In Perl, how to share a variable between subroutines, with use strict? - perl

If I don't use strict; the following code works fine and prints out "alice":
sub assign_name {
$name = "alice";
sub print_name {
print $name;
However when I do use strict; then I know I'll have to declare the variable before using it. I read somewhere I should use our instead of my to declare a global variable. So I had the following:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub assign_name {
our $name = "alice";
sub print_name {
print $name; # This is line 12.
And then I get the following error:
Variable "$name" is not imported at line 12.
Global symbol "$name" requires explicit package name at line 12.
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
Please help.

Just declare the variable where both subs can see it.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $name;
sub assign_name {
$name = "alice";
sub print_name {
print $name;
(There's no reason to use our here!)

I know this is beyond the scope of your question, and ikegami's answer answers it nicely, still I think there is more to be said. If you have functions that are mean to change package-scoped variables, likely you could do better rewriting those variables as object attributes. In Perl we can do that using Moose.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
{ # proper use of scoping, h/t tchrist
package Person;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean; # recommended
has 'name' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; # recommended
my $person = Person->new( name => 'Joel' );
$person->name( 'Adam' ); # change name
print $person->name . "\n";
In this example we make a name attribute, we can set it during object construction, then change it or view it using accessor methods. The data that would have been global, in this case the name, is then contained inside the object's internal data. This allows different parts of your code to reuse that same logic without worrying about the state of that global data.

You should declare the global variable upper :
use strict;
use warnings;
my $name;
sub assign_name {
$name = "alice";
sub print_name {
print $name; # This is line 12.


Using undefined constant in perl file not throwing any warning

I have a module where I have few variables declared I
am using this module in another Perl program.
I am also using few of the module's variables in another Perl file.
Test case: I remove one variable from the module which I am using in the Perl file through an object. Then I compile the Perl file.
I am using use strict and use warnings, but when I compile the Perl program it shows that everything is OK.
I believe it should have thrown an error for undeclared module variable.
Following is the module and Perl file
package hfs_const; # const definition file for hfs.
use Exporter 'import';
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant ENABLE_HFS => 1;
use constant PROC_MOUNT_DIR => "/proc/fs/hydrafs/hfsd/mount";
#use constant PROC_MOUNT_DIR =>"/export/proc";
use constant PROC_HFSD_INFO_FILE => "/proc/fs/hydrafs/hfsd/info";
use constant DEBUG => 0;
use constant IGNORE_SERVICE => 0;
#use constant MAX_HFS_PER_AN =>250;
#use constant RETRY_COUNT =>3;
use constant GET_ALL_HFS_TIMEOUT => 12;
#use constant HFS_COUNT_TO_CHANGE_AN =>250;
use constant CREATING_TIME => 600;
#our $bar=4;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $this = {};
bless $this, $class;
return $this;
sub getname {
my $this = shift;
print "Ankur";
use strict;
use warnings;
use hfs_const;
my $const = new hfs_const();
my $isRO = 3;
if ( $isRO != 4 ) {
print $hfs_const::bar;
print hfs_const::RETRY_COUNT;
print $const->HFS_COUNT_TO_CHANGE_AN;
print hfs_const::MAX_HFS_PER_AN;
else {
print hfs_const::GET_ALL_HFS_TIMEOUT;
I get the following warning on compilation
int#mint-VirtualBox ~ $ perl -c
Name "hfs_const::RETRY_COUNT" used only once: possible typo at line 12.
Name "hfs_const::MAX_HFS_PER_AN" used only once: possible typo at line 14.
Name "hfs_const::bar" used only once: possible typo at line 11. syntax OK
But I do not receive any warning for constant HFS_COUNT_TO_CHANGE_AN which is used through object.
Can anybody explain why is it happening?
You're treating HFS_COUNT_TO_CHANGE_AN as a method ($const->HFS_COUNT_TO_CHANGE_AN) so Perl won't check that it exists at compile time. You'll get a run-time error though.

How to create a dynamic subroutine name in perl

I want to create a dynamic subroutine name in perl, Here is trial code , I am getting error "Bad name after feed_load::"
use strict;
use warnings;
push #INC, '/freespace/attlas/data/bin/genericLoader /FeedLoaderLib/'
use feed_load;
my type ="L";
my $tempTablefunct = "Create".$type."Temp_Table";
feed_load::&$tempTablefunct->($tablename); ### pass a dynamic sub name HERE ###
&{ $pkg_name."::".$sub_name }(#args)
( $pkg_name."::".$sub_name )->(#args)
These will fail, however, because you asked Perl to forbid you from doing this by placing use strict; in your program. You can disable use strict; locally
my $ref = do { no strict 'refs'; \&{ $pkg_name."::".$sub_name } };
But it turns out that \&$sub_name is already exempt from strictures.
my $ref = \&{ $pkg_name."::".$sub_name };
If instead of sub call, you needed a method call, you can use
my $ref = $o->can($method_name);
or just

Error in Perl Rose::DB : Can't use string ... as a HASH ref while "strict"

