how to debug play framework 2.5 in eclipse - eclipse

OS : OS X EL Capitan
IDE: Luna Release (4.4.0)
Activator : activator-dist-1.3.10.
My step.
--> But at the last step, I can't connect to vm. Wating for vm connect at port 999.
Please help me !

In your debug configuration you have to set Connection Type to Standard (Socket Attach) (in the screenshot you have selected Standard (Socket Listen).

open your eclipse
Navigate to Help->eclipsemarketplace
Search scala
Then install two plugins:-
1) ScalaStyle 0.7.0
2) Scala Ide 4.2.x
run below command in console from your project directory
Note: before debug first run this command
activator -jvm-debug 9999 run
now right click on project
go to
Debug as -> debug configuration click new and insert project name
set port number to 9999
now select Scala debugger(socket attach)(Scala debugger will come only if you have installed those plugin mentioned above) from dropdown
and click on debug


how to debug scala sbt project in vs code

I am trying to debug sbt project in vs code. I have downloaded vs code extension name scala metals. How to explicitly add build.sbt folder path in scala metal.
How to explicitly add build.sbt folder path in scala metal
Open the root of your Scala project via VSCode, and Metals should detect your build.sbt and ask you if you want to load it. Otherwise you can do it explicitly from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and write "Metals Import Build"
how to debug scala sbt project in vs code
Not sure how to do it via metals. But the way I do it, is to open sbt myself from the terminal, via sbt -jvm-debug 5005. Then I attach VSCode remote debugger. You'll have to install "Debugger for Java" VSCode plugin too.
Here is the official documents:,
See the "Running and debugging your code" sections.
But I found it's hard for me to debug the web project based on play framework.
So I use inntelij instead.
Start the project in sbt with: sbt --jvm-debug 5006
You can run it in the terminal:
After entered sbt, type "run" to start the proejct.
Add a new debug configuration, set port to: 5006
And then click "run->debug...", you can add the breakpoint.

TestNG [6.9.12] fails to load in Eclipse Mars [4.5.2] -- org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException

Expected behaviour
Should be possible to launch test via Run As -> TestNG ; also
should be able to add new Run configuration for TestNG
Actual behaviour
Plug-in org.testng.eclipse was unable to load class org.testng.eclipse.launch.TestNGTabGroup.
Exception:org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Plug-in org.testng.eclipse was unable to load class org.testng.eclipse.ui.TestNGQuickFixProcessor.
cannot be found by org.testng.eclipse_6.9.12.201607091356
Exception:org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Plug-in org.testng.eclipse was unable to load class org.testng.eclipse.ui.TestNGQuickFixProcessor.
Steps to reproduce
Install Eclipse Mars-2, 4.5.2
Install TestNG plugin from the Marketplace
Select an executable class
Attempt to "Run As TestNG"
Attempt to Run -> Run Configurations -> TestNG -> New
Running Configuration
Plugin Version: 6.9.12 [via eclipse marketplace]
(Optional) Operating System: Windows-10
An issue already exists on the project:

unable to debug play framwork 2.x in Scala IDE

I have a project with java & scala classes. I want to debug this project in Scala IDE.
I run this command at my application end
./activator -jvm-debug 9999 run
And debug in Scala IDE as Remote Java Application with localhost & port 9999.
It did not stop at my breakpoints.
Any pointers on this.
In my build.sbt
fork in run := true
I changed it to false. Now its working.

Scala Play 2.3 InteliJ 14 *community edition - is it possible to run project without cmd line activator command

From I understand that Intellij is using sbt to build - so thats 1x build
At the moment I run a separate command line task to run my project -
./activator -jvm-debug 5000 -Dhttp.port=9000
So each code change gets compiled twice (once by InteliJ; once by activator)
Is there a way to use the InteliJ build artifacts when I run, so the code is only compiled once?
Is using the Terminal window in InteliJ any different from a normal terminal window?
The versions I'm at are:
Java 7
Play framework 2.3.4
SBT 0.13.1
InteliJ 14 (community edition)
Yes it's definitelly possible.
Install Play 2.x plugin (with dependencies) and add the run configuration dedicated for Play 2 (note in Intellij 14 Play2 support is combined within the Scala plugin)
Menu > Run > Edit configurations... > Add new configuration (plus icon in the corner) > Play 2 App
After saving you will be able to run your app (also in debug mode) within IntelliJ - i.e. via
Menu > Run > Debug 'Your Project'
btw, you can remove Make (before launch) from there, SBT should handle builds properly without Idea's support
See sample shot

Error while starting hello-world-server.js in Enide Studio, CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with FALSE (Expected on FAT Partitions) GLE: 3

I am trying to run hello-world-server.js from Enide Studio 0.5.33 (X32) and getting the following error , whereas i m able to run it from command prompt
node hello-world-server.js
CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with FALSE (Expected on FAT
Partitions) GLE: 3 CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with TRUE (not
expected) GLE: 3
First make sure that you updated Nodeclipse plugin to 0.10 (as of Feb 2014).
Then in Preferences -> Nodeclipse you will see Java version that is currently used
Java 7 x32 is recommended for Windows.
Some related issues are reference on and in built-in Help and online Help.
Specifically for your case you should create an issue and give info mentioned at
Should you report a bug, please include the following:
Nodeclipse version number (like 0.4 or 0.8)
Eclipse version number (like 4.3.1 Kepler or 4.4.0)
Eclipse distribution (e.g. Eclipse for Java EE Developers)
A detailed description of the steps necessary to reproduce the problem.
Screenshot and stack trace, that you can get from Eclipse Error Log View (Window -> Show View ...) or from '.log' file from the directory '.metadata' in your workspace.
See example issue #78