Emacs org-mode is broken in mac os x lion terminal - emacs

I upgraded my emacs recently to 24.2 cocoa using homebrew, and now org-mode is pretty much useless in the terminal. The problem is more irritating than it would be if it didn't work at all, which would give me a clue as to how to fix it.
When I'm editing a list (using the asterisk), and contract or expand the elements of the list (using tab), all kinds of weirdness occurs. Some list items will suddenly duplicate. Some list items will disappear completely. Items will be pushed way down the page, and then jump back up. This is all happening as I'm pushing nothing but tab.
I've uninstalled, reinstalled emacs using brew. I've done a lot of googling but can't find anyone who has had this problem with org-mode. Anyone have any ideas?
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
Emacs 24.2
org-version 7.8.11

Have you tried using a different terminal emulator? They all have different bugs, so perhaps you've tripped over one in the default Terminal app. Try a plain xterm instead. I assume that emacs works fine when it's not in a terminal.


M-x not working for 2 days in Emacs

I do use Emacs for years, and in particular the Cygwin Emacs version (under Windows 10) for months.
Since 2 days, M-x combo key is not working anymore, well ESC x but I don't want to be forced to use Emacs à la Vi ;-)
First, I thought that the keyboard of my laptop could have a trouble, but the same effect is observed with an external keyboard connected by USB.
Second, I though it could be due to some changes I did in my own Emacs init file, or changes inherited from MELPA. To test that, I came back into time with Git, but that wasn't it: problem still observed; to test for MELPA packages, I used a minimal Emacs (emacs -q) and, once again, the problem still persists.
(And ESC x displays that M-x, translated from <escape> x, runs the command
execute-extended-command -- which is expected.)
Finally, what's weird, is that the key x alone is working, and so does C-x. On the other hand, M (meta) is working: M-c, M-w do work like expected.
So, to sum up, only the particular combination M-x is not working, and I really have no idea why.
Any smart test I could do to debug this (on Win 10)?
To sum up the answer in the comments:
If your key combination does not do what you expect - use C-h k to find out if it's a wrong mapping inside emacs, or something is grabbing this combination before emacs has a chance. If C-h k doesn't do anything in response to Alt-X - then you can be certain emacs doesn't see it at all.
If you want to confirm a key combination has been hijacked try to use some other application with it. Alt-X isn't used by regular Windows applications, but if you happen to have anything else that can have customized key bindings then try to map Alt-X to anything inside it. Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Studio, gvim. But seeing what happens with C-h k is a sufficient proof.
To find out what is stealing your Alt-X check what was installed or reconfigured lately. Disable startup programs if you can't recall. Additionally, from my experience a couple of nasty offenders: Intel video driver, and Windows language bar. (Not with Alt-X, with other key combinations.) Windows language bar is especially annoying when it steals C-S-) which I use for slurp.
Last thing. If you are running in a VM, your key combination may be stolen at either host or guest level (or both, as I've seen with the language bar.) So you may need to look around in both places.
I encountered the same problem. But I found that the problem was come up with the conflict of hotkey. On my Win10 OS, M-w is conflicted with the Tencent QQ software. So when I closed the QQ or changed the QQ's hotkey, the Emacs worked well.
I don't know why, but the problem is with Growl for windows v2.0.8. Close it and emacs will run normally.
Anyways, any new program setup could create conflicts. Stop all new (since the bug) process and check it.
(I don't want to change the keys configuration)

Odd Emacs behavior OSX 10.9.2 (Mavericks)

Emacs randomly started doing strange things on my mac -- I'm not sure exactly when it started; it could have been when I updated to Mavericks in the fall. Basically, it randomly doesn't allow me to edit certain lines of text, or it will display files incorrectly (i.e. it deletes some characters).
For example:
I just typed a .txt file containing "hihihi". Upon saving and then reopening the file in emacs, it only displayed "ihihi". This is a simple example...sometimes it deletes whole lines; regardless, this is extraordinarily annoying. However, I do know that it's not actually altering the file, because if I open the same file in Vim it still displays the original content. Emacs is just displaying the files incorrectly.
Has anyone experienced something similar and found a solution?
I've been trying to just install a newer version of emacs, but I think that I'm still running the old version, not the newer version that I installed with homebrew. If anyone has any suggestions for how to fix that I would also appreciate it!

