i am trying to generate/simulate a set of synthetic/ simulated data set to generate a synthetic blood flow image in matlab. but i dont know how or where to starts from...
i know i should use the mesh function but how do i make it so it could be in time dimension?
I will be very thankful if anybody could help/ guide me through. I want to generate a data set of size 25x25x10x4. Which is X x Y x t x V. The image should be something similar to this:
or like this:
thank you in advance!
Dataset #1:
Use your favorite line representation (polar, linear, whatever) and randomly generate the parameters for your line. E.g. if you go for y = mx + c, randomly generate m and c. Now that you have defined your line, use this SO method to draw it on the image.
Dataset #2:
They look like 2D Gaussians. Use mvnpdf in the following manner.
[X Y] = meshgrid(x_range,y_range);
Z = reshape( mvnpdf([X(:) Y(:)],MU,SIGMA) ,size(X));
Use some randomly generated MU and SIGMA such that MU lies in x_range and y_range. E.g. x_range = -3:0.1:3;y_range = x_range; and
MU =
0.9575 0.9649
1.2647 0.3760
0.3760 1.0938
Just to complement #Jacob 's very specific answer, you need a 4D MxNxTxV matrix. In this, according to the post, MxN is the dimension of each image, T is the time dimension, and V is the number of channels or samples per time frame (3 for RGB or >3 for any spectral image).
For each T, generate V images.
Simulate the V images with random parameters for Dataset #1 and Dataset #2.
Put everything in one 4D matrix per Dataset (i.e. using a double for or concatenation)
Replace rand() with generate_image() below, i.e. a function generating random samples of the type of structure you want, according to #Jacob 's suggestions:
M = 25; N = 25;
T = 10; V = 4;
DataSet1 = zeros(M,N,T,V);
DataSet2 = zeros(M,N,T,V);
for t = 1:T
for v = 1:V
DataSet1(:,:,t,v) = randn(M,N);
DataSet2(:,:,t,v) = randn(M,N);
This is a part of a larger project so I will try to keep only the relevant parts (The variables and my attempt at the calculations)
I want to calculate the root mean squared error between Zi_cubic and Z_actual
RMSE formula
Given/already established variables
% Set up 2,000 random numbers between -1 & +1 as our x & y values
x = 2*(rand(n,1)-0.5);
y = 2*(rand(n,1)-0.5);
z = x.^5+y.^3;
% Interpolate to a regular grid
d = -1:0.01:1;
[Xi,Yi] = meshgrid(d,d);
Zi_cubic = griddata(x,y,z,Xi,Yi,'cubic');
Z_actual = Xi.^5+Yi.^3;
My attempt at a calculation
My approach is to
Arrange Zi_cubic and Z_actual as column vectors
Take the difference
Square each element in the difference
Sum up all the elements in 4 using nansum
Divide by the number of finite elements in 4
Take the square root
D1 = reshape(Zi_cubic,[numel(Zi_cubic),1]);
D2 = reshape(Z_actual,[numel(Z_actual),1]);
D3 = D1 - D2;
D4 = D3.^2;
D5 = nansum(D4)
d6 = sum(isfinite(D4))
D6 = D5/d6
D7 = sqrt(D6)
Apparently this is wrong. I'm either mis-applying the RMSE formula or I don't understand what I'm telling matlab to do.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Your RMSE is fine (in my book). The only thing that seems possibly off is the meshgrid and griddata. Your inputs to griddata are vectors and you are asking for a matrix output. That is fine, but you're potentially undersampling your input space. In other words, you are giving n samples as inputs, but perhaps you are expected to give n^2 samples as inputs? Here's some sample code for a smaller n to demonstrate this effect more clearly:
% Set up 2,000 random numbers between -1 & +1 as our x & y values
n=100; %Reduced because scatter is slow to plot
x = 2*(rand(n,1)-0.5);
y = 2*(rand(n,1)-0.5);
z = x.^5+y.^3;
S = 100;
%More data, more accurate ...
[x2,y2] = meshgrid(x,y);
z2 = x2.^5+y2.^3;
The second plot should be a lot cleaner and thus will likely provide a more accurate estimate of Z_actual later on.
I also thought you might be running into some issues with floating point numbers and calculating RMSE but that appears not to be the case. Here's some alternative code which is how I would write RMSE.
d = Zi_cubic(:) - Z_actual(:);
mask = ~isnan(d);
n_valid = sum(mask);
rmse = sqrt(sum(d(mask).^2)/n_valid);
Notice that (:) linearizes the matrix. Also it is useful to try and use better variable names than D1-D7.
In the end though these are just suggestions and your code looks fine.
