How to trigger change detection / validation in Entity Framework with POCO classes - entity-framework

We are using the Entity Framework 4.3.1 with POCO classes (no proxies).
Our User class stores an email address which should be not be used by any other user.
The following test is used to check the validation of this:
public void UserEmailNotUniqueTest()
// arrange
// - create user one and store in db
User userOne = TIF.GetUser(model, true);
// - create user two and store in db
User userTwo = TIF.GetUserTwo(model, true);
// act
// - change user one email to user two email
userOne.EmailAddress = userTwo.EmailAddress;
// - save
The test initialize creates an empty database and hooks it up to the “model” DbContext decendant. The TIF class creates the test instances of users and stores them in database. This works, both users are present in the database.
This validation requires the state of the database to be unchanged, so we have an overridden SaveChanges method so we can pass in serializable transaction:
public virtual int SaveChanges(bool commitWhenDone)
saving = true;
int result;
TransactionScope scope;
using (scope = new TransactionScope( modelTransaction.Get() ))
//… open connection etc.
IEnumerable<DbEntityValidationResult> validationResults =
//… handle the errors
result = base.SaveChanges();
The test fails as not any change is detected. No validation code is executed. Inspecting model.Entity(userOne).State returns “Unchanged”, and yet the CurrentValues contains the proper value i.e. the userOne has the email address of userTwo.
What are we missing?


How do I loosely couple the Blazor Identity scaffold with my own Database Context?

I've created a Blazor Server App with the option to scaffold an identity system. This created an Entity Framework IdentityDbContext with a number of tables to manage user logins and settings. I decided to keep my own DbContext separate from this so that I could replace either of the contexts later, if necessary.
What I would like to do is have a User entity in my own custom dbcontext, and in it store a reference to the user id of the scaffolded IdentityDbContext entity. I would also like to ensure that I don't have to query the db for the custom entity every time the user opens a new page.
I've been looking around StackOverflow trying to find good suggestions of how to approach this, but I'm still not sure how to start. So I have a few questions:
Is my approach a sensible one?
How do I find a permanent id number or string to couple with on the UserIdentity?
Should I store my custom user entity in some sort of context so I don't have to query it all the time? If so, how?
All help is greatly appreciated!
It looks like your requirement is to store custom information about the current user above and beyond what is stored in Identity about the current user.
For simpler use cases you can create your own User class derived from IdentityUser and add additional properties on there and let Identity take care of all persistence and retrieval.
For more complex use cases you may follow the approach you have taken, whereby you create your own tables to store user related information.
It seems that you have taken the second approach.
Is my approach a sensible one?
I think so. Burying lots of business-specific context about the user in the Identity tables would tightly bind you to the Identity implementation.
How do I find a permanent id number or string to couple with on the
IdentityUser user = await UserManager<IdentityUser>.FindByNameAsync(username);
string uniqueId = user.Id;
// or, if the user is signed in ...
string uniqueId = UserManager<IdentityUser>.GetUserId(HttpContext.User);
Should I store my custom user entity in some sort of context so I
don't have to query it all the time? If so, how?
Let's say you have a class structure from your own DbContext that stores custom information about the user, then you can retrieve that when the user signs in, serialize it, and put it in a claim on the ClaimsPrincipal. This will then be available to you with every request without going back to the database. You can deserialize it from the Claims collection as needed and use it as required.
How to ...
Create a CustomUserClaimsPrincipalFactory (this will add custom claims when the user is authenticated by retrieving data from ICustomUserInfoService and storing in claims):
public class CustomUserClaimsPrincipalFactory
: UserClaimsPrincipalFactory<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>
private readonly ICustomUserInfoService _customUserInfoService;
public CustomUserClaimsPrincipalFactory(
UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager,
RoleManager<IdentityRole> roleManager,
IOptions<IdentityOptions> optionsAccessor,
ICustomUserInfoService customUserInfoService)
: base(userManager, roleManager, optionsAccessor)
_customUserInfoService= customUserInfoService;
protected override async Task<ClaimsIdentity> GenerateClaimsAsync(
ApplicationUser user)
var identity = await base.GenerateClaimsAsync(user);
MyCustomUserInfo customUserInfo =
await _customUserInfoService.GetInfoAsync();
// NOTE:
// ... to add more claims, the claim type need to be registered
// ... in StartUp.cs : ConfigureServices
// e.g
// .AddApiAuthorization<ApplicationUser, ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
// {
// options.IdentityResources["openid"].UserClaims.Add("role");
// options.ApiResources.Single().UserClaims.Add("role");
// options.IdentityResources["openid"].UserClaims.Add("my-custom-info");
// options.ApiResources.Single().UserClaims.Add("my-custom-info");
// });
List<Claim> claims = new List<Claim>
// Add serialized custom user info to claims
new Claim("my-custom-info", JsonSerializer.Serialize(customUserInfo))
return identity;
Register your CustomUserInfoService in Startup.cs (your own service to get your custom user info from the database):
services.AddScoped<ICustomUserInfoService>(_ => new CustomUserInfoService());
Register Identity Options (with your CustomUserClaimsPrincipalFactory and authorisation in Startup.cs. NOTE: addition of "my-custom-info" as a registered userclaim type. Without this your code in CustomUserInfoService will fail to add the claim type "my-custom-info":
services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options =>
options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = false;
options.User.RequireUniqueEmail = true;
.AddApiAuthorization<ApplicationUser, ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
You can then retrieve your custom user info from claims, without returning to database, by using:
MyCustomUserInfo customUserInfo =
.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Type == "my-custom-info").Value);