I am getting an error when using Rose::DB.
package MyIMDB::DB;
use strict; use warnings;
use base qw(Rose::DB);
__PACKAGE__->register_db (
driver => 'SQLite',
# MyApp/DB/
package MyApp::DB::Object;
use strict; use warnings;
use MyApp::DB;
use base qw(Rose::DB::Object);
sub init_db { MyIMDB::DB->new }
package MyApp::Users; #controller
use strict; use warnings;
use base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use MyApp::Models::User;
use Data::Dumper;
sub my_action {
my $uc = shift;
my $err = MyApp::Models::User::->validate(...); #extra ::
# MyApp/Models/ # 2 packages in this file
package MyApp::Models::User::Manager;
use base qw(Rose::DB::Object::Manager);
use MyApp::Models::User;
sub object_class { 'MyApp::Models::User'}
# class methods get_x, get_x_iterator, get_x_count, delete_x, update_x
use strict; use warnings;
use base qw(MyApp::DB::Object);
#setup tables, columns....
sub validate {
my $u = shift;
my $n = MyApp::Models::User::Manager::->get_users_count(query => [user_name => $user]);
The error I get is:
"Can't use string ("MyApp::Models::User") as a HASH ref while "strict refs"
in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Rose/DB/ line 91, <DATA> line 2231."
The entry point is my_action() method of MyApp:Users class.
I tried alternative setups of creating class MyApp::Models::User::Manager : separate .pm file, make_manager_class(), but to no avail.
(I found this discussion from 2007 with the same error message, but it does not help me out
This may indicate I am trying to call an object method as if it were a class method. I tried the tricks listed here, but no success.
I now I can examine the contents of variables with Data::Dumper, but I have no clue what to dump as there are very little data structures used.
While use strict is a good idea when writing Perl code, you may want to relax the strict-ness by adding
no strict `refs`;
to get past the current error. As #ikegami pointed out another way to fix this is to get rid of the bad reference, but if you don't want to rewrite the module working around it with relaxing strict-ness is your best bet.

Do something after sub foo in Perl?

after foo => sub{
I just stumble upon code like above, which is called after sub foo finishes,
how does that work?
It seems it's not built-in feature of Perl,right?
It's one of the Moose method modifiers.
Method modifiers can be used to add behavior to methods without modifying the definition of those methods.
Out of curiosity, I've tried to do it myself, and got code that works to some extent (no list context, no corner cases etc.).
Perl allows for horrible things.
% perl -wle 'use After; sub foo { $_[0] * 2};
after foo => sub { print $_[0] }; foo(5); foo(6);'
Here's Please don't ever use it.
use warnings;
use strict;
package After;
# make after() available after 'use After;'
use Exporter;
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT = qw(after);
# prototype: bareword + sub
sub after (*&) {
my ($name, $code) = #_;
my $caller = caller; # get calling package
# fetch old sub named "name"
# note $oldcode = *{...} is not ehough
my $oldcode;
no strict 'refs';
$oldcode = \&{$caller."::".$name};
# defined new sub
my $newcode = sub {
my $ret = $oldcode->(#_); # call old sub as is
$code->($ret); # call the after sub
return $ret; # ignore aftersub's ret val
# plant new sub into the calling package
# avoid redefinition warnings
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
*{$caller."::".$name} = $newcode;
It is not a builtin feature as others have already stated. For programs that do not use Moose, you can use Class::Method::Modifiers to get these modifiers.
If after is a predeclared subroutine, it would mean that you call that sub, with foo and an anonymous sub as arguments. It does seem a bit odd, though.
=> is equivalent to a comma, so assuming after is a sub, it would mean this:
after('foo', sub { ... });

Why does my Perl program complain about needing explicit package names?

I have a module
package Routines;
use strict;
use Exporter;
sub load_shortest_path_matrices {
my %predecessor_matrix = shift;
my %shortestpath_matrix = shift;
From another script I call the sub in the module, passing in arguments which happen to have the same name:
use Routines;
use strict;
my %predecessor_matrix = ();
my %shortestpath_matrix =();
&Routines::load_shortest_path_matrices($predecessor_matrix, $shortestpath_matrix);
However, this doesn't compile and I get
Global symbol "$predecessor_matrix" requires explicit package name
type of errors. Is it not possible to give the same name to variables in different scopes like this in Perl? (I'm from a C background)
$predecessor_matrix is a scalar and %predecessor_matrix is a hash. Different types in Perl (scalar, array, hash, function, and filehandle) have different entries in the symbol table, and, therefore, can have the same name.
Also, you have a problem in your function. It expects to be able to get two hashes from #_, but a hash in list context (such as in the argument list of a function) yields a list of key value pairs. So, both %predecessor_matrix and %shortestpath_matrix will wind up in the %predecessor_matrix of the function. What you need to do here is to use references:
package Routines;
use strict;
use Exporter;
sub load_shortest_path_matrices {
my $predecessor_matrix = shift;
my $shortestpath_matrix = shift;
$predecessor_matrix->{key} = "value";
use Routines;
use strict;
my %predecessor_matrix;
my %shortestpath_matrix;
However, passing in structures to load as arguments is more C-like than Perl-like. Perl can return more than one value, so it is more common to see code like:
package Routines;
use strict;
use Exporter;
sub load_shortest_path_matrices {
my %predecessor_matrix;
my %shortestpath_matrix;
return \%predecessor_matrix, \%shortestpath_matrix;
use Routines;
use strict;
my ($predecessor_matrix, $shortestpath_matrix) =
for my $key (keys %$predecessor_matrix) {
print "$key => $predecessor_matrix->{$key}\n";
you are declaring the hash %predecessor_matrix but are trying to pass the scalar $predecessor_matrix. The hash exists, the scalar doesn't.
Maybe you want to pass references to the hashes?
Routines::load_shortest_path_matrices(\%predecessor_matrix, \%shortestpath_matrix);
Here's another way to code it:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Routines;
my $predecessor_matrix = {};
my $shortestpath_matrix ={};
Routines::load_shortest_path_matrices( $predecessor_matrix
, $shortestpath_matrix
package Routines;
use strict;
use Exporter;
sub load_shortest_path_matrices {
my $predecessor_matrix = shift;
my $shortestpath_matrix = shift;
you can access the contents of the hashes like this
my $foobar=$shortestpath_matrix->{FOOBAR};