PS - I'm assuming that you are supposed to be using cubic interpolation as that is another place you could perhaps deviate from what's expected ...
The following is a function that takes two equal sized vectors X and Y, and is supposed to return a vector containing single correlation coefficients for image correspondence. The function is supposed to work similarly to the built in corr(X,Y) function in matlab if given two equal sized vectors. Right now my code is producing a vector containing multiple two-number vectors instead of a vector containing single numbers. How do I fix this?
function result = myCorr(X, Y)
meanX = mean(X);
meanY = mean(Y);
stdX = std(X);
stdY = std(Y);
for i = 1:1:length(X),
X(i) = (X(i) - meanX)/stdX;
Y(i) = (Y(i) - meanY)/stdY;
mult = X(i) * Y(i);
result = sum(mult)/(length(X)-1);
Edit: To clarify I want myCorr(X,Y) above to produce the same output at matlab's corr(X,Y) when given equal sized vectors of image intensity values.
Edit 2: Now the format of the output vector is correct, however the values are off by a lot.
I recommend you use r=corrcoef(X,Y) it will give you a normalized r value you are looking for in a 2x2 matrix and you can just return the r(2,1) entry as your answer. Doing this is equivalent to
However, if you really want to do what you mentioned in the question you can also do
I am new in matlab and I am making a gremetric simulation with k = m2 and p = 1/5.
I have to generate 1000 random numbers and I must show them in a histogram with 15 number of cells. this is what I have so far:
K = 2;
P 1/5;
R = geornd(p,k,1000);
now I am trying to show these result in a histogram with 15 cells but I dont know how to do it please help.
to get the histogram I used:
hist(Sc,15), and this is the results:
According to the doc for geornd, you need to provide the function with a probability parameter P (here 1/5) and a vector dictating the size of the output you want, so it looks like your K is not used correctly in this context.
If you want 1000 random values distributed according to geornd, you might want to use this instead:
R = geornd(0.2,[1 1000]); % P of 0.2 and array of 1 x 1000 numbers
Which gives the following:
If you do want do generate 2 distributions, then you can calculate them all at once and plot them separately:
R = geornd(0.2,[2 1000]);
% Plot 1st distribution:
Plot 2nd distribution:
I'm going to start off by stating that, yes, this is homework (my first homework question on stackoverflow!). But I don't want you to solve it for me, I just want some guidance!
The equation in question is this:
I'm told to take N = 50, phi1 = 300, phi2 = 400, 0<=x<=1, and 0<=y<=1, and to let x and y be vectors of 100 equally spaced points, including the end points.
So the first thing I did was set those variables, and used x = linspace(0,1) and y = linspace(0,1) to make the correct vectors.
The question is Write a MATLAB script file called potential.m which calculates phi(x,y) and makes a filled contour plot versus x and y using the built-in function contourf (see the help command in MATLAB for examples). Make sure the figure is labeled properly. (Hint: the top and bottom portions of your domain should be hotter at about 400 degrees versus the left and right sides which should be at 300 degrees).
However, previously, I've calculated phi using either x or y as a constant. How am I supposed to calculate it where both are variables? Do I hold x steady, while running through every number in the vector of y, assigning that to a matrix, incrementing x to the next number in its vector after running through every value of y again and again? And then doing the same process, but slowly incrementing y instead?
If so, I've been using a loop that increments to the next row every time it loops through all 100 values. If I did it that way, I would end up with a massive matrix that has 200 rows and 100 columns. How would I use that in the linspace function?
If that's correct, this is how I'm finding my matrix:
format compact
x = linspace(0,1);
y = linspace(0,1);
N = 50;
phi1 = 300;
phi2 = 400;
phi = 0;
sum = 0;
for j = 1:100
for i = 1:100
for n = 1:N
sum = sum + ((2/(n*pi))*(((phi2-phi1)*(cos(n*pi)-1))/((exp(n*pi))-(exp(-n*pi))))*((1-(exp(-n*pi)))*(exp(n*pi*y(i)))+((exp(n*pi))-1)*(exp(-n*pi*y(i))))*sin(n*pi*x(j)));
phi(j,i) = phi1 - sum;
for j = 1:100
for i = 1:100
for n = 1:N
sum = sum + ((2/(n*pi))*(((phi2-phi1)*(cos(n*pi)-1))/((exp(n*pi))-(exp(-n*pi))))*((1-(exp(-n*pi)))*(exp(n*pi*y(j)))+((exp(n*pi))-1)*(exp(-n*pi*y(j))))*sin(n*pi*x(i)));
phi(j+100,i) = phi1 - sum;
This is the definition of contourf. I think I have to use contourf(X,Y,Z):
contourf(X,Y,Z), contourf(X,Y,Z,n), and contourf(X,Y,Z,v) draw filled contour plots of Z using X and Y to determine the x- and y-axis limits. When X and Y are matrices, they must be the same size as Z and must be monotonically increasing.