Entity Framework Core Nested Transaction or update DbContext among saveChanges()

I have this API which deletes and adds different users into the the Database. The way this API is written is something like this:
/* Assuming 'users' is an array of users to delete (if users[x].toDelete == true),
or to add otherwise */
using (var db = new myContext())
using (var dbTransaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
/* Performing deletion of Users in DB */
/* Performing add of Users in DB */
foreach(user in users)
if (!user.toDelete) {
catch (ValidationException ex)
The reason why I use a transaction is that I have some validations that should be run on the new data.. For example, I cannot add two user with the same email!
All the validation Server-Side is done with Data-Annotations and the MetaData classes, therefore I created the Attribute Uniqueness which I associated to the property email of the class UserMetaData.
So, the problem is that, inside the Uniqueness Attribute I need to check again the database to search for other users with the same email:
public class IsUnique : ValidationAttribute
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
using (var db = new myContext()) {
/* Here I perform a select on the DB looking for records
with the same email, all using Reflection. */
if (recordFound > 0)
return new ValidationResult("email already exists");
return ValidationResult.Success;
So, as you can see, inside the validation I use new myContext() and that's where the problem is: let's pretend I have an empty database and I add two user with the same email in the same query.
As you can see, I call the db.SaveChanges() after every user has been added, therefore I thought that, when the second user to be added would have been validated, my validation would have known that the first user added and the second one have the same email, therefore an Validation Exception would have been throw and the dbTransaction.Rollback() called.
The problem is that inside the validator i call new myContext() and inside that context the changes that I thought would have been there thanks to the db.SaveChanges() there arent't, and that's I think is because all the changes are inside a Transaction.
Sooo.. The solutions I thought so far are two:
Nested Transaction: in the API I have an outer transaction which save the state of the DB at the beginning, then some inner transaction are run every time a db.SaveChanges() is called. Doing this, the validation does see the changes, but the problem is that, if in the catch i called outerTransaction.rollback(), the changes made by the inner transactions are not rollbacked;
Some way to retrieve the context I have used in the API even in the validation.. But in there I only have these two arguments, so I don't know if it's even possible;

