Plugin dev: How to search only for interfaces in DLTK/PDT plugin? - eclipse

I develop extension of PDT plugin. I need dialog with interfaces only (not classes). Basic code looks like it:
OpenTypeSelectionDialog2 dialog = new OpenTypeSelectionDialog2(
It's works fine but I get classes and interfaces together (type variables). Is any method to filter it? I can't find this kind of mechanism in PDT but classes and interfaces are recognize correctly (icons next to names).

I don't know if its the best solution but it works.
int falseFlags = 0;
int trueFlags = 0;
IDLTKSearchScope scope = SearchEngine.createSearchScope(getScriptFolder().getScriptProject());
trueFlags = PHPFlags.AccInterface;
OpenTypeSelectionDialog2 dialog = new OpenTypeSelectionDialog2(
new PHPTypeSelectionExtension(trueFlags, falseFlags),
And PHPTypeSelectionExtension looks like this:
public class PHPTypeSelectionExtension extends TypeSelectionExtension {
* #see PHPFlags
private int trueFlags = 0;
private int falseFlags = 0;
public PHPTypeSelectionExtension() {
public PHPTypeSelectionExtension(int trueFlags, int falseFlags) {
this.trueFlags = trueFlags;
this.falseFlags = falseFlags;
public ITypeInfoFilterExtension getFilterExtension() {
return new ITypeInfoFilterExtension() {
public boolean select(ITypeInfoRequestor typeInfoRequestor) {
if (falseFlags != 0 && (falseFlags & typeInfoRequestor.getModifiers()) != 0) {
// Try to filter by black list.
return false;
} else if (trueFlags == 0 || (trueFlags & typeInfoRequestor.getModifiers()) != 0) {
// Try to filter by white list, if trueFlags == 0 this is fine 'couse we pass black list.
return true;
} else {
// Rest is filter out.
return false;
public ISelectionStatusValidator getSelectionValidator() {
return new TypedElementSelectionValidator(new Class[] {IType.class, INamespace.class}, false);


GWT multiple Activities/Places with one Token

My Site has on the left a GWT-Tree. In the center is a GWT-TabBar.
Both parts are implemented as Views/Activities/Places. I have two tokenizer: "m" for the tree and "t" for the tabs.
If I visit one place (goTo()) only this place will be used to generate the history token. But I would like to see this: <page>#m:sub/sub/sub;t:map
I actually thought that the hole idea of activities&places. I don't see the point to have multiple tokenizer, when only one tokenizer can provide a token at once.
You cannot display two different tokens #m: and #t: at the same time as you cannot be in two places at the same time.
So if both tabs and tree are displaying at the same time, then the state of both must be stored at once in the same place.
This is more or less what you need.
public class ExamplePlace extends Place {
public String treePosition = "/";
public int tabIndex = 0;
public ExamplePlace() {
public ExamplePlace(String treePosition, int tabIndex) {
this.treePosition = treePosition;
this.tabIndex = tabIndex;
public static class Tokenizer implements PlaceTokenizer<ExamplePlace> {
* parse token to get state
public ExamplePlace getPlace(String token) {
String treePosition = "";
int tabIndex = 0;
String[] states = token.split(";");
for (String state : states) {
String[] mapping = state.split("=");
if (mapping.length == 2) {
if ("t".equals(mapping[0])) {
treePosition = mapping[1];
if ("m".equals(mapping[0])) {
try {
tabIndex = Integer.valueOf(mapping[1]);
} catch (Throwable e) {
return new ExamplePlace(treePosition, tabIndex);
* store state in token
public String getToken(ExamplePlace place) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (place.getTreePosition()!=null) {
return sb.toString();
public String getTreePosition() {
return treePosition;
public void setTreePosition(String treePosition) {
this.treePosition = treePosition;
public int getTabIndex() {
return tabIndex;
public void setTabIndex(int tabIndex) {
this.tabIndex = tabIndex;
This will give you URLs that look like ;
You might run in trouble with the forward slashes in the token, not sure. Change them to some other character if necessary;
The activity receives the incoming place and inject the state into the view;

