Template DB schema for Web Analytics workload (AWS RedShift) [closed] - postgresql

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Closed 9 years ago.
Are there any existing schema template for general web analytics workload, e.g. similar to Google Analytcis, it probably have at least the following tables
Since I don't want to re-invent the wheel, I am looking if any existing well defined schema or good relations modeling is suitable for my need.
Any idea?
Remark: I am running on AWS RedShift, but I think most column oriented database should have similar schema.


Use No-Sql with EF [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I want to use No-Sql in my application I think RavenDb and MongoDb are good but which one is more integrated with EF?
and is there any documentation for using theme?
Entity framework is built to support relational databases. It has no support for any no-sql or document databases. And when you think about it, it actually doesn't make too much sense, what is the point of using an object relational mapper and producing a relational mapping of a non-relational database?
There are however libraries which support both of these frameworks available for .Net available via nuget. Im sure these would be much more appropriate for your application

How to choose between Cassandra, Membase, Hadoop, MongoDB, RDBMS etc.? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Is there a paper/blog-post on when to use Cassandra or Membase or Hadoop or plain old relational databases ? Is there a paper discussing the strengths/weaknesses of each, and on what scenarios either of these technologies should be chosen ?
I am thinking of writing a new webservice which will have about a million hits per day and data spanning about a few terabytes.
EDIT The NoSQL Ecosystem by Adam Marcus (from the book The Architecture of open source applications): http://www.aosabook.org/en/nosql.html
general thoughts and comparison http://www.thoughtworks.com/articles/nosql-comparison
technical comparison http://kkovacs.eu/cassandra-vs-mongodb-vs-couchdb-vs-redis
a Master's Thesis - Analysis and Classification of NoSQL Databases http://scholar.googleusercontent.com/scholar?q=cache:rQlbiz6bojAJ:scholar.google.com/+comparison+of+nosql&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1

Why there is lack of momentum in Amazon SimpleDB? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am working on a project and as I want it to be hassle free so I am considering using Amazon SimpleDB for the sake of simplicity. At least I can cross out DB administration.
But why there is so little info about SimpleDB on the net? As if nobody cares about it and I feel like I might be on the wrong track. Is it so unpopular? The other major NoSQL databases have a lot more coverage. What could be the reason? Is it because it is hosted? Does it lack major important features which I don't notice? Is it horrible performance-wise? Is it not durable? Why people are not very interested? Are there better alternatives for hosted NoSQL?

A Rumor about EF projects [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have heard that projects that use EF as their ORM mostly fail when they have huge databases and actually objects that are dealing with several mappings at the same time. Is it true that EF is still not quite ready for big enterprises?
Whoever said that didn't spend too much time working with EF. I've worked on/been involved with several projects using EF with very complex database schemas and large amounts of data and we had no issues outside of your normal problems you encounter with any ORM.

Web based database administration and browsing for PostgreSQL [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Do you know any free or affodrable web based database administration and browsing tool for PostgreSQL? Something like phpMyAdmin for MySQL and better than phpPgAdmin.
For MySQL I found Chive that looks promissing. I'm looking for something similiar for PostgreSQL.
Have you checked the list of PostgreSQL GUI tools?
Team Postgresql - Not free but reasonably priced.
phpPGadmin, its on sourceforge