I am a newbie to mercurial and SCM Manager. I installed SCM manger 1.20 for managing Mercurial repositories (OS - Windows 7) . I am using tortoise Hg at the client side .I am able to create users, repositories, groups and can give permissions to repositories in SCM manager. But Tortoise Hg at the client side is not detecting the users created in SCM Manager. My aim is to give the users created in SCM manager the permission to clone and commit using Tortoise Hg. Anyone knows the solution please help.
You should check your configuration of TortoiseHg and the repository at SCM-Manager.
At SCM-Manager side:
Open the permission tab of "RepoNew" and make sure that the user "arjun" has "write" or "owner" permission.
Copy the URL near "hg clone", in your case
At TortoiseHg side:
Start TortoiseHg Workbench
Click on File ==> Settings
Choose "Commit" on the left side.
Type in your Username. SCM-Manager likes the format "YourName < your#email.xy>" as username (Note: this is a global setting. You can change settings per repository later).
Click ok, and choose File ==> Clone Repository... from the menu.
Paste the URL in the source field you got from the SCM-Manager
Choose a destination directory
Click on the clone button.
You will be prompted for a password.
If this was successful, this repository should be configured already for pushing. Try to add a file, commit and finally push it to the server.
I can't see the GIT commands when using right click on any files in a GIT repository.
I'm using Eclipse-Luna, A fresh install, afeter trying different versions of EGIT.
Some screen shots of the preferences:
I can't see the GIT commands when using right click on any files in a GIT repository.
You must first share that local project in order to make it recognized as a Git repository.
See "How make Eclipse/EGit recognize existing repository information after update?",but don't forget, once shared, to close/reopen your project.
Then Git will be active on said project.
I am new to eclipse, and I can't figure otu how to set up egit properly to work with github. I made a new local repository, and I've commited some changes, but now I want to get all this code onto github. What should I do? I can't find a solution in the eclipse wiki. I have a github account.
Here is a nice demo that show you step by step video
What you want to do is pulling up repository in eclipse from window -> show view -> other (then find the repository)
After you did that you go to master branch and configure remote then add your SSH key under your github account. Go to your eclipse git destination from remote enter your git account URL, username, password, repository path. All you need to do after that just hit the push.
I have a project which I have been on for ages which is not connected to any source code repository.
I want to start using BitBucket now, however I am not sure how to go about it. I have created a project in BitBucket.
Should I now clone and check out in Xcode or should I add a repository in xcode. Anyone have any idea?
I have tried cloning using the URL from bitbucket but it just comes back with an error in Xcode
I've met the same problem and here's how I solved it:
(Assume your project is not already under local source control) Create a new project under LOCAL source control (Please note that adding remote source control at this stage may not be successful)
Make this new project a clone of your old project - drag files, add frameworks, etc.
In menu "Source Control" -> -> "Configure "
In the new window, click on "Remotes" -> "+" -> "Add Remote"
Name: anything (you can use "BitBucket")
Address: https://accountname#bitbucket.org/accountname/reponame.git
"Source Control" -> "Commit"
Select "push to remote" at the left bottom corner
Click "Commit"
Check on BitBucket website to see if it's actually pushed to it
As of 2017, xCode now automatically creates repositories for new projects. To push to a new BitBucket repo, go to 'Source Control' > 'Commit...' in xCode and make your first local commit.
Next open a terminal and navigate to to the top-level directory of your project. If you ls -a in here you should see the .git/ directory has been created. In the same directory, add your remote repo with the following (replace with your username/team name and repo name):
git remote add origin https://USERNAME#bitbucket.org/USERNAME/REPO_NAME.git
Go back into xCode, go to 'Source Control' > 'Push...'. You'll be prompted to enter your BitBucket password. Press OK and you're done! Source control commands will now be working within xCode.
I did that through command line and it is fairly straightforward.
create a new repo on bitbucket
assuming your xcode project is not under local git version control yet
go to command line, cd to your xcode project directory, and the follow the bitbucket doc: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Import+code+from+an+existing+project
git init
git remote add origin git#bitbucket.org:<user_id>/<repo>.git
git add .
git commit -am 'init commit'
git push -u origin master
go back to xcode and you should be able to interact with bitbucket through xcode from this point on
Using the following URL structure
(Taken from here) did the job for me
It is easier to:
create your local Git repo through XCode and add your code there
in command line, add the remote 'origin' toward your BitBucket repo, along with your ssh credentials (in ~/.ssh/config): see
"Bitbucket + XCode 4.2 + Git".
