Select an item from Dojo Grid's store and display one of its attributes (array of objects) on grid - dojox.grid.datagrid

I have a Dojo EnhancedGrid which uses a data store filled with the following data structure:
{ id: 1, desc: "Obj Desc", options: [ { txt: "text", value: 0 }, { obj2 }, { objn } ] },
{ id: 2, ... },
{ id: 3, ... },
{ id: n, ... }
Currently I'm doing all this with an auxiliary store...but I believe this is far from a good approach to the problem, it's too ugly and doesn't work really well with edition (because I have to send changes from one store to another).
Instead of displaying all this objects at the same time, I wanted to select just one object (using its id) and display its options objects on grid. At the same time, the changes on grid should make effect on store, to be able to save them later.
Is it possible to query the grid's store, in order to display just one object? How?
And is it possible to fill the grid with objects list present on "options" attribute?


AG Grid Row-Grouping for showing version history of data

I'm a first time user of AG Grid and need some help identifying how to configure Row Grouping for my AG Grid in such a way that allows me to see my data group as a timeline/audit history. Was reading through the docs and haven't found an example on there that resembles what I'm looking for.
I have rowData that contains history and the visual expectation is that, the same base columnDefs assigned to the grid are used for the main "group" row (that contains the expand/collapse chevron) and all the expanded rows as well -- so there is no need for a "group column"
Anyone know how I can achieve this outcome? I have also looked at treeData and masterDetail but those didn't work out for me.
P.S. I don't rule out the possibility that I could be misreading/misunderstanding the AG Grid docs so any help there is appreciated.
EDIT: After fiddling around with things further, I believe I'm looking for a combination of two things:
The isRowMaster to enable expand/collapse on the main parent entry.
The groupDisplayType="groupRows" setting (minus the default row group cell because that would be handled by my master row from Point 1 instead)
After much head banging, turns out the solution was to use treeData. What I ended up creating was treeData containing only one level children.
Parent Node (expand/collapse)
child 1
child n
The other key was understanding how to structure your rowData and returning the proper dataPath to feed into the getDataPath handler for treeData. AG Grid expects a flat-list for rowData -- I say this as I was not able to get things working when having a nested tree structure like the following.
const mainRecord = {
id: "abc"
foo: 1,
bar: 2,
history: [
{ foo: 3, bar: 4 },
{ foo: 5, bar: 6 }
I had to modify my data structure above to return the history items as a flat list alongside the main record that I eventually sent as rowData. The other thing I had to do was add some hierarchy property to my objects to denote its placement in the tree. The hierarchy value is what I supplied to getDataPath
const rowData = [
{ id: "abc", foo: 1, bar: 2, hierarchy: ["abc"] }, // parent
{ foo: 3, bar: 4, hierarchy: ["abc", "34"] }, // child 1
{ foo: 5, bar: 6, hierarchy: ["abc", "56"] }, // child 2
After doing the above changes, I was able to get the expected visual outcome I was looking for. I think the big takeaway I got from this is as a first time user of AG Grid is, let it take care of grouping of your data on your behalf (as opposed to doing it yourself via structuring your models with some internal nested children structure)

Mongodb - Updating nested object array without loosing attributes

How do I update or if not existent create a nested object array with one query? The update should only touch existing properties.
So I have a documents structure like this:
_id: ObjectId("61c296c1fe6de82e5eafd9e1"),
id: 1235,
name: 'Package',
type: 'product',
exampleOuter: 'test1',
size: [
length: '10cm',
height: '13cm',
exampleInner: 'test2',
length: '23cm',
height: '15cm',
exampleInner: 'test3',
I try to update this given object by the id. Lets assume I have a second object for ease lets call it: "updateObject" and I just want to update those fields from the original object that are existing in the updateObject. If the id is not found in the document than a new object from the updateObject should be created.
id: 1235,
name: 'Package2',
size: [
length: '20cm',
height: '23cm'
length: '33cm',
height: '25cm'
The normal behavior of MongoDB is that the attributes type, exampleOuter are gone in the original object after performing this query since they are not existing in the updateObject. I prevent that from happening by using $setwhich looks like this: {$set: updateObject}. But this doesn't work for the object array in the size attribute. They are all loosing the exampleInner because it is not existing in the updateObject.
I first tried to wrap every object in the size array with a $set to achieve the desired behavior but obv that didn't work.
After reasearch i got the tip using the dot notation and an index. So my updateObject looks like this:
id: 1235,
name: 'Package2',
size.0.length: '20cm',
size.0.height: '23cm',
size.1.length: '33cm',
size.1.height: '25cm',
Which works fantastic for the update part but if the id of this new updateObject is not in the document than this will create a new object - which is correct but instead of an array of objects it will create an object with the index 0, 1, ... as the key size.
So the new created document looks like this:
size: {
0: {
length: '10cm',
1: {
length: '23cm',
Am I on the right track with this or is there a complete other way to go? If it's the right approach how do I make sure that the if not existend objects the size attribute is created as an array and not as an object with the key as index?

