Mongodb - Updating nested object array without loosing attributes - mongodb

How do I update or if not existent create a nested object array with one query? The update should only touch existing properties.
So I have a documents structure like this:
_id: ObjectId("61c296c1fe6de82e5eafd9e1"),
id: 1235,
name: 'Package',
type: 'product',
exampleOuter: 'test1',
size: [
length: '10cm',
height: '13cm',
exampleInner: 'test2',
length: '23cm',
height: '15cm',
exampleInner: 'test3',
I try to update this given object by the id. Lets assume I have a second object for ease lets call it: "updateObject" and I just want to update those fields from the original object that are existing in the updateObject. If the id is not found in the document than a new object from the updateObject should be created.
id: 1235,
name: 'Package2',
size: [
length: '20cm',
height: '23cm'
length: '33cm',
height: '25cm'
The normal behavior of MongoDB is that the attributes type, exampleOuter are gone in the original object after performing this query since they are not existing in the updateObject. I prevent that from happening by using $setwhich looks like this: {$set: updateObject}. But this doesn't work for the object array in the size attribute. They are all loosing the exampleInner because it is not existing in the updateObject.
I first tried to wrap every object in the size array with a $set to achieve the desired behavior but obv that didn't work.
After reasearch i got the tip using the dot notation and an index. So my updateObject looks like this:
id: 1235,
name: 'Package2',
size.0.length: '20cm',
size.0.height: '23cm',
size.1.length: '33cm',
size.1.height: '25cm',
Which works fantastic for the update part but if the id of this new updateObject is not in the document than this will create a new object - which is correct but instead of an array of objects it will create an object with the index 0, 1, ... as the key size.
So the new created document looks like this:
size: {
0: {
length: '10cm',
1: {
length: '23cm',
Am I on the right track with this or is there a complete other way to go? If it's the right approach how do I make sure that the if not existend objects the size attribute is created as an array and not as an object with the key as index?


How to target a field in Prisma and get a flat array of values rather than an array of objects

I just started using Primsa 2 so I am still a noob at this but all I am trying to do is create a flat array of strings(Array<number>) based on the values I get from a specific field. Right now when I target that field it gives me an array of objects like this: userIds: [{ issueId: 1, userId: 1 }]
All I want is the value I get from the userId key and the array to return like this userIds: [ 1 ]. I was able to fix this with some formatting code after the query which was done like so:
const issues = => ({ ...issue, userIds: [ => id.userId)] }))
const _project = { ...project, issues }
However, this doesn't seem like the most optimal solution. If this is the only way that is fine but I assume with the power that Prisma has for querying, this is something I can do just in the query alone?
For reference, my query currently looks like this:
const project = await prisma.project.findFirst({
where: { id: req.currentUser.projectId },
include: { users: true, issues: { include: { userIds: true } } },
Thanks in advance!
Can you show your schema? Perhaps you can model the relation differently. However, unless if you provide a field, userIds, that is a flat array and not a field of a an other relation it will be returned as a list of objects as you have already.

Meteor/Mongo - add/update element in sub array dynamically

So I have found quite few related posts on SO on how to update a field in a sub array, such as this one here
What I want to achieve is basically the same thing, but updating a field in a subarray dynamically, instead of just calling the field name in the query.
Now I also found how to do that straight in the main object, but cant seem to do it in the sub array.
Code to insert dynamically in sub-object:
_.each(, function(val, key) {
var obj = {};
obj['general.'+key] = val;
insert = 0 || (Documents.update(
{ _id: data._id },
{ $set: obj}
Here is the tree of what I am trying to do:
Documents: {
_id: '123123'
_id: '456456'
name: 'name1'
description: 'description1'
Here is my code:
// insert a new object in smallRoom, with only the _id so far
var newID = new Mongo.ObjectID;
var createId = {_id: newID._str};
Documents.update({_id: data._id},{$push:{smallRooms: createId}})
And the part to insert the other fields:
_.each(, function(val, key) {
var obj = {};
obj['simpleRoom.$'+key] = val;
_id: data._id, <<== the document id that I want to update
smallRoom: {
_id : newID._str, <<== the smallRoom id that I want to update
$set: obj
Ok, having said that, I understand I can insert the whole object straight away, not having to push every single field.
But I guess this question is more like, how does it work if smallRoom had 50 fields, and I want to update 3 random fields ? (So I would NEED to use the _each loop as I wouldnt know in advance which field to update, and would not want to replace the whole object)
I'm not sure I 100% understand your question, but I think the answer to what you are asking is to use the $ symbol.
_id: data._id, smallRoom._id: newID._str
$set: { smallroom.$.name: 'new name' }
You are finding the document that matches the _id: data._id, then finding the object in the array smallRoom that has an _id equal to newId._str. Then you are using the $ sign to tell Mongo to update that object's name key.
Hope that helps

How do I use new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID() in my mongo queries with meteor?

