Why are file mounts outside of fileadmin not visible for users? - typo3

I tried to create a file mount to set access rights for a user.
I have set the file mount as absolute with an absolute path to that directory. With an without trailing an leading slashes.
Then I set the file mount for that user.
The file mount is not visible for the user. Another file mount created the same way, but in the fileadmin folder works.
Why do the file mounts outside of fileadmin not work?

I have searched for hours to get this one solved:
For file mounts to work outside of the fileadmin folder, you have to set a config variable in the install tool of Typo3.
Display the full configuration and search for:
Then enter an absolute path to the directory that you want to lock the user in. Most of the cases you will want to take the root of your Typo3 installation.


.gitignore all except one specific file (via a full/fuller file path)

The Goal:
How to use .gitignore to exclude all folders & files except PowerShell $Profile?
The answer should help expand the current exception file list to more files in other subfolders. If possible, reduce wildcards to minimum, and use as specific as possible (full/fuller file path). Why? For instance, Book1.xlsx may exist in multiple subfolders but I want to be able to choose only the specific desired subfolders.
Thanks in advance!
Current status:
On Windows 10 (not Linux Distros):
git init initiated on top level directory C:\. [Please don't suggest to start from other subfolders. Just remain with C:\, as I will include more files to the exception list]
C:\.gitignore containing the below:
# Ignore All
# Exception List [eg. PowerShell's $Profile (please use FULL/FULLER FILE PATH, if possible)]
With the above codes, git status successfully returned only .gitignore as 1 untracked file. Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 remained missing from untrack listing.
I've tried alternative ways (wildcard, partial subfolder name with pattern, etc) but all failed to return the fuller file path PowerShell $Profile.

Transfer folder using pscp (Putty) from Windows to Linux

Using puttys pscp -r folder\to\copy\* user#server:/path/to/copy/folder/to it only copies the content of path\to\copy\folder\* and does not include the "main" folder which the subfiles and subdirectories are in.
What I need is that the folder itself is also copied such that I get a folder with the same name as the one I copied with the content inside.
I know I just can create a parent-folder for the one I want to copy and parse that as the path\to\copy\folder\* but that is not the case
Just use pscp -r folder\to\copy user#server:/path/to/copy/folder/to.

How to set StaticFileServer() using Kitura?

I want to see files in my localhost directory using Kitura.
I've written:
router.all("/test/*", middleware: StaticFileServer())
but it didn't seem to work
I want to all files in my directory. Similar to directoryIndex
You can pass the path to a directory to serve to StaticFileServer, as path parameter, by default it is "public":
router.all("/test/", middleware: StaticFileServer(path: "MyDirectoryWithStaticFiles"))
Then you will be able to access the files in this directory, but not the directory itself. E.g., you will be able to perform GET /test/someFile.html, but not /test/. You will be able to GET /test/, if your directory will contain index.html.
See https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-Sample for example of using StaticFileHandler.

Path Issue in Matlab 2014b MCR Deployments with Added Folders

The compile command mcc -m app.m -a file.ext -a ./dir creates a directory /app containing app.m and file.ext and a directory /dir on the same level as /app containing all the files in /dir. What is the solution to add /dir in the /app directory, not on the same directory level (i.e. /app/dir)?
(Here is why I want to do this: In directory /dir are stored the images that are used by app.m, such as splash screen, button icons, default images, etc. app.m is accessing them using imread('./dir/img.jpg'). Since the compiler is adding the /dir directory one level below where it appears in the Matlab structure at development time, the images are no longer accessible when the standalone software is deployed. Hence I need to use a isdeployed switch to specify the correct path to the images for the development and deployment cases. I would rather avoid this, probably on code aesthetic grounds of an inconsistency of treating added files differently according to whether they are or not on the same directory level as the compiled application [file file.ext is put in /app while the image files from /dir are moved on the same level as /app].)
Instead of adding the path with the compile command, you may be able to use mkdir at run time.
Your command would look like this:
The advantage to this is that the dir path is now below your app path, i.e. /app/dir.
The disadvantage is that the user of your program will need the privileges to create that directory.
If you need to compile the directory with the app, you could still use mkdir and then movefile to move all of your files to the new directory from the packaged one.
A possible solution is to use two paths depending on whether the application is deployed or not. Code example:
% path to images directory 'pix'
apppath = mfilename('fullpath');
idx = strfind(apppath,filesep);
if isdeployed
pixdir = [apppath(1:idx(end-1)),'pix',filesep];
pixdir = [apppath(1:idx(end)),'pix',filesep];
% read image
img = imread(fullfile(pixdir,'logo.jpg'));

gsutil - is it possible to list only folders?

Is it possible to list only the folders in a bucket using the gsutil tool?
I can't see anything listed here.
For example, I'd like to list only the folders in this bucket:
Folders don't actually exist. gsutil and the Storage Browser do some magic under the covers to give the impression that folders exist.
You could filter your gsutil results to only show results that end with a forward slash but this may not show all the "folders". It will only show "folders" that were manually created (i.e., not implicitly exist because an object name contains slashes):
gsutil ls gs://bucket/ | grep -e "/$"
Just to add here, if you directly drag a folder tree to google cloud storage web GUI, then you don't really get a file for a parent folder, in fact each file name is a fully qualified url e.g. "/blah/foo/bar.txt" , instead of a folder blah>foo>bar.txt
The trick here is to first use the GUI to create a folder called blah and then create another folder called foo inside (using the button in the GUI) and finally drag the files in it.
When you now list the file you will get a separate entry for
rather than only one