MultiAutoCompleteTextField for Wicket

I need an AutoCompleteTextField for Wicket which can handle several autocomplete items separated by a comma.
Something like this:
Wicket-extensions provides autocomplete features.
Add an AutoCompleteBehavior to the TextArea in the same fashion AutoCompleteTextField uses it.
For instance:
TextArea t = new TextArea("area", new Model());
AutoCompleteBehavior<String> b = new AutoCompleteBehavior<String>(
protected Iterator<String> getChoices(String input) {
return getMyListElements().iterator();
If you are using Maven, just add the following dependency to start using wicket-extensions:
Seeing that the question is about Multi autocomplete textfields, like the one in this example, you might find the following link useful: Wicket auto-complete text fields. There are a couple of components in there that seem to do just what you need.
You might also find this discussion and this one in the Apache Wicket User list useful. You'll find a couple of links there to projects that seem to also have this component: interwicket and WicketHub
Also see
I could resolve the problem by Ajax in wicket as the following
TextArea partnersDB = new TextArea("partnersDB");
String partnerKeeper;
public String getPartnerKeeper() {
return partnerKeeper;
public void setPartnerKeeper(String partnerKeeper) {
this.partnerKeeper = partnerKeeper;
public String getMessageTypeKeeper() {
return messageTypeKeeper;
public void setMessageTypeKeeper(String messageTypeKeeper) {
this.messageTypeKeeper = messageTypeKeeper;
private void makePartnersAutoCompleter() {
final List<String> allPartners = auditDAO.findAllPartnerIds();
IAutoCompleteRenderer partnerRenderer = new AbstractAutoCompleteRenderer() {
protected String getTextValue(Object obj) {
return getPartnerKeeper() + ((String) obj);
protected void renderChoice(Object obj, Response r, String str) {
r.write((String) obj);
AutoCompleteBehavior autoCompleteBehavior = new AutoCompleteBehavior(partnerRenderer) {
protected Iterator<String> getChoices(String input) {
int lastCommaIndex = input.lastIndexOf(';');
String realInput = "";
if (lastCommaIndex == -1) {
realInput = input;
} else {
setPartnerKeeper(input.substring(0, lastCommaIndex) + ";");
realInput = input.substring(lastCommaIndex + 1);
List<String> completions = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < allPartners.size(); i++) {
String partner = allPartners.get(i);
if (partner.startsWith(realInput.toUpperCase()) || partner.startsWith(realInput.toLowerCase())) {
completions.add(partner + ";");
return completions.iterator();

How to apply like search on GWT cell table?