Advice on structuring data for scalability with large number of nested objects

Looking for advice on how best to structure data in MongoDB, particularly for scalability - worried about having an array of potentially thousands of objects within each user object.
I am building a language learning app with a built in flashcard system. I want users to 'unlock' new vocabulary for each level, which automatically gets added to their flashcards, so when you unlock level 4, all the vocabulary attached to level 4 gets added to your flashcards.
For the flashcards themselves, I want a changable 'due date', so that you get prompted to do certain cards at a certain date - if you're familiar with spaced repition, that's the plan. So when you get a card, you can say how well you know it and, for example, if you know it well you won't get it for another week, but if you get it wrong you'll get it again the next day.
I'm using MongoDB for the backend, but am a little unsure about how best to structure my data. Currently, I have two objects: one for the cards, and one for the users.
The cards object looks like this, so there's a nested object for each flashcard, with a unique ID, the level the word appears in, and then the word in both languages.
const CardsList = [
id: 1,
level: 1,
gd: "sgìth",
en: "tired",
id: 2,
level: 2,
gd: "ceist",
en: "question",
Then each user has an object like the below, with various user data, and a nested array of objects for the cards - with the id of every card they've unlocked, and the date at which that card is next due.
id: 1,
name: "gordon",
level: 2,
cards: [
{ id: 1, date: "07/12/2021" },
{ id: 2, date: "09/12/2021" },
id: 2,
name: "mike",
level: 1,
cards: [
{ id: 1, date: "08/12/2021" },
{ id: 2, date: "07/12/2021" },
This works fine, but I'm a bit concerned about the scalability of it.
The plan is to have about two or three thousand words in total, and so if I had, say, fifty users complete the app, then that would mean fifty user objects, each with as much as three thousand objects in that nested cards array.
Is that going to be a problem? Would it be a problem if I had a thousand (or more) users, instead of 50? Is there a more sensible way of structuring the data that I'm not spotting?

Where to put version __v in redux state?

I have a model that is scattered all around the application. I have a redux state tree:
page: {
modelPart1: ...,
... : {
modelPart2: ...
I need to keep a reference to mongoDb __v in my state too. Where is the best place to place it?
I was thinking about a separate branch model_metadata that would keep the metadata about docs (_id, __v, ...).
model_metadata: { <------------------------ HERE
model: {
_id: id,
__v: 2
page: {
modelPart1: ...,
... : {
modelPart2: ...
Is it a valid approach or would you recommend a different one?
Every reducer only can access its own part of state, so when you do
and access state in one, it is equivalent to doing store.getState().one, and the same for another. So, you need to split the data in page property of state into two parts: actual data and metadata. Just like the object you retrieve from Mongo.
The point in having metadata and actual data being processed by the same reducer is that every time a reducer function is performed, you have everything you need about your object in state argument of that function. Splitting the data into two different reducers would make things way more complicated.
So, the new data representation in page would look like
model_metadata: { <------------------------ HERE
model: {
_id: id,
__v: 2
page: {
modelPart1: ...,
... : {
modelPart2: ...
while connecting to page would look like
connect(state => ({

Hierarchial JSON model and UI5

I am creating a demo application with JSON data and UI5. The idea (in a nutshell) is provide various information views for a selected item. I am using IconTabBar control. I have created an example scenario so (hopefully) I can explain the problem more clearly.
1.IconTabBar's first tab has list of employees and user can select one by selecting a radio button on the left
2.This takes the user to the next tab that displays say, sales view. The user can click on any tab and move to the respective view.
3.User can modify the information in any view. If the users forgets or ignores to Save the data, the tab color is set to Red.
4.User can Save the data.
5.Some of the views have information in master detail format.
The problem(s) I am facing are:-
1.How to filter the model data based on the item selected in the table?
2.How to update the filtered data and set back to model?
3.I also would like to know whether the data is structured correctly
I am using following code to update the binding path after company is selected. The GREP function is not returning correct values for proposals. It returns ONLY 1 proposal for E001 whereas it should return 2. It doesn't work properly for orders either. I am not sure whether the data is structured correctly.
var oModel_Data = oJSONDataModel.getData();
var oView_Data = oViewDataModel.getData();
var aModelData = oModel_Data[sSelected_Key];
var aViewData = oView_Data[sSelected_Key];
aViewData = jQuery.grep(aModelData, function(data, index) {
return === sSelected_id
I am using following code to check whether user has changed data.
var oView_Data = oViewDataModel.getData();
var oModel_Data = oJSONDataModel.getData();
var aViewData = oView_Data[in_sKey];
var aModelData = oModel_Data[in_sKey];
aModelData.forEach(function(item, index, array) {
var valueView = aViewData;
if ( === sSelected_id){
//The code here need to consider complex(nested) data types
//Thus it should check type of not only valueView and item
//but also their each and every child elements
/*---------Temporary Solution---------------------*/
var sViewValue = JSON.stringify(valueView);
var sItem = JSON.stringify(item);
var bSameData = sViewValue === sItem;
if (bSameData==true){
return flag_data_changed=true;
My json model is as below.
"employees": [
{"id":"E0001" ,
"name":"Alec Stewert"
{"id":"E0002" ,
"name":"Debra Manning"
"sales": [
{"id":"E0001" ,
{"id":"E0002" ,
{ "id":"E0001",
"key_orders": [
"itm":"Item X",
"itm":"Item Z",
I have investigated online and in SAP Help but failed to understand what needs to be done. Any help is appreciated.
1.How to filter the model data based on the item selected in the table?
If you prepare the JSONModel you can use the Filter
2.How to update the filtered data and set back to model?
If you bind the table to the JSONModel, by default the JSNOModel is 2 way binding so any edited data will be in the JSONModel
3.I also would like to know whether the data is structured correctly
Go through the Example of the Table So you will get an idea of the Model and binding model to the Table