I have a Collection that has documents with an array of nested objects.
Here is fixture code to populate the database:
if (Parents.find().count() == 0) {
var parentId = Parents.insert({
name: "Parent One"
parent: parentId,
fields: [
_id: new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID(),
position: 3,
name: "three"
_id: new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID(),
position: 1,
name: "one"
_id: new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID(),
position: 2,
name: "two"
You might be asking yourself, why do I even need an ObjectID when I can just update based off of the names. This is a simplified example to a much more complex schema that I'm currently working on and the the nested object are going to be created dynamically, the ObjectID's are definitely going to be necessary to make this work.
Basically, I need a way to save those nested objects with a unique ID and be able to update the fields by their _id.
Here is my Method, and the call I'm making from the browser console:
upChild: function( options ) {
console.log(new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID());
Children.update({_id: options._id, "fields._id": options.fieldId }, {$set: {"fields.$.position": options.position}}, function(error){
if(error) {
} else {
My call from the console:'upChild', {
_id: "5NuiSNQdNcZwau92M",
fieldId: "9b93aa1ef3868d762b84d2f2",
position: 1
And here is a screenshot of the html where I'm rendering all of the data for the Parents and Children collections:
Just an observation, as I was looking how generate unique IDs client side for a similar reason. I found calling new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID() was returning a object in the form 'ObjectID("abc...")'. By assigning Meteor.Collection.ObjectID()._str to _id, I got string as 'abc...' instead, which is what I wanted.
I hope this helps, and I'd be curious to know if anyone has a better way of handling this?
Avoid using the _str because it can change in the future. Use this:
new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID().toHexString() or
new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID().valueOf()
You can also use the official random package:

Select an item from Dojo Grid's store and display one of its attributes (array of objects) on grid

I have a Dojo EnhancedGrid which uses a data store filled with the following data structure:
{ id: 1, desc: "Obj Desc", options: [ { txt: "text", value: 0 }, { obj2 }, { objn } ] },
{ id: 2, ... },
{ id: 3, ... },
{ id: n, ... }
Currently I'm doing all this with an auxiliary store...but I believe this is far from a good approach to the problem, it's too ugly and doesn't work really well with edition (because I have to send changes from one store to another).
Instead of displaying all this objects at the same time, I wanted to select just one object (using its id) and display its options objects on grid. At the same time, the changes on grid should make effect on store, to be able to save them later.
Is it possible to query the grid's store, in order to display just one object? How?
And is it possible to fill the grid with objects list present on "options" attribute?

Nested document insert into MongoDB with C#

I am trying to insert nested documents in to a MongoDB using C#. I have a collection called categories. In that collection there must exist documents with 2 array, one named categories and one named standards. Inside those arrays must exist new documents with their own ID's that also contain arrays of the same names listed above. Below is what I have so far but I am unsure how to proceed. If you look at the code what I want to do is add the "namingConventions" document nested under the categories array in the categories document however namingConventions must have a unique ID also.
At this point I am not sure I have done any of this the best way possible so I am open to any and all advice on this entire thing.
namespace ClassLibrary1
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
public class Class1
public void test()
string connectionString = "mongodb://localhost";
MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create(connectionString);
MongoDatabase standards = server.GetDatabase("Standards");
MongoCollection<BsonDocument> categories = standards.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("catagories");
BsonDocument[] batch = {
new BsonDocument { { "categories", new BsonArray {} },
{ "standards", new BsonArray { } } },
new BsonDocument { { "catagories", new BsonArray { } },
{ "standards", new BsonArray { } } },
For clarity this is what I need:
What I am doing is building a coding standards site. The company wants all the standards stored in MongoDB in a tree. Everything must have a unique ID so that on top of being queried as a tree it can be queried by itself also. An example could be:
/* 0 */
"_id" : ObjectId("4fb39795b74861183c713807"),
"catagories" : [],
"standards" : []
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("4fb39795b74861183c713806"),
"categories" : [{
"_id" : ObjectId("4fb39795b74861183c713807"),
"catagories" : [],
"standards" : []
"standards" : []
Now I have written code to make this happen but the issue seems to be that when I add object "0" to the categories array in object "1" it is not making a reference but instead copying it. This will not due because if changes are made they will be made to the original object "0" so they will not be pushed to the copy being made in the categories array, at least that is what is happening to me. I hope this clears up what I am looking for.
So, based on your latest comment, it seems as though this is the actual structure you are looking for:
_id: ObjectId(),
name: "NamingConventions",
categories: [
id: ObjectId(),
name: "Namespaces",
standards: [
id: ObjectId(),
name: "TitleCased",
description: "Namespaces must be Title Cased."
id: ObjectId().
name: "NoAbbreviations",
description: "Namespaces must not use abbreviations."
id: ObjectId(),
name: "Variables",
standards: [
id: ObjectId(),
name: "CamelCased",
description: "variables must be camel cased."
Assuming this is correct, then the below is how you would insert one of these:
var collection = db.GetCollection("some collection name");
var root = new BsonDocument();
root.Add("name", "NamingConventions");
var rootCategories = new BsonArray();
rootCategories.Add(new BsonDocument
{ "id": ObjectId.GenerateNewId() },
{ "name", "Namespaces" },
{ "standards", new BsonArray() }
root.Add("categories", rootCategories);
Hope that helps, if not, I give up :).
So, I guess I'm confused by what you are asking. If you just want to store the namingConventions documents inside the array, you don't need a collection for them. Instead, just add them to the bson array and store them.
var categoriesCollection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("categories");
var category = new BsonDocument();
var namingConventions = new BsonArray();
namingConventions.Add(new BsonDocument("convention1", "value"));
category.Add("naming_conventions", namingConventions);
This will create a new document for a category, create an array in it called naming_conventions with a single document in it with an element called "convention1" and a value of "value".
I also am not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish. Perhaps if you posted some sample documents in JSON format we could show you the C# code to write documents that match that.
Alternatively, if you wish to discuss your schema, that could also be better done in the context of JSON rather than C#, and once a schema has been settled on then we can discuss how to write documents to that schema in C#.
One thing that didn't sound right in your original description was the statement "in that collection must exist 2 arrays". A collection can only contain documents, not arrays. The documents themselves can contain arrays if you want.
var filter = Builders<CollectionDefination>.Filter.Where(r => r._id== id);
var data = Builders<CollectionDefination>.Update.Push(f=>
await _dbService.collection.UpdateOneAsync( filter,data);
Note: Make sure embedded document type [Categories] is array.