"Using the SSH protocol with bitbucket"
do at least one "git push myrepo origin master" to initiate the first push
This link helped me, I will also copy and paste the instructions in case the link goes away.
Sending a non-git Xcode Project to BitBucket from GitHub is the most popular place to host your repos but if you are looking for a free service for teams that are 5 members or less then take a look at BitBucket. Here are instructions for moving a local Xcode project onto BitBucket. (Note: if you opted for a local Git when you created your project you should be able to skip steps 3 and 4.)
-Sign-up for BitBucket and create a repo
-In Xcode go to Source Control menu
-Select "Create a working copy ...."
-Select project and press Create in dialog window
-Return to Source Control menu and select -> Configure ...
-Click "Remotes" tab
-Press add "+"
-Copy and paste the https address you see at the top right of your repo page into the remote location in Xcode
-Go to Source Control menu and select Push... to upload the project
Pushing code updates to BitBucket
Now you have it set up whenever you want to push code to the project:
-Go to Source Control menu and select Commit
-Write a commit note and uncheck anything not to be included in the commit
-Return to Source Control menu and select push
-Select the correct branch and Push
Pulling code down from BitBucket repo
To get code provided by others down from BitBucket:
-Go to Source Control menu and select Pull.
I use SourceTree and Xcode 6.1 and in my case I first create a repository on bitbucket, then I clone my repository on an empty folder (using SourceTree or via command line) then when you create the new project on XCode in that folder, you can commit push and pull normally from XCode
I found this youtube video and it helped me a lot, used this Atlasssian help for ssh authentication, and encountered an Xcode problem for which the solution can be found in this page.
Most simplest way is go to
Xcode > preference > #accounts > click '+' button on corner left
... then this popup will appear ...
just click Bitbucket Cloud ...
Enter ID with password...
And that's it...
I am new to this version control bussiness and i chose to use tortoise svn 1.8 as a start downloaded here
.I also created an account with google code and was given these instructions
# Project members authenticate over HTTPS to allow committing changes.
svn checkout https://research-and-writers-club.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ research-and-writers-club --username deniswisedeniswise#gmail.com
When prompted, enter your generated googlecode.com password.
The problem
I want to connect to this account using tortoise as described in an answer here and here but i dont see a "SVN Checkout" BUT THERE IS "CVS Chechout" and clicking it gives a complicated dialog box and am unsure how to proceed. Please help.(am new to tortoise svn).
You downloaded TortoiseCVS, whereas you need TortoiseSVN. The former is a CVS client, the latter is a SVN client.
You downloaded Tortoise CVS and not Tortoise SVN.
Install the good one and it will work ;-)
I know the Git integration is Netbeans 7.0 is new and under development, but has anyone had success on pushing/pulling to GitHub?
When I click Git->Push the remote repository url shows up correctly under Step 1. Configured Repository.
But is just stays stuck on " Connecting to repository". It also pops up a box saying "Specify Git repository location" with the exact same url , clicking OK does nothing.
If instead I choose "Specify Git Repository Location" I eventually get an error, "Cannot connect to the remote repository at git#github.com:username/..."
ps. I am aware of the other similar stack questions but they are confusing, one person mentions that he was able to do this, while others mention is not yet possible to use a remote Git connection.
I have had the same issue.
And now it works fine for me.
I have done this:
1 With CLI ( Terminal for me) Define your remote repo :
cd yourlocalfolder
git remote add origin git#github.com:username/repo.git
2 Open Netbeans (7.1 for me)
Go to Team > Git > Remote > Push
3 You should see your remote repo preselected
4 in Private /public key browse to your rsa file
5 Click on Next
6 Done
You need check 'Specify Git Repository Location:'
'Repository URL:' https://github.com/<your username>/<yourGitFile>.git
'User:' <your username>
But is just stays stuck on " Connecting to repository". It also pops up a box saying "Specify Git repository location" with the exact same url , clicking OK does nothing.
I faced the exact same issue and after I did some research I found that the problem was with the password.
GitHub isn’t accepting passwords for Git operations anymore.
So instead of using a password, Github suggests using Personal Access Token.
Go to your Github account settings.
Go to Developer settings in the sidebar.
Go to Personal access tokens.
Generate new token.
Make sure to check repo scope checkbox to access your repositories.
After you get your access token you can copy it and past it in the password field in the "Specify Git repository location" window and try to push your project.