Capistrano Deployment: a Task before `deploy:finalize_update` Is not Executed - deployment

I'm using Capistrano v2.13.4 for deployment.
A Capistrano task (deploy:special_treats) before deploy:finalize_update is not executed.
The task deploy:special_treats does some preparation (setup the internet access) for bundle:install, otherwise, bundle:install will not be able to reach the Internet ([out :: servername] Could not reach
In config/deploy.rb
before 'deploy:finalize_update', 'deploy:special_treats'
namespace :deploy do
task :special_treats do
run "echo 'something special treats: setup the Internet access'"
The result for cap deploy:update
$ cap deploy:update
* executing `deploy:update'
** transaction: start
* executing `deploy:update_code'
executing locally: "svn info https://svnlinks --username username --password password --no-auth-cache -rHEAD"
command finished in 10336ms
* getting (via export) revision 33268 to /tmp/20120927171608
executing locally: svn export -q --username username --password password --no-auth-cache -r33268 https://svnlinks /tmp/20120927171608
command finished in 79314ms
* processing exclusions...
* Compressing /tmp/20120927171608 to /tmp/20120927171608.tar.gz
executing locally: tar czf 20120927171608.tar.gz 20120927171608
command finished in 1401ms
servers: ["servername"]
** sftp upload /tmp/20120927171608.tar.gz -> /tmp/20120927171608.tar.gz
[servername] /tmp/20120927171608.tar.gz
[servername] done
* sftp upload complete
* executing "cd /usr/website/rr/releases && tar xzf /tmp/20120927171608.tar.gz && rm /tmp/20120927171608.tar.gz"
servers: ["servername"]
[servername] executing command
command finished in 774ms
* executing `deploy:finalize_update'
triggering before callbacks for `deploy:finalize_update'
* executing `bundle:install'
* executing "cd /usr/website/rr/releases/20120927171608 && bundle install --gemfile /usr/website/rr/releases/20120927171608/Gemfile --path /usr/website/rr/shared/bundle --deployment --quiet --without development
servers: ["servername"]
[servername] executing command
** [out :: servername] Could not reach
command finished in 1403ms
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
* executing "rm -rf /usr/website/rr/releases/20120927171608; true"
servers: ["servername"]
[servername] executing command
command finished in 344ms
failed: "rvm_path=$HOME/.rvm/ $HOME/.rvm/bin/rvm-shell '1.9.3-p194' -c 'cd /usr/website/rr/releases/20120927171608 && bundle install --gemfile /usr/website/rr/releases/20120927171608/Gemfile --path
/usr/website/rr/shared/bundle --deployment --quiet --without development test'" on servername

I just had the same issue but in the after deploy:finalize_update trigger. The difference is that my script works in another machine for a long time.
I don't have capistrano locked as a gem in the Gemfile, so I tried reverting to the same version of the working machine which is 2.6.0 but that did not fix it.
After some research and several trials, I have found some issues at the github project like this that leads to that but looks like folks can't fully reproduce it.
I have then headed to the docs and browsing I found that Capistrano behaviors have been affected by recent changes on the 0.9.x versions of rake that have to do with namespace conflicts as you can see in this brief and tiny note that can be found at the deploy:create_symlink section of Capistrano Tasks wiki page
I did not have time to fix the script to work with latest versions of both rake and capistrano but I was able to have it back working on a different machine by reverting rake to version 0.8.7.
I hope this can get you going and provide some clues towards the solution.


