Is there a shortcut for switching between panels in eclipse? - eclipse

Eclipse has an MDI structure (Multi Document Interface), so the search panel, the package explorer and the code editor can all be open in one window, but I haven't found a keyboard shortcut for switching between these panels. For example, after I search the code-base, I would love to have a quick shortcut for going back to the code editor.

If I understand your question correct, you are probably looking for Ctrl + F7 and Ctrl + Shift + F7. Other navigational shortcuts can be found in the menu: Window > Navigation.

Not an universal shortcut for going to any panel, but:
allows you to go back to any Editor (although it's still a little heavyweight for quick editor navigation).

And if you want to switch between perspectives its: Crtl + F8 and Ctrl + Shift + F8. You can go to Help > Key Assist... for a full list of shortcuts (this list will change depending on the active editor etc.).

There are two ways to do it.
One is how #VonC did it, in an earlier reply; using CTRL+SHIFT+E which opens a box containing all the panes with their paths.
The other one is to simply use CTRL+E, which will open a pop-up just over your cursor containing the list of panes open. Parse using arrows and ENTER


Visual Studio Code - Shortcut - Collapse all files in explorer

Can you anyone provide the shortcut for collapse all files in visual studio code explorer?
I personally prefer not to create new shortcuts. As #Mark pointed out on the answer of #JayChase there is an existing shortcut, but it requires the explorer to be in focus. Therefore I combine the shortcut mentioned by #JayChase with another standard shortcut, to get the desired behaviour.
command + 0 (focusses on explorer).
command + left-arrow
An additional benefit over this approach is that I usually want to focus on the explorer view if I want to collapse the folders.
Open the Keyboard Shortcut by pressing Ctrl + K then Ctrl + S and search for Collapse, you will see the Collapse Folders in Explorer key binding (It is empty by default). Press the + button to add your desired key binding.
Now you can enjoy your shortcut.
it's cmd/ctrl + shift + up-arrow
You can collapse all folders using cmd/ctrl left-arrow.
First, click anywhere in the explorer window to activate it, then use the shortcut.
On Windows and Linux.
Ctrl + Left arrow
On Mac:
⌘ + Left arrow
When the Explorer is active, you could use the Workbench list based shortcuts. list based shortcuts include collapse, collapse all, expand, expand all, toggle expand/collapse
To see what are the shortcuts open Keyboard Shorcuts -> Search for list. . Here you find shortcuts for collapse, collapse all, expand, expand all, toggle expand/collapse. These shortcuts work when the Explorer is active, as the Explorer works as a list.
Below is a screenshot for Mac.
If you would like to define a shortcut, without activating the Explorer, then I would recommend - cmd+k ctrl+c. You could add this by opening Keyboard Shorcuts -> Search for Collapse Folders in Explorer -> Click the edit button after hovering over the the Command you want to edit.

How to close the search toggle for vscode?

This is an extremely stupid question... but how do I close/toggle the search box in vscode?
I hit [ cmd + shift + f ] to do a global search, but then I need to reach for my mouse to actually close the box to allow for more screen space.
I've searched through their issues, and there seems to be another user in the past who also experienced something similar --> , but the solution provided of cmd - b only works for closing the sidebar.
My developer speed has drastically dropped since this issue, and I'm certain there's been a fix.
Please help. :(
**added in picture here -->
Press CTRL + SHIFT + E. It will switch to and focus the explorer.
Your search results are appearing in the panel, not the sidebar.
To toggle the panel:
pc/mac: ctrl + ` (backtick)
mac: ⌘ + J
However, if you want your search results to appear in the sidebar (which I think is the default behavior), then add this line to your settings:
"search.location": "sidebar"
Similar to what Vijey has mentioned, you can use the Toggle Panel keyboard shortcut which will do the job for me. On A mac the shortcut is
⌘ Command+J
I'm coming from sublime where the search results appear in a new tab - making it much easier to close the results (just like closing an other tab)
The best way to get rid of the search panel is by doing the following: -
On a windows computer, press and hold CTRL + Q
A window will then pop up, you can then release Q when the window pops up but you still have to hold down the CTRL key to keep the pop up open
3.Now use your mouse to click on the option called explorer and the search menu is now gone
There is no keyboard shortcut to close the search panel. However, you can create a shortcut yourself as shown in the attached image.
1) Go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.
2) Search for the command 'Close Panel' and set it to your convenient keyboard shortcut.
In the image below, I set it to Ctrl+F8.
If the search box displays in the sidebar (see Amr Noman's answer on how to set that up if it isn't already), How do you close the search box and go back to your project folders? In this case, there is no tab you can close with a click of the mouse. One way is to set up a keymap shortcut, e.g.
"key": "cmd+'",
"command": "workbench.files.action.showActiveFileInExplorer"
You can figure this out by going to Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts and searching for sidebar. One of the hits is described as "File: Reveal Active File in Side Bar"
More generally, any action that hides your project folder view in the sidebar can be cancelled by this shortcut.

