RadioKit Alternative For Live Streaming Audio From URL - iphone

I was doing some reading up on RadioKit
I like what they use, and it works well for my ShoutCast stream, but the price of it is a bit more than I can really do ($99) per app. Are there any good tutorials for setting up a simple stream from URL player that can pause, rewind, and display what file is currently playing on the stream?

have a look at this site..
Its a bit old, but it should atleast get you up and started


Live Streaming Video in iPhone

I am new to iPhone Development. I need to capture video. While I'm capturing video it display on server too. Something like live streaming.
Anyone have idea from where I should have to start for this functionality?
Thanks in Advance.
Your question seems similar to this
Xcode ios: Streaming of video file while recording and removed redundant personal statements
First Half Solution
Using AVFoundation you can get video Buffer/frames while recording.
Second Half
But for uploading i didn't find any solution
There is Input Stream option there in iOS APIs but it need some file path. but as video is not recorded we didn't have any path.
Edit 1
Here is Best Example for AVFoundation provided by Apple, you can start with
I recommend you to use wowza, it has all the features, from live stream, video on demand and etc.

Streaming Audio Using the AVPlayer

I want to use the AVPlayer to stream audio, I only want to stream single tracks so not bothered about queuing. Does anyone know of any good examples online of how to do this. I'm also not to bothered about track time but will need to know it when it is ready to play, and if get interrupted etc.
The Apple demo is good for what you are asking:

Wanted to know favorite play list songs of end users, should be on server or client side(sqlite) iPhone sdk?

Actually i am developing an app like net flix and in that i need to save favorite songs of end user, i am playing http live streamed videos and also i need to save played time of an video so that end user would be able to play a song from where he has left this song rather then just play it again from beginning.
They are sending me url of streamed videos in following format
so my question is that
What should be the best option to save user's favorite songs according to streamed url, means net flix kind of app having favorite songs in client side or at server side.what should be the preferred one and i am using MPMediaPlayerController from apple MoviePlayer sample app code.
If some one has any idea and want to know any thing more from my side then i will be available. I am and will be highly obliged for your any help.
Sorry but my English is not good and i don't know how to play with words.
Any small help or suggestion would be much appreciated.
Preferably your best option here looks like server side;
Saving the Data When you are removed from the application should be ultimately dealt with on the execution of the app to close.
you have multiple options when doing server Side Calls, One i found to be the best is ASIHTTPRequestDelegate
this has worked wonders and is fairly easy to learn.
You may even want to look into a REST method of pulling Video Feeds, may be a Faster and more secure approach.
hope this Helped! :)

iPhone: HTTP live streaming without any server side processing

I want to be able to (live) stream the frames/video FROM the iPhone camera to the internet. I've seen in a Thread (streaming video FROM an iPhone) that it's possible using AVCaptureSession's beginConfiguration and commitConfiguration. But I don't know how to start designing this task. There are already a lot of tutorials about how to stream video TO the iPhone, and it is not actually what I am searching for.
Could you guys give me any ideas which could help me further?
That's a tricky one. You should be able to do it, but it won't be easy.
One way that wouldn't be live (not answering your need, but worth mentioning) is to capture from the camera and save it to a video file. see the AV Foundation Guide on how to do that. Once saved you can then use the HTTP Live Streaming segmenter to generate the proper segments. Apple has applications for Mac OSX, but there's an open source version as well that you could adapt for iOS. On top of that, you'd also have to run an http server to serve those segments. Lots of http servers out there you could adapt.
But to do it live, first as you have already found, you need to collect frames from the camera. Once you have those you want to convert them to h.264. For that you want ffmpeg. Basically you shove the images to ffmpeg's AVPicture, making a stream. Then you'd need to manage that stream so that the live streaming segmenter recognized it as a live streaming h.264 device. I'm not sure how to do that, and it sounds like some serious work. Once you've done that, then you need to have an http server, serving that stream.
What might actually be easier would be to use an RTP/RTSP based stream instead. That approach is covered by open source versions of RTP and ffmpeg supports that fully. It's not http live streaming, but it will work well enough.

Best way to stream MP3 from an iPhone app?

I am working on an application that will stream music from a server of mine from an iPhone application.
This is my first iPhone app so I am a bit confused :
What would be the best way to do
Is there something already built in
that I could use, like a MP3 player
that I just need to point toward the
correct server?
Do I need a streaming server to do
I'm relatively new to Objective-C/Cocoa (touch), but I have read an article on the cocoawithlove site titled "Streaming and playing an MP3 stream" and tested the sample code on my iPhone and it works perfectly. I don't know about the licensing or anything, if you would be able to use it, but I'm sure someone or even you can figure that out.
Sorry again for not being able to provide any more information or even a link. This is my first answer on SO and cannot post hyperlinks :(
(edit: Here's the link: Streaming and playing an MP3 stream)