Here is the new code:
N = 50;
phi1 = 300;
phi2 = 400;
[x, y, n] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1),linspace(0,1),1:N)
f = phi1-((2./(n.*pi)).*(((phi2-phi1).*(cos(n.*pi)-1))./((exp(n.*pi))-(exp(-n.*pi)))).*((1-(exp(-1.*n.*pi))).*(exp(n.*pi.*y))+((exp(n.*pi))-1).*(exp(-1.*n.*pi.*y))).*sin(n.*pi.*x));
g = sum(f,3);
[x1,y1] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1),linspace(0,1));
Vectorize the code. For example you can write f(x,y,n) with:
[x y n] = meshgrid(-1:0.1:1,-1:0.1:1,1:10);
f=exp(x.^2-y.^2).*n ;
f is a 3D matrix now just sum over the right dimension...
in order to use contourf, we'll take only the 2D part of x,y:
[x1 y1] = meshgrid(-1:0.1:1,-1:0.1:1);
The reason your code takes so long to calculate the phi matrix is that you didn't pre-allocate the array. The error about size happens because phi is not 100x100. But instead of fixing those things, there's an even better way...
MATLAB is a MATrix LABoratory so this type of equation is pretty easy to compute using matrix operations. Hints:
Instead of looping over the values, rows, or columns of x and y, construct matrices to represent all the possible input combinations. Check out meshgrid for this.
You're still going to need a loop to sum over n = 1:N. But for each value of n, you can evaluate your equation for all x's and y's at once (using the matrices from hint 1). The key to making this work is using element-by-element operators, such as .* and ./.
Using matrix operations like this is The Matlab Way. Learn it and love it. (And get frustrated when using most other languages that don't have them.)
Good luck with your homework!
I am working towards comparing multiple images. I have these image data as column vectors of a matrix called "images." I want to assess the similarity of images by first computing their Eucledian distance. I then want to create a matrix over which I can execute multiple random walks. Right now, my code is as follows:
% clear
% clc
% close all
% load tea.mat;
images = Input.X;
M = zeros(size(images, 2), size (images, 2));
for i = 1:size(images, 2)
for j = 1:size(images, 2)
normImageTemp = sqrt((sum((images(:, i) - images(:, j))./256).^2));
%Need to accurately select the value of gamma_i
gamma_i = 1/10;
M(i, j) = exp(-gamma_i.*normImageTemp);
My matrix M however, ends up having a value of 1 along its main diagonal and zeros elsewhere. I'm expecting "large" values for the first few elements of each row and "small" values for elements with column index > 4. Could someone please explain what is wrong? Any advice is appreciated.
Since you're trying to compute a Euclidean distance, it looks like you have an error in where your parentheses are placed when you compute normImageTemp. You have this:
normImageTemp = sqrt((sum((...)./256).^2));
%# ^--- Note that this parenthesis...
But you actually want to do this:
normImageTemp = sqrt(sum(((...)./256).^2));
%# ^--- ...should be here
In other words, you need to perform the element-wise squaring, then the summation, then the square root. What you are doing now is summing elements first, then squaring and taking the square root of the summation, which essentially cancel each other out (or are actually the equivalent of just taking the absolute value).
Incidentally, you can actually use the function NORM to perform this operation for you, like so:
normImageTemp = norm((images(:, i) - images(:, j))./256);
The results you're getting seem reasonable. Recall the behavior of the exp(-x). When x is zero, exp(-x) is 1. When x is large exp(-x) is zero.
Perhaps if you make M(i,j) = normImageTemp; you'd see what you expect to see.
Consider this solution:
I = Input.X;
D = squareform( pdist(I') ); %'# euclidean distance between columns of I
M = exp(-(1/10) * D); %# similarity matrix between columns of I
PDIST and SQUAREFORM are functions from the Statistics Toolbox.
Otherwise consider this equivalent vectorized code (using only built-in functions):
%# we know that: ||u-v||^2 = ||u||^2 + ||v||^2 - 2*u.v
X = sum(I.^2,1);
D = real( sqrt(bsxfun(#plus,X,X')-2*(I'*I)) );
M = exp(-(1/10) * D);
As was explained in the other answers, D is the distance matrix, while exp(-D) is the similarity matrix (which is why you get ones on the diagonal)
there is an already implemented function pdist, if you have a matrix A, you can directly do
Sim= squareform(pdist(A))