Eclipse: Hotkey to toggle tab maximize/minimize

Often when I'm working in Eclipse, I'll be in a perspective (say debug) and doing stuff there, then I want to maximize a file I'm looking at. I double-click it, and work on it, then double-click again to minimize back to the debug perspective.
Is there a hot-key to do this from the keyboard?
Ctrl + M will maximize/restore the editor area.
If you can't remember all shortcuts, then just learn Ctrl + Shift + L. That will show a list of available shortcuts.
Link: Maximize code tab in eclipse shortcut

Switching between side by side text windows in Eclipse

I have an eclipse window with two tabs open side by side so that I can see the text of both files simultaneously. Is there a keyboard shortcut that allows me to switch which window I am editing?
I usually use Ctrl + F6, it will pop-up a small context menu were with all editors and windows, by default it switch you to the next editor in the list. And
Ctrl + Shift +F6 goes to the previous editor in the list.
It's not exactly what you asked for, but i cannot found simple shortcut for switching windows. You can read this article for more info
You can also create your own perspectives (Window --> Save Perspective As...) and easily switch between them:
Ctrl + F8 Next perspective
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Previous perspective

Shortcut for "move to left editor" and "move to right editor" in Eclipse?

If I've got my Eclipse windows split vertically, is there any keyboard shortcut to move to the logical left/right editor?
For example, in the image blow, the right editor is selected, and I want to move to the left window:
For those of you who know Vim, I am trying to recreate c-w h and c-w l.
The answer from Csaba_H is right : there is no keyboard shortcut to switch from one editor area to the next. The most you can do through keyboard shortcuts is to switch to "another editor", whatever its area is (left, right, top, bottom... whatever you tiled the area into :p) through the usual shortcuts :
next editor : ctrl + F6
previous editor : ctrl + shift + F6
quick switch editor : ctrl + E
I'll only mention that you can also take a look yourself to all available shortcuts in your Eclipse if you go to Window > preferences and go into the section General > Keys (a shortcut to get there is to use ctrl + shift + L twice).
Personally I did not find such shortcut or option. However, there are some possibilities for switching editors from the keyboard (Ctrl + F6 and Ctrl + Shift + E as general ones, or my favourite "all-in-one" Ctrl + 3 :) ).
Also, if you work mostly two files 'for a long time' (one in left side and one on right side), you can also use the History operations (Alt + ←, Alt + →) for switching editors.
Eclipse allows for multiple editors to be open at any time, and those editors may be arranged as tabs (default behaviour) or split vertically or horizontally. The information above about available shortcut options is correct and provides the correct functionality in the case of two (only) open editors. Where there are greater than two open editors the shortcuts allow navigation to the 'next' or 'previous' editor. There is no concept of the logical left/right or top/bottom editor.
Just found it!
Ctrl + Page Up and Ctrl + Page Down.
It's just Ctrl + Tab and Ctrl + Shift + Tab on my windows! try it.
In all my eclipse usage I've never noticed such a shortcut and I would not expect one to exist. I skimmed though the link provided by Anthony and checked my own copy of eclipse, but none of it looked like what you're looking for.
You can also look through them yourself by going to: Window > Preferences > General > Keys
I'm not sure if there is something in vanilla Eclipse, but you might want to check out "Emacs+" in the Eclipse Marketplace.
From :
"Other Window (Ctrl-X O): Navigate to the previous editor window"
It's not perfect, but it will achieve something close to what you want.
You can also split the window with shortcuts as well.
Quick Access Ctrl+3 has been very useful in Eclipse.
Otherwise, I know of two external programs that navigate by dividing the screen into smaller chunks, using only your keyboard.
If you're on Windows, you can use Mouser, which is coded in Autohotkey and based on keynav. If you find the source, remapping the keys is fairly straightforward.
If you're on Linux, keynav is your friend.
sudo apt-get install keynav
You'll have to change the configuration file to use arrow keys. (The default uses vim-like navigation.)
For focusing panels in Eclipse, I average between two-to-three keystrokes.