action does exist for this (next error in editor), but the shortcut is blank. I set it to Alt+E on my IDE, this will navigate through all annotations - not just errors. So if you don't mind cycling through all hints, warnings errors, etc, this will work.
The closest I've been able to get for navigating specifically through errors is using the action items window. Add a filter for errors, then you can use Ctrl+. and Ctrl+, to navigate through the list (see How to display all compile errors in Netbeans as a task list?).
That would be Ctrl-Period ::: (Period means .)
Links to many shortcuts:
Highlights of NetBeans IDE 8.0 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code
134 Shortcuts for NetBeans 8 (Windows)
EDITED--URLs NOW VALID thru ver. 8
Add the Action Items window to your IDE. This lists all of your errors and is dynamic, so will be updated when you save.
From the menu bar: Window->Action Items.
(Took me forever to understand why when I would save, I wouldn't see any compile errors, but then it wouldn't run.)
Actually question is about "next error in editor". At least in my configuration (NetBeans profile) this function doesn't have any shortcut by default so if you go to Tools->Options->Keymap and in search field you write "Next Error in Editor" you can add any shortcut that fits the best to you
On a Mac things are different and there is no keyboard shortcut for navigating to a usage/compile error as far as I can tell.
You can go to Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts Card to see the full list of short cuts for your platform.
See for info for macs and for the default shortcuts for PCs.
No. there is no good and easy way on keyboard.
just clicking on those red marks (by mouse) is the fastest way. (it's not an easy/good way. but the best possible.)
I would hold down Ctrl and Click on the name of the class in my build path to navigate to that Class.
Please help me in finding the keyboard shortcut without using the mouse click.
Keyboard shortcut to navigate into classes (or variable declarations) is F3.
See this article for more useful shortcuts (or just google for another page about eclipse shortcuts)
When I'm in Mac OS X, I'm able to switch tabs in my browsers and in TextMate using a Command- keybinding. If I want to go to the first tab, I use Command-1, second tab Command-2, etc.
Is there a key binding in Eclipse based IDEs that will support this same functionality?
While using eclipse on OSX, for switching tabs use the following shortcut
Ctrl + fn + Up Cursor Key for moving towards left tab
Ctrl + fn + Down Cursor Key for moving towards right tab
Here Ctrl is not Command, it is Ctrl just like other OS.
Eclipse doesn't support a tab-index-based navigation. The default editor switch key binding as noted by other responders is CTRL+F6. You can configure this to your liking (Window > Preferences > Keys: Next Editor).
Another way to switch between editors is to use CTRL+E. This presents a dialog with all open editors. You can type in the name of the one in which you are interested. This comes in handy when you have numerous open editor tabs (and Eclipse has hidden tabs it is unable to show).
As far as know the only way to switch between tabs in eclipse is CTRL+F6 and CTRL/PAGEUP, CTRL/PAGEDOWN .
In OsX CTRL become CMD .
If you want to support the OSX based approach for a TabFolder, you will have to implement this yourself. E.g via an installed KeyListener on the tab folder.
If you want to implement this for the editors in the editor area of an Eclipse based IDE, you can do it via a new command with bindings for M1+1 to M1+9... but... please note that M1+1 is usually bound to "quick fix", M1+2 is bound to "quick assist", M1+3 is bound to "quick access", etc... So you will have a conflict...
Eclipse has an MDI structure (Multi Document Interface), so the search panel, the package explorer and the code editor can all be open in one window, but I haven't found a keyboard shortcut for switching between these panels. For example, after I search the code-base, I would love to have a quick shortcut for going back to the code editor.
If I understand your question correct, you are probably looking for Ctrl + F7 and Ctrl + Shift + F7. Other navigational shortcuts can be found in the menu: Window > Navigation.
Not an universal shortcut for going to any panel, but:
allows you to go back to any Editor (although it's still a little heavyweight for quick editor navigation).
And if you want to switch between perspectives its: Crtl + F8 and Ctrl + Shift + F8. You can go to Help > Key Assist... for a full list of shortcuts (this list will change depending on the active editor etc.).
There are two ways to do it.
One is how #VonC did it, in an earlier reply; using CTRL+SHIFT+E which opens a box containing all the panes with their paths.
The other one is to simply use CTRL+E, which will open a pop-up just over your cursor containing the list of panes open. Parse using arrows and ENTER
I use TAB and Shift-Tab in Visual Studio to indent an entire selection. This does nothing in Eclipse, and I can't seem to find another way to do it.
Update: I wasn't really paying all that much attention to this initially and did not ask the question correctly.
I now realized that it is in XML files where TAB still does not indent a selection. I did not find a setting for this in the properties, so I assume it is not possible.
Tab and Shift+Tab are the normal ways to do this in Eclipse, just like in Visual Studio.
In addition to the keyboard shortcuts, you can also do this from the Source menu. Source -> Shift Left, and Source -> Shift Right.
Have you checked to make sure tab/shift tabbing is working as you expect in other applications? Is there a stuck key on your keyboard preventing the shortcuts from working? Could another application be stealing the keyboard shortcuts? (as odd as that sounds...)
Also, try restarting Eclipse.
ctrl + i ---> it is for making accurate indentation to a block of source code.
Go to Window Menu -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Typing and make sure the `'Tab key adjusts the indentation of the current line' checkbox is ticked.