DaoException: Entity is detached from DAO context

I have two entities, User and Store. User has many Stores (1:M) relation. I've inserted some stores list into the store table by following code.
public void saveStoresToDatabase(Context context, ArrayList<Store> storeList) {
DevOpenHelper helper = new DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper(context, "notes-db", null);
SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase();
DaoMaster daoMaster = new DaoMaster(db);
DaoSession daoSession = daoMaster.newSession();
StoreDao storeDao = daoSession.getStoreDao();
ArrayList <Store> list = SharedData.getInstance().getUser().getStoreList();
for(int i = 0; i < storeList.size(); i++) {
I am getting "entity is detached from DAO context" exception whenever I try call user.getStoreList(). The exception occurs at following code sniped as the daoSession is null.
public ArrayList<Store> getDMStoreListFromDatabase(Context context) {
return SharedData.getInstance().getUser().getStoreList();
where SharedData is my singleton, having a user object:
private SharedData() {
user = new User();
and I get the sharedData instance as follow:
public static synchronized SharedData getInstance() {
if (sharedObject == null) {
sharedObject = new SharedData();
return sharedObject;
Objects representing database entries (like User) are only attached to a Database-session if they have been fetched from the database or inserted to the database before.
It looks like you don't load your user-object using greendao, but instead just create it with new.
You also seem not to store this user-object using the dao. Thus the user-object is not attached to the session.
On top of that you are also just setting the userid in each store. If you haven't inserted the user-object somewhere else this may also cause an error since the foreignkey-constraint may be broken (depending on how greendao handles this internally).
Try to add the user-object to the stores with setUser() instead of setUserIdForStore().
If this doesn't work try to store or load the user-object first using a UserDao.

How do I prevent EF from reinserting objects of other dbcontext?

I am using EF 4.1 in a MVC 3 project and I am having problems with inserting an object. I am using session as well to hold onto some objects. In concrete :
I have a simple class with a parent child relationship:
public class Event
public User Promotor {get;set;}
The promotor is based on the CurrentUser. In my application I store the CurrentUser in http session. Now when I add an event like this the user (and all related objects) gets inserted one more time with a new primary key.
//1st request inserts/loads the user
User user;
using (var context = new MyDbContext())
user = new User();
//2nd request saves the event
var before = db.Users.Count();
var #event = new Event
Promotor = user, //user was kept in Session
db.Entry(#event).State = EntityState.Added;
When i check the state of the user it is 'added' as well although the primary key is not 0 and EF should know it is already persistent. How can fix this without adding a lot of to my persistency code. Do I have to reattach my currentuser to the new dbcontext on every request? This will lead to db code 'leaking' into my application. I want to keep the DB stuff in a data layer. I am using a repository like this :
public void Save(T entity)
dbContext.Entry(entity).State = IsPersistent(entity) ?
EntityState.Modified : EntityState.Added;
As you've already mentioned yourself, reattaching the user to your current context should solve the problem. The only other way I know of, would be to retrieve the object once again in your context based on the primary key value.

Unable to save many-to-many relationship

I have the following tables/views
Users (View)
-> UserId
-> Name
Roles (Table)
-> RoleId
-> Name
UserRoles (Table)
-> UserId
-> RoleId
and the classes
public class Role{
public int RoleId{get;set}
public string Name{get;set}
public class User{
public int UserId{get;set}
public string Name{get;set}
public ICollection<Role> Roles{get;set}
and the save method
using (var helper = new DbContext())
As you can see above, the Users is a view and UserRoles is a mapping table. I am able to retrieve User entities along with the mapped Roles. But while saving it is not throwing any exceptions nor is it saving. I tried checking the db using profiler and it is not even hitting the db.
Since Users is a view I don't want to save the User entity but only the changes made in the Roles collection.
This cannot save anything. Attach puts the whole object graph into the context, but in state Unchanged. If all objects in the context are unchanged SaveChanges won't issue any command to the DB (because for EF nothing has changed).
If you want to make changes which EF recognizes as such you must first attach the object which represents the state in the Db and then make your changes, something like:
using (var helper = new DbContext())
user.Name = myNewName;
// etc.
Alternatively you can mark the user as modified:
helper.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;
But I believe this only affects scalar properties of the entity and it doesn't solve the problem to add a new role to the user.