Gitlab-runner failed to remove permission denied

I'm setting up a CI/CD pipeline with Gitlab. I've installed gitlab-runner on a Digital Ocean Ubuntu 18.04 droplet and gave permissions in /etc/sudoers to the gitlab-runner as:
gitlab-runner ALL=(ALL:ALL)ALL
The first commit to the associated repository correctly build the docker-compose (the app itself is Django+postgres), but following commits are not able to clean previous builds and fail:
Running with gitlab-runner 12.8.0 (1b659122)
on ubuntu-s-4vcpu-8gb-fra1-01 52WypZsE
Using Shell executor...
Running on ubuntu-s-4vcpu-8gb-fra1-01...
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /home/gitlab-runner/builds/52WypZsE/0/lorePieri/djangocicd/.git/
* [new ref] refs/pipelines/120533457 -> refs/pipelines/120533457
0072002..bd28ba4 develop -> origin/develop
Checking out bd28ba46 as develop...
warning: failed to remove app/staticfiles/admin/img/selector-icons.svg: Permission denied
warning: failed to remove app/staticfiles/admin/img/search.svg: Permission denied
warning: failed to remove app/staticfiles/admin/img/icon-alert.svg: Permission denied
warning: failed to remove app/staticfiles/admin/img/tooltag-arrowright.svg: Permission denied
warning: failed to remove app/staticfiles/admin/img/icon-unknown-alt.svg: Permission denied
This is the relevant portion of the .gitlab-ci.yml file:
image: docker:latest
- docker:dind
- test
- deploy_staging
- deploy_production
stage: test
- develop
- develop
- echo running tests in $DYNAMIC_ENV_VAR
- sudo apt-get install -y python-pip
- sudo pip install docker-compose
- sudo docker image prune -f
- sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build --no-cache
- sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
- echo do tests now
- sudo docker-compose exec -T web python3 -m coverage run --source='.' test
What I've tried:
usermod -aG docker gitlab-runner
sudo service docker restart
The best solution for me was adding
pre_clone_script = "sudo chown -R gitlab-runner:gitlab-runner ."
into /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml
Even if you won't have permissions after a previous job it'll set correct permissions before cleaning up the workdir and cloning the repo.
I would recommend setting a GIT_STRATEGY to none in the afflicted job.
I have had the exact same problem. Therefore I will explain how it was resolved in details.
Try finding your config.toml file and run the gitlab-runner command with root privileges, since permission denied is a very common UNIX-based operating systems error.
After finding the location of config.toml pass it:
sudo gitlab-runner run --config <absolute_location_of_config_toml>
P.S. You can find all config.toml file easily using locate config.toml command. Make sure you have already installed by executing sudo apt-get install mlocate
After facing to permission denied error, I have tried using sudo gitlab-runner run instead of gitlab-runner, but it has its own problem:
ERROR: Failed to load config stat /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml: no such
file or directory builds=0
while executing gitlab-runner without root permissions doesn't have any config file problem.
Try implementing the ways and solutions as #Grumbanks and #vlad-Mazurkov mentioned. But they didn't work properly.
It MAY be because you write a file in cloned out codebase. What I do is simply create another directory outside of gitlab-runner directory:
ls -la
git clone ..................
AND DO whatever
I never faced the issue again.

capistrano cannot run ssh: no such file or directory

I'm new to capistrano and I'm trying to set up a test project, but as you can guess, without much success. When I run cap deploy:update, I get following output:
$ cap deploy
* 2014-12-27 21:48:06 executing `deploy'
* 2014-12-27 21:48:06 executing `deploy:update'
** transaction: start
* 2014-12-27 21:48:06 executing `deploy:update_code'
executing locally: "git ls-remote production"
command finished in 1281ms
* executing "git clone -q -b production && cd /customers/4/b/b/ && git checkout -q -b deploy 5604624725df4d3c7dd4f88fc77cfd5d9d8ddf26 && (echo 5604624725df4d3c7dd4f88fc77cfd5d9d8ddf26 > /customers/4/b/b/"
servers: [""]'s password:'s password:
[] executing command
** [ :: out] error: cannot run ssh: No such file or directory
** [ :: out] fatal: unable to fork
command finished in 1611ms
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
* executing "rm -rf /customers/4/b/b/; true"
servers: [""]
[] executing command
command finished in 957ms
failed: "sh -c 'git clone -q -b production /customers/4/b/b/ && cd /customers/4/b/b/ && git checkout -q -b deploy 5604624725df4d3c7dd4f88fc77cfd5d9d8ddf26 && (echo 5604624725df4d3c7dd4f88fc77cfd5d9d8ddf26 > /customers/4/b/b/'" on
And here's the deploy.rb file:
require 'colored'
rescue LoadError
$stderr.puts <<-INSTALL
You need the both the capistrano-ext and colored gems to deploy this application
Install the gems like this:
gem install colored
exit 1
set :application, "stocksolutions"
set :repository, ""
set :branch, "production"
set :user, ''
set :deploy_to, "/customers/4/b/b/#{user}/httpd.www/private"
set :use_sudo, false
set :scm, :git
default_run_options[:pty] = true
server "", :app, :web
namespace :deploy do
task :start do ; end
task :stop do ; end
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run "#{try_sudo} touch #{File.join(current_path,'tmp','restart.txt')}"
Anyone who can spot my mistake?
Your log seems to suggest that either there is no ssh client installed in your deployment server, or the command cannot be found in the server's PATH.
Try if cloning the repo via https instead of ssh will work, by changing the following:
set :repository, ""
set :repository, ""
You'll be asked to provide your login credentials for github to be able to clone the repo.

