Heroku hosted PostgreSQL and PLV8 [closed] - postgresql

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Closed 10 years ago.
Does anyone know if Heroku is supporting PLV8, yet? I watched a video from RailsConf 2012 where a member of the Heroku team talks here about how to use it with hstore, but I got the feeling this was what they do for internal projects. Google'ing "heroku postgresql plv8" doesn't really turn up much. If someone from the Heroku team sees this, it would be great to post any general timelines when this might be supported.

We do not currently support PLV8, but hstore is fully supported on 9.1 databases and above. To begin using it you can do:
heroku pg:psql
create extension hstore;
We do not have an immediate timeline for PLV8, but do hope to be able to support it sometime in the future.


Template DB schema for Web Analytics workload (AWS RedShift) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Are there any existing schema template for general web analytics workload, e.g. similar to Google Analytcis, it probably have at least the following tables
Since I don't want to re-invent the wheel, I am looking if any existing well defined schema or good relations modeling is suitable for my need.
Any idea?
Remark: I am running on AWS RedShift, but I think most column oriented database should have similar schema.

why use a private repository like GitHub? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Would you use a private repository unless more developers are working on the same project from different locations? What can services such as GitHub offer instead of Microsoft Teamviewer for keepeng track of the changes?
I move around a lot, so I find it pretty handy to keep my repository on the cloud. If you do ever find yourself having to integrate more members located in different places into your team, having something like github makes it much easier.

What are popular addons on Bugzilla [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
We are using Bugzilla for tracking of the bugs. We want to use addons for task tracking and for project management. There are a lot of addons for this purpose. Can any one please suggest the good addons for this purpose.
Also let us know any other addons that you know are good.
You can find all addons for bugzilla in below link. Also check EZ!PM under project management addons. That seems to be good tough I am not using that -

Web based database administration and browsing for PostgreSQL [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Do you know any free or affodrable web based database administration and browsing tool for PostgreSQL? Something like phpMyAdmin for MySQL and better than phpPgAdmin.
For MySQL I found Chive that looks promissing. I'm looking for something similiar for PostgreSQL.
Have you checked the list of PostgreSQL GUI tools?
Team Postgresql - Not free but reasonably priced.
phpPGadmin, its on sourceforge

Open source js-kit/disqus like tool [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
is there any open-source and extendable tool like what js-kit/disqus provides that could be self hosted ?
Since disqus is made with django, IMHO it is relevant to suggest something similar that is made with django too. :-) From my understanding is disqus is basically a threaded commenting system. The most popular ones in django community for this is django-threaded-comments.
Take a look on Juvia
It's in Ruby and there is a demo available following the Github project readme