I am using GWT 2.3.I which I am using GWT cell table.
Here below is the code for my cell table:
public class FormGrid extends SuperGrid {
List<Form> formList;
public void setColumns(CellTable table) {
TextColumn<Form> nameColumn = new TextColumn<Form>() {
public String getValue(Form object) {
return object.getName();
table.addColumn(nameColumn, "Name");
public void setData() {
if (formList != null && formList.size() > 0) {
AsyncDataProvider<Form> provider = new AsyncDataProvider<Form>() {
protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<Form> display) {
int start = display.getVisibleRange().getStart();
int end = start + display.getVisibleRange().getLength();
end = end >= formList.size() ? formList.size() : end;
List<Form> sub = formList.subList(start, end);
updateRowData(start, sub);
provider.updateRowCount(formList.size(), true);
public List<Form> getFormList() {
return formList;
public void setFormList(List<Form> formList) {
this.formList = formList;
In this my set column and set data will be called fro super class flow.This cell table is working fine.
Now I want to put a filter type facility (like search) in this cell table.It should be like, there is a texbox above the cell table and what ever written in that text box, it should fire a like query to all form name for that text box value.
for example I have 1000 form in the grid.Now if user writes 'app' in some filter textbox above the cell table the all the form which have 'app' in there name will be filtered and grid has only those forms only.
This is the first case:
Another case is I am only render one column in grid name.I have two more properties in form (description,tag).But I am not rendering for filter if user writes 'app' in filter box then it should make a query to all three (name, description, and tag) and should return if 'app' matched to any of three.
I am not getting how to apply filter in cell table.
Please help me out.Thanks in advance.
You can find an implementation in the expenses sample.
Here is a short summary of the steps
1.) Create a Textbox and a SearchButton.
2.) add a clickHandler to the SearchButton (You can also add KeyUpHandler to the Textbox alternatively)
searchButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
3.) In the search function retrieve the searchString and store it.
private void search() {
searchString = searchBox.getText();
4.) modify your setdata() function to take searchString into account
public void setData() {
if (formList != null && formList.size() > 0) {
AsyncDataProvider<Form> provider = new AsyncDataProvider<Form>() {
protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<Form> display) {
int start = display.getVisibleRange().getStart();
int end = start + display.getVisibleRange().getLength();
//new function if searchString is specified take into account
List<Form> sub = getSubList(start,end);
end = end >= sub.size() ? sub.size() : end;
updateRowData(sub.subList(start, end);, sub);
provider.updateRowCount(formList.size(), true);
private List<Form> getSubList(int start, int end) {
List<Form> filtered_list = null;
if (searchString != null) {
filtered_list= new ArrayList<Form>();
for (Form form : formList) {
if (form.getName().equals(searchString) || form.getTag().equals(searchString) || form.getDescription().equals(searchString))
filtered_list = formList;
return filtered_list;
can propose another solution what can be used quite easy multiple times.
Idea is to create custom provider for your celltable.
GWT celltable filtering
Video in this post shows it in action.
Here is the part of code of custom list data provider which u have to implement.
protected void updateRowData(HasData display, int start, List values) {
if (!hasFilter() || filter == null) { // we don't need to filter, so call base class
super.updateRowData(display, start, values);
} else {
int end = start + values.size();
Range range = display.getVisibleRange();
int curStart = range.getStart();
int curLength = range.getLength();
int curEnd = curStart + curLength;
if (start == curStart || (curStart < end && curEnd > start)) {
int realStart = curStart < start ? start : curStart;
int realEnd = curEnd > end ? end : curEnd;
int realLength = realEnd - realStart;
List<t> resulted = new ArrayList<t>(realLength);
for (int i = realStart - start; i < realStart - start + realLength; i++) {
if (filter.isValid((T) values.get(i), getFilter())) {
resulted.add((T) values.get(i));
display.setRowData(realStart, resulted);

GWT CEll Browser Real Time Update

has someone been able to correctly to update a cell browser at runtime, i.e. when u remove a node or add a node, the change is reflected immediately in the CEll Browser, because I am using a List and when i am making a change it is not being updated on the spot
You can use ListDataProvider setList(...) method for dynamic updates. Here is an example how I update cell browser via RPC:
private void loadAllData(final ListDataProvider<Data> dataProvider) {
dBservice.getAllData(new AsyncCallback<List<Data>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<Data> result) {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
to refresh a cellBrowser you have to close all the child on the root node.
anyway something like this
for (int i = 0; i < cellBrowser.getRootTreeNode().getChildCount(); i++) {
cellBrowser.getRootTreeNode().setChildOpen(i, false);
the AsyncDataProvider calls refreshes data
private final class Model implements TreeViewModel{
private List<ZonaProxy> zonaList = null;
private List<CategoriaProxy> categoriaList = null;
public void setCategoriaList(List<CategoriaProxy> categoriaList) {
this.categoriaList = categoriaList;
public void setListZona(List<ZonaProxy> zonaList) {
this.zonaList = zonaList;
#SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public <T> NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(T value) {
CategoryDataProvider dataProvider1 = new CategoryDataProvider();
return new DefaultNodeInfo(dataProvider1, new CategoriaCell());
* Check if the specified value represents a leaf node. Leaf nodes cannot be
* opened.
public boolean isLeaf(Object value) {
if (value instanceof CategoriaProxy){
if (((CategoriaProxy) value).getLivello() == 3) {
return true;
return false;
private class CategoryDataProvider extends AsyncDataProvider<CategoriaProxy>
protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<CategoriaProxy> display)
requests.categoriaRequest().findAllCategorias(0, 8).with().fire(new Receiver<List<CategoriaProxy>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<CategoriaProxy> values) {
updateRowCount(values.size(), true);
updateRowData(0, values);
it Works.
Apparently it is not enough to change the data provider and refresh it.
You need also to force the affected cell to close and reopen it, as in this example
public void updateCellBrowser(String id) {
TreeNode node = getNode(cellBrowser.getRootTreeNode(),id);
if(node != null && ! node.isDestroyed()) {
TreeNode parent = node.getParent();
int index = node.getIndex();
parent.setChildOpen(index, false,true);
parent.setChildOpen(index, true, true);
In my particular example the cell ids are pathnames hence the following
implementation of getNode().
private TreeNode getNode(TreeNode node, String id) {
for(int i=0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++)
if(node.isChildOpen(i)) {
Object value = node.getChildValue(i);
if(value instanceof String) {
String nodeId = ((String) value);
return node.setChildOpen(i, true);
getNode(node.setChildOpen(i, true),id);
return null;