Emacs fails to display subscript characters (such as ₁, ₂) after upgrade to Mavericks

I've recently upgraded OS X to 10.9 Mavericks, and since this upgrade Emacs has problems with displaying unicode subscript characters (such as ₁, ₂). There are a few strange things about this behaviour:
it doesn't seem to depend on the font, as I've tried selecting several
different Unicode fonts;
it doesn't seem to affect any other unicode character, as I've tried several
uncommon mathematical operators, which display just fine. Even superscripts (¹,²)
are displayed as normal;
it doesn't affect anything outside of Emacs, as the characters are displayed by
my browser just fine.
Does anyone have a clue what could be causing this behaviour?
I just tried this in the version of Emacs you are using, 24.3, and it appears to be broken. However, I also built Emacs from a recent snapshot of the Emacs trunk, which appears to be working correctly.
You can download a prebuilt version from www.emacsforosx.com under Other versions -> Nightlies, alternatively you could wait for the next Emacs release which typically comes out around this time every year.

Emacs indentation screwed up

I recently upgraded to emacs 24.3.1 in order to use a new mode for programming in D. I seem to have introduced some problem with my other modes now (Java, C++ C I'm just using whatever comes with emacs). When I scroll up/down in a buffer, the text displayed is totally messed up. As in lines mixed together, indentation screwy, cursor not modifying where it looks like it is. If I hit ctrl-l the screen refreshes and all is good. I noticed this problem every once in a while with my previous version when editing C .h files. But now it's happening on every single buffer. I can't work with it. Every time I move up/down I have to refresh the screen. I can't find anything similar to my problem with a google search. Might end up being an issue with some incompatible version of a dependency. Here's my system stats.
CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
linux 2.6.18-164.el5
emacs 24.3.1
I don't even know what other libs emacs might depend on. I'll be happy to post versions of anything that might be relevant.
Since you say that this happens also with emacs -Q, i.e., without your init file, consider filing a bug report: M-x report-emacs-bug. For that, try to give a short, reprocible recipe, starting with emacs -Q. Emacs Dev will take a look and let you know whether they think there is a bug.
Using report-emacs-bug also automatically gathers info about your Emacs version etc., and includes it with your bug description.

Editing a lisp file in emacs with SBCL

Ok so i am trying to get started with lisp and slime and i am running into some problems. I have correctly installed emacs and slime and SBCL but i run into problems when trying to edit files. I am doing this all on mac osx lion though i dont think that makes a difference. So this maybe stupid but when i first enter the terminal i enter
$ emacs <myfile.lisp>
and then it opens up my file but then slime is not running so i do..
M-x: slime
but when i do that is now gone and all i see is the "REPL" (i think) anyway it just shows me
and then i can enter things like
but now i can't get back to my file so that i can compile it. Could somone please hlep me through this? Thank you!
Try C-x← and C-x→, that switches the current window's buffer to the previous or next buffer.
For a more interactive approach, split the screen vertically C-x2 (or horizontally C-x3), so you may see your code and try something out on the REPL. You may switch windows with C-xo (remember, O as in Other). You may close a window (not the buffer) with C-x0.
However, you'd better search for an Emacs tutorial, as all of this is very basic. I also recommend you start with a graphical Emacs, such as Emacs for Mac OS X. Some people prefer other versions, which integrate better with Mac OS X but also have lots of different keybindings and come with extra packages. I personally prefer having similar installations and keybindings in whatever OS I'm using.