Eclipse Debug configuration: add parameters #!e on GWT project - eclipse

I am using Eclipse Indigo to develop a GWT project. At time of debugging I need to set this URL:!e (edition mode)
But instead the one that is opened is
How can I add this #!e at time of debugging?

->Right click in eclipse
->Open debug configuration
->Under arguments tab option,write Mysite.html#!e instead of Mysite.html
-remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -startupUrl MySite.html#!e -logLevel INFO -codeServerPort 9997 -port 8888 -war {Project Dir Path}


how to debug play framework 2.5 in eclipse

OS : OS X EL Capitan
IDE: Luna Release (4.4.0)
Activator : activator-dist-1.3.10.
My step.
--> But at the last step, I can't connect to vm. Wating for vm connect at port 999.
Please help me !
In your debug configuration you have to set Connection Type to Standard (Socket Attach) (in the screenshot you have selected Standard (Socket Listen).
open your eclipse
Navigate to Help->eclipsemarketplace
Search scala
Then install two plugins:-
1) ScalaStyle 0.7.0
2) Scala Ide 4.2.x
run below command in console from your project directory
Note: before debug first run this command
activator -jvm-debug 9999 run
now right click on project
go to
Debug as -> debug configuration click new and insert project name
set port number to 9999
now select Scala debugger(socket attach)(Scala debugger will come only if you have installed those plugin mentioned above) from dropdown
and click on debug

gwt : URL was not found. eclpse/

What i have to do to proper run my app under eclipse as a web app ?
My application is working fine under tomcat but when i start this in eclipse using 'run as web app' then i've got many massages like this :
'The requested URL / was not found on this server.'
Those messages are from firebug plugin.
please help.
In eclipse check Run Configuration .
Do right click of project : Run As->Run Configuration->Web Application->Arguments
-remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -startupUrl Gwtdevtest.html -logLevel INFO -codeServerPort 9997 -port 8888 -war D:\project_backup\sample-workspace2.0\gwtdevtest\war com.test.gwtdev.Gwtdevtest
As per your project path and module, do changes in arguments.

Remote gradle debug on build.gradle file from Eclipse IDE

So in Windows in the comand line I wrote
set GRADLE_OPTS=-Xdebug
Then I get:
C:\Project>gradle main
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 9999
Then I put a breakpoint in the file
and at last from Eclipse IDE
And I get
why this happend? So I can't debug gradle files, I can only debug java,groovy.. files?
It's a known limitation that Gradle build scripts can't currently be debugged in IDEs. I'm not aware of the specific error though. Usually the debugger just doesn't stop at the breakpoint (but it will stop at breakpoints for user-defined plugin/task classes and Gradle classes).

Increase heap size in m2e Eclipse plugin

How does one increase the heap size of the m2e Eclipse plugin? Basically, I'm trying to run an automated integration test using Cargo and Selenium under STS (SpringSource's version of Eclipse) with pre-installed m2e (the popular Maven plugin for Eclipse).
Whenever I run
mvn verify
I get the infamous java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space... 63M/63M. So I made some research first. Increase the memory via MAVEN_OPTS, Eclipse.ini / STS.ini, Run Configurations, and even via the Maven plugins thru the pom.xml. Nothing changed. Same error and same amount of memory 63M/63M.
I know my project works. The POM is correct. Why? Because when I run the same command using a stand-alone Maven. The integration test with Selenium and Cargo works. In fact here's the latest output (3 minutes ago):
[INFO] [beddedLocalContainer] Jetty 8.x Embedded is stopped
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 4 minutes 24 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Oct 26 14:08:16 CST 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 70M/149M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm not asking how to increase the memory in stand-alone Maven command. I'm specifically asking how to increase the heap size for m2e.
Note: By default the m2e Eclipse plugin does not have shortcut to the "verify" goal. You have to create a new one via Run Configuration (which does not have an Args tab, fyi).
When working with the Maven 2 plugin, setting java options in eclipse.ini or MAVEN_OPTS environment variable will have no effect on your build. You need to add some command line args via the "Edit Configuration and launch" dialog in Eclipse.
"Run As" > "Maven Build", click on the "JRE" tab, enter VM args e.g.
-Xms128M -Xmx512M
As a follow-on to the already accepted answer, when you invoke "mvn" on the command-line, you are really invoking the mvn.bat (or wrapper script. It is this wrapper script that uses the MAVEN_OPTS env variable when kicking off the actual maven jvm.
m2e, on the other hand, wants more control over how the maven jvm is kicked off, so it does this directly without the wrapper. This is why you add your memory settings directly to your m2e run/debug configuration VM arguments, rather than using MAVEN_OPTS.
If you want m2e to pass what you already have in MAVEN_OPTS to the maven jvm, in the "Edit Configuration and launch" dialog in Eclipse:
"Run As" > "Maven Build", click on the "JRE" tab, enter VM args e.g.
You can add in your pom.xml your memory settings:
The description of all maven-compiler-plugin parameters is here: link
Have you tried setting the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable for your run configuration?
MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx768M -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
Might be you'll have to edit your system environment variables if setting it in the run configuration doesn't help. See here or here
I've faced a similar issue. Create a file named mavenrc_pre.bat on windows or .mavenrc on linux in your home folder and set your maven_opts as you wish in it.
It is working with m2e bundled with Eclipse Indigo.

NoClassDefFoundError: GuiceServletContextListener when running GWT + GAE from Eclipse

When trying to run my project as a WebApplication from Eclipse, I have the following error:
[WARN] failed{/,D:\Dev\Projects\The Five Orbs\trunk\target\fiveorbs-0.1}: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/inject/servlet/GuiceServletContextListener
[WARN] failed JettyContainerService$ApiProxyHandler#eb4d977: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/inject/servlet/GuiceServletContextListener
[WARN] Error starting handlers
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/inject/servlet/GuiceServletContextListener
The class can be found at compile time though (my custom GuiceServletConfig extends GuiceServletContextListener and compiles properly).
The guice-servlet-3.0.jar library appears both in the project build path and in the classpath of my Web Application Run Configuration in Eclipse.
The Arguments panel of my Run Configuration has the following config:
in Program arguments:
-remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -startupUrl TheFiveOrbs.jsp -logLevel INFO -server -port 8888 -codeServerPort 9997 -war "D:\Dev\Projects\The Five Orbs\trunk\target\fiveorbs-0.1" com.fiveorbs.TheFiveOrbs
in VM arguments:
-javaagent:D:\Dev\Programs\appengine-java-sdk\lib\agent\appengine-agent.jar -Xmx512m -Dappengine.sdk.root=D:\Dev\Programs\appengine-java-sdk
When I run mvn gae:run from the command prompt with Maven, everything is fine though - the server starts properly and no exception is shown.
I have been struggling with this issue for a couple of hours, and really cannot fathom why it occurs.
Thanks in advance for any hint you might be able to offer.
guice-servlet-3.0.jar should not be in you launch configuration classpath, it should live in your D:\Dev\Projects\The Five Orbs\trunk\target\fiveorbs-0.1\WEB-INF\lib folder.