GWT: Select a TreeItem with right click

I'm capturing a right click event to show a context menu. What I haven't been able to figure out, is how to make the right click actually select the TreeItem, prior to showing of context menu.
All help is appreciated.
private Tree tree = new Tree() {
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
if (event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONCONTEXTMENU) {
protected void setElement(Element elem) {
ONMOUSEDOWN event gets fired before ONCONTEXTMENU. Have you tried to listen for onMouseDown events, and set the selected item? Something along these lines:
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) {
if (DOM.eventGetButton(event) == Event.BUTTON_RIGHT) {
TreeItem selectedItem = findSelectedItem(event);
if (selectedItem != null) {
} else {
and findSelectedItem traverses the tree looking for the selected item:
TreeItem findSelectedItem(Event e) {
return findSelectedItemRecursive(event.getClientX(), event.getClientY());
TreeItem findSelectedTreeItemRecursive(TreeItem root, int x, int y) {
if (null == root) {
int count = getItemCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
TreeItem selected = findSelectedTreeItemRecursive(getItem(i), x, y);
if (selected != null) {
return selected;
return null;
int count = item.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
TreeItem selected = findSelectedTreeItem(item.getChild(i), x, y);
if (selected != null) {
return selected;
if (x >= item.getAbsoluteLeft()
&& x <= item.getAbsoluteLeft() + item.getOffsetWidth()
&& y >= item.getAbsoluteTop()
&& y <= item.getAbsoluteTop() + item.getOffsetHeight()) {
return item;
return null;
You can use dedicated overloaded TreeItem :
public class MyTreeItem extends TreeItem implements ContextMenuHandler {
public SBTreeItem(SBItemTree tree, String name) {
Label w = new Label(name);
w.addDomHandler(this, ContextMenuEvent.getType());
public void onContextMenu(ContextMenuEvent event) {
I'd just like to add a couple of links leading to issues about this:
I know this is an old question, but hopefully here's an answer that will save time for the masses hitting this page from a Google search. IMO, the best way is to use Google's own internal tree searching code -- it's a solution that scales very well with the number of elements in the tree. I
am using GWT 2.5.1.
private void initTree() {
tree = new Tree() {
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
* If the event is a context menu event, we want the tree item
* to also be selected.
* This logic must occur before the call to the superclass
* method so the selection is updated before the context menu
* logic executes. This is useful when we want to make items in
* the context menu invisible/disabled based on the selection.
if (DOM.eventGetType(event) == Event.ONCONTEXTMENU) {
if (getItemCount() > 0) {
// In my use case there is only 1 top-level tree item
TreeItem root = getItem(0);
// Taken from
ArrayList<Element> chain = new ArrayList<Element>();
collectElementChain(chain, getElement(), DOM.eventGetTarget(event));
TreeItem selection = findItemByChain(chain, 0, root);
* For some reason SelectionEvent will only fire if
* selection is non-null; I am firing the selection
* event manually because I want to know when there has
* been a deselection of an item in the tree.
if (selection != null) {
} else {, null);
//// BEGIN code copied from
* Collects parents going up the element tree, terminated at the tree root.
private void collectElementChain(ArrayList<Element> chain, Element hRoot,
Element hElem) {
if ((hElem == null) || (hElem == hRoot)) {
collectElementChain(chain, hRoot, DOM.getParent(hElem));
private TreeItem findItemByChain(ArrayList<Element> chain, int idx,
TreeItem root) {
if (idx == chain.size()) {
return root;
Element hCurElem = chain.get(idx);
for (int i = 0, n = root.getChildCount(); i < n; ++i) {
TreeItem child = root.getChild(i);
if (child.getElement() == hCurElem) {
TreeItem retItem = findItemByChain(chain, idx + 1,
if (retItem == null) {
return child;
return retItem;
return findItemByChain(chain, idx + 1, root);
//// END