Capistrano Rails Asset Precompile Error

I have a Capistrano script which is deploying my app to an Amazon EC2 machine. It is failing when compiling assets:
* executing "cd -- /home/ec2-user/uc_social_server/releases/20130731161645 && RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets rake assets:precompile"
servers: [""]
[] executing command
** [out ::] Could not find thread_safe-0.1.0 in any of the sources
** [out ::]
** [out ::] Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
** [out ::]
command finished in 591ms
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
* executing "rm -rf /home/ec2-user/uc_social_server/releases/20130731161645; true"
servers: [""]
[] executing command
command finished in 201ms
failed: "sh -c 'cd -- /home/ec2-user/uc_social_server/releases/20130731161645 && RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets rake assets:precompile'" on
Adding following to deploy.rb
require "bundler/capistrano"
require "rvm/capistrano"
before "deploy:assets:precompile", "bundle:install"
and following to Capfile
load 'deploy/assets'
and following to Gemfile
gem 'rvm-capistrano'
resolved the issue for me. If you are not using rvm, maybe you will not need to require rvm/capistrano or the rvm-capistrano gem.
Add this line to your Capfile
require 'capistrano/bundler'

Capistrano deploy:setup works but not deploy:check

Testing capistrano with a simple recipe.
$ cap deploy:setup
* executing `deploy:setup'
* executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' mkdir -p /u/apps/ [..]
deploy:setup works as exprected.
$ cap deploy:check
* executing `deploy:check'
* executing "test -d /u/apps/[..]
When running deploy:check I get the following error:
The following dependencies failed. Please check them and try again:
--> You do not have permissions to write to `/u/apps/
--> `/u/apps/app/shared is not writable [..]
It seems that capistrano is not using sudo while in deploy:check mode.
I don't get it!
While in deploy:setup the whole directory structure was created by capistrano without any issue?
Why capistrano doesn't use sudo as in deploy:check?
I also ran into this issue and it turned out capistrano was creating all of the folders under the <user> group except for the shared folder. SSH onto your server and do a long listing ls -l. If you see - root - root - for the shared folder, you'll just need to update the permissions on the folder:
sudo chown <user> shared
sudo chgrp <user> shared
I ran into the same issue: the trick is to explicitly configure Capistrano not to use sudo.
You can turn that off in your deploy.rb file with:
set :use_sudo, false
If you need to use sudo, how about using the sudo DSL Action Invocation in your commands:
run "#{sudo} apachectl restart"

Problems Deploying to Linode with Capistrano

I`m looking for any guidance on deploying to Linode with Capistrano.
Everything seems fine until the point below:
[ :: out] Password: Password: ** [ :: out] ** [ :: out] HEAD is now at dc70d86 Fixed bugs from Webmaster Tools.
command finished in 9912ms
copying the cached version to /home/deploy/ * executing "cp
-RPp /home/deploy/ /home/deploy/ && (echo dc70d867e1b01427a776ef23b59ddd375d39a34b > /home/deploy/"
servers: [""]
[] executing command ** [out ::] cp: cannot create directory `/home/deploy/' ** [out ::] : No such file or directory
command finished in 661ms
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back * executing "rm -rf /home/deploy/; true"
servers: [""]
[] executing command
command finished in 623ms failed: "sh -c 'cp -RPp /home/deploy/ /home/deploy/ && (echo dc70d867e1b01427a776ef23b59ddd375d39a34b > /home/deploy/'" on
Any clues to why the directory doesn`t get created or what can I do to fix it?
All answers are appreciated.
It seems that some of the directories in this /home/deploy/ path do not exist.
Try to run cap deploy:setup and to make sure also mkdir -p /home/deploy/ on the servers shell.